Local Government TV

Monday, July 22, 2024

The Lord Almighty Has Spoken, But Does He Endorse Kamala?

After a disastrous debate in which he looked like he was auditioning for a part in the latest zombie movie, President Joe Biden attempted unsuccessfully to show that he has a few sparks left in several disappointing interviews. He told ABC's George Stephanopoulos that he'd withdraw his candidacy for President only if the "Lord Almighty" came down and told him to pull the plug. That must have happened over the weekend because, as we all know by now, he's finally realized he has no path to victory and has pulled out of the Presidential race. At the same time, he's thrown his support behind his VP, Kamala Harris. While she's already received the endorsement of all 50 state chairs and many would-be rivals, several prominent Democrats (Obama, Pelosi, Schumer and Jeffries) are mum. I'd prefer an open process myself

Harris would almost certainly emerge victorious from a competitive convention. This would also prove that she can win, something she was utterly unable to do when she ran four years ago. It would also open her up to a little scrutiny. I believe she had a rough start as VEEP but has come a long way over the past year. My chief concern is whether this Californian from a deep blue state can finally succeed in laying out a vision that appeals to America's disaffected working class. If she can do this, as Trump and JD Vance have done, she could win. 

America has never elected a woman to our highest office. I'm uncertain whether that is coincidence or evidence of the sexism I saw hurled at the female Secret Service agents who protected Trump. I do know this. She will be subjected to numerous similar attacks precisely because of her sex, and some of them will almost certainly come from Trump himself. And those attacks will backfire, drawing more moderates to her. 

What's your take on Biden's withdrawal and Harris' sudden candidacy? Do you support an open process, or should the party just embrace her as if she were an heir apparent? 


  1. Let me start by saying I detest Biden. What he did to the reputation of the truck driver who was involved in Naomi Biden’s accident is reprehensible. With that said, what the party did to Biden was humiliating. Air dirty laundry behind closed doors, encourage the inevitable quietly, but don’t okay out this discord in the press. Trump, a man for whom I voted, is a danger to this country. He has shown that there is deep-seated hatred in many parts of the country and he is very happy to continue to water those evil gardens. Can Harris, a woman I don’t like, win? Absolutely. She must choose her running mate very carefully, stop yelling and cackling, and show she has the chops for the position. She is going to benefit because people like I will vote for her just to prevent two morons taking office in January. (And Bernie, people can be critical of a gender without it being sexism.)

  2. I don't think anyone is going to challenge Harris for the nomination. She's receiving endorsements from everyone in the Democratic Party, including Biden. She was on the ticket with Biden, so she not only received all of the votes Biden got, so also has the ability to take over the fundraising and campaign infrastructure that was in place. Plus, she's receiving a ton of new small dollar donations.
    Trump and Vance are unpopular and their "vision" for America is one that voters have been rejecting time and time again. Harris will be able to make the argument against Trump/Vance/Project 2025 in a way Biden was no longer able to. And I believe when she does that, you'll see more excitement for the Democratic Party.
    Four years ago, people were looking for the something familiar to combat the chaos of Trump. Now they want a change. And the more people see Trump, the more they're going to be reminded of the chaos he brings with him. And when they are introduced to Vance, they're going to hate him. I don't think people want to live out The Handmaid's Tale. I mean, the guy is so extreme he's against no fault divorce.

    1. Wow, you people keep dreaming! Your party is fractured you are going to get your ass kicked!

  3. Harris will make Biden look normal.

  4. RFK jr. summed up the state of the insider game the democrats now play. This was a set-up. Get in line or you are cancelled.

    1. You mean like Romney, Cheney and Kinzinger?

  5. If Trump is elected, I hope that he provides Biden and his family with an all female Secret Service protection detail.

    DEI quotas are what makes America great. It’s working wonders for our military and police forces.

    If Republicans are going to insist on using “Make America Great Again” as their slogan, their commitment to excellence must continue by emulating what we observed on the day Trump was shot.

    Biden and Harris deserve as much.

