Local Government TV

Monday, October 25, 2021

The Case Against Steve Lynch

As the November 2 election draws nigh, some of you have already voted by mail or in-person at the elections office. Others of you are still considering your choices. In Northampton County, the most important election is between incumbent Lamont McClure and fringe candidate Steve Lynch. I understand some among you, especially Republicans, are unwilling to vote for McClure because he's a Democrat.  That, however, is no reason to waste a vote on Lynch. Here's my list of reasons why he's simply unfit for public office:

1) Participated in an attempted coup at the U.S. Capitol on January 6. -  In the days leading up to the January 6 insurrection, Lynch linked to a QAnon meme suggesting Trump was preparing to punish his enemies. "They will all die," it boasts. Lynch himself added that he was "praying" that "criminals like Killary and the like receive devastating justice." He claimed it was a peaceful protest but wore a bulletproof vest that day. "This is war!" he said. He was perfectly willing to participate in  a failed coup of our democratically elected representatives in Congress. He received a visit from the FBI over his role that day. No charges have been filed. ... Yet. 

2) Threatened yet another coup of the Northampton Area School Board. - After participating in the failed coup at the US Capitol, Lynch threatened to stage yet another one. This time, his target was Northampton Area School Directors who dared impose a Facebook mandate out of a strange desire to keep kids safe. Lynch was having none of that!

"Men, where are you?" he roared during a speech in Harrisburg. "Men, wake up! Smell the coffee! Let's go! Make men great again, right? Make men men again, let's go!" He then described his plan. "Forget going into these school boards with freakin' data. You go into these school boards to remove them. I'm going in with 20 strong men and I'm gonna' give them an option - they can leave or they can be removed." It's abundantly clear he was calling for coercion. Why else would he need 20 strong men to accompany him?  He backtracked only because of wide public backlash 

3) He's divisive.- "I unite people," Lynch recently told the Not-So-Excellent Conservative Network. 

Here's what he's said about Democrats. "You people are a cancer to society and would be ashamed of yourselves if you had a conscience."

He's also complained Wednesday about "your typical Republican politician who just kowtows because they're concerned about the media, concerned about this or concerned about how they look  "

Uniter? Here's how he invited the press to a news conference he's holding today. "To all the local media who troll my page and hang on every word I say,make sure you make it out to my news conference ... ." 

4) He's financially irresponsible. - There are currently two open judgments filed against him:

Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC v. Stephen F Lynch, 2018-J-3169, filed 8/23/18, for $1,950.81.

Capital One Bank USA NA v, Stephen F Lynch, 2013-J-6193, filed 6/21/13, for $5,627.83.

He has also faced two foreclosure actions on his Northampton County home. One of them went to execution until he managed to catch up.

5) Has no mainstream support, even among fellow Republicans.- I'm unaware of any Republican member of Northampton County Council who has endorsed Lynch. I also see no endorsement by the Republican members in the LV delegation to he State House  or State Senate. Even more telling there are no donations.   

6) Does not vote. - .Since he first registered to vote in 2008, he's failed to vote in more than half of the elections. He's only voted three times in a municipal election.  He failed to vote at  all in the Executive's race in 2017, 2013 or 2009. Lynch likes to call himself a patriot. Patriots vote. 

7) Military at polling place. - In violation of both state and federal law, he wants to station troops at polling places on election day. How a county Exec can call up troops is anyone's guess.  


  1. lol - Lynch couldn’t even pay off a shitty Capital One credit card. What a degenerate.

    And he wants us to trust him to balance our county budget?

  2. I could see a credit card judgment. No biggie. But there are two judgments and two foreclosures.

  3. You claim you don't push personal debt judgments. Yet you have hidden the mean woman on county council bad debt judgments. Why the double standard? She has multiple debts to pay.

  4. .....I don’t see McClure disputing the lies and claims from Lynch much in public, nor do any of the council Dems take aim at him......I think McClure doesn’t care if he wins

  5. I am not registered Republican, but am a Conservative. I believe Democrat politicians, primarily on the State and Federal level, have already done great harm to America. They deserve to voted OUT of office in record numbers. In this County race, however, the better choice is clear.

    Mr. Lynch has too little experience. He appears to be someone lacking in responsible behavior and discipline. He does deserve credit for standing-up and running for office. The gravity of the position he is seeking, however, requires someone more in balance. Someone in tighter control of himself.

