Local Government TV

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

NorCo GOP Candidate Steve Lynch Makes Last Minute Attacks From Gracedale

Northampton County's GOP Exec candidate, Steve Lynch, took his campaign to the grounds of Gracedale on a balmy Monday afternoon. He spoke in front of an admiring throng of about 40 supporters who brought American and "Steve Lynch" flags. Although he failed to recognize them, his rally was also attended by former Exec John Brown and County Council hopeful Annamarie Robertone. 

The news conference was supposed to be about the terrible conditions at Gracedale, but as is his habit, Lynch wandered into other areas during the course of his news conference, at which he refused to accept questions from me.

Gracedale. - The County owned nursing home is under a magnifying glass. It receives plenty of oversight by a citizens' advisory panel, County Council and the state Department of Health, which investigates all complaints., Lynch is nevertheless calling for yet another investigation.  

The picture painted by Lynch and Stacy Soldo, a terminated former housekeeper, is one of neglect and elder abuse, with residents lying in their urine for two hours while one hapless nurse's aide handles 50 residents. 

Understaffing is undoubtedly an issue at Gracedale. It has been discussed in numerous meetings and Administrators have pulled out all the stops to recruit more people. 

The picture painted by Lynch and Soldo, while disturbing, is largely fictional. What Lynch failed to note, most likely because he does not know it, is that understaffing became an issue at Gracedale because former Exec John Brown imposed a de facto hiring freeze combined with reduced benefits.  That's also when the home dropped to a one-star rating (much below average).     

JohnBrown would like to return as a member of County Council.
Soldo made it sound as though one aide for 50 residents is the norm. That's simply untrue. Soldo also complained about an uncaring Administrator who is getting paid to work from home. That's also untrue. Jennifer Stewart King, Gracedale's Administrator, started at the bottom as a nurse's aide. She worked her way up to become Administrator. She might or might not be the best Gracedale ever had, but is definitely the hardest worker. She often sleeps on a couch there. When the home is short on staff, she will herself participate in feeding and caring for residents, including changing their bed pans.

Soldo has yet to explain why she was fired. It is pretty clear to me that she bears a personal grudge against McClure and Jennifer Stewart-King. Also, it needs to be pointed out that Soldo is basically a janitor. She and has no expertise on administration or nursing. 

Political interference at Gracedale. -  Lynch also complained about a letter that Jennifer Stewart-King wrote to residents when Republican Council members sent a flyer depicting Gracedale as "crumbling  off a cliff." This scared numerous elderly residents and Stewart-King was merely assuring them and their loved ones that there's no need for alarm. She has every right to protect the home's reputation. 

Ironically, Lynch calls for an investigation into electioneering from a county-owned facility while he himself was electioneering on the grounds of that very same facility. 

Republican Council mailers in Gracedale shredder. - Lynch claimed that he has video proof that mailers by Republican Council candidates are being put in the shredder before being seen by residents. Obviously, any attempt to interfere with the mail is both an election law violation and federal crime. But Lynch provides no details. No names, no dates, no photos and no video. It is unclear to me whether these were found in a shredder after a resident read and discarded the mailer.   I know I toss most of the mailers I get. 

Usurping the Elections Comm'n. - Lynch seems to think the Elections Comm'n is entitled to hire whomever it wants and buy whatever it wants and the county has no say. This is just wrong. County Council has the power of the purse, not the Elections Commission. The Home Rule Charter establishes a career service, not the Elections Comm'n. Lynch seems to think that the Elections Comm'n should operate as an unelected and independent fiefdom, accountable to no one.That is simply ridiculous. 

The Elections Commission administers the election, but does so in accordance with other laws. So while I do think that drop box times are their call, the purchase of any equipment and the hiring of personnel is the County's function. 

I agree there are ambiguities in the Home Rule Charter, but that has nothing to do with McClure.  

Illegal Immigrants. - Lynch referred to the bail revocation hearing last week of a Honduran immigrant facing felony assault charges. Bail was revoked and the Defendant is in jail, incidentally. During that hearing, Lynch claims that the Ass't DA advised that the McClure administration refuses to "report" this matter to ICE. 

I believe the Assistant DA likely made no such representation. I'd have to see the transcript, something Lynch failed to produce. 

Moreover, I am unaware of any DA who is bound by what an Executive advises. Certainly not Terry Houck, who is definitely his own man. 

