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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Tuesday, March 04, 2025

NorCo's Communications Should Be About the County, Not McClure

When he was first elected county executive in 2017, Lamont McClure decided to use one of his assistant administrators to act as a communications director. Some of you thought this was just an opportunity for the Exec to publicize himself, and I'll agree it's good politics. But it's also good government. The public is kept apprised of what is happening at a county level. It's transparent and informative at a time when the dailies no longer have the staff to cover local government. But I received a news release yesterday that crosses the line from good government to pure politics. 

The release is below:

[Northampton County, PA] – Northampton County is proud to announce that County Executive Lamont G. McClure has been selected as the Grand Marshal for the 2025 Parade of Shamrocks. This festive event, organized by the Celtic Cultural Alliance (CCA), will take place in the streets of Historic Downtown Bethlehem on Saturday, March 15, 2025, at 1:00 PM.


County Executive McClure, a lifelong resident of Pennsylvania, has dedicated much of his career to making a positive impact in his community. He takes great pride in his Irish heritage and has consistently supported the mission of the CCA. In regard to this honor, he stated, “I am truly honored to have been chosen as the Grand Marshal of the Parade of Shamrocks. I can’t wait to celebrate with all of you.”


The Parade of Shamrocks is a significant cultural event that highlights the rich traditions of the Celtic community.

Join us in celebrating this vibrant event and honoring County Executive Lamont G. McClure as the Grand Marshal. We look forward to seeing everyone in Downtown Bethlehem for a day of fun, culture, and community spirit!


For all media inquiries related to this announcement, please contact Jessica Berger, Deputy Director of Administration at 610-829-6250 or JBerger@norcopa.gov.

Amazingly, this "news" release asks us to join in "honoring County Executive Lamont G. McClure as the Grand Marshal." A county news release should never be used to fawn over a county exec who has incidentally just announced he's running for Congress. This was a misuse of county resources. 


Anonymous said...

This is a chronic problem. As a county employee I have been involved with county projects, that the Executive has nothing to do with, presented to the public as being completed by "Lamont McClure". Little mention of the staff involved. The County website also notoriously re-launched as basically a showcase of McClure photo ops. Another reason why this guy is what we don't need as a Washington rep.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just another example of why he should go no further in politics as her has reached his Peter Principle

Anonymous said...

And he calls other corrupt

Anonymous said...

He joins them everyday in celebrating. Just look at his face. McClueless needs to go. Disgrace to NC.

Anonymous said...

Not surprising that there are county resources used for personal gain. You should see the abhorrent amount of nepotism within the ranks of county workers. Appointed staff use their office to hire both career service and union positions to their liking, by changing qualifications to get their buddies or friends of friends while disqualifying anyone else who has merit.

Maybe someone should look into the Pennsylvania Public Official and Employee Ethics Act.

Anonymous said...

Showing his true colors

Anonymous said...

Is jumbotron going to be a float? He's stealing from taxpayers for his own benefit. But he IS a scumbag lawyer who's taken the side of violent illegal criminals over NORCO citizens and LEOs. It's to be expected. A ruddy-faced scumbag virtue signaler leading a drunks' parade is right on brand. What a waste of human skin - lots of human skin.

Vladimir Ill-itch said...

Along the same vein, McClure made his "I'm running for congress" announcement in the lobby of the county courthouse building. To me at least, that isn't much different than using a public meeting to make a plug for your campaign; using your office (and literally, being physically in your office) to promote yourself is wrong. Do your job at the courthouse. Run your campaign elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Let's see if I got this right........The County Executive allows his staff to work on County projects that may benefit thousands of residents, and if it is a success he may not share in the credit of that success but if it is a failure the County employees share no blame for the failure that his employees participated in and The County Executive is totally to blame. Hmmmmm kinda sucks don't it?

Anonymous said...

By the comments I see mcclure is well liked and highly respected

Anonymous said...

Out of curiosity, why didn't the CCA announce this honor for McClure through the various media outlets? Obviously they didn't think it was that big a deal. you're right Bernie, your Blog was used for this announcement because your blog would reach more people interested in this issue than the local news outlets and it was a misuse of the Executives authority?

Anonymous said...

You were probably good right up until you wrote, “leading a drunks parade..” That stereotype of the Irish is a trope used by WASPs to oppress Irish immigrants as they came to America.

Anonymous said...

Name one.

Anonymous said...