    Mr. McClure will get my vote. In this situation, I’ll vote Democrat.

  6. "coup"

    It reduces this post to its silly season silliest. I don't like the guy. He gets my vote, without hesitation, considering his horrible opponent. Coup. Lol. Still playing to your fringe base when you should be trying to get some moderates and indies.

  7. Lynch is supported by Republican Parkland School board candidate Michael Millo. Millo just moved here from Texas last year, and has no institutional knowledge of the area. Disappointingly, that didn't stop the LV Reps. from embracing him, sadly including the South Whitehall R candidates.

  8. Wow, the dems must be really fearful that Lynch is going to win. Their personal attacks show they dont want to talk about the issues.

  9. The real disgrace of all of this.....is this the best the Northampton County Republicans can come up with? So far as we can see, no Republican of any stature in the county has donated to his campaign. No decent Republican wants to have their name associated with him. John Brown was a joke when he served as County Executive. His "Bridge Plan" wanting to replace bridges in Northampton County was a bust that cost County Taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars. Now he wants to come back as a Councilman?

  10. Does his mother love him?

  11. He's going to lose by a smaller margin than he should then we are going to have to listen to him and his supporters cry and whine about fraud like the entitled losers they are.

    Lynch likes to say he represents "we the people", but in reality it is only a fringe minority of lunatics.

  12. I was on the fence, but now I'm voting McClure!

    Just kidding - I was never on the fence, Lynch is a moron and would be a train wreck waiting to happen.

    I feel bad for all the people that gave their hard earned money to him to own a flag with his name on it.

  13. I have been informed that Mr. Millo withdrew from the school board race and is not on the ballot.

  14. Sad day in Northampton County when you are forced to vote for someone like him to get rid of McClueless.

  15. " Their personal attacks show"

    These are not personal attacks. If I went into his personal life, then I'd be getting personal. I've avoided doing so. These are negative attacks based on Lynch's public (not personal) record.

  16. " Yet you have hidden the mean woman on county council bad debt judgments. Why the double standard? She has multiple debts to pay."

    Incorrect. Just as every dog is entitled to one bite,every elected official is entitled to one judgment. The Council member to whom you refer has no open judgments. Sorry to disappoint. So far as I know, there are no open judgments against any of the candidates seeking a seat on County Council.

  17. Bernie: Are campaign finance reports online anywhere? I was looking on the county site and could not find them. I think the due date to file was this past Friday. I have not seen an article from either daily on the reports. Too bad Shortell left, he use to tweet about them and write an article.

  18. "I have been informed that Mr. Millo withdrew from the school board race and is not on the ballot."

    Yeah, I believe Lynch might be supported by some right wing extremists like Kristin Lorah Soldridge, who is running for a seat on County Council. So far as I know, he has no support from any elected Rs. He did receive a contribution from Lisa Scheller early in the race, but she has apparently stayed away from him.

  19. The only person who has been writing about campaign finance in NorCo is me. It has been that way for years. I will have reports tomorrow and Wednesday.

  20. Bernie, thanks for your vigilance on this. While I cannot agree that Jan 6 was an attempted coup (it was WAY less violent than any given ANTIFA riot) I can agree that Mr. Lynch is indeed not a viable candidate for County Exec. Truth be told, Mr. McLure has proven himself a competent exec and viable candidate. Mr. Lynch's proclaimed beliefs aside, the key driver here is that he lacks financial sense in his personal life which means he will lack it professionally. We live in a Republic at all levels and this includes our local offices where we elect people to represent us (we simply do not live in any type of a democracy). Mr Lynch's claim to physically toss out school board members is anti-republic and 100% democracy (mob rule). His very words and proposed actions disqualify him as someone who supports "the republic for which it stands". He's not an oath keeper but a proposed oath breaker who would use the tyranny of mob rule (democracy) to have his way.

    Mr. McClure is the clear choice in this race. If Mr. Lynch somehow pulls out a win on this then we are in for an interesting term.

    Here's a video that describes the American System of government: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VogzExP3qhI

    Overthrowing a school board is downright frightening. We vote for our representatives and while we can recall them (at the polling place) physically removing them from office is tyranny. I will say that a vote for Lynch is a vote for democracy (mob rule) and that vote supports tyranny.

  21. There was some event at which our twice-impeached former president said "I am a uniter" which made me laugh.

  22. The problem with the GOP in 2021 and even a few years back is that they've completely abandoned standard conservative policies, (or more accurately abandoned rational and reasoned argument for those policies) and have simply embraced a "hate our opponent" position.

