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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

DailyMail Claims GOP Congressional Candidate Ryan Mackenzie Lied About Age in Dating App

According to conservative British tabloid DailyMail, the Republican nominee in the Pa.-07 Congressional district, Ryan Mackenzie, understated his age by eight years on dating app Tinder. His campaign notes he was neither married nor engaged at the time. 

Now, on the 2d anniversary of the Supreme Court's reversal of Roe v. Wade, the DailyMail reports that over 100 women in the Pa.-7 Congressional are demanding an apology from Mackenzie, something he failed to do when initially confronted. 

The letter claims, "We worry, if you cannot take accountability for your actions on something as small as a dating app, that you will not be able to honorably conduct yourself as our representative in Washington."

I get that lying about your age to pick up younger women is wrong. But what really bothers me about Mackenzie is his smile. They blind me like the hi-beams on a late model truck,. 


Anonymous said...

This is really a non story.

Anonymous said...

I would like Susan Wild to apologize to us women for calling rape a “medical incident”. But no of course she won’t do that.

Anonymous said...

The only reason to lie about his age in my opinion is to find a younger woman who is of child bearing years. Seems like yet another calculation by Mr Mackenzie for political reasons. He was posting on Tinder and lying about his age while he was a sitting state representative. Why would he think he wouldn’t get caught? The arrogance in itself is unbelievable. The lie is despicable!

Anonymous said...

This is so stupid. Purely a distraction by Susan Wild’s side. Bernie - did you do a post on Wild’s comments disparaging a veteran on Memorial Day? If so, maybe I missed it. That was in a national US publication and it can be found online. No apology from Wild after attacking and name calling a veteran though. Where were these women then? Or do they hate America also?

Anonymous said...

Ryan will be such a great congressman. Everyone makes mistakes.

Anonymous said...

I would like the president of Project 2025 to apologize for his ignorance. He stated that “abortion is not healthcare”. Wonder if he has a wife or daughters?

Anonymous said...

They are no doubt Keegan type dems who would not vote for him anyway. Forget about it. No story.

Anonymous said...

I saw him on Grindr a few times. No joke.

Anonymous said...

12:03am: okay, Miliou Mackenzie.

Anonymous said...

1214am: Ryan, you are awake so late commenting. Are you on Tinder this evening?

Anonymous said...

The question is was Ryan in one of his previous engagements while searching for woman on tinder?

Anonymous said...

I come on to let you know your buddy M.F. was on Fox News last night (Gutfeld 4:14 in) and find this story.

I supported Maria Montero. I doubt you'll find stories like this about her. This means he was trying to sleep with younger women. Possibly way younger. It was bad enough he was riding on the coattails of his mommy, now this. Disgusting.

~ Once again an embarrassed Republican

Anonymous said...

Grindr or Tinder?

Anonymous said...

What's unbelievable is that this is a story.

Anonymous said...

I really don’t care about Ryan’s love life. (His Mom is his whole world.) What I care about is that Ryan will vote for a national abortion ban.

Anonymous said...

Yes, a non-story. This seems no different than a man wearing a toupee. Or a woman who gets implants and loads up with too heavy make-up on her face. I will still vote against the under-performing Susan Wild.

Anonymous said...

If I was him I think I'd lie about being a vertically challenged little guy who is latched onto his moms boob.

Anonymous said...

Ohare already knew this as he was matched with Lyin Ryan on tinder!

Anonymous said...

Suzie thinks rape is a medical incident and she can't definitively say what a woman is. Is she a woman or the waddling obese tortoise she appears to be. So fat while telling us what's good for OUR health. Get vaxxed Suzie! Maybe it'll help you drop the 60-80 you need to get off the unhealthy chart? McKenzie over fatso with the old lady stench any day.

Anonymous said...

just more bo hate

Anonymous said...

Mackenzie is a MAGA tool. Nothing to see her other than that he is not a loyal American.

Anonymous said...

Ryan is a protege of possible coup-plotter Scott Perry. We don’t need anymore unAmerican House activities !

Anonymous said...

Big whoop. I went on dating sites and was definitely not 100% truthful and believe me, the men I met were not truthful, either. Dating sites work for many, but I was a huge fail.

Anonymous said...

Seems like it

Anonymous said...

DailyMail says his campaign reported that he was not married or engaged during this time period. What they didn't say is if he was dating his now wife. Four years ago wasn't that long ago.

Anonymous said...

How did he meet his wife? On a dating site? Did they meet on there under false pretenses? She looks too pretty for him. Wonder if his mommy bribed her to marry him? So many unanswered questions!

Anonymous said...