    1. Fyi...DEI includes veterans, disabled people and special needs.

  6. Open convention or Harris anointed, the DNC Convention will be an awesome showcase for Democrat leaders and voices... I wonder why the GOP convention featured Hulk Hogan but not George W. Bush. Pretty telling.

    If you are pro-America, you have to vote for Democrats up and down the ballot. Trump is old and openly corrupt. He wants to break our government so he can steal our money for himself and his rich buddies. Remember when he pardoned Steve Bannon, who was running a fraudulent border wall scheme?

    1. Bannon goes to court on that again after he's done with his prison sentence. State charges, no pardon. Lol

    2. Pro America? Lol. 55% of Democrats think socialism is good. The squad is constantly telling me how awful this country is. You people are crazy lol.

  7. The reality of Kamala will eventually catch up with the image of Kamala.

  8. Cue racist and sexist attacks in 3, 2, 1...

    The central truth of the GOP's ugly platform will be visible. From Trump's sick birtherism to "You Lie!" and "Unite the Right" in Charlottesville, the rank-and-file GOP will again pull on their pointy white hoods.

  9. I support a transparent open process. During her time as VP, Kamala Harris has not proved capable of guiding the nation. She was supposedly in charge of the border issue where she failed miserably. How much of that failure was due to Biden's policies is not known by the public, But she never visited the southern border. That is poor leadership.

  10. Bernie now you can vote again Harris will be a great President.

  11. She'll never beat Trump. Has to be an open process because there are much better candidates than her to run for the democratic side.

    1. Trump will lose again. You may love him, but you are captured in a bubble. He is not popular, because he is amoral. There's a hole where is soul should be. Also, posting Project 2025 was a big big mistake.

    2. Trump rejected project 2025!

    3. Imagine if republicans nominated Nikki Haley. She would crush Harris. Nope, we have to have Trump. He loses again I don’t ever want to fear Trump again.

    4. Illegal immigration is way down. Does that stop you from talking about it all the time?

      It doesn't matter what he says about Project 2025. It's 900 pages of extremism created by people in his prior administration.

  12. “I'd prefer an open process myself.”

    You had that. It was called the democratic primary.

    But you let insiders from the back room and the media - and the pollsters they pay - take that away from you.

    What you’re really hoping for now is the ILLUSION of an open process, so you can kid yourself about it being a fair process (much the way you believed the lie that Joe was up to the job in the first place)

    It’s ironic that the party whose members claim that they’re the defenders of democracy will do everything they can to undermine democracy when they think democracy won’t produce the result they want.

  13. It seems that none of the possible contenders intend to even offer a challenge. So far, most of the viable candidates that might be able to beat her have already endorsed her.

  14. My take is that democrats are a threat to democracy! In 2016, Bernie Sanders was on his way, then the rug was pulled out from under him by Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who helped Hillary cheat. She was forced to resign as DNC chair in disgrace. In 2020, he was on his way again, then they dusted Joe off and screwed him again. Then, Biden was nominated for re election, there were questions about his mental acuity, but we were assured that he could juggle while doing trigonometry, and run a marathon. Then, the polls looked shaky so they screwed him also. These people are scum LOL. They were perfectly ok with dragging Joe across the finish line even though they knew he didn't know what day it was. They don't care about you, me, Joe Biden, or anyone else. They care only about power.

    1. Tou just described the Republican party

  15. Dream on. Pick a better candidate. Maybe next time.

  16. Trump needs to drop out he’s too old and frail to be President over the next four years.

  17. Democrats were complicit in a cover up of historical proportions. Kamala Harris led that cover up. They all knew Joe was incapacitated a long time ago. They have lost all credibility!

  18. Trump is simply too old to become president. Time for someone younger. However the MAGA crowd won’t agree since they are mostly racist and bigots.

    1. So much for Democrats participation in unity

    2. That unity you speak went out the window at the convention.

  19. Trump is too old to be President. He couldn’t stay awake during his trial. He couldn’t stay awake while his Son was giving, from a political perspective, an excellent speech at the RNC. We can’t risk having an extremely elderly man be President.

