Local Government TV

Friday, September 13, 2024

UPDATED:Harris Should Drop Request For Another Debate

Riding high after a powerful debate performance, VP Kamala Harris has challenged former President Donald Trump to a second debate even though he's already ruled it out. "We owe it to the voters," she said. Now that she's positioned herself as the person willing to do a second faceoff, she should let the matter drop. 

I doubt that she can do any better in a second debate than she already has. I doubt Trump can do any worse. 

She raised $17 million in 24 hours after her tete-a-tete with Trump in Philly. It's unclear whether her debate performance has actually helped her campaign, but I am sure that a poor outing will hurt her.  According to a Morning Consult poll conducted after the debate, she now leads Trump by 5 points, with some of her new support coming from independents. We all know that polls can be questioned, especially when gauging Trump support. But if this is accurate, why jeopardize a close lead by giving Trump the attention that Demagogue Don always craves?

(Updated 11 am.)


  1. American people are making a big-time mistake if they vote in Harris Things will change alright, but it will be worse than Biden's term by a landslide.

    1. The big mistake would be a second Trump term. If that happens say good bye to democracy and read project 2025 to see what you’re in for the future.

    2. Project 2025 is a proposal from the Heritage Foundation. It has nothing to do with the Trump campaign. Some of what’s in is good, some I disagree with. Most of the proposals require congressional approval anyway.

  2. Keep in mind that she requested another debate before Trump said no more debates.

  3. Everything I’ve heard or read claimed a majority of American viewers actually thought she did poorly in the debate. There are accusations she was given questions in advance by her longtime friend and Sorority Sister, the female ABC moderator.

    Who can be sure about anything in today’s world? But, I thought she presented poorly in speech and mannerism. Surely, I’m obviously a racist!

  4. So true. CBS won't host so she'd be humiliated even more.

  5. Makes no strategic sense to drop the matter. Trump has already officially declined any further debates. So by her requesting another debate and him refusing, it now appears that he is afraid.

  6. You are just afraid she won't get two more moderators as bias as abc's liberal puppets.

  7. maybe the second one won't be so one sided take her hearing device out of her ear

    1. 7:41: If Kamala Harris was wearing an earpiece, she would have trounced Trump even more. After Trump's dog eating comment, Harris should have replied, "I'm commiting elder abuse in this debate. Should we stop so Dementia Donald can go to his safe place and be mentally evaluated".

  8. Todays post at Lehigh Valley Gaslighting...
    Seriously, your panties are showing.

  9. Powerful debate??? Ya mean kinda like Boeing Starliners's powerful thruster system? One left two astros stranded in space, the other left 13 brave American service people dead in Afganistan with its' powerful preformance.
    Vote Hair-ass for a demonstrated failure to accomplish anything.....

  10. I am A trump person but Trump dropped the ball in that debate Harris is as weak as they come on many issues and Trump missed the boat no question about it.The media is covering up her many weakness and Trump did not attack her properly. If she is elected President we are in trouble.

  11. Harris is hiding from the public If the people leaves her get away with this then America deserves what they are about to get from her. Except us Trump people will suffer to with her silly and dangerous policies

  12. The only way Trump should debate would be on fox news--fuck these democrats this time do it our way.

    1. 10:33: you sound open-minded, tolerant and completely sane. Reality check: Unhinged and triggered.

  13. That debate performance by Harris was pathic all she did mock Trump and talk about her joy for America. No wonder she wants another debate.

    1. what planet do you people live on

  14. 539..Respectfully, any student Inna political science class with understanding of current issues could predict what questions would be asked. These were all relevant questions. Because Trump failed miserably, his campaign has to deflect from his performance.

    1. I wash thinking more along the lines of Harris having plenty of time to rehearse a more cogent sounding response having known already what her Sorority Sister would be asking her. Reportedly, Harris has trouble answering questions when put on the spot, like at a random public appearance.

    2. 2:32, The fact that Harris and an ABC moderator belonged to the same national sorority while attending college means nothing. They never even met prior to the debate. There are more than 1,000 chapters of that organization. It is the premier sorority for women of color.

      Also, we've all seen the word salad interviews in her early days as VP. The debate shows she has progressed. Aside from her interview with a major network, I've watched her approach reporters after getting off a flight and ask, "Whach' you got?"

