Local Government TV

Friday, October 22, 2021

On Election Eve, Lynch Supporters Complain to Council About Gracedale

Unlike most nursing homes, Gracedale is publicly owned and gets quite a bit of oversight. In addition to the Administration on the campus, Executive Lamont McClure has taken a great deal of interest in the nursing home. He has often said he considers it a "moral obligation.":On top of that, there's a Gracedale Advisory Board made up of several citizens. Before the pandemic, residents were sometimes brought to meetings. Gracedale's Administrator reports to County Council's Human Services Committee once a month, both in writing and in person. If the news is bad, and sometimes it is, you read about it here. When family members are upset about visitation during the pandemic, they've had no qualms about making their concerns known to County Council. Finally, this home is under the state Department of Health's microscope. In addition to responding to anonymous complaints, health officials inspect the facility every year. It is very much in the public spotlight, as it should be. Unfortunately, at last night's County Council meeting, two disgruntled ex-employees complained about the terrible conditions at the home. They've never been to Council before. They waited for the last public meeting before the election. As you might have guessed, both are ardent Steve Lynch supporters.

The first complainer was Tonys DiPierdomenico. She quit over what she called the "unauthorized vaccine," even though there's no mandate in place. Then she tried to rescind her resignation, but Gracedale administrators said no dice. "You lost one of the best assets Gracedale ever had," she told Council. "I wasn't good enough because I didn't take the vaccine."  

She concluded by saying,  "I've been doing a lot of campaigning for somebody. God help us, We need him."

Obviously, she was there to play politics, not save Gracedale. .

The second disgruntled ex-employee was Stacy Soldo. She referred to an email she received from a nurse complaining about being short-staffed. It's impossible to know whether this complaint is true because the person who actually sent the email was not there to back her up.   

"I've never seen it this bad," said Soldo. Actually, she hasn't seen it at all.

She was fired as a Gracedale nurse. 

Perhaps she can explain why. 

In sever mailers, Republican County Council candidates have complained about conditions at Gracedal. in several mailers. That's certainly fair. The home, one of few that will accept nearly everyone, is currently rated by Medicare at just two stars, which is below average. They forgot to mention the home was rated at just one star when County Council candidate John Brown was Exec. That's OK. They are making political points. But unlike the Lynch mob, they understand the difference between governing and politics.      


  1. The mailer I received today from the Lynch Mob was bizarre. The talking points on one side were all things that McClure has done - like control taxes, support open space. But John Brownstain is one of them! He defunded open space. And it mentioned infrastructure and bridge replacement. Remember Brownstain's disastrous PPP program for bridge replacement, that included several bridges that did not even need to be replaced? And Lynch was listed, but his picture was nowhere to be seen. Wonder why THAT is?

  2. "his moral obligation" Sure.

    You still carry water for this clown. His authoritarian style of government has left Gracedale defenseless. You think it is political that patients are left in urine? You think it is OK to verbally abuse female staff? That the administrators are forced to do comical reports of sunshine and unicorns? You are just fine with your hero's conduct.

    You realize that the only people who can speak publicly are those who left employment. The rest are terrified. People have been warned that if they speak to county council and are found out they will be fired.

    Keep helping your pal with his campaign. The only hope for Gracedale is the county council. A couple are in his pocket and are his puppets but we know there are a few very conscientious and caring people there as well. At the next Human Services meeting hopefully they will look into all these problems. In the meantime keep repeating his campaign slogans.

  3. How can you be a trained nurse, be witness to all the marvels of science, and be an anti-vaxxer?

    I have ZERO sympathy for healthcare workers who get fired as result of not taking the covid vaccine. Not being vaccinated effects the herd immunity of not only the healthcare force at Gracedale, but potentially the safety of all its residents.

    Good riddance, and I hope no one hires them because they represent the epitome of ignorance and selfishness.