    I'm not saying Dems/Libs are free of sin on that front either, but on balance, the lunatic fringe of the right has steamrolled all moderation out of the party and their only agenda seems to be "Own the Libs".

    I used to be a Republican, but when I look around and see who the most vocal and rabid supporters of the party are today, a lot of them are people who's views I do not agree with or want to be associated with.

  23. @8:59am "Sad day in Northampton County when you are forced to vote for someone like him to get rid of McClueless."

    Please explain that (lack of) logic. McClure is better than an average Executive, and he is moderate. Lynch is an extremist whacko, who isn't qualified to be a clerk in at town larger than 10 people.

    1. These people hate on McClure because all the cool conservatives kids are doing it, so why not. They’re so wrapped up idolizing a billionaire who they have nothing in common with.

      It’s always us against them and it disallows these people to critically think about information and put blind support behind a candidate like Lynch that they know is not qualified to do the job.

    2. Isn't that what happened with trump. Everyone hated him and we ended up with Biden

  24. Another circle jerk post to keep the zealots interested in voting. If it's requiring all this effort to keep the base from sleeping, Lynch may be in for a good day. Then, he'll have to endure you writing nasty things about him. That's life in politics.

  25. A lot of people attended the January 6th event as a way of protesting what they believed was a stolen election. Not everyone that was there was involved in a "coup". Like 9:54 stated- there was nothing nearly as bad as the "Summer of Love" events that transpired in the major cities in our country. If Lynch was going around carrying BLM signs and setting fires to businesses then maybe he would be considered a hero instead of a "Insurrectionist". With that being said- what exactly is acceptable "financial sense" when McClure gave 200K to the Iron Pigs which is NOT in Northampton County and tried to give them another 100K only to be voted down? Also, isn't this entire country trillions in debt?

  26. It is pathetic that some voters can paint over what's going on in this country, still refusing to call Jan. 6 an insurrection and somehow missing the footage of Lynch at the Capital that day. He wasn't on a pleasure cruise. Take a look at Sophie Gilbert's article "January 6 Wasn't a Riot. It Was War," in the Oct 22, 2021, Atlantic. Read it and weep. https://www.theatlantic.com/culture/archive/2021/10/hbo-four-hours-at-the-capitol-january-6-documentary-review/620464/

  27. Lynch is needed to fix all the problems in the county-the democratic party is taking down this great country we need people like Lynch not more politicians

  28. NO one with bad debt judgements should ever be allowed to be in any political power!

  29. @10:50 - "A lot of people attended the January 6th event as a way of protesting what they believed was a stolen election..."

    Key word there is believed - Why did they believe it? Who made them believe it? Just because someone said it was a stolen election does not make it true no matter how hard you wish for it or because you simply can't comprehend that there are citizens elsewhere in the country who want something different than you do.

    While any election will have some isolated flaws, inconsistencies and discrepancies, there was absolutely ZERO evidence of widespread fraud or cheating that would have overturned the election, otherwise at least a few of the Hail Mary lawsuits put forth by Trump surrogates would have shown something that proved it. The only intention was to cloud the loss.

    Trump narrowly won in 2016 in 3 states (MI, PA & WI) by fewer than 80,000 votes. Those states decided the electoral college for him that election. Was there fraud in 2016 in those states or just in 2020?

    You can split hairs all you want between January 6th and any BLM protest in terms of violence and costs related to property damage. In the end, the people who attended the 1/6 rally were there under a pretense that lacks any materially meaningful evidence.

    And before its offered - nobody gives two shits about partisan fringe websites and chatrooms where someones 3rd cousin saw something suspicious at one polling station so that means the whole election should be called into question.

    We're a divided country along political lines and Republicans are a minority on a National level because of overwhelming Dem #'s in NY, CA & IL. Their ability to elect a president is predicated on getting a huge turn out in a handful of swing states in order to offset the solid blue states on the map.

    Those who attended 1/6, like Lynch, whether they actively participated in or around the events on the Capitol grounds that day show a lack of critical thinking and understanding of what happened back in November. They allowed themselves to be emotionally manipulated.

    As such Steven Lynch or any other individual that participated that day have shown that they are not qualified for a position in American government.

    1. Is it possible that some attended out of support for a president who did what he said he would do and people attended to support the republican ticket?

