Local Government TV

Thursday, August 22, 2024

What I like and Dislike About the DNC Convention

I don't know how many of you have been watching the DNC National Convention, but on the basis of the numerous off-topic comments I've received that blast Democrats and Kamala Harris, I'm concluding that the audience includes a large number of Trump cultists whose heads are exploding. There have been a number of powerful speeches, but K believe the headliners should be speaking closer at 9 pm, not 11'30 pm. Right now, I'm listening to Oprah talk, but the person we really need to hear from tonight is Tim Walz, and before 11 pm. 

Joe Biden: "“Nowhere else in the world could a kid with a stutter and modest beginnings in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and Claymont, Delaware, grow up to sit behind the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office.”

Michelle Obama: "“For years, Donald Trump did everything in his power to try to make people fear us. See, his limited, narrow view of the world made him feel threatened by the existence of two hardworking, highly educated, successful people who happen to be Black”

"Who’s going to tell him that the job he’s currently seeking might just be one of those ‘Black jobs’?”

Barack Obama: ""Here's a 78-year-old billionaire who hasn’t stopped whining about his problems since he rode down his golden escalator nine years ago. It’s been a constant stream of gripes and grievances that’s actually gotten worse now that he’s afraid of losing to Kamala."


  1. All bullshit by democrats who hate America-you and these people are all left-wing lunatics. Anybody who votes for these people who lie about everything deserve everything they will get. How about them telling us all the jobs they created another lie, Even the democrats must know they are fake Juist like the media who want us to believe them when we know they are fake just like Trump says.

    1. …just like liar trump says……you are a moron.

  2. You do not count because we all know you have a deranged mind caused by Trump. You people have been exposed By Trump as the haters you are.

  3. Democrats now say they like country music after us how bad the white man is for the last 8 years. Walz is a now what the doctor ordered when he fits right in because he can lie like nobody else,

  4. I wish the headliners were earlier. I have to get up at 4 AM for work and am missing the late night speeches.

  5. All the democrats do is condemn Trump They have no idea's how to fix the problems they have caused-Inflation, high-energy prices / no border security many foreign wars. A vote for Harris and the fraud will continue with all the problems and as Trump says America is doomed under those clowns.

    1. I respectfully disagree with most points in this comment, especially energy prices. I just paid $3.29 for regular at the 7-11 in Nazareth. Almost exactly what i paid in pre covid 2020. Biden does bear some responsibility for inflation as the last few TRILLION in “covid” relief was released to pander to the left. But overall Harris seems like a much more thoughtful, intelligent and stable human. Her ticket is more balanced. Trump picked his “mini-me” in Vance and that was probably a big mistake. As a Republican, she will have my vote. And I really hope it's the last time I feel compelled to vote for a D for President.

    2. Intelligent and stable? She failed the California bar exam. She has flipped flopped on every single position she ran on in 2019. There’s some stability for you lol. By the way the nationwide average price of gas in 2020 was $2.17. My guess is you have never voted for a republican and never will.

      U.S. regular retail gasoline prices averaged $2.17 per gallon (gal) in 2020, 44 cents/gal (17%) lower than in 2019 and the lowest annual average since 2016.Jan 6, 2021
      https://www.eia.gov › detail
      U.S. average gasoline prices and vehicle travel fell to multiyear ... - EIA

    3. @August 24, 2024 at 4:11 PM - You are cherry picking a specific fact here. Gas prices fell thru the floor in 2020 because nobody was going anywhere because of COVID.

  6. The democrats are the party of bringing JOY yo the American people. We will feel joy when we go to the store lots of joy, The border brings us a lot of joy and drugs and crime Try to buy a house too, I forgot they want to give you $25000 and pay your student loan and maybe another war that will bring you joy. The party of democracy by the way how many votes did Harris get, JOY,JOY,JOY.

    1. ….one thing….Kamala never begged for 11,000 votes like tic tac trump

  7. The democrats are gaslighting the American people on every issue. We need President Trump more than ever. Politicians will never solve our problems we need a strong person like Trump to take on all these phony democrats.

