Local Government TV

Monday, July 08, 2024

Joe Must Go (II)

One week ago today, I told you that, in the wake of a disastrous Presidential debate, Joe Must Go. In the time that has elapsed since then, all that Biden and his campaign has succeeded in doing is reinforcing my sentiment. Other than a selfish desire to clutch onto power, I see no reason why he or his inner circle are unwilling to accept reality.  

Since his debate, Biden's inner circle continue to shield him as zealously as they've been doing all along. His speeches to friendly crowds, which he still screws up, have been delivered using teleprompters. 

Biden's kitchen cabinet scheduled two radio interviews, but amazingly, had the questions in advance because they supplied them to the radio hosts. Instead of reassuring the public, this just reinforces the belief that he's unable to answer questions unless he knows what is coming in advance. This behavior is dishonest and might explain why so many people no longer trust media outlets. 

Biden's rather brief ABC interview with former Clinton aide George Stephanopoulos took place eight days after the debate, and with a host who made clear he largely shares Biden's policy views. But even in this friendly setting, Biden was unwilling to commit to a cognitive test and attempted to blame his poor performance on a cold and jet lag, even though he had 12 days to get plenty of rest, and apparently did so. 

He has yet to conduct an unscripted news conference

Numerous Democratic members of Congress, including Susan Wild, are beginning to express concern. Four top House Democrats are privately urging him to step aside. 

If Biden wants to continue to serve his nation, he can do that by pulling out now. 


  1. “Other than a selfish desire to clutch onto power…”

    Aren't you really talking about the entire democrat party?

    Somehow we’re supposed to believe that Biden has to drop out of the race for another term because democrats now believe he’s not competent and doubt he can win in November.

    But apparently those same democrats think he’s competent enough to stay in office as their sock puppet for the remainder of his current term to blindly implement whatever radical policy they’re pushing.

    I’m sorry, but anyone calling for Biden to drop out of the 2024 race without demanding that he RESIGN IMMEDIATELY has no credibility at all.

  2. Is there any "greater threat to democracy" than a president who has clearly diminished cognitive ability? I think not!

    1. I don't know, a lot of the same folks saying Biden's decline is a threat are the same people who think Reagan, who was suffering from Alzheimer's Disease during his second term, was one of our best Presidents.

    2. Part of why I voted for Biden in 2020 was his promise to be a transitional President. The idea that he would step down after his first term. It is too bad his ego and hubris got in the way of cultivating young, democrat talent ready for the role of executive.

      Biden, in hindsight, should have handed the reins to Harris after passing the infrastructure bill and getting Americans out of Afghanistan. He could have been more a modern Cincinnatus than the diminished liability he is now.

    3. You mean after he got the 13 soldiers killed in Afghanistan, then claimed in the debate no soldiers died on his watch? What a disaster his foreign policy has been!

  3. I'm convinced that we have been experiencing Barack Obama's third term; that he and a few others have been calling the shots from day one. Hence, Biden's willingness to fulfill the nutty far left agenda such as rewriting title 9 to accomodate the trans athletes. I believe they all (abetted by a greedy first lady) have convinced themselves that they can pull off this charade for another four years. Who knows - maybe they can, because I'd be willing to bet that many Democrat voters are perfectly happy with this arrangement.

  4. Biden should never have been elected in the first place. Look what he has done to the country. He was elected because the fake media hated Trump and the Truth is Trump's is a much better leader than Biden. Trump's policies are 100% better than the policies of the left and Biden.

    1. Biden’s record speaks for itself and is one of many accomplishments. Trump as been judged by several independent Presidential scholars as one of the worst Presidents. January 6th says it all.

    2. Hahaha- you're a real riot.

  5. Wild is angrier that she was outed than her words. She is a bit two faced. McKenzie for the win.
    My biggest problem with the Biden interview was his answer to the question, how would he feel if the most evil man in the world beat him. His answer was as long as HE ran a good race. What?

    There is the major character flaw in most politicians' ego, that and narcissism. Screw the country, if I Lose, I will go back to Delaware with my secret service detail. What a prick!

  6. This is a set up. He's knows he's going to lose and laying the legal framework for being incompetent to stand trial after he leaves office. And to be sure, Trump's DOJ is going to dog the Biden family until everyone of them is jailed (Joe, Hunter, James, Jill). Joe is already sculpting his legal defense. He's already been declared incompetent to stand trial.