    2. What 10:39 said.

      And, to the 4:38 response, no it is not possible. The election was already over. They were there to help support and encourage an insurrection. Without the enormity if the crowd, along with the inflammatory, political rhetoric, the insurrection may not have taken place or may have been much less severe. The "peaceful protestors" encouraged the violent insurrection, simply by their presence, (mis) believing that the election was rigged.

  30. 5:49. Why don't you invite several hundred of your friends to you house to do what was cone at the capital, smash your windows, destroy your stuff, steal your stuff and also encourage them to threaten you and your family like they were chanting of many of the people in the Capital on January 6th. Then when you oppose them because of their actions let them beat you, spray you and do so many other things.

    Until you accept what they did you are worse then they were.

    And Yes TRUMP tried to create a coup. He did not have the balls to do it himself because he is an absolute coward that has others do his bidding so he can fake himself into not thinking he is a loser.

    He is the deepest Russian plant ever place in our democracy which came directly from Putin. And Putin got more out of supporting him then any other politician he has ever leaned on. Do some digging into Polish and Ukrainian news reporting for validation of this.

  31. MIchael,

    You talk of someone that just moved here. He should not even be allowed to run for any elect position in the region. We need to change the laws that make mandatory residency during requirements a prerequisite of any elected individual.

  32. 9:12. Politicians have written the laws so that they do not have to actually disclose their true financial details. There are so many loop holes in the process. We should all demand that all politicians financial records are 100% accountable to all their constituents and all their supporting organizations that are not a common business or individual should have to show 100% open records or be disbanded and destroyed. And the senior executives of such organization should also be permanently ban from being involved.

  33. @9:49. Any body who showed up at the Jan 6th event in a bullet proof vest and or brandishing a weapon should have been immediately declared a terrorist. And extricated from this country to their love life of Russia or China.

    And if Lynch were to say well he need it for protection I guess this could mean that he knew what was going to happen and thereby should also be held accountable.

    just like that shit of a kid who took a gun to a rally and then ended up shooting people. He should be found guilty and executed for premediated murder.

  34. "McClure is better than an average Executive,"

    You must be one o his paid lieutenants. He is authoritative, secretive(except his self-lauding speeches) and just mean. He hides information from his own council. His attitude on Gracedale is awful.
    He is good at handing out cash grants for votes.

  35. Also don't forget. He basically pretend to be a Marine Veteran when someone thanked him for his service and he sat there and took credit even though he never served a day in his life.

  36. @11:28 "Lynch is needed to fix all the problems in the county-the democratic party is taking down this great country we need people like Lynch not more politicians"

    THAT is not a reason to elect anyone. You give no support to the argument that Lynch would be a better County Exec. How is he more qualified? What exactly would he do differently that isn't already done within the legal boundaries of the position?

    Just because he isn't a Democrat and "isn't a politician" (Pssst - he'd running for office, so that makes him a politician) doesn't magically make him the solution to your life's problems.

  37. Bring Reibman back. Bring Brackbill back. Bring Brownstain back. They screwed up the County Royally. Lynch can't do any worse.

  38. 10:50 "January 6th wasn't as bad as the Summer of Love protests". The January 6th event was an attempt to stop a legitimate process of officially recording the winner of the Presidency of the U.S. Can everyone please stop equating it with other protests in this country. This was a first and, hopefully, is the last time that the peaceful passing of presidential power is threatened. I also hope that all of the folks that are commenting about how bad Lynch is are voting next month. We need turn out or the lunatic fringe will be running the county.

  39. Style question: what's the difference between an insurrection and a coup? I know what the dictionary says. But standard definitions don't seem to apply here. Asking for those over whose heads hyperbole goes.

  40. @11:39 I just read your post and it caused me to rethink our division in this country. You said we are split in two. I just had the thought that we are actually fractured in 3 which makes things even worse. There are the two outer fringes you noted and for lack of a better way of describing them there are zealot republicans and liberal democrats. Those represent the main fractures. But then their is the largest mass of the complacent in between. The largest portion of the American population have been trampled on kicked, and abused that they have for the most part given up and then generationally we have taught our offspring there is no hop in politics and that their can be no faith in our politicians and governmental position holders. (And yes I intentionally did not call them leaders). This in between group has always been the ballast in America to keep on a course stabilizing the country against the freaks on both ends. So I submit that we are fractured into at least 3 and not just split between two.