    1. What do you get from Trump. nothing, you get to pay his legal bills, the guy should be hung as a traitor, or at least he should go to jail, as no one is above the law.

    2. "We need President Trump more than ever." Are you 12 years old? The comic book hero worship for this guy is off the charts. He's not that great and he certainly isn't going to make anything better (or worse), but seriously evaluate your life if you think he's some sort of savior that will cure all of our country's ills. Its simply false, and you believing it is not accepting reality.

  8. Bernie do you really want Harris and Walz face to face with the Chinese, Russians or Iranians

    1. "Bernie do you really want Harris and Walz face to face with the Chinese, Russians or Iranians"/em> - Absolutely. To be frank, Trump foreign policy has been nothing but a disaster. He alienated our oldest allies and friends, and we became a laughingstock. He embraced autocrats in Russia, N Korea, Turkey, Hungary and China. He threatened to hold up vital aid to Ukraine unless it helped him politically. He actually was going to meet Taliban terrorists at Camp David, of all places, until word leaked. He sold us out in Afghanistan, agreeing to leave long before we could do so without running into the trouble we did. He refused to honor American commitments, making the US just as untrustworthy as he is. He is actually an extremely weak leader when it comes to foreign policy. He would push us back into isolationism in a world where that kind of foreign policy is no longer possible. It is no longer the 18th century. The natural buffer of two oceans means nothing in a nuclear age. I won't even get into his disrespect for the military and its institutions. We need a strong commander in chief, not Bonespurs.

  9. I dislike the bitter Jew hatred. I can't believe that this is what's become of the party. Democrats are proudly the Jew hater party. You can't deny this. It's a national version of what goes on locally re: Nat Hyman. Disgusting and very sad.

    1. I dislike antisemitism but am fine with criticizing Netanyahu. He is a thug.

    2. Josh Shapiro Guilty of JudaismAugust 22, 2024 at 12:17 PM

      Damn right Bernie. Please don't vote for me as VP. I was concentrated elsewhere. I'm a Jew and you know what that means to the party of JOY. Shalom!

  10. America is energized and ready to put in the work! We are going to vote for Hope, not hate! We are going to finally get rid of dirty ass Trump once and for all!

    1. You've had hope for the past three years. Had it helped? Harris is not new

    2. Negativity nonsense is old now…and so is Donald…..people all over are fed up with him and his followers bashing of the United States and attempts at character assassination of Kamala and Tim…
      As Lindsey sees it, the writing is on the bathroom stall wall!

  11. Oprah Winfrey handwritten note to Donald Trump in 2000: "Too bad we're not running for office. What a team!"

    1. Shows how much Trump has changed over the years.

    2. 7:19 am- What's your point?
      Your comment is funny and interesting...and true. Too bad you didn't do your research. Trump "DONATED MONEY TWICE" to Kamala Harris's campaigns.

    3. Donny was a Dem at one time, then turned Republican, now turned MAGA ,
      his next turn will be RE turn to Re hab

  12. Only you could like something from that Marxist propaganda show Those people will put the final nails in the coffin after Biden left wing disaster. I hope the American people see through those left-wing lunatics.

  13. Heads should be popping off all REAL AMERICAN'S as tRUMP and harris are our choices. We should be ashamed of our collective selves as this is apparently the best, we, as a nation can do. Both are failed candidates, both have too much baggage. The VP choices are not even worth mentioning. Totally discussing and a sad day for our once great nation and our once great people.

  14. At least I was a president mike drop? The mike drop was a phone in one of Obamas most embarrassing speeches.

  15. what i dislike is the candidate who is so un-qualified that i am forced to vote for trump as a protest as to how the democrats picked her.

    1. Worse dislike is when one cannot use proper English or structure a sentence.

  16. How about the great comment made by the black congresswoman from Texas? she said "kamala Harris has a list of achievements and accomplishments, add to that list experience and accomplishments and service to her community while Donald Trump also has a list. It's called a RAP SHEET".

