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Friday, September 13, 2024

Trump Factchecked by ... Deutschland

While Trump and his cult followers grouse about being fact-checked by debate moderators, he's also been corrected by a highly unusual source ... Deutschland

During the debate, Trump made this assertion about Germany:

""You believe in things like we're not going to frack, we're not going to take fossil fuel, we're not going to do things that are going to be strong, whether you like it or not," Trump said to Kamala Harris. "Germany tried that, and within one year, they were back to building normal energy plants."

Germany's Foreign Office reesponds, and with a bit of humor:

"Like it or not: Germany's energy system is fully operational, with more than 50% renewables ... And we are shutting down – not building – coal & nuclear plants. Coal will be off the grid by 2038 at the latest."

It concludes with this zinger:

"PS: We also don't eat cats and dogs."


  1. What a fuckn clown is that repulsive orange piece of shit. Harris for the win!

    1. Harris will destroy this country asshole

    2. Harris wins the country is done...

    3. @11:03 and 8:42

      I’m so sorry that your billionaire friends are going to be taxed and made to pay their fair share.

      I’m so sorry that women will be allowed to have autonomy over their bodies.

      I’m so, so sorry that Kamala will once and for all, kill Project 2025 and everyone of those lunatic ideas.

      I’m so sorry that you’re be able to get a fair, livable wage for once and affordable healthcare.

      I feel so bad for you…

  2. The eating pet cat story, even if proven false, ended up focusing hundreds of million eyes on the massive failure that is locating 20,000 illegal immigrants into one rather small city, Springfield, OH.

    Citizens of that city have had their lives carelessly turned upside down by the disastrous Biden/Harris border policy. That’s not the kind of publicity any political party wants as they try and tell us they deserve to continue in charge of the White House. Score one for Donald Trump!

    1. Politicians are the ones who lie. they are worthless democrats

    2. The press and even the town like aurora want to make us believe there are no problems. The Springfield story could happen anywhere and I'm glad it's been brought to the countries attention. Good for trump

    3. Yes, that’s the point, 9:00PM. We can criticize Trump for repeating someone else’s claim about neighborhood cats being used for food by Haitians moved into Springfield. He had no direct knowledge the incident was true, but along with mentioning that claim, Trump did immediately state he didn’t know if it was true, or not. But, what happened was, his relaying the possibility of new immigrants eating pets, Trump inadvertently (?) created a massive media firestorm.

      In effect, the news media created a powerful, nationwide focus on one potential problem with wide open borders and unvetted entrants. This would be the last thing the Democrat candidate and her supportive corporate news media would want to have happen!

      By jumping all over Trump for his remark, the Democrat sycophants actually threw shade in their OWN actions.

  3. 10:39, That is nonsense. What happened in Springfield is that American-owned manufacturing left to avoid union wages and paying a living wage. The population declined until a Japanese auto parts company was attracted to the area. That company hired Haitians bc they had a good work ethic and they were here legally. The population began to rebound, but the sudden influx of people raised the cost of housing. Resentment began to grow and boiled over when a Haitian immigrant collided with a schoolbus and killed an 11 year old boy. He pleaded to involuntary manslaughter. That is when the hate erupted and the wild stories began. There's a good story about this on The Daily. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/13/podcasts/the-daily/ohio-immigrants-pets.html

    The crisis in Ohio has nothing to do with immigration policy and everything to do with corporate greed and a desire to kill union labor.

    Since that time, there have been several attempts to justify the spread of lies. They are still lies. The father of the boy who died has asked Trump and JD Vance to stop spreading lies. https://www.timesleaderonline.com/news/ohio-news/2024/09/father-of-slain-ohio-boy-asks-trump-not-to-invoke-his-son-in-immigration-debate/

    1. I’m glad you shared this information, Bernie. The entire episode has really blown up. Like it, or not, the talk is all about non-specific immigration and the disruption of community life. I believe this and higher costs of living are the two main issues on the minds of voters. Both issues have tainted the present administration in a big way.

  4. The cat story is true. Cats can be food. They're also acceptable to be killed because of Duvalier's belief that cats carried a voodoo curse on him. The Haitian overrun is a Republican (albeit a never-Trump Republican) creation by Mike DeWine and his wife who run a Haitian school through an NGO. They've been stealing Haitian-directed dough, the same way the Clintons did after the earthquake. Nothing is just black and white, just blue and red.

    1. 5:48 am, The cat story is a complete lie. The woman who is responsible for this lie has apologized. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/-just-exploded-springfield-woman-says-never-meant-spark-rumors-haitian-rcna171099

      But in an authoritarian regime, one must repeat whatever the LEADER says, even when it is proved false.

    2. How was anyone to know it was false bernie

    3. 9:01, If you knew anything about logic, and as a Trump cultist you don't, you'd know it is impossible to prove a negative.

  5. The eating cats and dogs lie is so bizarre any person with one half of a brain would doubt the veracity of it. Now it seems MAGItes are threatening the citizens of Springfield all because Trump was so dangerously irresponsible as to further spread the lie on national tv for his own gain at the expense of the safety of the people of Springfield. Worse, he will not retract the silly lie. No one that irresponsible should be elected to any office .
    He is a disgrace to his party.

  6. Like we care what Germany says.

  7. Democrats claim they are the party of unity. They want to stop the divisiveness. Harris says she’s for all Americans, yet democrats continue to call those who support Trump a cult. There are two candidates running. People in this country still have a choice who they want to elect for President. That’s it two choices. People may not like either one, but they have no other choice. A write in, third party will never win. So, to call those who support Trump cult members is exactly why this country will continue to be divided and not united. And Bernie, you are part of that problem.