    And you endorsed the guy four years ago. He had already lost his marble then. You knew it, too. We told you. Please re-print a post when you told us how great he was. Lol. Idiot.

  7. I want peace again. I want affordable mortgages. I want veterans taken care of instead of illegal marauders. Whomever has been POTUS for the last four years is the single worst in US history. I don't pretend that Biden runs things. We all knew he was senile four years ago. Stop acting surprised like this just happened. That's dishonest.

  8. Wild got caught in the act of backstabbing Joe. Now, she's issuing statements and slithering on the floor like the dishonorable, slimy reptile who hates her Carbon County constituents with every fiber of her overfed being.

  9. The dems believe it is either Biden or Kamala, very poor choices. This is what happens when the whole presidency has been a lie form the beginning, Lies, Lies and more lies, and they answer with more lies. If we ever see the truth it will be devastating to entrenched bureaucracy that runs this country.

    1. Lie should be Trump’s middle name. You have it backwards

  10. The comments on this post are straight up insane. Talk about TDS. People need to chill out and stop taking multiple doses of Fox News and talk radio poison every day. Being president aged Biden fast. He wasn't too old in 2020, but he's too old now. That's all.

    Biden has done a good job. The country has never been perfect, but it's strong and we can all be proud of it.

    Someone talked about "Trump's policies". Tax cuts for the rich was the centerpiece of his policy agenda. He's pushing the
    same thing again. That's the only rabbit in his hat. Everything else he blathers about is to get MAGA bootlickers angry. We can all see how angry you are...

  11. Teleprompters and advanced questions for interviews are nothing new. This is pretty standard for all presidents and presidential candidates. Unfortunate but it doesn’t necessarily make the case for incompetence.

  12. So, 8 or 9 Congressional Dems panic for their jobs out of 400 and decide to kick President Joe out…..sorry, that’s not how it works. Look at how stupid these Dems are…they abandon and retreat the moment one bad moment defines their loyalty …unlike MAGA Republicans who
    Literally swarm around their felon king wearing red ties and blue suits and kneeling to their liar king…….President Biden will take down the felon fascist.

  13. Susan Wild, *"Wild also said she “had such a busy schedule” that she had not recently had time to hear from constituents with concerns about Biden.

    Prior to the June 27 debate, Wild, who was with Biden in Normandy, told CNN that she thought he was “strong and competent,” in response to Republicans who said the president’s performance during the trip demonstrated he was not up to the job.

    “I want him to focus on all of the good things that we have gotten done under this presidency, especially in the last Congress, and to put to rest these rumors of him somehow being unfit,” Wild told CNN.
    She also described Biden as “perfect” and called on Democratic lawmakers who had met with Biden to speak out."

    Could be Bernie O'Hare saying it also. Now all of a sudden..... And Trump is the liar? Funny how we don't hear about all the lies. Just that he's a liar. Ok Joe, back to bullying Corn Pop, and get in your 18 wheeler to take you to Amtrak for your 1,250,00 or 1,500,000 miles or whatever record you broke. And all your degrees and placement in class and.....

    *Mcall 7-8-2024

  14. Of course, Biden needs to be replaced. Susan Wild and the others in Congress are finally beginning to notice our nation has been damaged in a big way by radical Democrat policies pushing us closer down the path to Communism. They are finally willing to notice people they represent are suffering and want different people in place to speak for them. Oops!

    Down ballot, see nothing/do nothing, candidates now KNOW this failed Federal Administration will cost many of them their jobs. As it SHOULD ! People like Susan Wild are, in effect, Co-Conspirators in the theft of our future well-being. They went along with everything. They remained silent, voting in lockstep with the Pelosi, Schumer types. Yuk!

    Do not expect any of today’s foolish government decisions to go away by keeping the current Democrat crowd in office. They must all go, not just Joe Biden. We REALLY need a legitimate election in November or there’s no coming back.

  15. This blog is useless. You spent years defending him and are now taking your orders like every other Democrat. Do any of you have a backbone or just do what you're told? Laughable that Biden has to go now but didn't years ago while you were kissing his demented ass. Losers, all of you.