Here's what I do know. ICE agents had an increasingly nasty habit of ambushing illegal aliens when they appeared at the courthouse and carting them off. This interferes with and has a chilling effect on an individual's willingness to come to a courthouse and cooperate with law enforcement.  In fact, the practice of making civil immigration arrests at the courthouse has been banned by the Department of Homeland Security.  

McClure's policy on civil immigration arrests is contained in an executive order from 2020. It simply provides that no civil immigration arrest can be made unless a warrant is first provided to the Sheriff and jail. This is perfectly reasonable. ICE agents are almost always in plain clothes. If an arrest is attempted and Deputy Sheriffs and corrections officers know noting about it, they could get the wrong idea and hurt the ICE agent. or an innocent member of the public.  

Lynch accused McClure of refusing to keep Defendants when requested to do so by ICE. As a you can see from McClure's Executive Order, it specifically provides that an immigrant must be held if a detainer is lodged. 

When Lynch was done, he walked towards his admirers. "Good job!" gushed Council hopeful Robertone to Lynch. 
Not if you know anything about county government. 


  1. The republicans in the county have gone off the rails. They are not electable. This is not January 6th. Get a grip. People please don't screw up our vital services by electing these clowns.

  2. Thank you for covering this event, Bernie. I appreciate your reporting.

  3. Bernie, as an employee in Gracedale, you are a hundred percent correct. Are we understaffed? Of course we are, but the residents are well taken care for and are happy for the most part. Lynch and Stacy are just spreading lies about Gracedale and the majority of residents don’t support Lynch.

  4. I'm not into northampton's politics. I have no idea who is a better candidate. I was a contracted nurse who went to Gracedale (So I'm not even a Northampton employee) on and off for the past 10 years.
    I am shocked at the comments about Stacy and Stewart-King. It's untrue. I've never seen the administration work on the floor. I don't even know what Stuart King looks like. The DON created a hostile work and her administration is known for threatening employees. The staffing issues are true. Residents are suffering. There isn't enough staff to properly take care of them. I've personally seen one CNA to 30-50 people. They've attempted to make me work on a floor as the only nurse for 50 people. Nursing supervisors are working the floor, so there's no one to deal with major issues.
    The place is crumbling. The residents are suffering terribly. And I'm amazed that people are playing politics and instead of helping our most vulnerable population.

  5. McClure and council (who initially hid and refused to even meet; doing so later embarrassing tech problems) should properly face a voters' verdict on the disgraceful mismanagement, loss of life, and inhumane treatment at Gracedale. Those resident were not treated like our "most precious asset." They were treated like they were already dead, expendable, and nobody cared. No incumbent in county government R or D, should be returned to office after what they did - and failed to do to protect our elderly.

  6. I have been with Gracedale for over 30 years and I don't comment much but I feel I need to express my support of Jennifer Stewart King and Bryan Dumlap as well as all employees at Gracedale.

    The public needs to know that administration at Gracedale has done its very best for the facility as a whole under such difficult times. We are facing the same problems as other services and industries, whether public or private have taken on. Nothing is perfect, but administration has not lost sight of what is most important which is our resident care, safety and comfort. That needs to be recognized. This administration should not be critized for things they can't control.

    I also want the nursing employees to know that you are very special and what I've seen over the past couple of years is a ton of compassion, empathy, care and love towards the residents under the tough times you're going through.

    Kudos to the ancillary departments who have been just as important with their responsibilities and also stepping up in anyway they can help under these trying times.

    I know we all believe in each other and that the most important matter is our residents daily care and happiness. This is what all of you have done and committed to do from top to bottom. That is the truth! I I couldn't be more proud of all of you.

    I also want to thank HR as well as the McClure administration or doing their best to help direct this facility under these tough times.

    1. Said as a true administrative staff member should

  7. So far I'm hearing from just about everyone except the patients themselves.

  8. McClure has actually bused residents to county council meetings before the pandemic. They do speak out and are more than willing to discuss problems.

  9. No one is denying that understaffing is an issue, but a Stacy Soldo is grinding an ax.

  10. Its almost hilarious the level of political amateurism that the Lynch campaign has displayed from the start.

    Step 1 = GOP/Lynch attempt to mimic Trump in an attempt to piggyback "The Base".

    Step 2 = Lots of Lynch grandstanding and "bold statements", but none of it relevant to local election.

    Polling and merch sales indicate its not totally working for him.

    Finally in the homestretch of the entire process he starts agitating about Gracedale in what is an obvious and shameless attempt to attract older county voters on an issue they thinks resonates broadly with that demographic in the county.

    Lynch/Snover/GOP thinks we are all idiots.

