Local Government TV

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Why I Voted for All Five Democratic County Council Candidates

If you've received the mailers from Republican County Council candidates, you might notice that they were a tad harsh on Democratic Council member Tara Zrinski. You may also notice that the source cited most often for these criticisms is this very blog. And with good reason. I've been highly critical of her on Council and repeatedly took her to task for her failure to make the transition from environmental activist to county legislator. She repeatedly injected Council in matters where it had no business and was clearly out of touch with the pulse of most of the people she represents. I was particularly irked by her plastic straw ban, which was not really a ban and does nothing to solve increasing pollution or our climate.  Believe it or not, I voted for her. In fact, I voted for each of the five Democrats - Patti Bruno, Ron Heckman, Lori Vargo-Heffner, Bill McGee and Tara Zrinski - in this race. Let me explain why. 

Ordinarily, I split my ballot. I often vote for more Republicans than Democrats. And to be honest, I've been harsh with each of these five Democrats. But when it comes to transparency and accountability, there simply is no contest. I had to vote for them. Republican Council members gave me no choice. 

In advance of this election, I sent a questionnaire to all of the 10 candidates seeking a seat on NorCo Council. I timed it so I could publish their answers just as mail-in ballots (MIBs) were being sent to you. I had no problem making contact with the Democratic Council candidates. They have all publicly posted email addresses and even phone numbers so they could be contacted. With Republicans, it was much more difficult/ While John Goffredo and Annamarie Robertone posted their email addresses, the others were more private. I had John Brown's private email address from when he was Executive, but was forced to use Facebook to try to contact Kristin Lorah Soldridge and Nicole Romanshin. I did make repeated attempts with them all and heard nothing. Not one of them even had the courtesy to acknowledge receiving the questionnaire. 

I received replies from all five Democratic candidates within a week of sending out my questionnaire. This is by no means unusual. Over the past four years, I've sent each of the four incumbents several nastygrams on various issues they were considering. In all cases, I received replies within a day or two. I know they disliked what I was telling them, but their willingness to respond reflects both transparency and accountability. Those qualities matter more to me than a stance on a given issue. IfI only voted for someone who agrees with me, I'd be voting for no one.

In the case of Tara Zrinski, she was a very vocal advocate of what I consider the fringe left of the Democratic party. But I think she learned from her loss in the State Rep race to Ann Flood. She was a bit more subdued. She began addressing county issues. She spoke up for county employees, who are underpaid and, in some cases, overworked    

What surprised me most was her willingness to meet with residents of the Oliver Border House. Those are mostly senior residents and mostly Republican. But when they complained about living conditions, rightly or wrongly, Zrinski made it a point to visit with them several times and brought the matter to County Council. She did her job. 

I've been critical of Vargo-Heffner because she can be snarky. That might be a good quality in a blogger, but not in a Council member. But recently, when Peg Ferraro got verbally attacked in the back room by another Council member, it is Vargo-Heffner who called Peg several times to make sure she was OK. That's a good side of Vargo-Heffner about which I knew nothing. 

As for Ron Heckman, he is one of a handful of people who understands county government, along with giants like Frank Flisser, Jerry Seyfried and Ron Angle. He is one of trhe few who knows precisely how a County Council van be a check on the Exec.

Bill McGee has actively inserted himself into a number of important roles, especially with economic development and the Lehigh Valley Planning Comm'n. He is quiet but very dedicated. He drafted a responsible contractor ordinance that survived a challenge ion federal court. He is an advocate for a living wage, and hopefully will push this for county employees. 

Patti Bruno is a first-time candidate but has experience in managing several campaigns. She has answered every email sent to her.    

The most important reason why I voted for each of the five Demoratic Council candidates is that they each condemned the fascism represented by Steve Lynch. He actually threatened to bring 20 strong men to remove Northampton School Directors simply because they refused to do his bidding. 