    1. Incorrect. There's a key difference. Trump's true believers ("cult members") don't just support him, they support his lies. Want to find a cultist? Just ask someone with a Trump flag outside his house if the 2020 election was rigged and if Trump actually won.

      It's sad and pathetic. Trump lost the 2020 election fair and square. No tampering. No "steal". Trump lost but continues to whine and bitch and complain to all his supporters, because he's a liar and a pretender.

  8. Bernie you sound like a left-wing democrat.

  9. Knew it would happen sooner or later:
    O Hare posts his New York Times plagiarized bullshit late on Friday afternoon to avoid people noticing until early Monday morning (a government and lame stream media tactic) to keep people from catching on till something over the weekend can take precedence....

    1. 12:08, My source for this story is CBS News, to which I linked.

    2. Yup, he posted it on his blog so no one would see. Bahahaha!

  10. Let's be like Germany! No abortions after 15 weeks; voter ID is mandatory; borders are being closed to migrants; they're funding a re-migration program to send migrants back! Let's be like Germany. They're also much kinder to Jews than the US is these days.

  11. The idea that a majority of Americans would actually vote for a continuation of what we’ve seen from the Biden Administration is stunning. Even worse, with a Kamala Harris in charge.

    Trump should win in a landslide. But, will we get a legitimate election in November? Sadly, I think not.

    1. 4:05, your Orange Crush is gonna get his fat old nasty ass handed to him fair and square in November. Harris for the win, baby! We're gonna dump Trump once and for all and for good and forever! Make America Sane Again!

  12. Harris has been fact checked be…no one.

  13. It takes a special kind of stupidness' to want 4 more years of what we just haq

  14. Harris said a lot of bullshit also.

    She claimed we have no troops in combat zones. We literally have thousands of troops getting hazardous duty pay who are stationed in the Middle East. The Middle East is a combat zone. We recently lost 2 Navy SEALS boarding a vessel in a military operation.

    The Heritage Foundation produced Project 2025, not Trump like she claimed.

    She refused to answer about whether she supported late term abortion. She does.

    She refused to answer whether people are better off today than they were 4 years ago.

    Muir fact checked Trump about crime rates. The FBI Uniform crime report from 2023 failed to report stats from over 6000 law enforcement agencies. Regardless, the trick here is crime skyrockets, then comes down a little but is still much higher than 2019, oh crime rates are coming down now lol.

    She claimed she never supported a mandatory gun buy back program, she did. She now states she’s a gun toting pro second amendment person. Yeah, let’s see your pistol permit Kamala LOL.

    That’s just a few. She refused to discuss her flip flops on private health insurance. Her price control proposal which even the liberal Washington Post panned. She gets away with it because most of the media hate Trump and want her to win. I’m not a MAGA person, this is just about basic media fairness. I think it’s bad for the country when the media decides who should win political races. Just report fairly and let the people decide. 90% of Trumps coverage is negative and 90% of hers is positive. I want her to answer about her complete 180 on so many issues. Also, how about explaining what her policies will be. It’s all vague boiler plate statements. No substance.

    1. 9:43: "The Heritage Foundation produced Project 2025, not Trump like she claimed."

      Give me a break, The Heritage Foundation "suggested" all three idiots that Trump nominated to the Supreme Court.

      The Heritage Foundation has Trump in their back pocket, where there wallet is located.

    2. Facts are facts there Skippy. Most of that shit in there will never happen anyway, even if he did win, which he won’t. It’s just another boogie man created by liberals.

    3. So a constitutional scholar that doesn’t believe the constitution is a living breathing document is an idiot. Lol. I got news for you Skippy, Amy Coney Barrett is smarter than you when she’s sleeping.

    4. Trumps name is published 300 times in the Heritage Foundation's 2025 manifesto

  15. We know how Trump will run the country and it was excellent. We know Harris value have not changed-Left-wing Marxist If you vote for her you are one stupid ignorant person.

  16. Next Bernie will be quoting Mein Kampf

    1. Trump has literally quoted or referenced it many times

    2. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna130958

  17. Another assassination attempt against Trump by Bernie’s people.

    How about another lecture about Jan 6th.

    1. This is lame. Whoever is posting stuff like this... get a life. Trump is reviled because he's led a life of mendacity, dishonor, and cruelty to others. He is a felon and a rapist. He has no values, which is why he wants to surrender Ukraine to the Russians. He encouraged his pathetic mob to injure Capitol cops on JAN6. That has nothing to do with Bernie.

  18. Because of people like you they keep shooting at Trump

    1. Not so sure bout that... dude is a Haley supporter. Another white dude with gun store-bought superpowers. An AR-15 and scope made him extremely dangerous even from 500 yards away.

  19. Who do you mean by “they.”

    Marxist liberals like you? You’re people?

    The people that injured 1800 cops and did 2 billion dollars in property damage during BLM riots?

    The anti -semites at the Palestinian encampments across the country?

    Antifa? Climate Change eco-terrorists?

    Those people? Your people? Your racists, bigots, and terrorists?

  20. Trump spreads all kind of lies about a huge variety of issues and his gullible followers suck it all up. his lies about eating cats and dogs is a whopper. There's nothing wrong with eating a little pussy. Ask the women who have dated Trump.

  21. Germans eat horses, though. Czechs too. I've been there and have seen it on several menus. I politely said nay. But cats and dogs and viral bats are all considered food.


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