    1. Did not care for her, to be honest. She went on too long.

  17. So many uplifting stories of how they will take more from you and give you back less... lol

  18. Who said TV Comedy shows are dead? This has been a laugh fest since Monday night. The jokes either keep on coming, or acutally appear LIVE (except for Biden) on STAGE!!! A laugh a minute, i tell 'ya. Tonight will be a lying Kommie-paluzza, fer surrre.....

  19. Amazing! The name Donald Trump has been uttered more times than Biden, Harris, Walz, Obama, and Clinton combined. The TDS is overwelming!

  20. Have not watched one moment of either convention. It's all I love me and hate you. Andy Griffith reruns are better. At least then there were morals. Our broken-down country has lost its way and will continue on that track as long as we continue to run a popularity contest instead of looking for real wisdom and leadership. We, the voters are responsible for this thru our blind eyes and party button pushing weak brains. We have no shame or pride.

  21. The Obamas show their true colors.

    1. Thanks for making your blatant racism clear. Most of the Trump cult do a better job of hiding it.

    2. You’re constant labeling of “racist” and “racism” have become increasingly lazy and redundant.

      The Obama’s abandoned Chicago and the people that they exploited the minute they caught a ticket to the white mans party in DC. You’re more likely to find a leprechaun sitting on a pot of gold underneath a rainbow, than an Obama in south Chicago.

      But both Obama’s were willing to leave Martha’s Vineyard long enough to remind America that the the oppression of black Americans, black Americans just like them, is still strong in American.

      And billionaire Oprah Winfrey had their backs.

      You have two options here Bernie. Censor my post and send it to your banished box.

      Or publish it and call me a racist. You’re equally good at both.

      I still have CNN, which refers to the DNC as the people still upholding American Democracy, after circumventing democracy via their sacking of Biden and appointment of Harris.

      The stench of BS is particularly strong with you today.

  22. I haven't watched any of it and my exposure is limited to the clips that make both local (WPVI and WFMZ) and national (ABC) news broadcasts and from that coverage perspective, it seems the media is purposefully trying to copycat a Leni Riefenstahl film. As for the gushing from the print media, I can't tell if I'm reading the NY Times or the Pyongyang Times.

    1. If you haven't watched the event, how can you assess print media coverage of the event?

  23. I hope some day, before I die, we stop having conversations and statements like these and we talk about actual issues, proposals, concrete platforms, etc. We have real issues facing this country and for the last 8yrs (at least) it's been, "vote for me, the other person is terrible."

    Here's a scoop - they're all terrible.

    1. If you look back at previous runs you'll see bashing was always there. It has increased. However Trump has policies. kamala justs want to give away everything. Secure nothing. Defund everything and this will all be felt by us in every pay check. No idea how to pay for any of it. At least Trump has proven he can and with four more years he will.

    2. I’ve watched 5-6 videos from the DNC on YouTube each following morning. Not impressed. The presentations are FULL of hypocrisy. My goodness, the Democrat Party has been in control for 12 of the past 16 years, and they still blame Trump for all problems they themself either created or were unable to fix.

      Best video, however, was when Nancy Pelosi walked up to the microphone with a piece of toilet paper dropping out of her pant leg!

  24. Bernie why won't Kamala give out her policy positions How can anybody back that kind of candidate.

    1. You should have your hearing and eyesight checked

  25. As a moderate ticket splitter, I've objectively watched both conventions and I must say that I dislike all 4 president/vice president candidates. I'm really disappointed with some of JD Vance's policy positions since his nomination (higher taxes for people without children - shouldn't they pay less??) and this Walz guy is creeps me out with his aggresive facial expressions, body language and far left extreme positions (he has the nerve to call Republicans "weird"...I was disappointed by that remark). Its a tough time right now for fence sitting moderates who shy away from far right wing/far left wing politics and except mature candidates who run dignified and respectful campaigns. Whatever happened to the Charlie Dent's of the world??