    1. This is the biggest media coverup in history! How is anyone surprised at the debate performance? Only the people watching CNN, MSNBC, and CBS are surprised. Biden has had cognitive problems for years and it’s getting worse by the day.

  16. Hey, Bernie. Please provide a link to where you called for the convicted felon/ adjudicated rapist to step aside.

  17. Jill and the inner circle should be charged with elder abuse.

  18. wild just put her big fat foot in her big fat mouth.

  19. There's only one way someone other than Vice President Harris gets the nod; there will be an effort to get SCOTUS Justice Sotomayor or Kagan to retire, allowing President Biden to nominate her to the high-court. Only then will someone such as Governor Newsome be able to take center stage.

    However, Gov Newsome is not the panacea many on the Left seem to think.

    1. Maybe. Or they offer her the Governorship of California. Thats the only way they could buy her off.

  20. Biden will step down when his wife negotiates a monetary buyout for his resignation. This is an organized crime family, comfortable with shakedowns and influence peddling.

    And politically, what’s worth more than a presidential nomination.

    We now see Democrats for who and what they are. We see the media complicity. We see the backstabbing and bickering.

    But the machine will turn out sufficient votes in handful of cities needed to sway national elections.

    Cities rife with crime, filled with blight, with the worst educational systems, highest unemployment, highest rates of drug addiction, and corruption to the core.

    And Democrats own these cities. These are the dogs being driven to the polls by their masters, with new promises of free money and improvements that never come.

    Philadelphia. Atlanta. NYC. Detroit. Minneapolis.

    It is the citizens of these five blighted third world cities who run the country.

    Be proud America. Rejoice in having surrendered your country.

  21. How did Wild, the Allentown City Solicitor, not know Pawlowski was fixing contracts? It’s literally her job to review the contracts and ensure the City is meeting the requirements of the Municipalities Planning Code and any other applicable law. She was not called as a witness and had no involvement in the trial or investigation so far as what had been reported. Her name is nowhere to be found and the next thing you know she’s our House Rep. Some people have all the luck I guess.

    1. Not only that, how did she not know about Biden? The truth is she did know. She has spent time with him both on Air Force One and done press conferences with him. She knew. SHE LIED. Period.

  22. That anyone can support a man as proven corrupt and without character as Trump is beyond belief. He speaks the gibberish of a 9 year old and has a heart that is simply evil. Why does that speak to you?

  23. As long as the Criminal TRUMP is the Republican Candidate I will never vote for another Republican. They have openly declared their desire to take away womans rights and to cut my Medicare/Medicaid and Social Security. He is a lying sonofabitch that called my dead husband a "sucker and a loser" for serving in the military and gave his life for our Country. He cheated on his pregnant wife. He declared he would be a dictator from day one and get even with those who he thought were out to get him. When the R's get rid of that scumbag, I'll agree with you to get rid of Biden. Do you really want someone else to face off with Frumpy Trump?

    1. As a woman you should want to get the facts correct. But first I wish to thank your husband for his service and offer sympathy for your loss. So the fact is Trump wanted the states to decide on abortion. That's what happened. Trp doesn't want to get rid of social security. But the path we are on it will cut benefits in less than ten years. A change is needed to keep it and that involves cutting democrat spending. It has been proven trump never said that about the military. He wasn't a dictator in his first four years. We all survived well during his time. The dictator comment refers to executive action I believe on day one. Like Biden he will sign a lot that day. As a woman please get the facts correct

    2. Oh brother, what a nut job!

    3. What does this mean? WTF? As a man, facts don't matter?

      Trump's chief of staff is the one who reported Trump's comments about the military. He's a General in the Marines.

      You calling this guy a liar? Check his chest goddammit.

      Here it is from The Washington Times.

    4. What does "as a woman" mean? Men don't need to get facts straight? Dumbest and most corrosive thing I've seen on this blog.

      Here's Marine General John Kelly on the record saying Trump disparaged dead soldiers.

      You calling John Kelly a liar?

    5. I was speaking to abortion issue which is a woman. I'm far from a nut job. Name calling just shows who you are. Doesn't bug me at all. You're what wrong with today. Name calling dismissing others and hearts filled with hatred. A president can't help you

  24. To make matters even worse, the Democrats in Congress are now pushing heavily to BLOCK legislation that would require everyone that votes to be a United States citizen! Yes, it’s true. Bizzaro World is here.

