I've written several times about Fed Ed Goon Ed "Disgrace" DeGrace, a bully who uses threats, intimidation and profanity to silence anyone who dares criticize Allentown Mayor Edwin Pawlowski. He has the distinction of being the first anonymous troll I ever outed, way
back in 2008. That has made no difference in his behavior. He's also the man behind a $8,000 illegal contribution to Fed Ed's first mayoral run in 2005. He chaired the PAC which donated this money, but
has never filed a report indicating where he got his money. Yesterday, he did his best to muzzle both
Michael Molovinsky and yours truly.
Molovinsky warned Allentown School Board candidate Mark Smith about Disgrace, and this is what ensued.
Ed DisGrace |
I was unaware of this when I attended a rally for Supreme Court candidate Kevin Dougherty yesterday. State Rep. Danny McNeill was telling me about the state budget impasse when Disgrace barged in with and interrupted our conversation with insults. This continued until I began snapping his picture.
When the rally finally started, I began photographing the speakers and taking notes on their remarks. But DisGrace got behind me and began taunting me as I worked, making it impossible for me to catch more than a few words. You can actually see DisGrace in action at 2:00 to 2:16 of
this video.
His taunts had reached the point where they were beginning to distract the speakers as well as me.
Eventually, he was pulled away, and I believe he must have been asked to leave.
DisGrace exemplifies everything that is wrong with Allentown politics.
One word... this picture reminds me and looks like a close up of a DINGLE BERRY.....
you know- a blow up of that dirty ball of shit that you find is created when you dont wipe your ass properly enough.....
This is an award winning picture of the "ALLENTIOWN DINGLE BERRY".......
"looks like a close up of a DINGLE BERRY....."
What a disgusting thing to say. Comparing that to a brown skinned man. You are a real racist. What right wing whacko group are you part of. Brown feces is like a brown man. You are truly a vile person, barely human at best!
Now if you called John Brown a dingle berry it would be OK.
So, is that one of the pics you snapped, or is it a mug shot from the state or county? How unflattering, but oh, so useful in warning future receipients of his apparent lunacy.
That is a great photo, Bernie. Molovinsky's reply is so awesome, too.
Woke up this morning to see Ed DeGrace "liked" my campaign Facebook page.I think we would all agree any attention from this person is unwelcome. Ed DeGrace routinely slanders and impugns anyone who holds political views that differ from his and dares to expresses them publicly. He does so in a very ugly fashion. Any candidate who would have this person associated with there campaigns is displaying very poor judgement.Are you listening Elizabeth Martinez and Mark Smith?
Scott Armstrong
The bully boy thuggish behavior doesn't stop.
Hopefully the FBI is paying attention.
7:09, that os one of the pics I snapped of him.
"Woke up this morning to see Ed DeGrace "liked" my campaign Facebook page."
My guess is that Disgrace "liked" your campaign page so hecan followthe comments and divein when it suits him. I'd recommend you to block him, tough that is your call.
what a matter pussyfoot...you scared?
Nobody is scared, DisGrace. You are the one who left the rally, not me. I believe you were asked to leave, but you were the one who took off. I stood my ground. People, including members of the Dem party, are appalled by your thuggish behavior. You still need to explain where you got the $8,000 you contributed to Pawlowski. He knows, and you obviously do, too.
pussy wussy, you bash and taunt people 24/7....whats wrong, dish it out but cant take it? youre such a little china doll, and so easiy hurt...all I have to do is look at that fatso figure of yours....too many manly milkshakes in your mouth? You must need some new kneepads, cocksucker!
DisGrace, Those who read this blog know I have a very thick skin and can take a punch. You are an embarrassment to your party, although it is no wonder that you and Fed Ed are tight. What's even worse is that you are a failure. You failed to silence Scott Armstrong, Bob Smith, Michael Molovisnky or me. You are 0 for 4.
your skin so thick you have to sue people around the clock like a little clit???
I don't sue people around the clock. I sue people who defame me, and I win. You are pretty good at publishing retractions, Disgrace.
how long you gonna hide out in the lil girls locker room you lil dick squat? asking judges to protect you you lil whore...whats wrong, cant fight your own battles? how many times you sued for pain and sufferring...lets hear it lil pussy? put a number on it, or you have no balls dicklick!
Disgrace, You can find out the hard way if you like.
Disgrace, I have proved over the years that I am more than capable of taking a punch. You have proved over the years that you are a bully who runs and hides when confronted, which is what you did last night and is what you are doing now bc you are afraid to sign your name. All your anonymous comments here prove is that you are unhinged and very unstable.
Disgrace, the person who ran yesterday was you, unless you were tossed.
Folks, this is one of Fed Ed's thugs. He truly is a disgrace.
keep that damage award on your sidebar lil bitch..proves what I am saying...your a lil thin skinned bitch who cant take a punch from a girl...what wrong bitch? still crying and hurting over all the pain? How much pain whore? Cant fight your own battles? How many times you gonna sue lil cunt? your always all hurt and crying to the courts cause your such a thick skinned man??? only pussy faces do that...you sure you arent a lil pussy face? keep crying bitch....guess all that cash could help fix a thin skinned lil whore like you
i just visited mr. degrace's facebook page. as shown on bernie's post. i informed mark smith that degrace was poison. after degraced raged at me, i simply replied that he made my point, nothing more or since. so now degrace writes this;
Hey Molovinsky you ass, you came at me on Mark Smith's page, now you're whining like a pathetic, memberless wuss. Pick a fight and complain you're getting a beat down. Just write an intellectual, deeply offensive blog about me or stay the hell away. Simple! Gee a mega-powerful, literary, penetrating investigative pathetic wuss. You're the best!
actually degrace, besides saying that you made my point, i didn't reply at all. NOW I WILL, UNLESS MARK SMITH PUBLICLY DISASSOCIATES HIMSELF FROM YOU, HE IS UNFIT to serve on the school board.
hey 2%....could you lend your bud some kneepads? he's all hurt and crying like a lil bitch again...says he takes punches, but keeps cryin to the court like the lil pussy face he is...could you lend the lil bitch some gear so he wont have to cry so hard? Mr. thick skin cant fight his own battles as he adverstises on this cunt blog....you fight battles 2%...or cry to the courts like a lil pussy rag?