  41. @12:25 Are you in Gracedale or have anyone in Gracedale or even know someone hat has been there. Or are you just spewing matter that should have been coming from from an alternative hole. Quit bitching about something that wouldn't matter to you if you didn't feel like you could make yourself important in your own mind. Put something on the blog that you actually know something about. And I bet you couldn't honestly say you know anything directly about McClure or Lynch either way. You just like to cry and whine.

    Whether you like what Bernie puts out here at least he does some investigation and gathers some facts and has a perspective on the truth.

  42. @11:55 I have heard the saying many time don't take a gun unless you intend to use it.

  43. In either event, voters are selecting a politician. Personal integrity is not something most voters expect from office holders. we've all seen enough to know pragmatic choices among detestable options is where we are. I doubt it was ever any better. I think the coverage is just more pornographic. Lincoln was called an ape and n-lover.

  44. seems the Lynch mob was at Gracedale today.

  45. McClure has outspent Lynch 6-1, per the Morning Call. Democracy is expensive and usually goes to the highest bidder. This is widely known, and often detailed here.

  46. Lynch is like Trump Both are not politicians this is what scares the shit out of the the people who for last 50 years have screwed this country up.

  47. I also see evidence that the GOP establishment is not outwardly supporting Lynch the way I would expect. I received a mailer showing the five GOP council candidates standing in a parking lot, and Lynch was nowhere to be seen on it. A car snuck into my property a few days ago and dropped several GOP pieces of advertising - I got the license and saw all the GOP names on bumper stickers, including Dumpster Fire and Lynch, but oddly Lynch was only listed in passing on one of them. Where was the big glossy, with radical Lynch headlining? A friend who is a staunch Republican has yard signs posted at the road, but Lynch's sign is 200 feet off the road leaning against his garage.\

    They probably don't want to take down their entire slate of candidates with that extremely poor choice for Executive. Speaking of odd omissions, GOP counsel candidate John Goffredo left off his 20+ year through present Board membership on Green Knight Economic Development Corporation from hos bio in the LWV Voter's Guide - looks like he is trying to distance himself from the landfill expansion and sludge plant issue in Plainfield Township.

  48. @11:39am You zeroed in on the fallacy that the election was "stolen," which our disgraced former president got 10's of millions of people to blindly believe. The only "stealing" was the failed attempt by the former president and a bunch of politicians to overturn the election.

    As a result my elected state representative Ann Flood here in PA, whom I did not vote for, sends me emails proudly proclaiming what she and her colleagues are doing to "restore trust" in our elections. Total nonsense - there was no reason to lose trust in the first place. It's a circular argument. "The election was stolen..." "We need to revamp the system because people believe the election was stolen (even though we politicians know that it wasn't)." A total disgrace. How will Ms. Flood restore the little faith I had in her originally, that is now gone?

  49. I am a Republican and I am just so disgusted that this is the best candidate they could find to run against McClure. I enjoy the blog Bernie but there has to be other news besides you banging on Steve Lynch 24/7 LOL. I think the guy is a knucklehead but there has to be other Valley political news to report.

  50. It’s not McClures council, do you even know how the government at the county level is set up?

  51. Bernie - no doubt you attended or will be reporting on Lynch's press event today, where he said it is "too soon to tell" if he will accept the election results. I thank election workers and people in the NorCo Elections office every time I interact with them. I think it is disgraceful that because of one man's paper thin skin a dark shadow in some people's eyes has been cast over these diligent workers.

  52. Hell of a job by Ms. Stacy Soldo today!

    Like verified CDC data demonstrating tiny COVID numbers, however, it doesn't fit Bernie's propagandist narrative, so it is unlikely this will see the light of day here.

  53. In all honesty, Bernie - I agree with @8:44pm. You cover Lynch pretty much daily. You have exposed his many weaknesses, and THANK YOU for that, but it becomes a bit repetitious. With so little coverage by the "mainstream" media of the municipalities, it seems like there should be other stories to cover. It's become kind of like, what is he saying about this menace today?

  54. Can I change the subject (loser lynch) and ask about the Mayor of Bethlehem race?

    1. Yes!! That needs much more attention

  55. I will be covering that later this week.

  56. "but it becomes a bit repetitious. With so little coverage by the "mainstream" media of the municipalities, it seems like there should be other stories to cover. It's become kind of like, what is he saying about this menace today?"

    This is not just an election but an attack on our system of government. It warrants all the attention I can give it.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.