  20. You're getting funnier by the day. You are so deep into it CNN would be proud to have you on their failing show. You may actually have more readers than they have viewers.

  21. You have the be a first-class loser to drop out of the race via a Twitter post. No press release. No explanation from the horse's mouth. Dems are in disarray.

  22. Well, we know willie brown will vote for her.

  23. I would vote for a woman. I would never vote for a California liberal. I hope Manchin challenges her she’s to far to the left. As far as Joe goes, they did him dirty.

  24. Recall that Trump was complaining that the courtroom in his criminal trial was very cold, daily. Being cold is a sign of serious mental decline and his publicly complaining about it on a daily basis is indicative of dementia.

  25. The only thing she has going for her is the race card. She pulled it out on Joe in 2020 and she will definitely use now.

  26. Trump and his cult appeal to the lowest common denominator of uneducated, worthless, gullible, jobless tools

    1. And yet you’re the one always taking the cheap shots and name calling. Hmmm…

  27. Bernie couple questions:

    1) What has Harris done in the past year that is noteworthy?

    2) Why can't we legitimately discuss performance without immediately being accused of sexism or racism? Poor performance knows no individual category. In certain areas the Secret Service performed well, in others they were terrible. We need to talk about things like this without getting bogged down.

    My take is this - the amount of lying by politicians about Biden's condition was staggering, even for politicians. That is a hell of a thing to say. Harris is sunk because of it, and no one in their right mind will hook their wagon to her for the VP slot. I also question Vance for hooking himself to Trump - who has that worked well for besides his kids?

    We remain in a shitstorm of epic proportions, and there is no port.

  28. We are going to witness propaganda on a level not seen since 1930s Germany.

    Any negative stories or op-eds that are not scrubbed from the Internet, Google will bury at the eighth page of results or later. Facebook will shadow ban anyone critical of her. ABC News, CBS News, NBC News, CNN, the Washington Post, and the NY Times will campaign heavily for her.

    The attacks she receives from the right will pale in comparison to the vociferous attacks that Sarah Palin received from the left.

  29. If Biden is mentally incapable of running a campaign, he is incapable of remaining president and should step down or be removed immediately.

    That the democrats are not calling for this to happen - NOW - shows how much they care about this country.

    1. Biden stepped down because he's too old to be president until 2029, not because he can't run a campaign in 2024.

      Besides, if Biden steps down now, Harris will become president. Is that what you want?

    2. You’re either lying or delusional.

      Biden was forced out of the race because Democrats and their lying accomplices in the media couldn’t keep up the farce that he was competent to serve.

      If he’d be up in the polls we wouldn’t have heard a peep from any democrat about replacing him as a candidate.

  30. Trump’s inability to speak in less he is reading demonstrates that his dementia is fairly far along. You will not be able to serve a new term.

  31. If you recall, Tulsi Gabbard is the one who ended Kamala’s presidential campaign. She had no response for her history of locking people up for marijuana use, then joking about it. That was the beginning of the end.

    1. All the dopers should be sent up the river. Signed Rush (never met an oxycontin he didn't like) Limbaugh

  32. "Why can't we legitimately discuss performance without immediately being accused of sexism or racism?"

    You certainly can discuss Harris' shortcomings in a way that is neither racist nor sexist, but I doubt that many Trump followers or Trump himself will be that careful. Trump is a misogynist with a history of attacking women and will continue. I saw many of his supporters attack his female security detail precisely bc they are women. This is the reality.

    1. Your blog is not an accurate representation of Republicans Bernie. Come on. 100 vs millions?

  33. Republicans wanted Trump. Nikki Haley would crush this intellectual lightweight Harris. There is a very good chance Trump could lose to her. Half the country will not vote for him.