    The above illustrates exactly what sort of clown car any potential "Lynch Administration" would be considering he'd have to appoint some of the people who helped him on the campaign to assist him in running the county.

  11. I don’t know Bernie, I can’t wait to attend the “Steve Lynch’s Style” white supremacy rally, I mean PATRIOT rally on the 29th where every single klan member, I mean PATRIOT, will be wishing we were all back in 1776…

  12. When you have nothing to offer for a solution you complain about other things other things that have no real way of resolution like Lynch is doing with Gracedale. If he was really about fixing and promoting the positive he would be putting out ideas and options instead of badmouthing, bashing, and denigrating things and those he choses.

    If you listen to the opening of his press conference he only states that he "will lay out accusations" and never mentions any ideas on how to fix things.

    I was taught along time ago that if you have a problem or find a problem you should be cautious about coming to the table with it unless you have a proposal and/or option for a solution. If not you have not given it any more thought then complaining about it. You are more worried about your own voice and attention then you are the problem.

  13. Hey here is an idea Let's solve the Gracedale problem and raise everyone's taxes in the county 1% of your annual income per capita and send all that money to Gracedale so them can resolve their staffing problem.

    1. Are you outta your fucking mind?

  14. Was Stacy in time to this press conference might be the first time ever she was at Gracedale when she said she was there. Was that too soon Ms. Soldo?

  15. He should just stick with being the best at exercising.

  16. @11:32 - This has what the Republican Party has become. A large group of loud whiny semi educated white guys who think all their problems are because of someone else. Its the "Everyone gets a trophy - you're special!" generation coming home to roost.

    It's not like Dems are any great shakes either, but the utter disgust at what the GOP has become leaves me politically homeless. There truly is a need for a Moderate/Centrist/Common Sense party to be formed and get these dipshit skidmarks off to the sidelines where they belong...

  17. GRACEDALE needs to go. The elderly are being held hostage by a political shit show run by idiot politicians related to $$$$ . We saw enough what the dems did to the elderly during covid. Get back to running gov't and a clean court system.

  18. Despite the alleged poor management as some employees state the issue is the resident care. Staffing was a problem long ago but not near what it has become. Some lost staff due to covid others to salary. Closing units was a necessary step. Now it's time to do what I think on occasion they are doing which is stop admissions. Determine the number of residents they can actually care for well and adjust the census to the actual number of staff they have. Too many years of overtime and staffing issues. Make the home the size they can manage and maybe they'll see five star home one day. That is the answer no one wants to hear but it's the only way to fix it.

  19. Rich lawyer sent me three vicious hit pieces on a working guy with special needs daughter. Lamont McClure, is this who you are? Holy shit! I can't believe what I pulled from my mailbox. Low down and hateful. Seriously, a special needs daughter of struggling parents? Wow. Just wow. And he's your buddy. Yep.

    1. That’s a lot of gaslighting you’re doing here.

      Steve Lynch recorded about a hundred videos personally attacking McClure and he can’t defend himself?

      If Lynch cants stand the heat he brought to this race, we’ll, you know what he can do…

  20. Lynch's inability to manage his finances is one of many factors to consider in electing someone who is going to be entrusted with a $400 million budget. He tries to blame Obama and his special needs daughter for his shortcomings while hiding behind his wife's skirt. The simple reality is that he failed to manage his own finances and now is playing the blame game. I know for a fact that he has stiffed several others. Maybe I should write a story about that as well.

  21. You claim a black grand something and slam special needs parents. Fuck off you affected racist piece of shit. Steal from more clients, fall off the wagon and drink yourself to death in front of the affected black grand whatever. You deserve nothing less. He knows what a fuck you really are. He'd be relieved and humored.

  22. Imagine a world where your business fails and it’s tough to pay your bills, and you no longer have a consistent income, but then one of your children develops a congenital health disorder, and you struggle to pay your bills. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT THE LEFT IS FIGHTING FOR! We want free or subsidized health care that Steve Lynch would have benefited from when his daughter got sick.

    Steve Lynch, where were all the millionaire politicians that you are fighting for when your child was sick and you racked up medical bills? Were there there to help you pay your bills? Because you do know that there are programs in hospitals that help pay for those bills if you’re struggling? And guess who developed those programs? DEMOCRATS not republicans. Stop voting against your own interest and understand that the Republican elite DO NOT CARE about you, they just want your vote so they can stay in power and exploit the working class.

    Stop the madness Steve, you’re on the wrong side of history.