Vladimir, and there you are incorrect. The county courthouse is open for political announcements by both parties and is used by both. It is the people’s building and this is core political speech. The Rs unveiled their slate of council candidates at the very same spot in the rotunda. The parties have used the couthouse for meetings. McClure did make his snnnouncrment after hours. Sometimes candidates will announce outside the courthouse as well, on county property. Like lynch. I have no issue with that. It is core speech, a concept that bothers you when exercised by Ds.

Anonymous said...

Amy go to bed please. I know unemployment has messed with your sleep, but 3:29 am is too late/early for your nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Oh c'mon already. If any other Irishman would have made the same press release from the Courthouse, nothing would have been said. But because it's McClure you make it a big deal. Donald Trump uses the Whitehouse for press releases 24 hours a day. Our Senators and Congressmen use the Capitol Building 24 - 7. Our Governor, Senators, and State Reps do the same thing. It's okay for them to use their buildings but not okay for County elected officials to use their offices???????kind a double standards. NO?????

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lil’ Ryan’s polling seems to indicate that.

Anonymous said...

It’s not Amy. It’s Council Clerk Eileen Shiftnisky.

Anonymous said...

Yes, 7 no tax increase budgets, with a cut in ‘22. He’s gotta go !

Anonymous said...

Anon 648am - go ahead and look into the Act. Don't treat us as your personal servants, do it yourself.

Anonymous said...

The contest should be who has the bigger head McClure or Panto

Bernie O'Hare said...

Sorry, that was me from my iphone. I am unable to sign in from there and always ID myself. I must have forgotten.

Anonymous said...

Waiting for you to identify “County projects the Executive has nothing to do with…”

Anonymous said...

Are you one of them? My oh my, feathers sure do get ruffled easy around here…

Anonymous said...

Lol nope and nope. The truth is there are a lot of people who've had this problem with him so you can keep on guessing. As for details, if I didn't have to worry about reprisals on others involved, then you might get a few. Instead, just chalk it up as an example of the chilling effect caused by this management style.

Anonymous said...

And I always thought he was Scottish.

Vladimir Ill-itch said...

9:58 BO'H: I stand corrected. If the courthouse lobby or grounds is available for all "I'm running for x" announcements by anyone, even if not currently an elected official, running for a county-wide office, and "after hours", then that seems a little more acceptable. However, it still seems a bit tacky if a current office holder does it; especially if he's more prominent and running for an even more prominent office.

Anonymous said...

Itys only taken you seven years to realize his transparent county paid PR person is there to promote Lamont 'little trump' McClure. You get a county newsletter, and it is mainly a chance to put his photoshoped mug and name in your head over and over again. His transparent information is carefully massaged and approved; you are not getting everything. Your "friend" Steve was given an assignment, and he is handling you well.
No wonder he is the honored Keynote speaker at the yearly Labor dinner. The same group that is giving a legislative award to Josh Seigel. What exactly has McClure ever done for labor? He has never been in a trade union and has no real record of help other than speeches helping organized labor, His own employees are underpaid and over worked. He has openly opposed a wage study. His only i'n' is ttwa th eboss of the employees union is up his ample butt. Ask th emmebers what thye think.

Anonymous said...

CCA has barred political candidates from participating in the parade but will allow elected officials to march. Hope it rains!

Anonymous said...

He drinks bourbon, not scotch. So, there is that.

Anonymous said...

That too.

Anonymous said...

The jealously is delicious.

Anonymous said...

I suspect the circumference of Lamont’s head is larger, but you’re talking about ego. Both have a very healthy sense of self, for sure.

Anonymous said...

But not as much as a freshly baked cake.

Anonymous said...

Of course it’s all about him. That’s what a narcissist does. Now that he announced his run for congress he’s gonna use the newsletter to promote himself for the run. He needs to be fact checked. Especially after his announcement. There were lots of things he laid claim to that he had nothing to do with.

Anonymous said...

You’re just a liar, nothing more. The fact you think you’re cute and clever is hilarious. As you are, and always will be, monumentally small.

Anonymous said...

Whomever this malcontent is, they are deranged. The typos. The misspellings. It demonstrates that they have tremendous insecurities and inadequacies.

Anonymous said...

Oh Lucy, I mean Lori your 5 cent psychological knowledge would tell you you’re projecting. Please fact check right here as to what “he had nothing to do with…”

Anonymous said...

Please. We're all dust, call me small, doesn't matter, my conscience is clear. What I care about is not seeing another disingenuous wheeler-dealer (i.e. a liar) go to Washington, nor his sycophants.