  34. 6:44, I don't consider the Dem primary in which I voted (and you didn't bc you are an R) a particularly open process. There was no meaningful choice. An open convention will make for more transparency and will enable Harris to boast she has the real support of her party bc I would expect her to win

    1. It's a done deal. Get real. This is exactly how planned. Democracy seriously? Which party is the threat really!

    2. 6:44 here. I am a democrat but didn’t bother voting for Biden.

      I recognized the presidential primary was rigged early on, so I refused to participate in that ruse. I also refuse to participate in the current ruse.

      I am ashamed of what the democrat party has become.

    3. Go vote for trump then, nothing to be ashamed of there

    4. They screwed Bernie Sanders twice. Debbie Wasserman Schultz cheated. Now they did my boy Joe dirty. Assholes.

  35. :You have the be a first-class loser to drop out of the race via a Twitter post. No press release. No explanation from the horse's mouth. Dems are in disarray."

    Biden had Covid and probably still has a raspy voice. My guess is that he wanted the message to come out from him, not a leak. Trump fired people on Twitter posts.

  36. The process IS open: any Democrat can compete for delegates. That there no serious competitors to Harris have emerged tells you where this is going.

  37. trump/biden - we're screwed. trump/harris we're still screwed- Our future is in deep kimchi, and we have no one but ourselves and our hate to blame. Look in the mirror all Americans - you will see the root cause of our failed nation.

  38. Anon 856am here - Bernie we have to figure out how to have those conversations. For example, today Secret Service Director Cheadle admitted, "On July 31, we failed." This has nothing to do with the fact that she is a woman. It has everything to do with her capabilities (or lack thereof) as well as those of her team. We need answers to those questions.

    We need the best people. Not the best woman, or minority, or white guy. The best. Period.

    And if your only answer to this is "but Trump" then you're part of the problem.

  39. Trump is the only person who can do anything because he is not a politician 100% of politicians are frauds and they will never improve our country. Our system of government breeds these people and believe you me they are not out for the good of our country.

    1. I think Pretending to be president for four years , makes him a politician a crooked politician that we've never seen the likes of before and many people are saying this and the good people some people say these people are the best people and you know these people

  40. Thanks for asking. I hope for an open process, transparency, and accountability—in President Biden’s physical and mental heath, withdrawal from the campaign, and his involvement in his son’s business affairs; selecting the most qualified candidate to replace him; and who is/has been/will be actually carrying out the Constitution’s Article II powers. I’m afraid we will never see it.

    I fear politicians will continue to lie to the American people or deflect from, obfuscate, spin and conceal the truth. I once thought only some people lied. Now I believe only some people tell the truth or what they call “their truth.” This is true of both parties and the media writ large.

    Former President Trump is a salesman who exaggerates, a lot, spins, and repeats falsehoods, e.g., best economy ever—partially true. Might be true in some Americans’ lifetime.

    President Biden said American has the strongest economy in the world—partial true for a long time depending on the which metrics are used. Both are disingenuous. But we have come to expect this type of rhetoric. We deserve better.

    I’ll be voting for former President Trump because I know who will be in charge. At least I know when he’s exaggerating and prevaricating.

  41. BO, Dems and you included don't have a problem with voting for Harris. Moderate Rs and Independents like me do have a problem. She doesn't have any meaningful accomplishments and is just not well liked. She comes across as anything but presidential. I understand the right thing to do is to turn over the keys to the VEEP if you want to feel good. The questions needs to be, do you want to win?
    By getting behind Harris, Dems are in no better shape. That's reality.

    1. By “coming across as presidential” do you mean white, Christian, heterosexual male?

      I’d vote for a glass clippings before I vote for a fascist.

  42. 11:30, I support an open process at the convention in which Harris can make the case for herself. I believe she has an edge, but I agree she has been something of a walking meme in her tenure as VP. That might be reality or a distortion. It could be that some dark horse emerges as the nominee.

  43. "Trump is the only person who can do anything because he is not a politician"


  44. "We need the best people. Not the best woman, or minority, or white guy. The best. Period."