    1. It is already federal law that ONLY citizens can vote. A handful of states and local municipalities across the country allow some non-citizen voting in their local elections. Get your facts straight before you spread nonsense.

  25. I am enjoying Wild twisting a little in the wind. She always "votes for what is best" for us peons back in the Valley. She votes lock step with Biden. How about that 611-road closure? Does she even know the areas, the people affected by that closure?

  26. I love how "waffling" Susan Wild is caught up in this issue. She spent the whole day with Jill Biden post -debate in Allentown acting like everything was great. Then it gets revealed that she joined in with some other vulnerable down ballot Dems over the weekend to demand Biden quit. Then she comes out and claims that based on her discussions with her constituents (what a line of BS). that she only indicated some concerns, not that she wants him off the ballot. This is not the type of leadership I expect from our congresswoman, as a Democrat, I think we deserve better than this. She needs to come out, drop the politics and tell us what is really going on.

  27. Hey 7:22am --> Highest unemployment? Funny stuff. And lo and behold, red states are the ones suffering the most gun violence. Could it be because they have lax gun laws? No way!


    Doesn't fit the narrative does it? Don't worry, just make something up. You seem to be good at that. Hmmm... maybe... Ashley Biden has been secretly travelling to red states every third Tuesday, because Jupiter has been in retrograde, to commit serial killings and leaving a single strand of Jill Biden's hair at the crime scenes? Ooo juicy. Start there. I'm sure you'll concoct something great!

  28. @7:47

    Frumpy Trumps Frailty.

    Bhwaa ha ha!

  29. Say what you want about Biden’s incompetence. You’d probably be right.

    But he’s still more competent than Kamala Harris, Bob Casey, or Susan Wild.

  30. Vladimir Ill-itchJuly 8, 2024 at 9:09 AM

    The problem is Kamala. Biden chose her because she checked all the boxes and knew that would get the votes he needed to win; not because of her ability to take over and lead if the situation arose. Well, that situation is here. Now, the Party is in bind and is stuck with a cackling buffoon that no one in the Inner Party likes. If the Veep were someone at least somewhat capable (like Gore under Clinton), the move would have already been made. This is part that will be interesting: seeing how the Democrats pull away from both Biden and Harris; because that's their only move if they want to beat Trump.

    I think what's happening now is that they are negotiating to get Harris to decline to run and make it appear she's making the decision and allow her to give a victory lap exit speech. As for Biden, I'm thinking they are going to play the medical angle and basically get a doctor to submit a note saying he should step down for health reasons. Kamala finishes his term, and then fades away after her victory lap speech in January.

    I wounder where Hillary plays into the mix?

    1. They'll give Biden a golden parachute, so he & his family will continue to be grifters

  31. I remember the Morning Call headlines after the race was called in favor of Joe Biden in 2020. “Finally, Biden” it joyfully exclaimed as I sat there wondering how this guy who campaigned from his basement actually won the election. That said, even I couldn’t predict how bad things would become under his “Presidency “ . These cognitive issues aren’t just “the last six months” and those who revered him who are now calling for him to drop out of the race know that. It’s an orchestrated plan by the Democrats to try to keep power. This country will not survive if they do.

  32. The MEDIA went from covering up Biden’s dementia to covering it because the MEDIA will do anything to help democrats. Democrats want Joe Biden out so the media has completely turned on him. These people aren’t stupid? They knew about his cognitive problems for a long time.

  33. We all know both candidates/both parties have reached a new low point for American politics. Our 2 choices are deeply flawed. Why is it so easy for me, as a registered Democrat, to admit that Biden is not fit for a 2nd term? Why do Republicans refuse to admit that Trump is also a horrible candidate? There are so many better options, on both sides. I just don't get it. It's as if it's a pride issue. Are people actually worried about admitting it?

  34. Did Joe Biden’s policies just become bad for the country? No.

    Did Joe Biden just recently become mentally incompetent? Of course not. Anyone with two eyes and a brain could see he’s been this way for years.

    He was certainly this way just a few months ago when democrat voters overwhelmingly selected him as their nominee.

    Now we’re told those MILLIONS of votes need to be canceled out in order to “save our democracy”. All because he’s behind in the polls.

