Local Government TV

Monday, September 16, 2024

NorCo Retirees' Fall Newsletter

(Blogger's Note: Northampton County's Retiree's Association is a very good group, thanks to hard chargers like Gerald E "Jerry" Seyfried and Pat Strunk, their representative on the Retirement Board. Jerry was kind enough to share the most recent newsletter, and I am posting it here.) 

Hello retirees. I hope everyone is well and in good health. We're going to start off our biannual newsletter with some super great news coming from our Representative on the Retirement Board, Pat Strunk. The following is her report.

PFM ASSET MANAGEMENT, the investment advisor that manages your Retirement and OREB Fund (medical benefits) investments shared the following information with the members of the Retirement Board. As of June 30, 2024, the Retirement Fund asset market value was $502,491,800. The OPEB Fund, which pays for your medical benefits, had an asset market value of $51,517,800. The Retirement Fund earned 7.28% during the first 6-months of this year while the OPEB Fund had a 6.24% return. As of the latest actuarial reports, the Retirement Fund was 93.9% funded and the OPEB Fund was 54.6% funded.

We as retirees in Northampton County are very fortunate in that our leadership, both County Executive/Administration and County Council/Commissioners have funded the OPEB medical costs for retirees and employees while some counties have lagged in funding their obligations. Our Pension Fund is one of the best funded pension plans in the Commonwealth.

We extend a hearty welcome to our newest retirees: Patrick Barrett, Kristine Blake, Jamie Bowles, Debra Budge, Deborah Caffrey, Holly Calantoni Houser, Dion Campbell, Jon Collins, Luis Cruz Jr., Jane Curto, Kim Dawson, Kenneth Dier, Lewis Donatelli Jr., Tara Fister, Gale Gearinger, Donald Gebhard, Enza Gerbino, Luis Gonzalez Morales, Lisa Henley, Madge Henry, Scott Hoke, Joanna Janette, Sinceray Johnson, Sandra Jones, Marie Joseph, John Karlowitch, James Kostyra, Ruth Kutz, David Lewis, Kevin Lott , Susan MartinelIi, Susan Mason, William Mcgee, Deana Meeker, Susan O'Dowd, Phillip Palmer, Morag Parry, Maria Ramunni, Gail Sanders, Mary Jane Schaffer, Cynthia Schultes, Christopher Shipman, Andre Stevens, Lori Stofanak, Kimberlie Stout, Mark Surber, Shelia Zeigafuse, Rene Zelko, and Linda Zembo. We look forward to seeing you. We hope you have a long and happy retirement.

Our heartfelt condolences go out to the families and friends of the following retirees that have recently passed away: Michael Boksan, Mary Brown, Christine Crogan, Robert Cronauer, Stefanie Deutsch, Eugene Giunta Jr., Michele Glick, Myra Hartung, Anthony Koury, Eugenio Oliva, Dorothy Rader, Charlotte Snyder, Anna Stofko, Caroline Struss, Florence WaIicke, Alice Wilder, and Joseph Zubia. They will be missed by all who had the pleasure of knowing them.

With the election of Brian Panella to the bench in Northampton County, we have been without a Solicitor. We haven't had just good Solicitors serving us, we have had "GREAT SOLICITORS" representing us. Our new Solicitor is a very familiar face in the Northampton County community, and I have complete confidence in him because of his dedication and service to the community. We welcome Attorney Joseph Kelley on board as our new Solicitor and we'll share a little of his background with you. He has a BA in Politics from DeSales University where he graduated cum laude. He received his Juris Doctor from Dickinson School of Law at Pennsylvania State University. He served as the District Director/Legal Counsel for State Senator Lisa Boscola managing local outreach and constituent services and was responsible for oversight of three district offices. He then became Chief of Staff/Legal Counsel for State Senator Lisa Boscola (2017 — present). He was Assistant General Counsel from 2004-2010 for the City of Bethlehem providing advice to several city departments on a broad range of legal matters. From 2002-2008 he was an Associate with the Perry Law Firm and before that he was with the Law Office of Charles Bruno from 2000-2002 where he had a diverse case load focusing primarily on business litigation and municipal law. He is very knowledgeable about SENIOR ISSUES and will be an asset to our Retirees Association. Welcome aboard attorney Joseph Kelly. By the way, Northampton County retiree Sue Horvath is Attorney Kelly's mother-in-law.

