Here's my brother's report:
Lehigh County controller Mark Pinsley held a "Town Hall" yesterday to discuss the effects of Federal Government budget negotiations on Medicaid-at the County level.After 45 minutes of Trump/Mackenzie bashing, he publicly admitted that he had no real or concrete information about any budget cuts.
Mr Pinsley did have some good and interesting information about county operations, but his presentation was more of a campaign rally than a town hall. It was clearly partisan.
Even worse was the clearly biased presentation by Mr. Dwayne J Heisler from Penn Policy. He spent time talking about the 2017 "tax scam" and handing out flyers about "Trump's giveaway to corporations and the ultra-rich".
There would certainly be no problem with this event if it was held in a non government location, but this was held on a workday in the public hearing room of the Lehigh County Government Center. Wrong!
There were handouts, room setup/ teardown, and A/V support all provided at county expense. Very Wrong! Maybe the controller should investigate himself.
Does the County executive know what's going on in the government center? Seems like he's AWOL.
Mr. Pinsley, controller, promised more "town halls". If so, he should stop all the partisan rhetoric or move them to a non government location.
Isn’t Pinsley the guy who put Lehigh Valley children at risk by pulling his stunt ?
Dark days are coming to lehigh
He's a disgusting human being- only out for himself!
We've been spoiled by Phil Armstrong, he's been an exceptional County Executive. Josh Siegel would be a train wreck. I'm voting for Roger Maclean, it's a no-brainer.
Your bro referenced "good and interesting information" but then did not disclose what the info was. Can you dig any deeper on that point?
716 -- Northampton County: "hold my beer..."
Every sensible Democrat needs to vote R in the upcoming Executive Race (hopefully the Rs pick a sensible, centrist candidate. Siegel is cut from the same cloth as Pinsley .... that is ... far Left! Frankly, this is nearly as bad as far Right. Both are arrogant, don't have the necessary experience & have unreasonable stances on just about everything.
So what repercussions and admonishments will we hear from Phil Armstrong and the democrat-controlled Board of Commissioners?
That’s right, crickets. Even from those who pose as “moderate” democrats.
Funny how you fail to mention his commentary on Norco's Panella blunder. I thought that was one of the more absurd things ive read in recent memory...a lehigh county controller (accountant) analyzing criminal justice issues in a neighboring county he has nothing to do with all without any educated insight on the subject...remarkable.
Slippery then... and still leaving a googey trail.....
Cut from the same cloth? That’s funny. Not a Pinsley fan but Josh Siegel has my vote.
8:34, Siegel is a terrible choice. Instead of promoting a safer Allentown community, he voted No to grants for the Allentown police department. He voted No to filling the depleted ranks of police officers. He participated in marches with felons like Hashann Batts, where "F--- the Police1" was the battlecry. He doxed then Mayor Ray O'Connell by handing out the Mayor's phone number to angry protestors. O'Connell thereafter received threats and calls for days.
Wait, there's more. He and fellow opportunist Mark Pinsley promoted foisting two new taxes on the already impoverished citizens of Allentown. First, he wanted to enact a 1% increase in Lehigh County's sales tax. Any economist could tell you that a sales tax is a regressive tax that is disproportionately felt by those with limited means.
In addition to this sales tax hike, he and Pinsley wanted to enact a county-wide income tax to create districts that promote the arts. Yes, people who are already struggling in Allentown to put food on the table would have to work harder to help fund the artsy-fartsys.
This is no race between a Democrat and a Republican. This is a choice between good and evil. As Plutarch notes in his Parallel Lives on Cicero, "No beast is more savage than man possessed with power answerable to his rage."
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