  26. When one group of people lie so much about one man as these folks do you know they are scared to death of him. They have no game plan other than to scare you about the only one who can save us. If you listened closely, Bernie, you would have heard that they have no plan to save this country. Trump does. He did it before and you’d better pray he has the opportunity to do it again. Pretty funny by the way to see Pelosi holding a Joe flag.

  27. I could never vote for a convicted felon and I could not respect anyone who would. Yes, felons can and do reform but to earn the highest office in our country I want someone who had enough morals and discipline to abide by the laws of our country during their lifetime. The DNC reminded me there are people like that still around.

  28. The Border is wide open because of the democrats so many people have died because of drugs and murder by the illegals This one issue should disqualify Harris and the clown from office Whoever votes for them are crazy.

  29. 11:36 you idiot he was convicted in a kangaroo court by all left-wing lunatics from Da ,so called judge and all left wing jury. By the way idiot this 100% be overturned shoot your month off then you idiot.

    1. Incorrect. Keep believin' though!

    2. Well thought out and well said. . . maybe write down what you want to say and have someone else read it before you post. Anyone with a pulse will do. Now go tell mom you want an ice pop.

  30. 11:36 Trump should wear that conviction like of badge of honor because he was convicted by people who are the lowest form of life -Left-wing radicals.

  31. I hope that asshole judge in New York put Trump in jail that will assure him of being President.

    1. A judge who put Trump in jail? I wish that happened in real life, but sorry to say, you're chasing fake news again. Reclaim your brain and stop watching Fox, OAN, TikTok, etc.

  32. Could there be 2 bigger arrogant, disingenuous, condescending a**holes than the Obamas “preaching” to America? And anticipating BOH’s response that this is racist, fine so long as you label them the same way.

    1. Haha. He was your president for 8yrs, won the popular vote twice. Kept us safe after 9/11 -- took out bin Laden. Served as a US Senator. Graduated from Harvard Law, was the editor of the Law Review. Dude has earned any arrogance you perceive.

      Trump is a silver-spoon draft-dodger who's been living off his old man's money since Day 1. Became President only after losing the popular vote. He's from New York City, but everyone there hated him, so he ran away to Florida. Even his wife hates him.

    2. @7:39 - you walked right into that giant sinkhole staring you in the face. After everything you listed about Obama, he and his wife lectured America on the dangers of wealth and power. Great that he achieved all that he did, but don’t stand at a lectern and tell everyone else they should be disparaged for their own accomplishments. Achieving the dream is only commendable if it’s your own dream?

  33. I've watched the DNC convention trying to understand the platform for the Harris/Walz ticket. I've learned almost nothing. All I continue to get out of the speeches is that Trump is bad. However, I keep hearing in the news about Democrats endorsements of government price controls and that should scare all of us, Democrat or Republican.
    And even CNN is calling out several lies coming from the speakers. I get it Trump isn't likable. So why continue some of these lies (Charlottesville, Bleach injection, etc). I don't care about likability, honestly. I care about someone who can lead and will get our economy moving again. I just don't know that Harris has any business sense. We can't keep promising freebies (college loan bailouts, home buyer giveaway, etc) and expect corporations to raise wages when they're being taxed higher and higher to pay for these gifts. These give aways raise the cost of living, but reduce overall public wealth through inflation, stagnant wages and/or layoffs.
    It's crazy and just has no logic to it. And I like logic.

    Big business is not our enemy. The Republicans are not our enemy. Both are our teammates.

    1. Harris gave us a glimpse of her economic plan a week ago, her formal platform is still being composed and will be available soon.

      Trumps plan: Project 25, while he goes on to play golf.

  34. Walz should one more trip to China and take with Marxist Harris and all the left -wing China will take in.

    1. Parrot parrot squawk squawk! I saw lies online. Now I'm going to take them back to Nazareth to pretend I know lots of important things. Parrot parrot squawk squawk!