More Good News. The County is pleased to offer the 7th annual FREE retiree flu shot clinic. This year's clinic will be held at the Northampton County Retirees Association luncheon. The County has arranged for a pharmacist to be on site to administer shots, beginning at 11 am. If you are unable to attend the luncheon, the County will be hosting alternate flu shot clinics. All retirees will be receiving a mailing regarding these alternate dates and locations.

To receive a flu shot at any of the County-sponsored events, including the retiree luncheon, you must register in advance by contacting Pamela Romanishan at (610) 829-6375 or promanishan@norcopa.gov.

Please be sure to bring your driver's license and medical insurance card, if applicable. For those Medicare-eligible individuals: Medicare Part B covers 100% of the cost of seasonal flu shots, once a year during the Fall or Winter. Also, the County is attempting to have a representative of Capital Blue Cross and that representative’s counterpart with Medicare to answer any questions you may have pertaining to your medical coverage. Remember: You must pre-register using the above telephone number or email address if you want to take advantage of this great opportunity.

As most of you are aware, we (the Retirees Association) are "incorporated" as a non-profit organization. This means when it comes to "political candidates" we must be very careful how we handle candidates at our events. Your Board has decided that we will not be allowing candidates to attend our luncheon. We will not stop them from coming to the front door and passing out their literature. They will not be permitted to come inside during the luncheon.

There is more information on the back of the reservation/invitation form. Hope to see you at the luncheon. 


  1. Interesting...didn't realize a retirement association needed its own solicitor. Do you know how he's paid? Out of the County budget? Anyway, certainly seems more active than Lehigh County retirement.

    1. 2:18, It is a good idea for any nonprofit to have a solicitor so it stays clear of anything that could cause it to lose its nonprofit status. The solicitor is pro bono.

    2. Nice have a solicitor that is also a county employee in the custody department. No conflict of interest. This county is so fu--kin corrupt. It is amazing when you start to pull back the layers and see this county for what it is. Should still do the job. Who cares if he is a judge.

    3. A former solicitor did serve as a custody master. I'd like you to explain how that was a conflict of interest.

  2. So, you have to have an ID to get a flu shot but not to vote.

  3. This is the Golden Age for retirees in Northampton County.

  4. Currently employed by northampton County. Could only dream to get a pension like those employees. We don't get our step. They got steps and COLA raises in the same year the current retires. Now we have an executive that doesn't even give steps. That fund will be gone in 15 to 20 years. When I'll need it. People don't understand the county employees contributions are what keep that thing going and when employees raises don't keep up with the cost of living it slowly gets depleted. You see it already in the medical fund. That is why Lamont is up there crying about a medical center.
    But Lamont got his little buddy Kenny a county pension.

    1. your pension and medical benefits are guaranteed. If you are entitled to them when you were hired they cannot be denied to you. This is what the Retiree Association does. It guarantees you are not going to be short changed by having a mandated representative on the Retirement Board.

    2. 11:52, you are spouting misinfo. The most recent contract with the COs includes two steps over three years plus 5%. That is basically a 13.5% wage hike. Also, you are completely out of your mind concerning pensions. You have a defined benefit pension, and it must be there when you retire. The pension fund is 100% funded, and the county is required by law to contribute every year so that every person in the pension program gets it when he or she retires. You are spouting nonsense.

    3. I’m not sure, but you really might be a moron.

  5. TO 11:41AM.....When you don't know what you are talking about, you should keep your mouth shut. No one who ever served as soilicitor was a County Employee. People might think you are stupid but then you open your big dumb mouth and prove them right. What an asshole.

  6. Union employees have it good too, but they won’t know it until the next Brown Administration.

  7. Why was a private newsletter with private financial and retiree information shared with you, Bernie, and you with the readers of this blog? Unbelievable! Slow news day or did you just want to stir the pot with present county workers?

  8. 4:556, I have seen past retiree newsletters and wanted to post it for two reasons: 1) It is fairly informative; 2) It reaches county employees who have friends among those who retired.

    While the NorCo retiree ass'n is a a private 501c3, what is paid to each retiree is a public record. In fact, when you pass, the amount paid to your estate is a public record. You give up privacy when you work for the public.

    But be honest. What really bothers you is that I am not a right wingnut like you.

  9. When John Brown returns his first act will be to reinstitute co-insurance.

  10. Hey try telling the steel workers from the Bethlehem steel that were told their pensions were safe and secured... and didn't get them.

  11. Today, in 1787 the U. S. Constitution was approved. let's all celebrate together the document that helps make us the greatest Nation on earth.


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