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Thursday, August 15, 2024

Baratta Taps Bethlehem's Former Police Comm'r as NorCo Prosecutor

During a brief committee meeting of Northampton County Council yesterday afternoon, DA Steve Baratta announced that he has hired Frank Donchez, Bethlehem's former Police Comm'r, as an assistant prosecutor. 

Donchez, a 2001 graduate of Temple Law, served on Bethlehem's police department for 25 years (1985-2006). He practiced law in Bethlehem for six years before serving stints as police chief in Davenport, Ia (2008-2014) and Overland Park, Ka. 9 years). He is also a licensed pilot. 

Because he was hiring an assistant DA to an existing position, Baratta was a bit confused about why he was in front of council. Apparently, the reason is because the position involves a three-step upgrade from $67,828 to $77,403. Under the Administrative Code, a three-step upgrade requires County Council approval. 

Council member Kelly Keegan, obviously taking her cues from Executive Lamont McClure, questioned the need for a $10,000 3-sstep increase. The answer to that question should be just as obvious. Donchez is an experienced attorney with decades of experience as a police officer and as a chief.  

Keegan also complained that Donchez would be eligible for a pension after five years. 

Baratta noted that Donchez' salary would still be below the starting salary of an assistant public defender. 


Anonymous said...

Hey O'Hare, you should ask Comrade Ms. Keegan if she was aware of how county council approved Charles Dertinger for his post. I believe McClure demanded he be brought in steps above what was normal. Council did it but there seems to be a double standard. She should ask her Lord and master McClure about that, before she mindlessly follows his orders.

Anonymous said...

NORCO council - like most politicians - just one constant pissing contest

Anonymous said...

They're there for themselves not we the people. Vote them out next time!

Anonymous said...

NOONE...liked him in bethlehem so why not keep paying these x-cops on top of all their pensions....need to hire some young blood

Kelly Keegan said...

I don’t need Lamont to tell me what to think or what to say. It is really insulting to me that you think I do not have my own opinions and thoughts, and it is obnoxious that you continue to assume these things. If you cared about this county, you wouldn’t constantly pit the commissioners against each other and that’s exactly what you do. I don’t care what you or anyone else say about me as long as it’s correct and not lies.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Kelly Keegan, I call it as I see it and you march to the drumbeat of McClure. I don't give a shit whether you feel insulted. I don't pit Council members against each other. You do that on your own.

Anonymous said...

In Bethslum all of council besides Smith and Callahan are totally in cahoots with Willie and his outrageous agenda. Most citizens know that he is only out for future votes.

Anonymous said...

Did Mr. Donchez practice law while he was working as police officer? If he graduated in 2001 with a law degree and practiced for six years, that brings us to 2007, meaning his work as a lawyer coincided with is work in law enforcement. What was his line of expertise in law? I would think it would be hard to work both jobs at the same time -- especially if giving one's all to both positions. The job hopping in law enforcement is a red flag for me, too, because it sure seems to me that he is chasing a paycheck. Big whoop that he is a pilot. I know several pilots and that is just a sign of a big ego.

Anonymous said...

Birds of a feather comes to mind because this guy sounds like a major tool, just like his new boss. A quick Google search is anything but complimentary (from dissing a grieving mother to hitting a woman in a wheelchair with his car). So glad to have this dud in Northampton County.

Anonymous said...

BO, these liberals like Kelly are ALWAYS offended by someone or something. Gawd, they are the most unhappy ppl on the planet.

Anonymous said...

"A quick Google search is anything but complimentary (from dissing a grieving mother to hitting a woman in a wheelchair with his car). So glad to have this dud in Northampton County."

This can't be true. No guy who pretends to be honorable acts like this. That ass should be in jail in general pop. Bernie, take this down if untrue. There's no way he gets to participate in decent society with a record like this. These accusations must be false and you're letting them stand???? Tell us they're untrue and delete the outrageous post.