Before he was hung by Adolph Hitler, German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. ot to act is to act.” In refusing tio condemn Steve Lynch's threatening remarks to a democratically elected school board., Republican Council candidates were silent  in the face if evil. 


  1. Voted for Heckman, Bruno and McGee. Can't abide by Zirinski. I have heard her speeches and it is always, ".I.I.."., she basically tells everyone she is bigger than the office. An extreme left wing whacko. She is still too far left and gloats over union jobs lost by the pipeline stopping. She still does not seem to understand what county government is and only sees it as a platform for her state races. Hefner comes off as too harsh and snappy. She loves being the boss but is at times mean and a bit of a know it all. Both she and Zirinski play up the woman card far too often. Forget playing gender wars and do your job. McGee comes off as decent and good if a bit unclear on issues. Bruno likes Houck and I will give her a one term chance. Problem is only Heckman has any long term experience and knowledge of county government(I think he ran a county department like Gracedale in the past) and if he goes down the dems only have republican Cusick to rely on.

    You are right about the republican candidates, I split tickets but this is hard since they won't repudiate the whack job Lynch. They also think this is 2020 Trump allover again I just wish I could vote for Zirinsli and Hefner but they just don't appear to understand their roles in local government or humility. Also please remind people about the John Brownstain record. He has handouts that are all lies. People forget what a disaster he was as a county executive. I wish the guy would get a job but I think he is unemployable. With all the attention on McClure and Lynch, many are unaware of the county council people and how important they are in their roles as legislators like a city council.

    Thank you for your update!

    No question Lynch cannot be elected. Maybe you are right about the republican candidates being neither experienced and too extreme.

    Whomever wins I hope they hold McClure's feet to the fire. Not all but many of them seem to be afraid pf him and are just to quick to go along with his every whim. Should be interesting. County people are watching.

  2. I can never, ever vote for baby-killing Democrats. You find me a prolife Democrat, and I'll consider voting for him or her. As far as I can recall, former Gov. Casey was the only one to fit the bill.

  3. Very perceptive comment and I agree that executive power on all levels has become far too monarchical, The founders were very concerned about absolute rulers.

  4. People deserve what is going on in this country look what the democratic party is doing to America Yet people brag they are voting for the party that is killing America on every level and every issue. Bernie will not print this because he part of the media who is coverung up for his left wing party that is destroying our way of life.

  5. Hmm. I'm voting straight Republican. Dems support Joe Biden.

  6. Voted for all five Ds. Thanks for the article, mail in ballot in the mailbox

  7. Why I vote for all republicans--afganistan and other foreign policy, the border, gas and oil prizes, inflation wow crime and overall poor policy by dems also they will spend spend spend our money they mare total failures

  8. DOes this blog give all points of view--I do not think so--this is a far left production.

  9. How about a Republican view???

  10. A vote for a democrat is vote against our way of life.

  11. The dems want to put the FBI on parents they want the Banks to watch money $600.00- WHo would vote for a dem--must have issues

  12. The dems lie all the time Bernie you know that is true

  13. Who killed all those people with covid not Trump He provided safe places but Como Wolf and Murphy did not use them They are killers and you know it

  14. I suspect you've always been more of a one lever puller than you admit. This post is surprising to nobody, especially given your journey into fringe nuttiness over the last two years. This is a dog bites man post.

  15. What an extremely useless posting. As if even casual readers would find this earth shattering and unexpected. I believe I shall wait until next Tuesday, take the vital and important trip to the polls, carefully examine the ballot, and do what I think best by not following popular opinion and impersonating a trained sheep.

  16. Registered Independent, and life long ticket splitter. Any other year I wouldn't vote for Zirinski, but will do so this year.

    Republican Party needs to retreat, regroup and reassess what it is and what it wants to do and be as a political party, because right now it is completely devoid of thought and ideals that stand for anything other than, "We hate other Americans who are Democrats".

    Bernie offered ALL candidates the opportunity to respond in writing - something easily verifiable by CC'ing their responses to other media outlets beyond this blog so that their words couldn't be changed or distorted. They passed on that opportunity.

