During a committee meeting on February 25, Easton City Council member proposed a new policy in Easton that would decriminalize possession of a small amount of marijuana. He started by saying that neither he nor anyone in his family uses this controlled substance. He himself hates the smell. But his proposal is based on equality. He made the following points:
1) A person who is charged with and pleads to possession of a small amount of marijuana is usually just fined $25, but it will still be listed as a drug conviction on his or her criminal record.
2) Throughout the state, 17 municipalities have reduced the offense from misdemeanor to summary offense, the equivalent of a parking ticket. This includes Allentown and Bethlehem. It's still on your record but won't hinder you if you try to get a job, a rental or a license.
3) National statistics show there is just a two percent difference in marijuana usage between white persons and persons of color. But people of color are four times more likely to be charged with marijuana-related infractions.
4) Governor Josh Shapiro has proposed legalizing marijuana for medicinal and recreational purposes, arguing that there would be legal sales of $530 million per year.
5) In a recent poll, 63% of those surveyed support legalization in Pa. (85% Democrats, 62% Independents, 53% Republicans).
6) Easton's median income is $10,000 below the state average, meaning it is largely a lower middle-class population. Easton's population is 43% black or Hispanic. They are thus more likely to face prosecution for simple possession of a small amount if marijuana.
7) Easton borders New Jersey, where marijuana has been legalized both medicinally and recreationally since 2021. Half of NJ's sales are to Pa. residents.
8) There has been speculation that decriminalization would turn festivals like Baconfest into weed fest. But Bethlehem City Council member Rachel Leon has seen adverse effect on Bethlehem's festivals.
Under Pintabone's proposal, possession of a small amount would be a summary offense with the following fines: $90 for first offense; $180 for second offense: and $270 for third offense.
Chief Carl Scalzo voiced some concerns, including administration of the law. He'd prefer to see it done on a state level. He is also fearful that this could offer a beacon to those who might think Easton is a "weed friendly" city that bear a relation to violent crime often associated with drugs.
Council member Crystal Rose agrees that giving someone a criminal record for possession of a joint is "antiquated." But she thinks the fines should be reduced.
Council member Roger Ruggles suggested that this could be pre-empted by state law, but Solicitor Jeremy Clark opined that is unlikely.
Mayor Sal Panto had no problem with a $90 fine. "You pay that for a carton of cigarettes," he observed. He argued that fines need to be stiff to prevent people from smoking in public.
Administrator Luis Campos suggested that this could lead to a proliferation of people smoking downtown in public.
What do you think of this proposal?
Democrats can use some pot after their last weeks performance.
It’s the use in public that’s the problem. NYC stinks everywhere with it. Heavy fines and arrest warrants if you don’t pay the fine.
Apparently the profit realized from pot will be much greater to government coffers than that reaped from tobacco, which same government has railed against for the past 50 years, driving a once huge revenue producer into the ground. So, you tell me: Which puff is worse for the lungs? Cigs or dope?
ill Panto post NO Pot Smoking signs in the circle next to the tobacco signs in the circle? Inhaling minds want to know....
I get it, but it opens up a can of worms
should be done a state level.
Do not criticize, legalize. Let’s stop the nonsensical criminalization at even the Summary Offense level . It should be legalized recreationally by Harrisburg so as to have uniformity and a lack of confusion. This would the prevent unfairness of being prosecuted for an ungraded misdemeanor in one locale and getting a small fine and a glorified ticket from a more enlightened city.
All that being said, once you decriminalize small amount of marijuana down to a summary offense, the non-smoking crowd is going to have to grin and bear it because it’s going to permeate the City , and that smell will be wafting through every festival and outdoor premise… I’ve seen it before, whether it’s Philly, or Pittsburgh etc. Police will not waste the time enforcing a Summary Offense especially in a congested crowd environment.
Two cautions: Despite New Jersey being liberated on this issue, penalties for youthful violators remain. No different than alcohol use. Get busted and you may lose your spot on the varsity team. Reducing penalties should not remove penalties for under 21. If you are impaired driving as a result of illegal drugs there is no get out of jail free card. The penalties are unchanged and possession regardless of amount may only certify your guilt.
Scalzo is very concerned about slippery slopes and strawmen
I thought pot was illegal in PA. Prohibitions work quite well and don't create black markets, increased use and abuse, and associated crime.
The 18th and 21st Amendments
This makes Easton better, how? And don't say "equality", either. That's just code for catering and pandering to the miscreants and recalcitrants in your voting audience and not about improvement or fairness.
Smoke 'em if 'ya got 'em!
Next, Mr. Pintabone will distribute the junk downtown so all his friends can smoke illegally Don,t ruin Easton Keep Easton clean
Maybe a baggie with every Thanksgiving Turkey?
Easton will smell just like New York
It is illegal on the federal level keep it illegal. Pitabone clearly has visions of attempting to make a career In politics.
Sure. And in Easton people of color are more than likely to be living in Section 8 housing and collecting public assistance and food stamps. Pintabone is planning to run for mayor and since Easton is being overrun by minorities his latest proposal will bring in votes for him.
The MESA movement is born..... Make Easton STINK Again ... another reason to stay away !!!
The fine for public use is significantly higher than simple possession under the proposed ordinance
Decriminalizing marijuana in Lehigh County as stated above is misleadingly false. The DA at the time, Jim Martin, sent a memo to affected departments instructing to disregard any such measures passed by the city council as they are invalid. Cities may have stricter/ narrower laws than state law authorizes if they choose (such as dog laws, spitting on the sidewalk, leaving trash outside, etc) but they may not change the grading of state law to a lesser charge. Despite what city council passed they do not charge marijuana as a summary offense; it’s an M3 as written in the crimes code.