      You have her pegged wrong. She is not the stupid person Trump claimed she was, and her debate performance against Trump proves it.

  15. I was very worried going into the debate, since seeing Biden perform so so terribly gave me PTSD. I received a bunch messages from left-leaning friends who were also worried. But by the 30min mark, we were all celebrating, because it was clear she had demolished Trump... or maybe more accurately, Trump humiliated himself live on national television. Trump let the crazy out for all to see. Pet eating. Live birth killing. Abdul at Camp David. No plan for health care after 9 years. No plan for his big deportation policy. So so so unpresidential. Looked like an utter buffoon. I'm not surprised his campaign team is telling him not to debate her again. He got straight up triggered for real.

  16. Everybody is unhinged but the democrats.

  17. Democrats are so stupid that they want to continue with inflation, no border, more crime, more wars, More immigrant crime, sex change operation for free, Tampons in every bathroom, Killing babies at end of 9 month,.free everything for illegals--yet people will vote for this agenda.

  18. Bernie Harris herself said her value did not change What does that mean--Is she still a left-wing lunatic.

  19. If people vote policies, it will be a Trump landslide, but I fear this country got too many asshole democrats that do not think and are brainwashed.

    1. 12:24, People like myself vote on policy and character. Trump is demonstrably unfit to be President as a matter of character. On policy, Trump will increase the deficit by imposing tariffs. I reject his nativism, isolationism and protectionism. I agree that we need to take care of ourselves but reject the notion that we can be an island unto ourselves. I am appalled by the xenophobia and outright bigotry he represents. He cares about himself, not working people.

    2. Well, if you believe Harris is fit to be President, you'd best ask friends who care about you to help you get checked into a psychiatric facility.

    3. Tariffs? You mean like the ones Biden just imposed?

  20. A open forum conference with Harris is what's needed. We know she memorizes well. Let's see her answer tough questions with follow up about her policies

    1. 12;27, Your declaration that "she memorizes well" tells me you already made up your mind and are using this suggestion as an excuse for not voting for her. A debate format does no permit long detailed answers and most Americans do not want more than soundbites. It is unfortunate, but that's the way it is.

    2. Agree Bernie. So do a real press conference. Let's see that before we all decide

    3. An I admire people who memorize well. Fyi

  21. 10:58 The truth hurts you democrats.-you can give but can't take it

  22. 10;33 apparently you live somewhere else or you did not watch the debate

  23. Bernie you have no sense when it comes to Trump you definitely are deranged

  24. 12:24 You do not vote on character you voted for Biden a real piece of shit --you are a big-time fraud your blog is a fake blog because all you do is lie .

  25. Kamala is a distraction and nothing more. She flip flops now on everything (she loves fracking - yeah right). Time to pay attention to what is really going on here (yes, you Democrats). She has no intention of saving America or its citizens (key word "citizens"). Trump didn't have a chance - yes - 3-1. Everything you apparently hate about Trump is propaganda, Bernie. I thought you were smarter than that but guess I'm wrong. Why would a successful businessman (and billionaire) do what Trump has done and continues to do if the United States wasn't in trouble? Would you take a bullet for anyone of us? This man did. Look around here in the Lehigh Valley at the invasion of illegal immigrants and homeless encampments. Is this the Lehigh Valley you want? If so, by all means, vote for Kamala.

    1. Yes, yes, nevermind the so called "facts", the great orange one will save us all. He is/was a successful business man, just look at the tax statements he released! (or will any day now, its the audit thing don't you know so he can't legally show them, that law doesn't apply for anyone else in the U.S., just him). 7 times filed for bankruptcy? It was all part of his wise business acumen that actually made him money. I remember when he said he would get rid of all the loopholes that he used so wisely to make his billions (who knows how many billions, can't wait to see those tax statements released!). I'm sure there were many changes to the tax system for his fellow millionaires and billionaires to pay their fair share during his term since he got rid of all those loopholes. He had those rich folks fooled when he went down the same day he made that statement at a meeting with them telling them "You all just got a lot richer". Yup, fooled em real good. Just look at all those loopholes that were stopped. So many. Can't wait for his next term to stop some more.