@12:01, unlike bernie o'hare, i don't assume to know who you are. I did give degrace some credit for putting his name to his insults, which is more than the blog mentor gets. so, if you're degrace, the opportunistic blog mentor, or another sickie, you're sick just the same.
I laughed at 1:56 am comment. If these verbal attacks are by Degrace, and I believe they are, then the "Dingle Berry" description fits.
dingleberry...owhore would know cause he shits his pants all the time like a lil pussy face....but asks judges to clean up cause he's a lil thin skinned bitch who cant take any punches....whats wrong bitch....you already at the courthouse crying and hiding under robes?
Only on your blogg is there a shit slinging dialog¿!($ This shit gives me a gut busting belly laugh, while I am dropping my morning lincolnlog would I have redd about the compairison of being a racist because someone is a dingle berry¿!($
Photoshop mr hidiehoe in the picture¿!($
patent pending
what happen to all that cash on the sidebar? thought it was supposed to turn you into a thick skin man? was it counterfeit? youre still a pussy face...cant throw a punch or take one...you need the court refs cause your such a lil freak face? where did pussy face run to now? keep runnin pussy face, 20 million cant change a lil scaredy cat bitch like you!
Yawn. Disgrace was the coward yesterday and proves it again today bc he does not sign his name.
pussy face, you should buy a man mask next time you go out in public....they are pretty cheap and will be on sale soon....since all of that sidebar money is gone and you are STILL a lil pussy who cant take a punch
free banana stand on 7th and Hamilton...better grab 'em lil bitch
Wow! This guy sounds like the Ron Angle of Lehigh County.
The anonymous, vitriolic comments on this page are offensive and lack any meaningful content unless you happen to be someone who finds homophobia meaningful.
Bernie I realize you are leaving these contents up to prove a point about an unstable Pawlowski supporter but I hope that in the future you will remove such comments.
like Ron was taken out of politics completely, getting his ass kicked to the curb by Parsons, pussy face!
what a wuussy pussy lil girl....go cry some more to the judges, dick squat
The blogging duo of putzes lil %2 and Smeagol are all worked up because a big strapping silver bruin like Ed DeGrace emasculated them digitally. Everyone just reads LVR for the ludicrous comments its content is worse than the material on Michael Pheonix's site.
Canary, as you correctly surmise, I let these comments stand for a few reasons. First, they show what a disgusting person and phony DisGrace really is. He certainly is no voice of tolerance. Second they show what an ugly person Fed Ed is. DisGrace has been with Fed Ed from the beginning, and this is the real face of his politics. Third, I wanted to distract this troll right before the election. Instead of attacking good candidates with his vitriol, he has wasted a full day going after someone who isn't running for anything. So on top of everything else, he's a DumbAss.
Is this guy's boss named Tim Keeler? Wonder if he knows how his guy spends his non-productive hours, as shown above. I took a screen shot off this post plus the responses and sent it to the contact page, just in case.....
Now we see the usual O'Hare poison posse move. Annon 8:47 shows how it is done. Go after the persons job. this is an old Angle trick that O'Hare and his likewise jobless loser crew employee against their enemies.
In this case it is pure racism as we have often seen with the poison posse.
over under on when this pos goes to jail...this guy knows, he is in the cross hairs of the feds and his friends know that as well, at least those whom he thought were his friends..muhahahahahah
this has to be one of the ugliest people I have ever seen. the picture of this useful idiot reminds me of the old time actor , Cesar Romero, who played the joker on the old bat man shows. is he the joker ?
Unfortunately, Pawlowski has many such goons.
But most are much better at hiding it.
pussy wussy, you bash and taunt people 24/7....whats wrong, dish it out but cant take it? youre such a little china doll, and so easiy hurt...all I have to do is look at that fatso figure of yours....too many manly milkshakes in your mouth? You must need some new kneepads, cocksucker!
Congratulations, you have affirmed yourself as having the mind of a 12 year old.
People in politics associate with this idiot?
keep that damage award on your sidebar lil bitch..proves what I am saying...your a lil thin skinned bitch who cant take a punch from a girl...what wrong bitch? still crying and hurting over all the pain? How much pain whore? Cant fight your own battles? How many times you gonna sue lil cunt? your always all hurt and crying to the courts cause your such a thick skinned man??? only pussy faces do that...you sure you arent a lil pussy face? keep crying bitch....guess all that cash could help fix a thin skinned lil whore like you
Sounds like he takes a punch and then sues dumb fucks like you. Fuck off you douche, I'm trying to read BOH's blog.
This man writes like couch stain or many other threatining likenesses its unaddressed mutiple personality disorder puts to print supersized palumpastyle¿!($
Allentowns democratical disfunktion covered under the cover under colur of local circus law of allentown home scool charter where there are never six counsil members in the appointed seats nor elected¿!($
patent pending
Ed Disgrace, on his Facebook page, is now denying he made these comments. Although I'm sure he had some help, these are the same vulgarities he was spewing at the Dougherty rally. They are the same misogynistic remarks he was making here as long ago as 2007 and the same kind of vulgarities he has hurled at others on Facebook. He is a thug, Pawlowski's very own Renfield.
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