  4. Nice try. Gracedale's a mess and had one of the worst death tolls in the state while tragically mismanaged during the pandemic, in my opinion. A full investigation is warranted of all practices there. These knuckleheads are a bit late to the prosecution. It's a tragedy on so many levels, human and governmental. Families are owed answers they'll never get. An opportunity for justice and better government has been lost to politics from both sides. May the deceased rest in peace and their families be comforted.

  5. So what was the content of the email about staffing? Was it a legitimate email? And we're both people there actual nurses?

  6. Lynch is proudly ignorant of how government actually functions (as well as science and American history), but he plays the Trumpist game so well. These folks like to talk about liberal "virtue signaling" and the like, but all he and his supporters so is patriot play acting. They denigrate every institution in the country that claim to love and have an absolute obsession with the cult of the "strong man," waving flags and treating him like a rock star.

    Lynchists don't want a competent county exec, they want a big conservative daddy who validates their anger and every dumb idea they have. As long as he comes wrapped in cool merch and triggers the libs.

  7. So I guess you're perfectly cool with McPhony turning his nose up and acting like nothing is wrong and not having to owe an explanation for anything? This coming from a guy who has took the coward approach by refusing two debates with his opponent and then when his constituents call him to task his response is "rebut what?" Wow true leader there. Keep sticking up for this clown.

    1. I loved the part where Tonya quit because she thought she was going to get mandated to take the vaccine, and then rescinded her resignation, but the county wouldn’t hire her back.

      I loved that part.

    2. Me too I loved that part especially since there is a mandate and I got a higher paid income without the vax

    3. What’s really funny is that you took an oath to protect your patients and acted like a spoiled child over a proven safe and effective vaccine. You were manipulated by stupid science deniers that somehow managed to hotwire your brain and go against everything you were taught in nursing school. You’re a disgrace to the profession and should have lost your license for your behavior. Besides, you just admitted what you were really after, and that was money. You gave two shits about the residents of Gracedale. Imposter.

  8. Lynch is our man no doubt about it

  9. I have family at Gracedale, my wife works there, and I am also former employee. I worked a Gracedale in the late 90s and found the job very fulfilling. The work was very hard and often very thankless though. Todays Gracedale is far from what it was. They are so short staffed that there is often one Aide and a nurse to look after 50 residents. This is crazy and unsafe for everyone. As a spouse of a nurse it is a terrible feeling to listen to the stories of how the staff and residents are treated and not have the power to help. As a family member the issues just pile on from bed sores to not being showered for 3 weeks. This is insane and sad. Gracedale should not be used for political gain. It should though be a human rights story. There are residents that that had to sell everything to live there because they had nowhere else to go. Wake up and step up Northampton County government and Gracedale administration.

  10. The message (although maybe not well said) if you view the meeting is about the care of residents. McClure was pretty arrogant when asked if he had a response. There should have been a professional response to the allegations. One aide to fifty residents is abuse and neglect. Someone has to be held responsible for that unacceptable number. Then McClure states they have excess in funds. No comment about the allegations and apparent fact of one aide to fifty residents

  11. My goodness, I can't recall any candidate knowing less about the job they're running for than this Lynch character. As an independent conservative I'll likely leave my vote blank on this line, or I might actually vote for his opponent if I think Lynch might actually have a chance.

    Ugh, if I wanted to listen to a child throw a temper tantrum every day I'd convince my 5 year old nephew to run. Probably more mature and better potty trained than Lynch ��.