    Only democrat politicians and political advisers could come up with such a ridiculous narrative, but only democrat voters would be dumb enough to believe it.

  35. When Biden had to go to the kiddie stairs on AF1, that’s when I knew it was the beginning of the end.

  36. Democrats are undermining democracy! Joe Biden won the primaries fair and square, he's the nominee. Period!

  37. It will be a Wild time voting against Susan and her fellow liberal Democratic cronies.

  38. Wild accepts Professor Biden's campaign visit, and presumably some money, on one day...then throws Joe under the bus a day or so later. Now that's a leader. :)

  39. "The comments on this post are straight up insane."

    Thanks 6:30am

    I've been a Republican my entire life, but I feel embarrassed to call myself one with the trump acid trip conspiracy fans.

    I remember when Reagan was in office, there were these shirts that read, "It's hard to soar like an eagle when you're flying with a bunch of turkeys". I hope that the fools that spiked the punch will go back to professional wrestling. I want my party back.

    1. Oh ....go back into your safe space with your blankie and hot cocoa, snowflake.

  40. We should be hearing more about all these replacement candidates sitting on the Democrat bench. Look, Biden WILL NOT WIN in an honest and fair election. There IS a strong motive for the Democrat Party to look the other way when (once again) funny business with mail-in balloting is found across the nation. To make any Presidential election win palatable, it is essential for Democrats to run someone not named Biden.

    Anyone have the courage to name a Democrat alternate to Biden, AND defend their pick with reasons that go beyond just claiming Trump is worse? What is more important here? Saving our nation, or just getting a win by any means necessary?

    1. Who do they have? Kamala is a DEI pick who turned out to be a slug. She’s the border czar, yikes! Buttigege couldn’t fill a pothole and says bridges are racist. Newsome is the slickest of the bunch, but California is circling the drain. He defends the indefensible very well and is probably the Ds best bet of a poor candidate pool. Whitmer is a nut. The black dude from Maryland, keep an eye on him, he’s well spoken, young, and seems squared away. Bottom line is the bench isn’t great and Ds should have been much more prepared for this.

    2. "Anyone have the courage to name a Democrat alternate to Biden, AND defend their pick with reasons that go beyond just claiming Trump is worse?"

      You don't need courage. You just need common sense. You're pretending we have a personality contest going on.

      We've got 146M Americans under heat advisories today. The Central Valley in California, where a lot of America's food is produced, will be hotter than 110 degrees for more than 10 days. Wildfires are burning in New Jersey. The average global temperature was the highest it's ever been from June 2023 to June 2024. Beryl was the earliest Cat5 Atlantic hurricane on record, so now 2M+ people in Texas have no power during a major heatwave. Go outside today at noon, tell me it feels like an ordinary summer.

      Then think about the fact EVERY Democrat wants to address climate change. Trump calls climate change a hoax, talks down about electric cars, and is selling his office to the oil and gas industry for campaign donations.

      You don't need courage, just common sense. Any Democrat will do.

  41. Susan Wild hosted Jill Biden just a few days ago, and then turns around and throws Joe under the bus. And in her statement she blames the leak, and the media rather than herself for trying to fence sit this issue Instead of taking a public stance one way or another. She's showing us who she is, just another coward politician with no spine. Her only interest in this problem is what's best for her, not what's best for the country, party, etc.

    1. Well spoken! Agreed.

    2. So you expect the then-Allentown solicitor who knew nothing about Ed Pawlowski’s influence peddling, the same now-Congresswoman who is claiming that she knew nothing about Biden’s medical condition, to suddenly start being honest?

      That ain’t happening!

      Susan Wild and the truth don’t really know each other.

    3. She's absolutely terrible, has no moral compass! But she got lucky with McKenzie as an opponent- what a terrible choice we have in November!

  42. Trump is our only hope No politician will be any good because they are politicians and every one of them is no good. Trump will do it the right way because he had this country in good shape no matter what the asshole democrats say. Democrats talk about character look at the Kennedys, L B Johnson, and Clinton just to mention a few. The republicans are not much better, but their policies have been better the vast majority of the time. This Biden guy and his family is one big joke.

  43. Feeding questions to the media. LOL that’s been going on since day one. He’s been wrapped in bubble wrap like no other president In history. They literally give him the names and the photos of the press corp to call on. It’s been all choreographed since day one. Anyone that is surprised by this hasn’t been paying attention.