    I agree, but just as SS agents who provided a body bunker for Trump were demeaned bc they are women, Harris will be demeaned bc she is a woman. This is the way that Trump and many of his supporters behave.

    1. SS agents who tried to provide a “body bunker” for Trump are demeaned because they weren’t tall enough to do the job. The same criticism would occur if he was surrounded by a bunch of male jockeys.

      I used to wonder if you were willfully ignorant or intentionally stupid. The more I read your posts, the more I realize that you’re both.

    2. Bernie, you do realize Trump has praised those agents don't you? Both the male and female ones. He isn't telling anyone to trash them. Your comment suggests he has. Stop listening to CNN clips and listen to what he actually said. He called those agents brave and heroic.

  45. After the specious lawfare efforts failed, Biden and his dementia were completely exposed. Kamala lied about his condition at least a dozen times. She failed to even get to the Iowa Caucuses when she was running against Biden, calling him a racist. Jill Biden has never forgiven her. Her own party wouldn't support her at all. But she knew Joe was gone and participated in the cover-up.

  46. Some of you tools need to stop watching Faux 'News', OAN and Newsmax as well as stop listening to that clown on WAEB in the mornings.

  47. "SS agents who tried to provide a “body bunker” for Trump are demeaned because they weren’t tall enough to do the job. The same criticism would occur if he was surrounded by a bunch of male jockeys."

    You don't need to be 7' tall to provide a body bunker, especially when there are several agents. And the attacks were very much bc they were women. My own blog reflects the numerous sexist attacks at the time I wrote about this.

    1. Between the above from the publisher and the Jul 22 12:44 (op. cit.), I have to jump in. I’ll refer to media first, and add my extra fluff. Fox News has a contributor named Aaron Cohen. I’ll paraphrase a description and just say Israeli Bada**. Early on, he criticized the team performance in a number of ways. Two of the numerous ones were the heights of some of the shield agents, and the weapon proficiency of another. In these cases, he used gender as a descriptor to identify the individuals, not as a degradation of the gender. The overall criticism may be blunt by marshmallow standards, but Israelis I’ve seen play tough. No American media I’ve seen so far has brought up how Israel’s equivalent to Secret Service experienced, and dealt with, the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin. They were not slow, and they were not sensitive in follow up. My extra fluff goes to Mr. O’hare’s assertion about agent shortness being able to be dealt with by the number of agents. There is a video of Pres. Trump with a short agent standing in front of him, and taller agents to Trump’s right and back, among others. Note that at point(s), the agent to Trump’s right puts his right forearm above the head of the short agent, so that his own hand is near to Trump’s face. I believe the taller agent was trying to use his arm to make up for the missing mass of the short agent. My purely personal opinion is, by doing that, the taller agent’s likely weapon hand is farther away from his weapon, or other devices, and can’t be used for his own stabilization, or support of the protectee or even the short agent. So, in my non-professional unofficial opinion, Mr. O’hare, getting other agents to take up the slack for shorter agents compromises the performance of otherwise fully capable team members.

  48. I hope she runs. She is severely flawed. Even more than Trump.

    She has been hidden away by her boss, Joe Biden, for the past 3.5 years. I consider her choice as VP to be a token in todays political game. I do not think she was qualifed then and I do not think she is qualified now for VP, let alone POTUS. Not because she is a woman, but because she comes off as another puppet, and a clown. The other world leaders must be getting the popcorn ready. The US political scenario is a joke.

    Watch for a secret somebody to come out of the woodwork to run. Could it be Hillary? As a republican, I am very worried about the unknown.

    If only Trump would focus on the issues and keep his asinine mouth shut, this could be a win for him.

  49. If Harris is the candidate, Trump will win 44 states.

    Book it!

  50. Giggling Kami should be drug tested daily. Gurl be higher than the clouds.
    No to electing a female to our highest office, females are way to emotional to hold that office. Vote Shapiro.

  51. Nearly all the delegates are elected Biden delegates, and Biden has endorsed Harris. So just what exactly do you mean by "open convention"? Harris will get the nomination regardless, and I am good with that however the cake is sliced.