    Sadly the GOP candidates, were unwilling or afraid to venture into a forum they deemed to be too unfriendly to their respective agendas. THAT is a major RED FLAG for any potential elected official, because the reality is and will always be that you are elected to represent ALL of the people, not just those who vote for you.

    Clearly there are individuals and commentors on this blog who support Republicans. Anyone who has read this blog for more than 5 years is well aware that Bernie is an equal opportunity attack dog that is color blind to person or party. So for Republican candidates to avoid a blog and any other major local public news sources because "the mainstream media is biased" is simple cowardice.

    You don't deserve a vote if you don't have the courage to state your position, and more importantly, listen and answer to counter arguments against your position.

  17. @7:21 - "Why I vote for all republicans--afganistan and other foreign policy, the border, gas and oil prizes, inflation wow crime and overall poor policy by dems also they will spend spend spend our money they mare total failures"

    And absolutely NONE of the above has jack shit to do with Northampton County government.

    Instead of ID requirements at the polls, I would advocate for a quick 5 question Basic Civics quiz before allowing the voter to proceed. Weed out the dummies and mouth breathers.

  18. 10:27 - As I was making my way down the page of comments this was the exact same thought I had. Plenty of jackasses that know the facts because they crosschecked them with their feelings. If these narrow minds really knew how government worked they would have no love for either party. Stick to football and pro wrestling please.

  19. @10:27 - "And absolutely NONE of the above has jack shit to do with Northampton County government.

    Instead of ID requirements at the polls, I would advocate for a quick 5 question Basic Civics quiz before allowing the voter to proceed. Weed out the dummies and mouth breathers."

    AMEN!! Why the hell would you base your vote in a local election on your feelings around foreign policy??? If you do, you're a world class moron.

  20. Pretty assuming to feel neglected when republicans refuse to play your non-partisan game. They have seen this show too many times in recent years to engage in this dog and pony show. Just admit that you are di-hard dem and support the socialist revolution. You would garner more respect if you would just be honest.

  21. I voted for all the Democrats because I wanted to do the same thing over again expecting different results.

  22. 7:32 Trump had nothing to do with COVID because it was all a hoax to him except when he had a problem with it and got treatment almost no-one else ever could. IF it was a hoax and a joke and would mysteriously have gone away he should have never sought any treatment as it was all a made believe thing.

    Typical of people like him. Do as I want you to do and tell you to do but do not ever in your wildest dreams expect me to have to live by the same rules.

  23. @1:21 You need to wake up. You probably have added to the death toll in your habits throughout life. And remember Christians for years have had the policy of convert or die. And it continues to happen in many third world countries where those same so called religious zealots and self describers of life like yourself demand you come to my church or you get nothing and no help from us.

  24. Most republican should read the STUPID blog from a few days ago. They fit into that category so well. They say they are for things but in realty are just sheep of stupidity follow the failure who would rather steal from them then give a crap about them. Business welfare is 10 times that of what goes to the people.

  25. I will vote for all the dems, even though Zirinski is nuts she is not dangerous

  26. Local government is different than national government. I lean conservative but will vote for a democrat from time to time, especially in a local election. Heckman is the only one I would vote for on the democratic side, the guy seems honest. I will be leaving the exec block blank.

    Zirinski is all of sudden a centrist LOL. As a retired LEO I would vote for Bugs Bunny over that cop hating closet socialist. She is changing her tactics because she wants that state rep job. Her true colors are far left wing extremism. It's on the record and has been memorialized. Don't be fooled by her sudden about face.

  27. !!.38 Christians are insignificant when it comes to causing death, your socialist governments have killed more innocents than all religion combined. Mostly in the 20 and 21 century.

  28. "Zirinski is all of sudden a centrist LOL. As a retired LEO I would vote for Bugs Bunny over that cop hating closet socialist. She is changing her tactics because she wants that state rep job. Her true colors are far left wing extremism. It's on the record and has been memorialized. Don't be fooled by her sudden about face."