  44. I am fed up with this boring Democrat is better than Republican and vise versa nonsense. How about everyone thinking — for once — what is best for America? Biden was NEVER a good choice, he is just lucky he ran against a lunatic. Trump is the aforementioned lunatic who has managed to brainwash some fairly intelligent people. Biden is bad for America. Trump is bad for America. But who wound actually be good for America?

  45. The 69 News story about Wild. There are 80 comments. If you think the comments are crazy here check those out lol.

  46. The Republican National Committee today released its Platform ( Mission Statement ) for a next Trump Administration it promotes. It lists 20 key goals the next Trump Administration will work to achieve. Please seek out a copy and read those 20 goals. If anyone here cannot agree on any of these goals, please get back here and tell us which one.

    All sounds good to me. I am not a Republican.

  47. Susan Wild is in a hard spot. Ryan Mackenzie and the media have been slamming her over these comments. Everything Wild does seems to leak. Tough crap for Wild.

  48. Although I won’t be voting for Susan Wild, her performance in office is typical of most politicians in Congress. If nothing else, this election cycle has revealed to many more citizens how hopelessly broken our present government really is.

    The people supposedly representing OUR best interest in government really are NOT. Their first priority is to serve their bureaucratic masters in their Chamber, corporate donors and special interest groups who they need to fund their own campaigns. Many of these people are whores selling themself for personal gain, and to remain in office.

    Making all of this fraud even worse, our elected people in Washington have been made deathly afraid by our Intelligence Agencies who will make life miserable if they get out of line with whatever plan the money changers have in place for America’s function within our World.

    Isn’t it now clear why we must do our part at election time? We must regularly vote OUT people like Susan Wild who are unable, or unwilling to resist being controlled. Unable to firmly serve YOU and I while in office, as we trusted they would.

    When your horse is no longer running as needed . . . . you get another horse!

  49. Wow, 6:51 AM. What could Joe Biden have done over the past four years, or ANY politician have done over a longer period have done to change the cyclical weathers conditions that have been occurring ever since Earth was created? Nature can’t be changed at the rate you would like to see. Look at a globe. The areas inhabited by man are quite small. Earth and its atmosphere will do whatever it wants, when it wants. Taxing farmers more because of cow farts, and similar ‘pinpricks’ do nothing.

  50. Suzzie will lose to Ryan Mackenzie in November and I am here for it. Pack your bags suzzie.

  51. 6:51 - Common sense tells me, of the 2 major candidates in the Presidential Race right now, Donald Trump is the best choice. I have the courage not just to name my FINAL choice as Donald Trump. It won’t matter to me who else might enter at this point.

    Common sense tells me, Trump is the best prepared, most experienced and capable choice. I could defend this view thoroughly. You, however, refuse to lay claim to any one individual, choosing to believe ANY Democrat will be the better choice.

    Why hasn’t anyone offered up one specific Democrat by name? Not even you. To me, that indicates a fear in having to defend that selection. Odd. Time is running short and Trump stands firmly in the lead against Biden. People need to hear why a Harris, a Newsom, a Clinton, or another Obama brings more to the table than does Trump.

  52. "You calling John Kelly a liar?"

    Yes. Absolutely and completely. I also know that "51 intelligence officials" who signed a NYT OpEd saying that Hunter Biden's laptop was a Russian hoax were lying. You realize that, son? No. You aren't capable.

    1. There you go. Trump is good and decent and always tells the truth, and everyone else is lying about him. Haha. If that's your worldview, then you're lost. I bet you believe Trump when he says he's great at golf. Where's Melania btw?

      The story about the letter and Hunter Biden's laptop is not as simple as you make it sound, but I don't expect you to read deeply about it. I guess you're getting your news from Facebook and TikTok. Your opinions are deep, but your accrued knowledge is very thin.

  53. 10:25AM: "What could Joe Biden have done over the past four years, or ANY politician have done over a longer period have done to change the cyclical weathers conditions that have been occurring ever since Earth was created?"

    Very simple! Burn less stuff (oil/gas/coal). Generate electricity in other ways (solar/wind/hydro/nuclear). This is what the Paris Accord is all about, which is why it was utterly idiotic for Trump to remove us. This is what the poorly-named Inflation Reduction Act is all about. And this is why we need our government to make changes... solar is already cheaper than fossil fuels. Let's go!

