It's a disgrace to our democratic republic that Joe Biden and Donald Trump are the best our two major parties could produce for this year's Presidential. Both are way past their "best by" date. Both are completely out of touch with everyday voter despite dishonest attempts to pretend otherwise. But there's a big difference. It is reflected in the Easter Day messages both sent.
Biden's Easter Message

Trump Easter Message #1:
Trump Easter Message #2:
Trump Easter Message 3:
Trump will win, Biden will destroy what's left of the country that he and the democrats are destroying Who ever votes for Biden is a complete idiot and hates America.
Trump is the eternal victim. I guess his cult feel victimized too. What happened to the old Republican "pull yourselves up by your own bootstraps" mentality? Instead they've chosen to be afraid of whatever he tells them to and blame whatever dissatisfaction with their lives on others. They are not responsible, he is not responsible. Bullies have always blamed others, never themselves.
Actions speak louder than words.
The White House statement was put out after Biden declared Easter Sunday the “Trans Day of Visibility” and banned religious themed egg designs on its annual art contest.
Again, actions speak louder rthan words.
Was Navy invited to Uber Catholic guy's festivities? Or is Mr Catholic Abortion guy still denying she's family? Trump is a better Christian. He doesn't support killing the unborn and starting wars.
2024 will be #DJT'S resurrection, the RINO'S , COMMIES, AND GLOBALISTS will be brought to heel as Trump slays the deep state while draining the putrid swamp waters that overwhelm our democracy with a stench so odious it conceals Bidens old person stank, Uhuru!
Today’s topic is supported in a very misleading way, to say the least. Cherry-picking a small sample of dozens and dozens of messages attributed to either candidate might sway a few voters at a most basic level of knowledge. The overall messaging from our current administration during this Easter season has been beyond disappointing to many Christians and Jews.
Nice try. Actions vs words. Biden won't acknowledge his precious granddaughter. I read here that the dog got a Christmas stocking, but not that little angel. Biden is an abortion radical. The petitions at Mass at my church yesterday included a prayer to protect life from the moment of conception. I wonder how Biden responded? Did he cross his fingers when he mouthed, "Lord, hear our prayer?" Or did he just skip that part and shake hands with people afterwards? He's also funding three wars (and counting?), while the last guy started none and was striking peace agreements. Biden supports genital mutilation of mentally disturbed children who think gender is a real thing, and that their sex can actually be changed by chemicals and surgeries. That's Josef Mengele stuff. Actions vs words. Biden is the personification of evil. Trump is just a rude asshole. There's no comparison on the evil meter.
More freakin' lies from the bullshitter from Nazareth. Happy Teansgender Recognition Day (after) to you, asshole.
You are correct. biden/trump, we have already lost.
But one so-called devout catholic decides to make one of the holiest days of his faith a salute to trans.
It made for very interesting conversation at the dinner table yesterday with 21 voting eligible catholic present. If he had their votes, he just lost them.
Really bad timing.
While I agree that neither is worthy of the Oval Office, what is more disgraceful is that our country has devolved and the average voter makes a decision based on soundbites and social media. Frankly, we are no longer a very intelligent nation, as shown on both sides of the political aisle. There is far too much pandering to the extreme groups and it is the average American who suffers. With all of that said, a vote in November isn’t for Biden or Trump, but rather their respective running mates. Neither man will serve a full term, so make sure the VP is ready. Kamala Harris, I believe, would make us long for the days of Biden — or Trump.
Thank you, Bernie, for posting these Easter messages. It's obvious which one is a decent man and which one is a raving narcissist.
Our politicians do not always come out of central casting with six pack and and a youthful glow. As a society, we need to choose our politicians on how they act, what they do and what the accomplish for the American people.
Bend over America. We are about to get really screwed.
One choice is a bumbling old guy who is nothing by a puppet to lefties. He just goes out and says whatever his handlers tell him to say as his wife holds him up. He should probably be in assisted living.
The other choice is a narcissistic child bully who should probably be in jail. He got his moral code out of a box of Cracker Jacks. His maggot cult puppets are delusional.
Then we have a congress the is so hateful they barely get anything done except to make themselves richer.
Deranged. To all those people who want to put that man in charge of our government... god bless. Smh.
Here’s Trump’s real official Easter statement for those who want the untwisted truth:
Trunp 2024!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You voted for Biden you bragged about it and now to turned on him you have no character. You the one who should retire from your fake blog--Lucky the smart people see we need Trump and that is shown in the polls. Biden is a fraud the people of Delaware are as stupid as they come for putting him in office for 50 years.
