Local Government TV

Friday, August 23, 2024

Project 2025 Explained by SNL's Kenan Thompson

You can read Project 25 here. As summarized by the Kamala Harris campaign, it does the following: (1) Donald Trump and his MAGA allies plan to reward political violence, prosecute political opponents, and pardon January 6 insurrectionists; (2) Trump and his allies are planning a massive expansion of presidential power, with plans to restructure the government and concentrate power in Trump’s hands. (3) Donald Trump brags about abortion bans across the country – what’s next is even worse; and (4) Trump is promising to cut Social Security and terminate the Affordable Care Act to fund tax giveaways to his billionaire buddies and lower taxes on big corporations in a second term.

Trump is now trying to distance himself from the plan to centralize power in the executive branch. I don't believe him because he routinely lies. 


  1. Harris and democrats are best liars in the world.

  2. I feel like this is the 1930s- 1940s and tell me I'm wrong, but isn't this pushing propaganda like the Nazi's? How do we know Project 2025 isn't endorsed by Kamala and Tim? Stop pushing this nonsense to try and convince voters to vote for an obscure party.. This hatred and divide needs to stop and the media and journalist need to stop enticing it... I understand we have a 1st amendment right, but this is going off the deep end.... You can compare Agenda 47 (on Trump's Website) and Project 2025 (which he does not endorse). It's like saying the Durham report doesn't exist... in case you don't know what that is... it's the report that unveils the Democrats Election Interference plot that nobody talks about. Enough is enough, there's more important things to focus on then boosting Trump into the spotlight time and time again.

    1. because it is a tRump initiative and a Republican nut job think tank idea

    2. My guess is if it came from the Roosevelt institute or even Brookings these days you would be ok with it. Also, why do you spell Trump like that? You look small and petty when you do that, and nobody takes your positions or arguments seriously. As soon as I see it I move on, I don't even bother reading what you posted. Today, finally, I just thought I’d ask.

  3. Tell us all the lies, Bernie. With links to verify.
    And then tell us Biden's and Kamalas.

  4. Democrats cut (taxed) social security. Kamala Harris cast the deciding vote.

  5. Agreed. I WANT to believe him about distancing himself from “2025” but don’t trust he won’t try to consolidate power with the exec branch. That’s scary no matter who is President. I think drilling on fed land and selling the oil would be a great way to pay down federal debt. I WANT to vote for that. But I don't trust he wont net out the revenue with another round of tax cuts for rich people. He has no credibility so I can’t vote for him. And that sucks. I honestly couldn’t have imagined 20 years ago that I’d be voting for a Democrat not named Lisa Boscola!

  6. I remember when Obama began governing by executive order because he lost Congress due to Obamacare (I've got a phone and a pen!"). I commented that the second guy to do such things would do it much better/worse/harsher, and that we bestowed too much power in the executive branch. I was correct, of course. Trump is still handily ahead. Vegas loves him more today than they did on Monday. They haven't mis-called an election ever. They even nailed 2016 after the big money went early for Hillary. You are correct about executive power. Trump is about to use the Obama plan, vigorously. Just remember who started this. Trump will make orange the new black.

    1. 6:53- You are fake news and watch too much Faux News Entertainment and OAN

      Here's a list of Presidents since Reagan and the number of their executive orders:

      Reagan- 381 (2 terms)
      Bush Sr.- 166 (1 term)
      Clinton- 364 (2 terms)
      Bush Jr. - 291 (2 terms)
      Obama - 276 (2 terms)
      Trump- 220 (1 term)
      Biden- 141 (1 term)

      But yeah, blame Obama.

      Please apologize and make a retraction.

  7. So Harris was for gun confiscation before she was against it.
    She was for eliminating private health insurance before she was a against it.
    She was for banning fracking, now I guess not LOL, she needs PA.
    She has flipped flopped on so many positions I can't keep up anymore.
    Apparently her new thing is price controls, a really bad idea, and price gouging bans, which most states have anyway. Oh, and she's going to waive a magic wand and eliminate everyone's medical debt too! How can anyone take this lady seriously? At least Hillary was serious candidate, this lady is a joke!
    August 22, 2024 at 7:42 PM
    Gas prices still 40% higher than when Trump left office, meaning all purchasable goods selling 20-40% higher under Democrats.

    Mortgage rates double.

    Loan rates double.