    2. Nazareth….the drop dead red zone …
      Never Nazareth Never Normal

  35. I know Michelle Obama grew up amid tremendous wealth and privilege. I know she has three mansions and a private jet. I know she flies to her yacht on a helicopter. But I really truly feel that she knows the plight of the gentile poor. Thabks for carrying her water, Bernie. You are the consumate gentile poor cuckold.

  36. You want to know how to tell someone is a stone cold moron and their political opinion is worth less than a used diaper? The use terms like "LeFt WiNg RaDiCaL" over and over. In my head I can almost hear the lisp as they're saying it.

    1. I'm sorry to say but letting our borders open and letting us everyone without follow up for years is radical. Calling for defending the police is radical. Having abortions available at the DNC convention is radical. Supporting protestors who burn our flag is radical. Federal involved in pricing is radical and communist. Paying for everyone's college is radical. Giving $25000 to new homeowners is radical. Letting riots go on to make a point is radical. Calling all white people racist is radical no matter what Bernie says. And I could go on and no speech impediment here

  37. Well if TV ratings are any measure - November is going to be a bloodbath for the GOP. DNC had 2 million more eye balls on opening night than the RNC and night 2 had 6 million more. Nobody cares about Trump other than MAGA. The rest of America is tired of his now 10 year old messages than no longer verify in reality. He's not the younger candidate nor is he an outsider. The border crisis is no better or worse than it was on his watch and depending on what crime stats you read thats down. Inflation is down, and lower than any other free market country on the globe. The S&P 500 has increased 55-60% since Biden's inauguration (which is exactly where it was for both Trump and Obama at this stage of their presidency).

    Crying about marxism and communism over and over again isn't working anymore because the only people who think it and believe it are already Trump voters.

    Worse for the GOP is that the abortion issue is very much going to be on the ballot and the past 4 years have been very unkind to Republicans in terms of driving Democrat turn out.

    Trump is cooked. Would not be at all surprised if sometime in November or December he goes on some "international trip" and ends up staying abroad.

  38. You left-wing radicals all should go along with Comrade Harris and the clown Waltz on the next trip to China please stay Forever. You left wing radical--2:49 pm

  39. So the negative “Get Trump” rhetoric from
    the DNC has just prompted a manhunt in Arizona for another person threatening to “kill Trump”. Unbelievable! God protect him.

  40. The antiwar left still exists. RFK Jr's endorsement gives them cover to vote for Trump, the zero wars candidate. Peace is going to win in November. That's bad news for the warmongers and pro-Zelensky chickenhawk turds, like Bernie and fellow travelers. Meantime, Vegas odds which have consistently gone for Trump, have now improved for Trump in the last four days. November ain't close. Keep your fire insurance current. Bernie's party is going to tear shit up and burn it down. We all know this is coming. Be safe. Sore losers with gasoline is a bad mix. Remember Minneapolis.

    1. Did you say Vegas odds? Hahahahahaha

  41. If it's good enough for Neil Young, it's good enough for me!

  42. Michelle O lecturing about the value of hard work. She hasn't had a job in 20 years LOL. What a joke.

  43. Watching Senator Casey speak at the DNC now.

    A rambling mush mouthed stooge.

  44. Racist and anti semitic Al Sharpton scheduled to speak at DNC tonight.

    24 hours after Michele Obama reminded America about racism and Bernie Ohare falsely called a contributor to this blog a racist.

    The one constant about Democrats and the people who support them….if they’re pointing fingers at it, it’s because they’re engaging in it.

  45. So Harris was for gun confiscation before she was against it.
    She was for eliminating private health insurance before she was a against it.
    She was for banning fracking, now I guess not LOL, she needs PA.
    She has flipped flopped on so many positions I can't keep up anymore.
    Apparently her new thing is price controls, a really bad idea, and price gouging bans, which most states have anyway. Oh, and she's going to waive a magic wand and eliminate everyone's medical debt too! How can anyone take this lady seriously? At least Hillary was serious candidate, this lady is a joke!