This is in the same way a State may grant more protections than provided in the US Constitution, but they can’t provide any less.
Addressing this on a local level is tantamount to local councils wishing to address the middle east. It sounds great but has no actual authority.
These measures by our elected officials serve no other purpose other than to sway the Cheech and Chong vote. It will spill over into more violations in our schools*, who are already struggling with matters related, and create more impaired drivers out there. The relaxed attitude will embolden more people to open usage, who (all people, not just those impaired), in turn, already do enough stupid things while not impaired. And, yes, how do these relaxations make any community better?
*And, yes, I realize the MS and HS are not in the city. The only schools within the Easton city limits are elementary schools. That alone should make those on council who support this rethink their position. One cannot predict what unintended effects will be, but they are rarely positive.
Thank you very much for the post. I’m always looking for public input.
A few points I’d like to make.
-My ordinance would increase the fine more that 4x’s if caught smoking in public. I don’t want people having to walk through smoke and hopefully this would help to discourage it
- I disagree with almost all of our Chief’s positions ( although I appreciate the chief immensely) I’ve spent hours discussing this with our Chief, and ever piece of opposition that he brought I was able to address by speaking with Judges, DA’s, elected officials, police officers, magistrates, mayors etc locally and throughout the 17 municipalities in PA that have already done this. I spoke with a person that was pulled over for failure to come to a complete stop in Easton back in 2003. While providing his DL a small bag of marijuana fell out. It contained 1.8 grams In a baggie for the purpose of smoking. He was charged an plead guilty to DRUG possession. The gentleman is currently 45 yrs old, has never been in trouble since, but has lost out on jobs, apartments, youth coaching and the right to carry a firearm arm. This isn’t a D vs R issue as many people from both parties agree with decriminalizing and or legalizing marijuana. If a DUI is included or any other offense then everything would be the same as now. This is for small amounts of marijuana ALONE. No other crime/violation with it. Lastly, if a person pleads Not guilty to a marijuana charge, currently the state pays for the testing even if the defendant is found guilty. Under this ordinance, if a defendant pleads not guilty and testing is required, once found guilty the testing fee would be the responsibility of the defendant.
Thank you
Councilman Frank Pintabone
Any government that encourages the use of this is nuts. l would like the freedom to enjoy festivals and just the outdoors without smelling this shit. Can't understand why ingesting booze or cigarettes or other substances is perceived as recreational. All alter brain chemistry temporarily and maybe longer term. What the hell is the matter with people that they got to "feel good" or "relax" by ingesting chemicals? Grow up! Does not make sense to get taxes this way and then turn around and have to fund health care for any problems from this.
Councilman Pintabone: If the Chief of Police is strongly for or against something, maybe Council should trust his recommendations. Council appoints the Chief to do "police chief" things, which, at times may conflict with a councilman/woman's agenda. But, he knows his job. Let him do it.
Yes. A small amount of marijuana should impact a person from employment or housing. But 36 felony convictions and you could be president ?? Goth republicans
3:00. It was stated above that the fines will be 4x’s what they are now to discourage the use. Reading is fundamental
2:30 pm: You are forgetting that Jim Martin (and now his successor) had a clue. The dolt running the DA’s office fires people without cause, hires detectives with questionable backgrounds, overlooks OT requests, and circles the wagon with good old boys who, for whatever reason, protect him.
As for other commenters — the stench of pot nauseates me. Is my right to open space and fresh air negated due to people wanting their high?
Just do gummies. No smoking anything in public.
3 pm for president! I couldn’t agree with you more.
I'm all for legalization of weed. Use in public should be treated just as alcohol. If its cool to drink a beer than it should be ok to light up, even if it's a designated area for smokers. It should have never been criminalized to begin with. Looking at history shows that it was helped to becoming illegal by those who didn't want to lose their power or jobs when the prohibition of alcohol ended. President Nixon ridiculously helped have it classified as a Schedule 1 drug, right up there with heroin, because he felt his enemies, the lefty, antiwar faction used it most.
Always amazes me that people who claim they want the government to not interfere with their lives are the first to say it should interfere in others'.
Like it doesn't already
And who is responsible for making sure the defendant would be liable to pay if tested positive?
4:14: Reading is fundamental, yes, but the ability to follow trends and patterns, apparently, is not. The stronger fines will eventually be labeled discriminatory or racist or some other nonsense and then that slippery slope continues on slippin'. Easton did a great job rebranding itself and moving away from that nadir of the 80s/early 90s but now it's circling back into that trap.
Gee, I wonder if the MS and HS (and some ES) kids have figured that out yet. (Hint: they have. And our brain-dead elected officials (who appear not to need drugs because they already act like they have fried-out brains) who endorse this capitulation to a certain segment of the population deserve all the thanks.)
This is s a horrible idea and just encourages the use of street quality weed in Easton. Today people are pigs, and the weed is ten times much more potent than in past decades. It is also impure with additives. Pettibone is vying for publicity to be mayor. This ploy for the poor is more than a bad idea it is dangerous. Having weed in your car is like having booze in your car. Influenced driving is influenced driving and dangerous. The pea about the poor and marginalized people is just modern BS and vote fishing.
The smoking is done everywhere and ius disguising no one is considerate of others. Domb idea. If this is your type of decision making, the mayor thing may not be so great. Allentown is a dump, and you are pandering to get Eason who has its share of problems even worse.
The courts !
Give the people their soma and they will be good little epsilon semi-morons.
Vlad. You sound like someone I know.
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