    It is true that Harris was not impressive in the 2020 Dem primaries. But then, she was running against other Democrats with little difference in ideas and policies. Now she will be running against Republican candidates and there will be a massive difference in ideas and policies.

    Perhaps her prosecutorial skills will be quite effective in this context. I think so. Trump is already trying to find excuses to skip the September debate. And why not? It will be The Prosecutor vs. The Convicted Felon.

    1. Prosecutorial skills are honed by winning close issues - that’s not her ‘success.’ She will be no more effective as President as she was VP, AG, or DA.

  52. tRump is a fraud, convicted felon 34 times over and more charges on the way. That's your candidate? And how about the teenage sex parties with his best bud Epstein? I could go on but you're in a cult and I'd be wasting my breath!

  53. Trump is just too old to be President. His skin is so desiccated by aging that his spray tan won’t stick anymore.

    1. Got my wife laughing with that one.

      Can't believe people are still excited by the old, orange, tired, lying, con man, grifter, rapist, bigot. Dude is human garbage. Proves it every time he opens his mouth and his gobbler wobbles.

  54. Kamala "I've been to the border". Holt "You haven't been to the border". Kamala "And I haven't been to Europe either". Then cackles like a teen.

  55. Anon 7:46 am said:

    “ Recall that Trump was complaining that the courtroom in his criminal trial was very cold, daily. Being cold is a sign of serious mental decline and his publicly complaining about it on a daily basis is indicative of dementia.”

    You know the top two signs of dementia?

    Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) and voting for democrats.

    Better get your checkup!

    Oh, and don’t use Biden’s doctor.

  56. Any senior citizen still thinking about voting democrat should learn from this past weekend:

    When you’re struggling and no longer of use to the democrat political machine, they will throw you out like yesterday’s trash!

  57. tRump is a fraud, convicted felon 34 times over and more charges on the way. That's your candidate? And how about the teenage sex parties with his best bud Epstein? I could go on but you're in a cult and I'd be wasting my breath!

    Curious. Were these parties on the same plane as Bill Clinton? What proof do you have? There is plenty pics of slick Willy on the plane. Talk about dis/misinformation. Wonder if Bernie will respond.

  58. Anon 1:50 said:

    “Vote Shapiro.”

    You mean PA Governor Josh Shapiro, who though the train derailment in Western PA wasn’t a problem; lied to inner city families about getting out of failing public schools; has no experience in foreign affairs; who just blew a BILLION dollar hole in next year’s PA budget; and who most people wouldn’t recognize if he were on the back of a milk carton?

    That Josh Shapiro?

    Actually, he sounds as (un)qualified as any other democrat that’s been mentioned.

    1. He did flip flop on some issues. In particular the school vouchers.

  59. Harris for President HA HA HA HA

  60. If the American people vote in Harris say goodbye to America as we use to know it.

  61. Harris will turn the United States into California. Vote for the most left-wing president in our history. She will make Joe Biden look good.

  62. Joe Holko your comment was one of the best this blog has had in a long time. You looked at both sides and came to an honest opinion. I must say I looked at things differently after your comments. This is the way a comment should be stated not like the usual hatred and one sided thinking you usually read in this blog. Once again great job.

  63. The so called defenders of democracy staged a monumental cover up followed by what at amounts to a coup. Disgusting.

  64. The radical left wing of the democratic party is extremely happy with Harris so if you want continue on the left agenda elect Harris.

  65. Bernie, you voted for Biden and you came to realize it was a big mistake. Vote for Harris will double down on your vote for Biden. Biden almost destroyed America starting with Afghanistan and carry right over to the border crise which killed thousands of people and everything else he did to America. Harris will make him look good compared to what she will do.

  66. This was a classic rope a dope
    Biden knew he wasn't going to stay in the race
    The Republicans kept after him to leave while knowing trump would beat him. How stupid are they? Now whomever is the nominee will show the electorate what an imbecile trump is. Congratulations and thanks for playing.
    Btw...who's the old guy now. Lol.