    2. Was the economy and your life better under Trump? Mine was. Was the world (and the US) involved in several wars? No. Don’t listen to me about Kamala’s plans for the economy but tap in to comments of Kevin O’Leary. Where will the money come from for new home buyers, new parents, student loan forgiveness, Medicare for all (including illegals)? Kamala is the one who has allowed illegal immigrants to overrun this county. If you ever worked for a living you should be angry about someone getting everything for free simply because they succeeded in crossing the border into this country. Do you have children or grandchildren? They will feel it more than anyone. As Trump said, Kamala is jumping right past socialism into

  26. Comrade Bernie, Trump did CNN and ABC debates. Comrade Kamala won't do Fox news, NBC or CBS debates. Where do you expect them to do a debate?
    Even the New York Times said it's a conflict of interest


    1. 3:29, People should read your link bc it does not support what you say. It actually does the opposite. And although Fox has proposed a debate, your cult leader has ruled it out. So whether Harris would agree or not is moot.

  27. "Powerful performance" And how would you describe her last 4 yrs in the White House?

  28. 3:29 you sound like a very sick person.

    1. And you sound just like Trump, dumping on people without giving any reasons. Just calling names like immature schoolyard bullies.

      Agree with him or not, Bernie explains himself with factual reasons.

  29. Wild is lying about her opponent typical democrat print this Bernie

  30. my question is this..... where on the Kamala Harris website does it show her pathway to success??? She has no policies listed on her site... how can one vote for her if we don't know what we are getting from her? As an Independent voter... THIS MATTERS!! Look in the end, she touts her record as a prosecutor in California. She was proud to be the casting vote for the Inflation Reduction Act (which won't feel the full effects for 10 years)... She can't make up her mind on what she wants and she too is responsible for the loss of 13 Soldiers in Afghanistan, which her administration told to essentially "GO FUCK YOURSELF"... If you don't believe the Afghanistan part, just reach out to the Gold Star Families of the Fallen 13, I've gotten to meet one of those families recently in Arkansas and it was a very interesting story to be heard.

  31. Bernie the man you voted forBiden may get us into war yet he still as time--- he is still messing with Putin nuclear war???

  32. Our country is so divided. We seriously want many of he same things but have different ideas on how to do that responsibly. On the abortion issue it was not trump who made the decision it was the supreme Court. The states now appropriately will decide. Most people including trump believe rape incest health of mother are reasons for abortions. However. Responsibility lies with all woman. My body my choice should be don't get pregnant if you don't want to. It's still our choice but the emphasis should be on responsible sex not abortion. On another topic I don't care who wants to be called what or do what but don't make children change sexes before they are able to really understand what they're doing. Children should not have sex change anything. And please don't make me pay for it. We want the land of opportunity but not give outs to all on the backs of those who are struggling too simply I don't want to pay for others college and houses and businesses when I'm struggling to pay my own bills responsibly. I don't want immigrants coming here without being vetted. Good people from other countries can't get in. Why should millions be able to walk in when our present population is struggling. Have them apply and wait per the process. I want us to be oil independent. I want to see the economy recover and cost go down like everyone else. These things haven't happened under Biden Harris. Why does anyone think they will now if Harris wins the election? I still want people to be called moms and dads i want woman to not be called birthing person. I just want some sense of normalcy. If this sounds bad I'm sorry. But we should respect that we all have different opinions and not attack each other for them. We all need to be respond and especially our elected officials to stop spending money we don't have . Hold criminal accountable and please spare me the trump criminal comments. I talking violent criminals released on limited bail and no ice involvement when there should be deportation. I want our elected officials to listen to the people who put them in office not have their own agenda. Lastly I'd love to see people not be so mean and intolerant. Tx for reading

  33. I remain fixed in my belief that most abortions are not done to save the life of a mother. You don't see the fawning press doing articles on limitations of abortions in many countries. When women base their progress and rights on the death of a baby we are in big trouble. When a woman has experienced the crime of rape, she needs support and prosecution of the rapist. When I describe abortions, I do not include the so called the morning after pill. The position of the politician on that subject outweighs any other standing of the candidate. And please spare me that I don't support caring for the mother and the child after birth. I have never seen a child, no matter how handicapped that should not have been born or does not deserve care after birth.

  34. In September of 2016, Hillary was up by 6 points. She won the popular vote by 2 points.

    In September of 2020, Biden was up by 10 points. He won the popular vote by 4.

    Harris is currently up by 2.

    Draw your own conclusions and opinions.

