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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Monday, August 19, 2024

Vargo-Heffner Is Acting More Like a Queen Than Council President

As I mentioned in another post today, I can be highly critical of Northampton County Council members. This includes newly elected member Jeff Warren, whose mawkish behavior just drips with saccharine. But he was absolutely correct in a complaint he made at last week's Thursday night meeting. As a Council member, and under the express provisions of the Home Rule Charter (Section 604), he has an absolute right to introduce a resolution. Although consideration can be delayed so that the requirements of the Sunshine Act are met, it must be considered by the body. The Council President has no authority, especially on her own initiative, to indefinitely delay consideration. Yet that's precisely what Lori Vargo Heffner, Council's President, has done. 

Here's her explanation for refusing to place this matter on the agenda for two meetings in a row. "When you brought it up two weeks ago, I stated that I had questions for the administration, and that when I got to have that conversation and got those questions answered, then I would put it on the agenda and not before." She went on to say there was a "back story." 

That "back story", whatever it is, needs the spotlight of a public meeting. 

She has no right, as Council President, to arbitrarily decide to push this off until her questions are answered behind closed doors. This is why we have a Sunshine Act. This is why we have public meetings. 

Vargo-Heffner's refusal to honor the wishes of a duly elected Council member betrays a complete misunderstanding of both her role and the Home Rule Charter. 

In April, Council member Ken Kraft told her, "You're the Queen and we're just your servants." 

She has proved him right. 


Anonymous said...

Warren is a well-known snuck but while long winded (he thinks he's in congress) his complaint has merit. He is right that the council president should not override the rights of members. Hefner appears to be in a constant war with McClure and it may color her judgement. In fairness, McClure and his allies on and off of council have attacked her repeatedly and privately for years. McClure is an autocrat and oozes contempt for an independent council.

However, the President of Council has got be fair and openminded to all council members, while at the same time keeping order with all those personal grips and egos flying around.
Maybe she needs to consider giving up the seat next year.

Bernie O'Hare said...

I personally think she should give it up now. She is defying the HRC, and I find her penchant for doing things behind closed doors instead of out in the public to be quite unsettling.

Anonymous said...

The McClure gang must be worried that she runs for Exec next year.

Anonymous said...

Lori Vargo Heffner isnt just heavy handed, she’s bad with money. She just wants to spend, spend, spend without ever worrying about the consequences. Bills have to be paid, and Lori’s big spending ways we lead to a huge tax increase. Unfortunately, the County can’t stiff its creditors.

Anonymous said...

Lori should resign now. In my opinion she’s corrupt. She had a hospital-sized conflict on interest when the County was considering the Health Center. The Ethics Opinion was very clear, and then she did exactly what the opinion said she could not do.

Anonymous said...

Lori is a lot like Trump. He stiffs his creditors. She refuses to pay her own bills. He uses other people’s money to fly around. She uses other people’s money to fly around. He prefers back room meeting to sunshine. She’s always doing shady deals in her President’s Offfice.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh if you only knew the last several things she has done….but you will eventually.

Anonymous said...

Lori is a walking Conflict of Interest.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding ? They’re praying for it. They know it’s the only definitive way to put a figurative stake through her political heart. And, McClure himself is very muck looking forward to telling everyone all about her.

Anonymous said...

Remember when Kraft, Keegan and Warren ignored a vote, tried to overthrow Council and install that Anthony guy into the vacant County Commissioner/Council position? I don't!

Vladimir Ill-itch said...

People with hyphenated last names are always trouble.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"Remember when Kraft, Keegan and Warren ignored a vote, tried to overthrow Council and install that Anthony guy into the vacant County Commissioner/Council position? I don't!"

I certainly remember and wrote about it extensively. It was quite clear to me that McClure wanted another rubber stamp. I've already stated that I dislike Warren as well. But that is absolutely no justification for LVH's blatant violation of the HRC and her penchant for secrecy. She has no right to stall a Council member's request to place a resolution on the agenda, no matter how goofy, so long as the Sunshine Act is followed. If she has questions about it, as she said she did, the time to ask them is at a meeting in public, not behind closed doors. I believe Warren's resolution calls for the expenditure of public money, so everything should be out in the open. I am outraged at the way she has handled this. She is acting quite imperiously and without any transparency over our money.

Anonymous said...

You know who’s happy with her Presidency ? Goffredo, Brown and Giovanni. Just ask them. They don’t mind any of this.

Anonymous said...

I think she thinks a council president can operate with the secrecy and lack of transparency of a County Execuitve. He can have private policy meeting and council cannot.

Anonymous said...

She's done nothing wrong, unless you have a problem with strong women, single guy. You're single for a reason. Give that spme thought. An admitted racist and demonstrable sexist should STFU about Lori, no?

Bernie O'Hare said...

This post has nothing to do with LVH's sex or my marital status, lol. Nor does race enter the picture here. She has no right to stall when a Council member submits a resolution, as she has done now for a month. I pointed out quite clearly that she is violating the Home Rule Charter. I also am disturbed that she wants to discuss an allocation of public funds in private instead of out in the open.

Anonymous said...

The one thing I will say great about LVH is that she stood up against the Dixie give away

Anonymous said...

Lori Vargo-Heffner. Wasting taxpayers money. Conflicts of Interest. Violating the Gift Ban. Abusing Power. Empowering MAGA Republicans. Lori must go.

Bernie O'Hare said...

How has LVH violated the gift ban? Be specific. You also mention conflicts (plural) of interest. Name them, please.

Anonymous said...

And here lies the problem Lori. You go on attack mode and you get personal and unhinged and vindictive. You hold onto grudges and they effect all of your decisions. If you cant control your emotions and be an adult, you should not be a public official. In fact you really have no business being in the mental health field.

Anonymous said...

She uses her position to get things all of the time. Too many to list. Investigate it Bernie. Also, ask her where she got her gavel.

Bernie O'Hare said...

You have noy answered my questions. Name one or two examples of how she violated the gift ban. Name one example of a conflict of interest other than her opposition to the health center while working for St. Lukes. You are making general accusations anonymously and not backing them up. If there were actual facts, she has enough enemy that I would know by now. I am calling you a liar at this point.

Anonymous said...

Mr. O'Hare, I hope you have noticed the vicious and vindictive attacks on Ms. Hefner. All are inspired by your pal Mc Clure. He is vindictive and unable to deal with people who are not subject to his whims. The trolls he empowers are as cruel and heartless as him. Shame!

Anonymous said...

If Lori Vargo weren’t so contemptuous of the Home Rule Charter and the Sunshine Act, she probably wouldn’t have to endure posts and comments like this and these.

Anonymous said...

Such slander. Why bring her personal finances up & how would you even know? Are you stalking her ? Her personal finances are none of our business. You are making false accusations.