  67. President Harris get ready for more spending will equal more inflation, more green new deal and more influence for the squad. Also wait till her foreign policy kicks in more wars a coming.

  68. Harris will be a complete disaster if elected worse than Biden.

  69. Border is closed. Inflation is not bad, Biden will not drop out. our secret service does a good job. Democracy is safe with us All problems in this country are caused by Trump. The cabinet of Biden was full of talented people who never lie. FBI and Cia are stand up organizations.

  70. If Biden s numbers over trump were better he would still be running the democrats got rid of him because they knew he could not win the democratic voters do not count. But the democratic voters are so stupid they will vote for whoever the elite puts in there.

  71. Bernie you and your democrats tried to get Trump anyway they could by lies,lies , you and the fake media, in the courts and they failing, impeachment, and now assassination.

  72. Bernie Biden never fired any of the incompetent people he put in Government But the Best example is this lady in charge of the secret service everything joe Biden did was bad for our country this lady is only one example. Worst President in our history. Now vote for Harris.

    1. Yes. He fired one person. The dude from State that wore dresses and stole people’s luggage from various airports. Typical Biden employee lol.

  73. A question for my democrat friends. Can you really see Harris sitting down with Putin and chi and being credible and tough? Do you really think immigration will get any better? Do you see the crazy spending with no end in sight ever stopping? Do you really see improvement in our cost of living?? Honestly do you?

  74. I will be very surprised if Shapiro makes the short list. With the Palestine-Israel conflict ongoing, I highly doubt a Jewish running mate would be suggested to a candidate married to a Jewish man. I don’t believe a POC or woman will be tapped for VP, but I can see a relative moderate being asked. Would that be Mark Kelly? Don’t know if I like a one and two who have very limited foreign affairs experience and the VP will have to be strong to make voters forget about Kamala Harris’s many, many shortcomings. She isn’t going to be elected just because she isn’t Donald Trump. Didn’t work for Hillary Clinton, who was far more experienced and equally unlikeable.

  75. Agism is th only "ism" that is still acceptable in both parties. Shameful!

    Also, could Harris talk if she had to put her hands in her pockets. It's like watching someone batting at flies.

  76. The Democrats keep calling Trump a convicted felon That is an example of how the democrats count their chickens before they are hatched -- it will be overturned just like everything else the left-wing radial dems do. They are the real losers. Put Harris in office and America is doomed.

  77. You defend the most pathetic SS in history because you and 1/3 of Democratic Party voters wanted him dead. Admit it. You have lots of company and you are evil.

  78. Vote for Kamala--More inflation big time, Higher energy prices, young people forget about a house, The border will continue to get worse - drugs, crime and murder, money to the illegals, more people in government that are not qualified. War will come under Kamala. Spending will go through the roof Much money for Green new deal, people will not be able to retire and the people who are retired will be in trouble. Vote for Kamala

  79. Bernie 33% of democrats wish the bullet would have killed Trump that say a lot about the party that is killing democracy.

  80. Democrats party of democracy I got a bridge to sell to millions' od democrats.

  81. Vote in the democrats and we will get more of the same but much worse the left wing will be in control. Harris hates Israel and loves criminals she leaves them out and even pays for their bail.

  82. For you Harris fans --she did not know what causes Inflation - you people who vote for her are as stupid as she is.

  83. Biden endorsed his VP to be president. Trump tried to kill his.

  84. 78-year-old Donald Trump came in office with no government experience.

    39-year-old J.D. Vance never served in public office until last year.

    But Republicans attack Vice President Kamala Harris as a "DEI hire" because she's a Black woman.

    Racism and sexism are all they got.

  85. I find it actually quite funny how many of my republican associates are excited to retire and collect social security, Medicare and medicade. These anti socialist hypocrites are excited to jump on the socialist programs being protected by the people they hate.