  35. From Brian Karem at Salon: "At the end of the day, even Trump staffers were quietly talking about the fiasco. “Down ballot Republicans are very angry and worried,” one Trump staffer told me. “We did not do well.”"

    During the debate, Trump didn't answer a single question that was asked. All he could do was to deflect into name-calling and fear-mongering. He was certainly not up to discussing policy issues, especially when those issues strongly favor the democrats. Inflation is way down and employment is way up. Trump blocked a bi-partisan border security bill simply because "“wanted to run on a problem rather than fixing the problem.”

    So, unless Trump gets to handpick his favorite Fox news moderators, he will not agree to another debate. He is old and his mental abilities are rapidly deteriorating.

    1. He was angry at the constant lies put out by Harris. Frankly I don't blame him. Wish he had not taken the bait but we see it for what it was. Harris saying nothing except her lies about trump. Tell me what is Harris proposing that you like so much????

    2. Which policies did Harris discuss? Go back and listen to here answer when asked about the economy. Nothing!

    3. Civility and respect for the opinions of others.

      Give me an example of one of Harris's lies about Trump. Bet you can't.

    4. She said he created project 2025. The Heritage Foundation did.

  36. I truly appreciate yall MAGAts coming out this evening, but try as you will, this election is OVER. Kamala has the independent vote now and it’s gonna be, you guessed it, a landslide.

    But thank you all for exposing your racist, xenophobic, transphobic opinions to your entire friends and family, and take comfort that you got your wish of being ostracized by all of them.

    MAGAts, may you live the lives you deserve.

    Buh bye

    1. What kind of a person labels half the country racist xenophobic etc except a person who is angry, clueless and prejudiced themselves. I'm tired of hearing all Democrats claiming this. It's BS and u know it but you have nothing else as your candidate has nothing of substance either

    2. In this country, not all white people are racist, but most racist, are white. Anyone who buys into the imaginary border crisis, specifically racist comments made about Haitians in Ohio, who are here legally, is complicit to racism. The comments Trump made hurts all black and brown people because it perpetuates hate among these communities. So even after all that, you still vote for that a-hole, you’re expressing the notion that it’s okay to be racist, as long as it doesn’t affect your Lilly-white existence in this country. White people don’t care, unless it’s affecting them personally, and there lies the problem. You’re not a patriot, unless you stand behind all Americans, specifically those in marginalized communities who deal with this type of hatred on an everyday basis.

    3. Ask a Dominican if Haitians eat cats and dogs.

    4. Most Muslims are not terrorists, but most of the terrorists are Muslim. Imaginary border crisis? Even democrats acknowledge it. It’s costing NYC, Chicago, LA billions of dollars with a B pal. Imaginary, SMH, these people are not well.

  37. 9:06, No one has labelled half the country as racist and xenophobic, etc. I believe most Rs are no more racist or xenophobic than most Dems or myself. But I also believe that Trump, his VP running mate, his son (Donald, Jr.) and many of his cult followers are racist and xenophobic. Donald Jr and Vance made that clear just today, and I will post about it on Monday. Time for you to wake up.

    1. I'm pretty awake. But can't wait to hear your next entry

    2. The reality is, Bernie, there is NOTHING that would keep you from voting for whomever (Harris) or whatever (a ham sandwich) the Democrats put up against Trump. You despise Trump with all your soul. Locked in a tunnel.

      Millions share your fervent determination to defeat Trump. You’ll take your ‘win’ at all costs to the nation. Even a ‘win’ through election cheating would work for you, I believe.

      I respect your Right to be wrong, and bid you well, regardless. Your Blog is enjoyable.

  38. I think you’re a racist Bernie lol. So you’re posting all negative stories about Trump. All positive stories about any Dem out there. I think I’m done with this blog it’s basically an arm of the Harris campaign now.

    1. No one will miss you. May you rest in oblivion with the rest of you Trump supporters. May you have the life you deserve.

  39. 11:41 spoken as a true left-wing lunatic

  40. It's time for all sides to stop this insanity. Another possible assassinate attempt. Time to simply speak to policies and stop the inflammatory reporting. Unity is most important now.

    1. White male Republican Haley supporter with an AR-15. Go figure.

    2. With a Harris Biden bumper sticker on his vehicle? With a long record of donating to ActBlue. Nice try lol. He’s an unhinged liberal democrat.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.