  23. Is that Robertone the same woman from Nazareth Ambulance days? Lol what a hot mess she is. No wonder she supports a wack job like this screwball Lunch. Look at Lynch and u have to ask yourself who ties this clowns shoes Evey morning. Lol what a tool

  24. The mailer that McClure sent an you support attacking Mr. Lynch's family is cruel. I agree with his video. His wife is hurt and it impacted their special needs child, It confirms the stories about how cruel and mean McClure can be. Shame on him!

  25. Amber Lynch should be more worried about Stacy Soldo, who seems to have an obsessive crush on her husband, following him everywhere he goes.

    Didn’t know politicians had groupies.

  26. I like Lynch and think attacking disabled children and their families is beyond the pale. Going negative takes both sides down. The calculation is that the aggressor inflicts more damage than he/she does to him/herself. Dangerous game when the incumbent was supposed to be a shoo-in.

    1. Do you just make this shit up in your head and believe it? No where did McClure ever attack his daughter you dumb fuck, take your tin-foil hat off and watch the video again.

  27. I don't care for either candidate, but Mcloser is showing how desperate and how hate filled and vindictive of a person he is with all the negative mailings. Just like how he treated many employees when he came to office in 2018.Many of us have not forgotten . Simply pitiful , or may I say shameful. Norco Doesn't need him or a radical in this office. WE DESERVE BETTER

  28. McClure launched no attack against Lynch's special needs daughter. He instead attacked Lynch for his financial irresponsibility. He does not pay bills. Lynch blamed ObaMA, his special needs daughter and then the tough guy hid behind his wife's skirt. This is the kind of behavior I see in derelicts and con men. They always have an excuse for being a day late and a dollar short. They are not above dragging their family into these matters, which is exactly what the real man did. Lynch is a ridiculous candidate all the way around, and McClure is making the public aware that, in addition to being a thug, Lynch is a bum. And we now know that he hides behind his wife's skirt.

  29. The mailers were shredded at least for some residents. This is a crime that needs to be investigated. No matter your party this is wrong and as you mentioned a federal crime. Will be appropriately reported to regulatory with names which is the appropriate route

  30. It is a crime, both federal and state, if the mailers were shredded before they were delivered. If they were delivered and a resident threw them out, then this is much ado about nothing. By all means, you should report this to the United States Postal Inspection Service and to the District Attorney's Office. They have the means to get to the bottom of this and find out what happened. If Administrators felt they needed to send a letter to residents about a mailer that described Gracedale as crumbling off a cliff, that indicates to me that they thought the mailer was being delivered. But it is certainly possible that some employees were offended by the mailer, took it personally and reacted criminally. I personally think it unlikely, but I believe the cameras in place inside the nursing home should make it easy for investigators to determine what happened and if anyone is responsible. I think what is most likely is that mailers were shredded after being discarded by residents. Interfering with an election message, whether it is a sign or a mailer, is pretty low.

  31. I know I'm late to this discussion, but unless there is literally a 1,000 or more untouched, stacked flyers in the dumpster, the likelihood that there is some nefarious plot and destruction of campaign mailers is minimal.

    Based on the # of residents, its pretty safe to assume all the mail comes in to the building in some bulk format, then gets distributed around the facility, where its read, glanced at or immediately dumped in the nearest trash bin. Trash is then collected around the facility later that day or the next and ends up in one location in the building. If all the mailers "hit" Gracedale on or about the same day, its pretty safe to assume you would see a bunch of similar looking trash collected soon after. I highly doubt folks are pinning up McClure or Lynch postcards on their walls over there...

  32. It is against the law to interfere both on a state and federal level with a residents mail. There is also a DOH regulation related to interference with mail. As a resident has the right to receive mail. It isn't about the political point that someone was making. It's about every residents right to receive their own mail. Shredding it before they receive it which was bragged about by the person doing it Is simply illegal and a regulatory issue. No matter what the content of the mail

  33. If someone bragged to you that he or she did this, I told you before to report this person to the DA and USPS.

  34. Article III, section 3, clause 1 of the Constitution of the United States of America: "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000"

    There's no grey area here, the January 6th videos are easy to find, Steve F Lynch has committed treason against the United States of America. His attacks on our elected School Boards, as well as his refusal to accept a loss on November 2nd shows his lack of remorse, as well as a continued hatred of American Democracy and our way of life. Punishment for his involvement and likely violent attacks on Congressional Officers on January 6th should be met with revocation of his freedoms, and swift and powerful justice.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.