    It actually really confuses me. Like abortion, some people shouldnt have kids. Druged up or abusers or generally bad people that "raise" these kids to be degenerates through no fault of the children. They end up on drugs or crime themselves. How is that fair to them? The same people say every life is sacred is the same party that will abandon them after birth and cut funding to programs proving food to these kids. I guess protecting them is only a talking point. They can starve to death later.

    We honestly need a strong 3rd party in the middle.

    Trump is a convicted felon and sex abuser. He admitted he hung out with Epstein even though "[Epstein] likes them a little young" but said he was such a great guy. No matter what conspiracies exist about the black book we have video of Trump admitting to being at these parties. Since you can just "grab them by the pussy" I doubt he said no to these girls. No thank you.

  86. I'd vote for a brain dead or deceased Biden before her. I seriously hope they are looking for another candidate but sadly the democrats have messed this up so badly, I don't think they can recover.

  87. "Trump is a convicted felon and sex abuser".

    Everyone likes to point out Trump is a convicted felon. Technically, he is not convicted until he is sentenced.

  88. EVERYTHING that I've read online says you're convicted when you plead guilty or are found guilty by a judge. It is BEFORE sentencing. Reganlaw.com based on PA law states

    "At the end of the trial, the court will determine whether to convict you of the charges. If you are convicted, you will be sentenced based on sentencing guidelines and the court's discretion."

    and "The sentence you will face if you are convicted of a felony will depend on the felony’s class, the discretion of the court, your criminal record, and other factors. However, the general guidelines for felony sentencing are:..."

    Now I understand that is PA law but everything ive searched states something very similar. So he is convicted and waiting to be sentenced. Otherwise there is no point to sentencing. Why sentence an innocent man?

  89. Democratic policies are bad any person with any brains should be able to figure that out.

  90. You democrats were sucker by the elites of your party--they have Annointed Harris because she will be puppet like Biden. Sure the democrats are the savior of democracy. Harris if elected will make Biden look good just like Biden made Carter look good.

  91. Kamala led the coverup of Biden's mental decline now you democrats will vote for her. Boy are democratic voters stupid.

  92. 11:44, I don't want to get into technicalities, but you are not really convicted until sentenced. This is why Fed Ed stayed in office for a few days after a jury found him guilty. I agree that most of us, myself included, tend to equate a guilty verdict with conviction.

  93. This is why we need Kamala/Dems/sanity: "Sunday was the hottest day ever recorded on Earth, scientists say".

    Stop bowing down to the oil/gas industry, Mr. Trump. You are supposed to be strong, so fight for us!

  94. Hey Trumpies, suck it up.
    The donald is now the oldest candidate running for president ever!
    Trump is the candidate of our raciest Americans, lower taxes for the wealthy.
    Trump is a felon and has his cronies keep on pushing back (Florida judges & SCOTUS) on our legal systems to allow him to escape sentencing like no other.
    Trump is a con man and should never hold any office other than dog catcher.
    Kamala is the total opposite of Trump, she has integrity, intelligent, sane, trustworthy, a prosecutor who knows how to deal with pond scum like your savior.
    Fortunately, America’s middle and lower class will win when Kamala becomes the next POTUS.

  95. The debate was a disaster for the Dems, and Joe Biden personally. Has any Trump supporter actually thought how hard it must be for an older person who has been in and around power for the last fifty years to voluntarily call time on his career? Why would he do such a thing, if not for patriotic reasons? I invite everyone who supports former President Trump to consider whether Trump would make a similar choice. Wisdom and humility are assets in a leader, in my opinion.

  96. 11:13AM
    SPIN, Spin, Spin, Spin,........

  97. The republican party main platform is women shaming. The did it with the two Secret Service and now they are doing it with Harris. No JD Vance thinks the democratic party is all childless and women without children are cat ladies. How the hell does any religious group invited these creeps to speak. How the Hell do I explain to my kids why these angry men shame woman? There is something to be said that many cabinet members of the former President fells he is unfit to serve. Harris is the safer choice.


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