Trump is such a petulant little orange man, Please explain to me why millions of people are so stupid and fall for his games?
The real difference is that it's obvious one writes his own posts and the other does not. Content is secondary to the fact that one of these two men needs a team to assemble a statement.
Donald Trump is a sick demented individual. God help us.
This post is a disgrace.
Your first sentence is disgusting and there are great differences between the candidates.
Trump should never be on the same sentence as President Biden.
Trump is a traitor, lying, disgusting human being who should never have been elected to any official position ever.
And as an educated person Bernie, you know better that Biden has made great progress over the past 3 years for the average American and our country.
The facts are that Trump and Republicans are completely out of touch with realities of our times and place in the world of today.
And then Biden does this:
Children of the National Guard are also barred from sending in religious Easter egg designs for the 2024 “Celebrating National Guard Families” art event at the White House, Fox News reported Friday. The White House hosts many Easter traditions, including the military family art initiative and the annual Easter Egg Roll.
Easter egg submissions “must not include any questionable content, religious symbols, overtly religious themes, or partisan political statements,” according to the flyer.
Ugh. The first time I saw a pic online of Jesus and tRump shown as similar I thought: "Man, anyone who believes any part of this is as delusional as it gets". Or maybe they read a different version of the bible where Jesus lies, cheats, and steals, throws anyone under the bus he can to save his own butt, sacrifices nothing and only takes actions that benefit himself in some way.
As much as I am not a huge fan of Biden, If I have to choose which candidate who is leaning lesser to the "dark side" and would cause less harm to our country, Biden is the only choice.
Would have loved another alternative to Biden.
That Trump is once again the GOP nominee shows how clueless 40% of this country is. He's an incompetent moron who proves daily that he is unfit for the office, yet there will be countless chuds who will defend him and fruitlessly exclaim that only he can save us.
His recent Bible stunt is despicable and borderline blasphemy. I caution my friends from worshipping and following false idols.
The Easter Egg policy has been in place at the White House for 45 years. Next BS rant from the right please...
"The International Transgender Day of Visibility was created on March 31, 2009, and has continued to be celebrated every March 31 for more than a decade. " "Also: looks like MAGA God Donald Trump 'banned religious-themed egg designs' from the WH contest too, as has every WH for the last 45 years,'" he wrote on X.
Political commentator Brian Krassenstein wrote, "HOW DARE BIDEN BAN RELIGIOUS-THEMED EGGs ON THIS HAPPY EASTER! Oops, he didn't. It's just another MAGA lie. In fact Trump did the SAME EXACT thing."
The most important thing to remember is what kind of administration appointees will be selected. While the president makes the final decisions those are based on whom he appoints. A vast majority of actions occur within the departments themselves they head up. Ask yourself whether this administration's department heads are anything like the incompetency of those selected by the former president. Even Trump himself is now bashing many of those he once favored. A good number of them aren't too found of him now either. Look where many of them ended up.
In my opinion it's not so much who gets to be president but rather those he'd choose for administrative directors and spokespeople. Given the bad actors over the Trump years I'd think the choice voters make should easy.
This post is a disgrace.
Your first sentence is disgusting and there are great differences between the candidates."
Doesn't it bother you in the slightest that this is the best the major parties can do in a country of 333 million? Surely we can do better than Biden or Trump, and the fact that they are the party nominees is a major indication that our democratic form of government is in serious trouble. And yes, I would much rather see someone other than Biden in office. He is a lightweight whose plagiarism should have ended his career. He is out of touch as are both parties and Congress. We are morphing from a democratic republic into an oligarchy, according to a disturbing Princeton study.
Our ruling elite have become like the optimates of the late Roman Republic, which collapsed and became an empire under one-man rule. We need to get a grip on what is ruining our republic - closed primaries, term limits, unfettered money in politics and the strange ability of members of Congress to suddenly grow rich.
There is a stark difference between Biden and Trump. Biden is at least superficially a nice person. He may even be in fact a nice person. Trump is a narcissist and a mob boss.
tRump is out on bail facing 80 some counts of criminal activity. He's a convicted sexual assaulter and has committed countless other sexual assaults/rapes! Your commenters are in a cult and need to wake up before tRump sells the US to the russians...
Biden or dictatorship, the choice is yours!