This is totally important. He prayed on young girls— he is a state rep. He is a liar. We are the public. We can do what we want. He can’t as he represents us.

Anonymous said...

That you don't deserve answers to...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The more I think about this, the creepier it is. Emotionally he must not be able to relate to women his own age. It’s also much easier to control a person who is much younger.

Anonymous said...

Yes it is. Character is an important trait in seeking public office. We all make mistakes but that’s what apologies are for.

Anonymous said...

@3:27am: his mistake is a disgrace.

Anonymous said...

@3:18 Okay, Andres Weller.

Anonymous said...

@4:43am is sooo Ryan Mackenzie.

Anonymous said...

So that proves he’s open minded.

Anonymous said...

Everyone deserves a second chance and most anyone is better than Wild. Send her packing.

Anonymous said...

This story is hilarious. Rumor has it the Dems are delighted that The Wee Baby MacKenzie won because they knew he would be the weakest candidate in the general. And since he didn’t go for his state seat again, he’s going to miss out and so much Mommy/Son time on their drives to the capital together. A shame, really.

And just as with every campaign the perpetual loser Andres Weller tries to run, this one will end in a loss as well. Wild aint a saint and she’s by no means perfect, but she’s going to win in the end, regardless of how small or big the margin is.

Anonymous said...

Is Mackenzie prepared to accept the results of the Presidential Election if Trump loses.

Anonymous said...

Who cares lol

Anonymous said...

Yeah. Who cares? How bout Wild making national news yet again for disparaging her constituents. She branded a veteran a homophobic bigot because he had the audacity to refuse to shake her hand. He could be gay for all she knows. She calls Carbon county residents kool aid drinkers. She’s an asshole.


Anonymous said...

Character? Susan Wild calls veterans homophobic bigots. Calls Carbon county residents Trump Kool aid drinkers. She the very definition of an elite liberal asshole.

Anonymous said...

He was “praying”on young girls lol ok.

Anonymous said...

Mackenzie wants to cut Social Security.

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute.... someone on Tinder lied about their age???? Oh good heavens! Next thing you know people will be using old photographs from when they were young and thin, or lying about their income.

Jesus people relax. Everyone on that app knows the deal.

Anonymous said...

Does Little Ryan support Trump ?

Anonymous said...

He’s always on Grindr.

Anonymous said...

Susan Wild’s recent Morning Call editorial was a real piece of work. She accused Trump and other Republicans of (probably) going to do this or that against women. All with no evidence to back those threats up. Wild adds nothing of substance to the job of being my representative in Congress. She is, however, a near 100% vote for whatever Nancy Pelosi or Biden wants to happen.

Susan Wild needs to finally understand abortion is STILL legal in Pennsylvania. The Supreme Court held that abortion is an issue to be left up to each individual state. Donald Trump agrees with the Supreme Court’s decision.

Anonymous said...

@215pm- apparently this is the start of a lot of Ryan dirtiness. He’s a scumbag.

Anonymous said...

Hi Andres. We see you trying, it’s just that no one cares about you or your efforts.

Sorry you want to be a political mover, but you’re just bad at your job.

Anonymous said...

Bernie, in order to be fair- Susan Wild made comments about veterans a couple weeks ago. Would you be willing to also publish that story. New York Post coverd it. I think it’s only fair.

Anonymous said...

Lying on a dating site by an elected official only shows the deceitful nature of Mr Mackenzie. Representing himself as someone he is not is offensive to any woman looking for a match on the site.

Anonymous said...

Is little Ryan a creeper ?

Anonymous said...

He’s no match for the dynamic duo of Ray and Justin. Those two blow the creep factor off the charts.

Anonymous said...

My question is why isn’t Mackenzie endorsed by or talking about Trump?? Those who know Mackenzie aren’t surprised. He likes to play EVERYTHING both ways as long as it advances his childhood dream of being in Congress.

Anonymous said...

We had the chance to nominate Kevin Dellicker. Solid character guy. With that a chance to actually get excited about a nominee. And we blew it. Again. Instead we got this weird little creepy swamp creature. We don't deserve someone like Dellicker.

Anonymous said...

Because Susan Wild is ANY better with her negative comments about so many different folks she so called supports. With that being said, is worrying about Tinder something that really matters, c'mon!

Anonymous said...

We all know Biden is actually 200, and Trump is actually 6. So... meh

Anonymous said...

The Mackenzie campaign is really stupid if they ignore this as no big deal (as it appears they are).

Anonymous said...

How’s Arizona treating you Karen? Get out of the fast food restaurant and get a life! Nobody cares what you think in the Lehigh Valley.