    Solar power got cheap. So why aren’t we using it more?

  54. 12:17 - Hopefully it's the same package Jared got from our Saudi friends! 2 billion a lot o' money!

    stupid comment, stupider if you believe it.

  55. Wild has not been a strong advocate for our region, and she does not respond to letters and questions directed to her . She has fence ridden her response to how she feels about Biden and all she had to do was get behind him with Fetterman but she couldn’t. She has been a dissapointment in terms of her energy and attention to the Lehigh Valley and many of those who supported her during her first campaign. I will hold my face and vote Democrat but it is not a good feeling.

  56. I have been a Democrat my entire life (72) and I can no longer stick with the party. I truly want a country that is safe and respected by the world. We have nether now. I worry what is going to happen between now and the time the new president is put in office. The evil of the world see's this as a time to strike because they know our President is weak and is no longer able to make decisions. I worry about my grandchildren and what the future has instore for them. I hope the party pushes him out. It's time to stop trying to hide the truth about Biden. I can't really see me voting for Trump so I may do something I have never done before and that not vote. I have many friends that feel the same way.

    1. Vote for the policies you want to see not the man or woman

  57. I wish that Joe would have the sense to step down. But when you start losing brain cells due to old age, common sense evidently is a casualty.

    Reading many of the comments here reminds me of why I am a Democrat. But man, I wish that many Democrats were politically smarter and were willing to ditch Biden. Better late than never.

  58. Hey Trumpies,

    Get a life! Your Republican Party is the party of the wealthy, religious, and wants to get rid of all the good things, social programs, EPA, FDA, Social Security, that America has fought for over the past couple of centuries.
    A vote for Trump is a vote for the wealthy that do not want to pay their fair share of taxes and could care less about the betterment of this country.
    The orange man should never be in any power position and that goes for the whole family as they’re only grifters.
    God bless us and can’t wait for the day we don’t hear the bastards name mentioned on our air waves.
    Wake UP!

  59. I’m voting Democrat no matter who the candidate is.

    Our communities need another 15,000,000 welfare recipients streaming across our borders and enhancing our neighborhoods.

  60. Democrats, stop worrying already. Obama will be leaving Martha’s Vineyard very soon to begin his nationwide inner city tour.

    Nobody inspires the inner city lazy, lame, and incompetent vote like a former community organizer from Chicago who now resides on the most segregated piece of land in the country.

    With the most beautiful First Lady in our countries history by his side, his words of inspiration and insistence that Democrat candidates are the key to prosperity, Obama and Co. will be passing out shiny nickles and bags of bread crumbs on street corners across America.

    It’s the least he can do for his people, before returning to Martha’s Vineyard, where he lives segregated from his people.

  61. 5:45pm wishing Dems were politically smarter...

    Right there with you. Funniest laugh/cry moment for me recently was when the Supreme Court gave presidents immunity from prosecution, allowing Biden to do whatever he wanted, throw people in jail, adjust economic data by fiat, change voting laws, whatever... and what did he do? He immediately went to a microphone to say he wouldn't do anything! Hahaha/Boohoo.

    Republicans will do whatever they can to win -- cheat, lie, steal, tear down the country for a fat old racist con man, worship Putin and Orban, attack the Capitol then spin yarns about antifa even when cops died and their own angry faces were recorded doing it, all the while knowing that they are currently a minority party with unpopular policy plans.

    And Democrats? Focused on trying to project an image of being honorable and above the fray.

  62. 7:34am's post is pure ugly racism. Might as well wear a Confederate army uniform around town. Whoever wrote that should be ashamed. That sort of talk is exactly the reason people of honor and character don't want Trump anywhere near the Oval Office again (empowering small-minded bigots), and why it's hard to take any of the right's arguments and policy prescriptions at face value.

  63. "I was speaking to abortion issue which is a woman."

    Listen, Word Salad Kamala, 51% of all babies murdered via abortion are female. Why don't you join 4-H and try to keep your calves together for once? Meantime, we know you know abortion primarily culls blacks. And you're a woman (do you know what is?) who wants to see fewer black children in schools with your precious abortion survivors. Or did you kill them all?


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