Putting both characters aside and focusing on two main Trump issues that alarm me. I seen Trump say it with his own mouth so it's not fake (1) He stated he wanted a 10% tariff on all imported products. Spin it anyway you want this amounts to a 10% federal sales tax. (2) He also stated he wanted to increase workers paychecks by eliminating the FICA-Medicare/Social Security deductions. I'm not making this up I watched the videos where he said it. Perhaps if people focused more on the issues instead of the men we'd all be a lot better off. I think both sides can agree these are two very bad ideas.
The RNC gave the party over to the Trump family in 2016. They knew he was a buffoon, but they thought he would bring in the "left-behind" populist votes, and the party could control Trump, since he didn't know anything about government. It didn't work out that way. The conservative-right went along because he promised small government. The Catholic Church went along because he promised them the roll-back of Roe-Wade. Both should be ashamed of themselves, deeply ashamed-- especially when looking at Kimberly Guilfoyle's pole dance at a recent rally. The RNC should be ashamed of allowing Trump to install his daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, in a leadership role. I'm a registered Republican who won't vote for Trump this fall. In the four years following the last presidential election the Republican Party did nothing to develop Republican leadership that thinking Republicans could vote for. Instead they fought among themselves, and allowed the fringe elements like Jim Jordan, Matt Getz, and Marjory Taylor-Green, to become the Republican voices, as they attacked their own House Speakers as "elite." Trump is point-blank evil. Listen to his words- he's told us who he is. Be aware of his actions, his attacks on our government, our judges, our laws, while praising himself and other criminals. He is a crude, mean-sprited, false man who thinks he is god-like. His recent venture aligning himself with the Bible is indeed blaspheme. I'm angry that both parties didn't work harder to develop real electable candidates. Sadly the Republican Party will not scrape this man off their shoes. Why not? Really, what has this man brought to the Republican party? Nothing positive that I can see, we've just been paying his attorney's fees. Which is why this Republican will be voting for Biden, again. Trump's Easter actions tell us who he is, again.
A tempest in a teapot. since when do easter eggs translate into any significant christian belief? Adultry, on the other hand, is a sin in most christian religions. The choice for good christians is very evident. Regardless of politics, can a bad man (trump) or a terrible administrator (Biden) ever be equal in the eyes of GOD? I think not!!
5:42 am: As a practicing Catholic, I lean toward pro-choice, though I hope never to be in the decision to make such a decision. Your disparaging “Mr. Pro-Choice Catholic” is weak because you probably embrace a man who suddenly started to “be” pro-life when it proved politically adventitious. Face it, both men are ill-equipped to run a one-car parade.
Trump does not face real indictments--they are all from left wing radicals who are all demented.They are really a badge of honor, and the American people see that as a result Trump will win back the presidency that was really stolen from him.
This is for everyone in America who doesn't want a Biden-Trump rematch: Tuesday, December 5, 2023, Weston, Mass, Joe Biden: "If Trump wasn't running, I'm not sure I'd be running." There's your hint America, straight from Joe B.: 'Get rid of Trump and you won't be seeing me again, either.' There is no doubt in my mind that Joe Biden would not have campaigned for President in 2020 or, again, this year except out of concern for the future of our country. He knows his age and limitations, we don't have to keep harping on it. Biden is running for reelection to preserve the Constitution.....Trump is running for President to stay out of jail. My prediction for one year from now is that we will have our first female President. On November 5th, the two major party candidates will be Kamala Harris and Nikki Haley. Trump will be removed from the ballot for being found guilty on any host of felony charges. Once that happens, Joe B. will announce the suspension of his reelection campaign. OK Bernie, remember this day seven months from now and see if I'm on target or not.
What I would suggest is that stop the debate on character. Both candidates are despicable human beings, despite Bernie's protestations I do not believe there is a significant difference between the two.
How about we simply talk about policy? What Biden proposes, what Trump proposes, and bring it back to a legitimate discussion on issues?
I know - this will never happen as emotions are too strong. And it sucks.
Gas prices have consistently been 40-100% higher since the day Biden took office.
Store products have consistently been 20-60% higher since the day Biden took office.
Housing prices and costs have soared. Interest rates on mortgage loans as well.
The American taxpayer is paying billions for the care and resettlement of ten plus million illegal migrants. Billions more for foreign wars.
And crime and lawlessness. Lest we forget that.
The decision is easy for me, made possible by Joe Biden.
