Sultana has a brood with a penchant for getting into trouble. We all know that three of them were nabbed by state police in the act of defacing anti-Sultana campaign signs. But some of these little darlings have long been accused of destroying mailboxes at the Easton development where Sultana resides,
One neighbor whose mailbox has been destroyed by little urchins thinks it's them and recently called police to complain. I don't know whether she has photographic or video evidence, but police followed up.
Sultana's response? She went to the home of this elderly lady, rang the doorbell and gave her the finger.
This is the second time she has done so. (The picture you see is from the first time).
What a wonderful way for her to start her quixotic quest for a second term!
The gift that keeps on giving.
This lady is as UNHINGED as Pastor Matt Esq. After his purple haired starlet "divorces" him for the 43rd time this month i hope Pastor Matt and Taiba can hook up and unite the D's and R's
Oftentimes I remain neutral on commenting on posts about individuals, but I will not when it comes Taiba Sultana. I’ve personally had my run-ins with her. She smiles nicely and ever so innocently when she can benefit from you. She tells you exactly what you want to hear if it’s ultimately to her benefit and you trust her. In reality she’s a snake. She makes promises and doesn’t keep them. That in my opinion makes her a liar too. She shows up at functions with promises and says all the things people want to hear from a political figure but nothing comes of it. All rhetoric completely devoid of truth. Taiba is all mouth and absolutely no action. I’ve personally seen her disparage and condemn others. One of her biggest quotes is, “You’re racist” however I’ve also heard her call minorities “bully” or “anti-Muslim” when they don’t agree or align with her. She’s an antagonist. Quite frankly she’s been one of the worse citizens in the city of Easton and I wish she would quietly GO AWAY!! Finally, I caution those who work with or trust her. I won’t say stop, but I will say, do so with an ounce of caution.
Sounds like something a Trump supporter would do. Well, both, actually; damage the mailbox and give the neighbor the finger. #Campain2025 is off to a "flippin'" start!
She’s a nut job!!!!
Aww, "g". #Campaign2025. It's afternoon so I can't blame "haven't had coffee yet" for the typo.
Actually, it sounds exactly like something a Democrat would do since it is, in fact, a Democrat who did it! Lol.
As an Easton resident, a few people that I know signed her petition. They say her and her husband Nadeem are very aggressive and they worry about be labeled a racist so they signed. They all say they WILL NOT vote for her
Where is Mezzacopa... when we need her...... one nut job retires and another steps up....
Maybe President Musk can her as a Good Will Ambassador in the White House
Quite the charmer, that Taiba Sultana is. She's quite lovely, too.
She’s Easton’s Marjorie Taylor Greene
2:27 you stupid idiot the left does all the damaged they did for years and is doing it now, All you democrats do is lie and lie some more. You are so stupid you learned nothing from the mandate.
Trump supporter? I thought she was a Dem? She acts like a lot of them.
Couple of recent parking violation tickets up in Monroe County last week.
Elder abuse of her neighbor
she must be a democrat
6:06PM, what mandate? Trump won the popular vote by the slimmest margin since Richard Nixon won the presidency. No mandate then. No mandate now. You dumb ass, you.
She is. But has the temperament of a MAGAt Republican.
I guess yuns Pennsyltuckians missed the joke.
Oh please. Have someone read some articles to you - s l o w l y. She's Democrat to the bone. Welcoming city, law-breaking, tax cheating: She's a solid donkey, aka ass.
What a maternal figure. No wonder her kids run amok and create issues in and out of school. Great family.
9:09 Did you miss he won every swing state? Yes EVERY one. Even Politico thought it was "Stunning" I love using left leaning sources to make Dems look stupid
What a Witch. My mistake, I misspelled that. Should have been a capital B
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