  12. I can verify that Stacy & Tonya hit the nail on the head! This Administration is horrible. There is harassment, bullying, and threats that the staff have to encounter every single day. RNs, LPNs, and aides are resigning after long-term dedication to Northampton County. County Council was sent numerous emails and those were ignored. I can reassure you that very few Northampton County Employees will be voting for McClure. Our extended families are aware of this corruption and bs going on that nobody seems to care about! Do you know how they know?
    Because we are always mandated to stay. Every other day, 16 hours a day while the Administrator, Assistant Administrator, and the Director of Nursing collects hazard pay while working from home! That's right! They are not out working on the units or in the kitchen which is what is required to earn this incentive. The rich get richer and the working man gets to work harder.
    And before you judge about vaccines, please refer to the WHO website and the CDC website-- the vaccine does not prevent you from contracting covid nor does it prevent you from spreading it. It possibly only prevents you from dying from it. There has never been a vaccine like this one that attached directly to your mRNA or your DNA. I spoke with a scientist who is involved in the clinical research trials. Did she get any of the vaccines? No!!! She obtained a religious exemption! What does this tell you???? We are not anti-vaxxers! We are educated!
    McClure has allowed this administration to bring Gracedale to its knees. He was not present in Gracedale during Covid. Any employee can verify this! He was standing outside in front of the tower building. Oh, he got the National Guard to come in. Yea, that was a joke.
    1 person was a nurse. The rest passed out waters, made beds, and put laundry away. That's a lot of help when there is 1 aide on the floor for 50 residents. Shame on you for not having any comment regarding the neglect that is going on. What is wrong with you???? Karma is a bitch, just remember that.

    1. It is time they organize and go Union!

    2. That's hysterical. They are union. Hasn't done anything for them

  13. So called woman's champion Tara Zirinski had nothing to say when told of abusive actions to a female employee. She just sat there. When she mentioned something to McClure he shut her down and she once again she just sat there. People know she is better at screeching with a bullhorn than really doing anything to help people.

  14. Lynch is the ideal candidate vote him in you will not have buyer remorse like people who voted for the guy who is killing our country right now

  15. "Gracedale should not be used for political gain."

    Sadly, NorCo Ds have done this in nearly every election since John Stoffa propose its sale and it was protected in a primary referendum with light turnout. We now know John was right all along. Gracedale has been a political issue since it was voted upon. That's what happens with taxpayer owned and run things.

  16. anon 9:26, John Stoffa was a dumb republican sock puppet. He ran Gracedale into the ground so he could justify selling it to get cash for his pet projects. John Brown took the Home down to one star.
    All these republicans' are using Gracedale as their prop but if elected they will be quick to sell it off like they want to and dump the sick nd poor residents.

  17. How many have been in this facility that complain? I m a reregistered volunteer there. I would visit veterans to see if they are taken care of. Then Corona. Well , I was an ENT-B for many years . I was taught at St. Luke’s school of Nursing. I fortunately never lost a patient in my occupation or as volunteer in 1977 at Suburban Rescue or at Easton Fire Department. My observation was of County Home was that they were were a little lacked on clean up stuff , but at no time did I have a complaint about the nursing, or their personal care , not once. I would eat lunch with some of then periodically and the food was good. They were treated fine , and the staff at this time was on top of each person I visited.

  18. @8:29 - you need to stop watching Faux Noise and then try and comprehend the fact that Lynch is not running for president of the United States. The former guy who is a full time grifter, is responsible for over 600,000 dead Americans! Some day soon, I hope he rots away in jail!

  19. Get your facts straight, once again your head is up your behind. I have been to many council meetings in the past. Also there is a mandate for the vaccine. The DON sent and email on 9/22 stating everyone not vaxd could be tested 2x week then multiple people asked to have their resignations receded and all were turned down stating there is a mandate. And for all you pro vaxers listen to DR. Malone he was one of the doctors behind MRNA vaccines origination. He can tell you why it is not safe at this time. And further more what do you care if I take it . The vaccine only helps attenuate symptoms, symptoms of the COVID 19 which any immunologist can tell you has left the population even ones on your fake news networks. I worked every covid patient Gracedale had on the unit, no one seemed to care if I was vaxd then, did you??? I worked 16 hour shifts and admin still wanted to mandate me to work more. That was ok then right??? Its a choice I choose to rely on my immune system not this vaccine that I have seen first hand not work. This administration is running Gracedale to the ground and pretty soon they wont have covid to blame. You make fun or insinuate all you want blogger boy, but when you want the truth you can just ask me not manipulate and make up fun filled crap like you are used to doing.