You forgot to post this: “It is appalling and insulting that Joe Biden’s White House prohibited children from submitting religious egg designs for their Easter Art Event, and declared Easter Sunday as ‘Trans Day of Visibility.’ Sadly, these are just two more examples of the Biden Administration’s years-long assault on the Christian faith. We call on Joe Biden’s failing campaign and White House to issue an apology to the millions of Catholics and Christians across America who believe tomorrow is for one celebration only — the resurrection of Jesus Christ.”-Pres. Donald J. Trump
I will take the guy that doesn't check his watch when brave service members caskets are being brought home. Below is the fact check and video. Not to mention who was at the slain NYPD cops funeral this weekend and the other was hanging out with his rich friends raising money. He was in New York. Why didn't he stop by and pay his respects? That's what kind of a guy Biden is. Lastly you listen to the guy that tells you to pay your fair share of taxes but his own son doesn't.
I look at the 2024 election as a WIN-WIN either way... If Trump loses, that's the end of his political career and hopefully the MAGA knuckleheads will see the light.
If Trump wins, we are rid of Biden and the so-called WOKE crowd.
I'm hoping RFK impacts the election just to piss off both the MAGA & WOKERS !!!
Biden = inflation, high gas prices, no border. terrible foreign relations-war etc. hunter, became a millionaire on a senator salary, turning the country into a woke mess, electric cars what a joke, stop oil and natural gas drilling,and many behind the seems. Who would vote for this?
1:32 What you’re saying is very sensible other than “both men are ill equipped…” . That’s a false equivalency, it’s a binary decision, if you don’t vote for one of them, you’re essentially voting for the other, especially in a tight race.
I’ll vote for a geriatric guy with a foot in the grave over someone three years younger who has a SERIOUS personality disorder & is also financially compromised!
Do we want a dictator or someone in-line with long-standing American values?
White House policy has prohibited this for 50 years … get your information from a real news source. Our government is based on religious values but not any specific religion.
Wow, you’re a gambler!
The president has nothing to do with most of this … you need to study economics.
Not real indictments? That’s what the MAGA brainwashed believe. Do you really believe all the prosecutors and judges who were appointed by both parties prior to Biden coming into office are all under his control? If you do, then you’re on some serious mind-altering, intelligence lowering substances.
3:29- Listen to extremist much and their fake news? Obviously. Transgender Day is March 31st and has been around since 2009. Biden didn't declare it, but it a good decisive talking point for idiots like you. Perhaps, you can pray to Jesus, instead, and tell him to stop changing the date of his resurrection.
Keep blindly believing garbage that snowflakes like the Lynch mob like to spread. Sheep. Bah.
5:42- Trump said on Howard Stern that he had Abortion insurance and contracting STD's was "His Vietnam". You're the "poorly educated" that Trump was talking about.
I can’t think of any logical reason why a knowledgeable Christian or Jew would vote to continue the policies and actions of the present administration. You know, on another site, an anonymous commenter made a point worth considering. In it, the commenter said the recent actions of the current regime in Washington indicates it has no fear in losing voters heading into the next election. That’s a scary thought about our future. You see, I’m one who believes our last elections were fixed.
2:52- You're not too bright, eh? There's a thing called fact-checking. The Easter Egg policy has been in place for has been around 45 years. Trump invoked the policy, too. Transgender Day has been around since 2009. It just so happened to coincide with Easter year.
Your post is Fake News. Melt away snowflake.
Just another indication that the sick and perverted stick together until the end.
I just lost brain cells reading all these MAGAts’ comments. Talk about pure lies and bullshit right from Fox News! Truly a cult of brain dead people.
And it's Easter!! But didn't they do that at Christmas one year?
As you refer to the incompetent moron he served us well for four years
We're not God. Just citizens who wish for good policy. Ignore the men and vote for whose policies you want
I've been saying the exact thing for five years. Trying to talk about policies even with knowledgeable people stills goes back to hating trump as a person. It's so incredibly frustrating that we can't talk about issues. When I do my democratic friends all choose Trump policies!!
Don't forget the free student loan money
“It is appalling and insulting that Joe Biden’s White House prohibited children from "submitting religious egg designs for their Easter Art Event"
A ban that's been in effect for about 45 years.
2:38 - in addition to the I flatiron’s effect on everyone, our youth are having their futures robbed by democrat fiscal policy.
The young will be the ones who end up paying for the mountains of debt that democrats are layering on them, leaving them holding the bag for the democrats’ lack of self control.
Hey S.H. 3:29,
What about United States Capitol Police Officer Brian D. Sicknick who passed away due to injuries sustained while on-duty during the Trump riots.