  46. Gas prices still 40% higher than when Trump left office, meaning all purchasable goods selling 20-40% higher under Democrats.

    Mortgage rates double.

    Loan rates double.

    Median home prices up 115%.

    Apartment rentals up 40% nationwide.

    10-14 million illegal immigrants sucking up American taxpayer fueled resources.

    Rampant crime.

    A world aflame.

    And you want me to vote for a Democrat?

    Get f#cked!

    1. Gas prices still 40% higher than when Trump left office, meaning all purchasable goods selling 20-40% higher under Democrats. Cause gas was stupid cheap in the middle of COVID Lockdown

      Mortgage rates double.
      Loan rates double. Cause bank rates go up when inflation is too high

      Median home prices up 115%. Only bad if you don't own a home, otherwise that means increased wealth

      Apartment rentals up 40% nationwide. If only there was a candidate with a plan for assisting and encouraging first time home buyers out there

      10-14 million illegal immigrants sucking up American taxpayer fueled resources. same #'s as under Trump, so he and Republicans won't fix it no matter how much you pee your pants about it

      Rampant crime. Homicide rates are down, but we can all pick stats to prove our points on crime - but more subjective pants wetting really

      A world aflame. No better or worse than when Trump was in office outside of Russia/Ukraine which might be coincidental considering Trumps face is buried in Putin's lap

      So yeah, think that proves that Trump is not worthy of yours or my votes this November. Just stay home and let the adults handle things.

  47. Whatevs with the wealthy Obamas. Fair is fair. Musk is talking about purchasing Dominion Voting. They need more capital and this would be a splendid thing for democracy. The guy is a national treasure. Let the coping commence.

  48. I’m expecting an even higher level of election cheating. Very good chance that will succeed. There’s really nothing we can do about it and no recourse when it plays a role in deciding announced winners.

  49. Tough 4 years ahead for the triggered Republicans. Maybe you should create a playpen for them to comment in the sidebar.

  50. Bernie, all I’m hearing is, word for word, MAGATs repeating talking points from FOX News shows.

    Every single objective that these Trump supporters have, they get from someone else because they can’t come up with an original thought if their lives depended on it.

  51. Why not repeat asshole --all the talking points are true not like the lies the democrats tell on every issue.

  52. 4:20 - your Fox News charge actually shows some ignorance on your part.

    Ever since Murdoch’s sons took control, and the loathsome RINO Paul Ryan joined its Board of Directors, millions of Conservative viewers have rejected Fox News and hold them in the same contempt as the NBCs, ABCs, and CNNs of our controlled media outlets.

  53. Harris mentioned inflation zero times last night.

  54. RFK Jr. Joining the Trump team is reminiscent of Doris Kearns Goodwin's Team Of Rivals, some of which she didn't plagiarize. Historic and remarkable. No more Democrat wars. No more Democrat censorship. No more Big Pharma faux vaccine wars with mandates and threats of losing livelihoods. Truly remarkable. If I was Fauci, I'd flee the country. He's going to jail, otherwise.

    1. Fauci has West Nile Virus. You can’t make this shit up lol.

  55. 4;20 If you vote for Harris you are an idiot, Maybe you should be listening to Fox --FAIR AND BALANCED

    1. 4:32- please tell me that you're joking. Fox News just paid over $750 million dollars to Dominion Voting for lying about the election. Under oath, Rupert Murdoch admitted that Fox News makes things up for viewership. He said, "We don't 'do it' [broadcast fake news] for Republican Red or Democrat Blue. We do it for 'Money green'."

  56. Anybody who will vote for Harris is Anti-American socialist

  57. We might have to elect Harris to find out what she will do That is major democratic philosophy Remember Pelosi. A great democratic leader

  58. I would suggest to everyone that they watch Kennedys press conference yesterday.

  59. Democrats are the most hateful bunch around.


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