    I understand and respect what you say. Let me clarify what I wrote bc I think I may have misled you. I consider Zrinski a far left Democrat or Democratic Socialist. I do not think her views have changed at all and to the extent I imply that, I was unclear. She is what she is.

    While her views are unchanged, I think she has finally made the transition from activist to legislator. Her defeat in the State Rep race has humbled her. I think, and I may be wrong, that she is more focused now on county issues when sitting on county council. And I was impressed by the way she responded to the plight of senior and mostly Republican residents of a senior home. She was accountable. Since I consider that the most important quality in an elected official, that got her my vote.

    Regardless how you or I have voted, she is going to win. She has a solid base of support among women voters and environmentalists, as well as those promoting so-called progressive causes. She only has to come in fifth and will likely do much better than that.

    I thought Vargo-Heffner might have trouble but the primary revealed just how solid her support is among women and so-called progressives.

    Ironically, the Dem in biggest trouble is Heckman. He is the most knowledgeable of them all but has no base other than a good Dutch name. You might consider giving him what is known as a "bullet vote." If you vote for him and him only n the Council race, that has the effect of giving Heckman five votes.

  29. I have no idea what Republicans stand for these days, other than trying to try to strike fear into people and then claim they are "uniters". Yet their handouts state they will "bring people together." John Brown claims in his election PR that is for open space - which is a flat out lie, or he had a brain transplant since leaving office - during which he defunded it. He ballyhoos infrastructure but rushed through a PPP bridge replacement project that targeted several bridges that did not need replacing. John Goffredo boasts about his business background, but is not telling people he is a longtime member of Green Knights. Their literature also states they will hold the line on taxes - that is what McClure and Council have done. They are hugging McClure, not differentiating themselves. In this climate I am voting D all the way at the county level.

  30. Anyone who votes for a democrat is suicidal.

  31. @1:14 - Anyone who types out that voting for one party or the other is a matter of life or death is a delusional person who watches too much TV and completely overvalues politics in their day to day life.

    If one of you primary identifiers in this world is "I am a proud Republican (or Democrat)" you are a complete waste of oxygen and probably gay.

  32. Bernie - any plans to write a piece about the county commissioner district races in Lehigh? Interested to hear your take on those candidates...

  33. Voting all dem will be like what these uneducated LEEMERS are doing to our country. BYE BYE Norco. Vote for the person, not a DAMN PARTY . Wake the hell up people.

  34. Voting for any politician is bad because our system breeds these people who lie cheat and most or evil people. who totally screwed up this country.

  35. 5:58 True the only way to save this country is to change our system of government--term limits is a must--Money must be taken out of the government -if government people get caught or people or companies offer money long jail sentences must be enforced--I realize this will never happen but if we are to survive we must change our system.

  36. "Bernie - any plans to write a piece about the county commissioner district races in Lehigh? Interested to hear your take on those candidates..."

    Before this election cycle started, I posted at least two blogs asking for people willing to cover different races. Aside from Brad Osborne in S Whitehall, there were no takers.

    I have no plans to cover any of the district comm'r races. These are district races,not at-large, and the person covering it should have an understanding of the district. I feel comfortable writing county-wide, but there are no at-large Comm'r races. The Exec race is over. Glenn Eckhart is only running as a sacrificial lamb. I will have a story on the judges' race.

  37. @1:14 follow you own recommendation but actually follow through on something this time.

  38. Maybe I will consider the bullet vote for Heckman Bernie. I think he's fair and knowledgeable. Perhaps I was a little to harsh in stating my feelings on Zrinski. To make the comments she made on the Allentown officers, based on a short video and no other facts, that's not leadership, that's activism. An elected official, regardless of views, should't be trying to wreck a young mans career without getting the facts first.

  39. I grew up on same street as John Kachmar. Supporting him if you know him is truly bizarre. I expected better from Dana. Sore loser.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.