Officer Sicknick was responding to the riots on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, at the U.S. Capitol and was injured while physically engaging with protesters. He returned to his division office and collapsed
Where was trump? Did he ever pay his respects? Get your facts correct and stop spreading the Republican disinformation.
But you'll take the guy ultimately responsible for the deaths of 4 poorly-equipped Army Rangers in Niger in 2017? You'll take the guy who kept $15 million raised for veterans charities and actually gave only $1 million after a reporter broke the story? You'll take the guy who said that VietNam vets were "stupid" but NeoNazis were "very fine people"? You'll take the guy who said our KIAs were "suckers and losers"? You'll take the guy who knew for 18 months that Vladimir Putin was paying bounties to the Taliban to kill our service people in Afghanistan AND DID NOTHING ABOUT IT???? How about the guy who chose to sit on his fat lazy ass watching TV in the W.H. while 150+ cops were injured doing a better job of defending the Constitution against domestic enemies than he was. If that's the kind of guy you want, your values are seriously warped.
And CNN is no different. Just a different "cult". Actually the decision related to policy could not be more clear in this election
May GOD please Bless Donald Trump!!!!!!!
I’m voting for the candidate who won’t allow another ten million unvetted illegal immigrants to crash our borders and overwhelm our neighborhoods.
What about the Border Patrol officers being attacked every day for the past 3.5 years.
So, will anyone on here write a retraction and apologize for the lies they posted about "Biden's Easter egg policy" or their false narrative about him purposely proclaiming Easter Sunday as National Transgender Day?
Of course not. They'll spin it another way to suit their narrative. What kind of bitter, angry mentality these people have. The Republican party is clearly the party of gripes and victimization.
Don’t know what your fiscal sources are, but they’re wrong…Biden and Democratic policies have consistently aided and worked for the strengthening of the economy for the middle class, hard working classes of our United States.
Wow…Trump is farthest thing from “better “ Christian….get your head out of your ass..He’s a user, fake praying, can’t read bible verse correctly, even holds the Bible upside down without notice. He can’t answer any questions about verse or even psalm that he supposedly reads at night.
Take your fake Christian shiny bobble and toss him into the Dead Sea, with the other worthless sunken items.
You at least got the one thing correct. Trump is and always will be a entitled asshole.
Our representative republic is collapsing all around us. There is much to discuss, evidence to consider, etc. But, we can’t have those talks. Most of us, refuse to have those talks, even if given the opportunity. Instead, too many commenters resort to schoolyard bully tactics, name calling, and lying.
We are surrounded by lying and misinformation. Lying by politicians, government agencies, corporations, the new media, entertainers, doctors, even neighbors and family members. Morality in decline.
It is no longer possible to debate a topic with confidence. So, we don’t. There is no reliable authority in determination of truth. So, we simply deny, we attack, we call others down as if we are children.
Our nation is now lost, mired in confusion. Others taking advantage of us for sure.
Biden beats human mushroom raised in crap.
Uhhh..Trump is an ignorant and incompetent moronic spoiled 2 year old.
Should be easy..Biden actually made policies, Trump can’t spell it.
You will have no Democratic friends left after Trump is done, he wants them dead.
5:35 PM I just lost brain cells reading all these MAGAts’ comments. Talk about pure lies and bullshit right from Fox News! Truly a cult of brain dead people.
Snopes and You Tube are now considered MAGA comments? I backed my issues up with Biden purposely using sources like this so when you call them out I can laugh. So are we now saying that Snopes and You tube are fake news? He checked his watch when brave soldiers were coming home in flag draped caskets. Face it you voted for the guy that does this. And tells you to pay your fare share while his own son doesn't.
If the real time actual photos and reporting of January 6th insurrection attempt and defacing of our Capital isn’t enough to shake you into
what will happen under a Trump administration,
then you should not complain when your freedoms and family ideals as they are now, cease to exist.
930 PM is still going with the now debunked "very fine people hoax". A 2 minute google search and finding Politifact proved you wrong. Quote/link below. Stop watching MSNBC for five minutes and you might learn something. You probably still think Trump colluded w/the Russians.
"So you know what, it’s fine. You’re changing history. You’re changing culture. And you had people -- and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally.
Fact check: it WASNT Biden’s Whitehouse policy, this was also in effect under Trumpy Whitehouse also….get your facts straight ….
Maybe you should try reading.