    1. You do know that the vaccine has been proven to be three times more effective than than your natural immunity right? As a nurse, you choose willingly not to engage in a public health measure during a global pandemic, and you should be stripped of your license. The medical community overwhelmingly disagrees with your decision to not get the covid vaccine, and they don’t need rogue nurses that are easily brainwashed to care for patients. Get lost.

    2. Stop buying into the propaganda lady. You’re wrong about everything you said medically. You’re a disgrace to the field and should have your license stripped. You, Steve Lynch and all the others spreading false information should be locked up in a mental institution.

  20. Tonys DiPierdomenico, Your comment at 1:31, along with your "address" to County Council and attempt to play politics, are all very telling. You were certainly what is known as disgruntled employee. People like you are poison because you bring down morale.

    As for my facts, I definitely have them straight, and you are the one who was stupid enough to resign before a mandate was in place. As of now, there is no mandate at Gracedale. I am sure one is coming but it is not in place yet. You prematurely resigned and must know this because you attempted to rescind it.

    I have no interest in your uninformed and uneducated opinion of the vaccine.

    Also, my experience has been that someone who blows her own horn about how good and needed she was is usually far inferior to her own assessment of herself. If you were dedicated worker, you would never have resigned.

    Have a nice day.

  21. Bernie I am surprised at you--you leave 7:04 lie about Trump killing 600000 people that is totally false yet you do nothing about it. WE thought you were more of a man of truth--apparently we were wromg.

  22. There is a Vax mandate Bernie and I have correspondence from DON and I had to resign or they cod have gone after pensions like they did to others. I know my skills and they are solid. You hide behind your blog that's all you can do is report half facts. You go!

  23. As I've already said, there is no mandate yet. Nursing homes are waiting for the new rules from the feds. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/20/health/nursing-homes-covid-vaccine-mandate.html

    It is hardly surprising that a person who misinforms herself about a vaccine would misinform herself about the mandate, too.

  24. I believe the misunderstanding arised when a date was first given that employees needed the vaccine and then administration backed off realizing the date was not yet implemented by the federal government related to payment being held to facilities that didn't have all vaccinated staff. So staff put in their resignation and then the mandate was on hold until more definitive info from the feds. Those who gave date so pension would be honored and appropriate notice was given then asked to remain and they were denied. I personally respect people's opinions related to vaccine however a nurse should protect their patients and get the vaccine or leave as they did. Going after their license is ridiculous. We still live in the United States of America and should have a choice even if that choice is leaving a job. People are just so brutal on this blog. I'll say it again. Angry people.

  25. Dear nurse:
    When you are a failure in life you have the tendency to blame others and deny your own personal motives and decisions. May they all catch up to you.

  26. "Also, my experience has been that someone who blows her own horn about how good and needed she was is usually far inferior to her own assessment of herself."

    You could say that about Zirinski and McClure since all they do is blow their own horn. You could but you won't!

  27. The message to everyone should be the residents of our county home to which the taxpayers fund through our dollars and state and federal taxes are not being cared for as they should. And administration cares more about their jobs and the perceptions and politics than they do about the residents care. And apparently everyone on this blog also cares more about everything else except the residents who we are there to serve. Where is the outrage for those who rely on staff and there are no staff there to help them.

  28. Through all this back and forth the one statement that stands out is the allegation that there have been shifts at Gracedale that had only one aide and one nurse for 50 people. Is this documented anywhere and if it is true have records been altered so that this violation had been covered up? Were the regulating bodies contacted and was Protective Services of local Area Aging on Aging notified?

  29. As a blue ribbon nurse, you should know that consensus shopping isn't seeking the truth. Malone is a quack and you know it. Cannot believe the county wasted six figures on someone so ignorant.

  30. I was against the county keeping Gracedale simply because I didn't think county government was equipped to run a nursing home of that size. Having said that, I'm not a one issue voter. This Lynch guy is crazier than a bed bug and shouldn't be allowed anywhere near running a county of 300K people.


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