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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Friday, August 09, 2024

NorCo GPA Takes No Action on Dixie Land Transfer

In May, Skyline Investment Group representatives were at the NorCo's General Purpose Authority (GPA) meeting. Wilson Borough actually owns a small triangular piece shown on the tax map you see above as 1C-1. It is 0.35 acres located along the eastern side of 25th Street and is actually the beginning of a bike path that extends from the Palmer Bike path and hooks up with the Tatamy Trail. According to Claudia Robinson, who is actually a tax credit maven employed by an outfit called AreaProbe, Skyline plans to move the giant Dixie Cup currently on top of the vacant factory and plant it next to the bike path, where people could ooh and ahh at its wonder. 

But there's a problem. Wilson Borough is unable to convey directly to Skyline unless it first conducts an auction at which anyone could bid to buy the tract. This could complicate Robinson in her quest to attract private equity with promises of an historic tax credit. 

To foreclose the possibility that someone other than Skyline gets this tract, the Borough could convey to the county GPA, which in turn would munificently turn it over to Skyline. That way the law against this kind of insider dealing would be followed even though the spirit of the law would clearly be ignored. 

In July, the GPA tabled this land transfer because Wilson Borough itself had yet to take action.  Though Wilson Borough has since authorized the transfer, the GPA took no action at all at their meeting yesterday. 


Anonymous said...

I want that land for my monument. I deserve a fair and legal opportunity to bid on it. I'm thinking a Columbus statue dedicated to Tampon Tim. But it could be avowed racist and Democratic Party lion, Woodrow Wilson. Hold the legally required bid or I'll sue the shit out of you.

Anonymous said...

Great project ! It will lead to 200 hundred good paying construction jobs.

Anonymous said...

With this 200 million dollar redevelopment of a brown field, Mayor Barrett is single-handedly leading the revitalization of Wilson Boro. Great job Mayor !

Anonymous said...

Never has so many done so little

Anonymous said...

The people of Wilson Borough are demanding action and they’re demanding it now !

Anonymous said...

Fixing the Cup is going to bring in tons of EIT and LST tax money to Wilson. Way to go Mayor Barrett !

Anonymous said...

You people don't know what you are talking about. This is a Lamont McClure project. If you don't believe me, just ask him.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the pr firm is at work today. Do it without my tax money.

Anonymous said...

I gladly buy it and sell it to them!

Anonymous said...

Wilson School District will lose big time. The 20 years without increase taxes. Bad project Skyline will default on it.

Anonymous said...

All of these comments are coming from
Silverline and the Bartee scam team. They are trying to bamboozle the public into thinking that this is good for the community when it’s actually a total scam and an obscene waste of tax payer money. Mayor Barrett is an idiot for going along with this but no one ever accused him of being smart. Time will prove him to be an idiot when it never gets done and Bartee fleeces the taxpayers of $29m. Let’s pray that Vargo-Heffner, Giovanni, Heckman, Goffredo and Brown have the backbone to stand up to McClure and vote against this colossal waste of money!

Anonymous said...

Obvious McClure and his cronies posting. He is pushing this waste of taxpayer money. Another photo op? Press conference? Contributions? Who knows but this is one of the shadiest deals the county ever entertained. Even with the shadiest county executive ever.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:32 hit it right on the button. If the school board signs on to not receive any tax dollars for Dixe for 20 years , those board members will go down as the dumbest in history. It’s a HORRIBLE deal for the Wilson School Board and their students

Anonymous said...

Sell the Dixie site to Nate Hyman. He will turn it into a beautiful complex with his own money.

Anonymous said...

Wilson doesn't exactly produce the smartest people. They're hamstrung by being Wilson people from Wilson. They will make this mistake because they're just dumb. Name those Wilsonites who've gone on to great things and improved humanity. Take your time.

Anonymous said...

Reibman: Do something right for once and just sell the damn building to Hyman!

Anonymous said...

I just read your post. It is by far one of the dumber, broad brush, defamatory, condescending, arrogant statements I have ever seen on BOH’s blog. And that’s saying something!