Let’s hope that those who buy his bible open and read it. Then think about Trump who is the opposite of all those passages. If that happens he has done the country a favor.
8:22am. Wow, thank you. Good to know. Donald J Trump doesn't have a racist bone in his body. He's perfect! The best example of a man, EVER! Next to Jesus, that is.
Good to know.
How’s the border doing for your country? Didn’t have a fucking problem at all with Trump! I hope the illegals infiltrate where you live!
3:48PM Wow, thank you. Good to know. Donald J Trump doesn't have a racist bone in his body. He's perfect! The best example of a man, EVER! Next to Jesus, that is.
You are very welcome least I could do. Trump is not perfect except for that time he eulogized a member of the KKK. OOOOOOOHHHHHHHH WAIT that was Biden. And don't get me started on "if you don't vote for me you ain't black" or the crime bill he passed. Proof below
10:55- I am way more scared of my neighbors with MAGA and Rebel flags hanging off their houses and monster trucks than I am of my illegal cleaning lady and illegal landscapers.
But, yeah, another Fox News talking point, ad Nauseum.
So your anti christ shows up in the form of an 80 year old spray tanned fart and you buy a bible from him?
I still have trouble figuring out how people who call themselves "patriots" denigrate the country so readily. They wear all sorts of terrible stars and stripes clothing with eagles on it, but then spit on the country and their countrymen. I see people say: "Our representative republic is collapsing all around us." What is collapsing? Seems like just another day in America. America. Is. Already. Great.
Rich folks are trying to steer government and regulations to their advantage -- a story old as the nation itself. Immigrants are risking death and imprisonment to find a way into our great and beautiful country. Everyone is free to post pretty much whatever they want on social media, on their house or car, whatever. People who need it have federally-supported health insurance. We help the poor, but not too much. What freedoms has Biden taken away? The only liberty that's been curtailed in the past few years has been related to women's bodies, where lawyers decided that politicians should get involved in medical decisions -- stumped me there. The number of privately owned guns is astounding and totally pointless but still... perfectly legal.
Trump is a con man, and he's got all the MAGA folks conned, scared to the point of screaming at their neighbors, donating all sorts of money to all sorts of shell organizations so Trump can pay his lawyers for his unChristian behaviors. Sad sad foolishness.
I think there's like two Fox News-addled brainwashed Trump supporters in the comments who each post 5x per topic. Lol.
10:42: Wrt UnChristian Behaviors --> Remember when the GOP and the religious right went after Clinton for Lewinski? It was hellfire and brimstone! Ken Starr. The whole deal. Clinton was the devil.
Now Trump is going on trial for using campaign funds during his 2016 campaign to payoff a porn star he doinked while his wife was pregnant, and the right is... crickets! These folks are saying, I won't vote for Trump if he has a felony. But it's ok if he cheated on his pregnant wife with a porn star?! Haha.
8:15 I am way more scared of my neighbors with MAGA and Rebel flags hanging off their houses and monster trucks than I am of my illegal cleaning lady and illegal landscapers.
But, yeah, another Fox News talking point, ad Nauseum.
How about these neighbors? Notice I didn't use Fox news. Is this an ABC news talking point? So easy to dunk on liberals.
10:42- Well said!
8:08- By your response, you indeed referred to Trump as perfect. You start by saying that Trump is "is not perfect" and post examples of Biden's behaviors and guffaws? That's about as oxymoronic as you can get. Melt away snowflake.
Let’s all be honest here, MAGATs only care about crime when black and brown people are committing them. But a fascist nationalist convicted felon gets a pass because why? You guess it, he’s white.
Stop pretending you care about the border and crime and just say the quiet part out loud.
Always amazed to read the sad, pathetic suckers that support Trump. They cry the election was stolen. It wasn't no one, no court was able to find election fraud. But the sad losers continue to believe in the Orange Criminal. They say he is persecuted with false lawsuits, yet way too many of his former supporters, staff members, and cabinet members are now sounding the warning not to vote for Trump. I wonder why? Could it be because it might be true? Could it be he is majorly deranged? Running only to save his own fat, orange ass. He is not out to save America, save the world from abortions, drain the swamp, none of that. Today he walked back his abortion ban. I see the Trump supporters spew ridiculous nonsense and ridiculous theories. Biden took documents like Trump but Trump is being charged. But one said "hey we found some documents, one bragged and showed confidential documents to his clueless donors. These pathetic Trump supporters can;t see reality. But these are the same bozos that photoshop the Orange losers face on Rambo's body.
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