    Median home prices up 115%.

    Apartment rentals up 40% nationwide.

    10-14 million illegal immigrants sucking up American taxpayer fueled resources.

    Rampant crime.

    A world aflame.

    And you want me to vote for a Democrat?

    Get f#cked!

  8. The Project 2025 Document was produced by an independent ‘think tank’ group name the Heritage Foundation. If you visit the Heritage Foundation website you will not find any direct association with Donald Trump. Trump is not listed on their Staff or Board of Directors pages. Trump DID speak at one of their meetings.

    The 2025 Document covers a wide range of position statements. Wishlist items. Too numerous to list here. I support some of the beliefs mentioned but reject many others. From what I’ve read, Trump takes this same approach to that group’s objectives. He sees some worthwhile goals therein but rejects others.

    Trump regularly appears and makes speeches to groups all over. Places like San Francisco, Minneapolis, and New York City in example. I hardly believe that makes Trump a supporter of leadership actions being made by those failing government administrators.

    The Heritage Foundation is a lobbying group. It does NOT make policy nor have the ability to do so in our present form of government. Without a much stronger and direct connection, I find this particular smear on Trump to be somewhat meaningless.

    1. you keep believing your stupid self, deny deny deny. wake up stupid

    2. You sound like a few of my dopey in-laws.

      They are drunken fools with a second amendment and take shots at squirrels and chipmunks in their back lawn.

      I don't know where to begin.

  9. High ranking government officials, prefering to remain anonymous, have announced an ingenous plan to eradicate the disease known as Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). They will replace the proven Bleach Soloution (BS) with mega doses of Hairy-ass No Ballz Walz salve, known to be sffective in tamping down a surging economy and ramping up dangerous sdversaries....

  10. And we don't believe you because you are routinely dishonest in smearing him... comrade

  11. It’s document created by the Heritage Foundation. It has nothing to do with Trump and it didn’t come from his campaign. C’mon Bernie you’re better than this.

    1. Drinking the kool-aid i see.

    2. lol dude that’s who created the document. How is that kool aid? You ppl are crazy! Facts are facts.

  12. Doesn't go far enough. Doesn't include slavery. and doing away with women's rights and welfare for the lazy baby makers.

  13. Bernie, you are being dishonest and acting like an activist rather than a journalist. Trump has nothing to do with this plan.

    You're better than this.

    1. Come on. It's all Trump/RNC people. It's his former White Staff staff who created Project 2025. IT'S. THE. SAME. PEOPLE.

      People involved in Project 2025 include Ben Carson, Trump’s former housing secretary; Peter Navarro, White House trade adviser under Trump; and Russ Vought, director of the Office of Management and Budget under Trump. Earlier this year, Trump and the Republican National Committee named Vought as policy director for the RNC committee crafting the party platform ahead of its national convention this month in Milwaukee.

      Trump’s former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows is a senior partner in one of the groups advising Project 2025, the Conservative Partnership Institute. And John McEntee, director of the White House Presidential Personnel Office under Trump, serves as a senior adviser to Project 2025.

    2. And oac and Omar and the gang are part of Harris team

  14. Bernie, your once logical brain with some reason has now been seemingly taken over by left wing ideology. It’s either that or too many falls from the bicycle. Either way, you are now so far left that you are out of sight. Thankfully not too many people pay attention to your thoughts anymore.

    1. Bernie did lean either way at on time but he fell of the left side of his bike injuring his left arm. Now his right side is mad at the left because of all the attention. Also Alzheimer's has set in on his once analytical brain.

    2. He’s become an old fool. Can’t even stay in his bike anymore lol.

  15. Project 2025 has the left-wing radical lunatics crazy which is a good thing because now we know it is a very good project. PS-It is too bad some left-wing radical lunatics do not like being called left-wing radical lunatics because they sure earned that title.

  16. What did he do last time? Any of it? Conspiracy theories and fear as usual. He wants nothing but good for this country and its people. The democrats have been this entire time but for the 4 years they restricted Trump from doing his job. The democrats within all those President and administrations have done absolutely nothing to fix anything. How about the last 3 1/2 years? Why is our border still wide open? What has Harris accomplished? Before we pass judgement on Trump they should look at themselves and ask what have we done? I do NOT agree with everything Trump says or does, I am not going to be against voting for him for the few things I disagree with. We were better off with him 4 years ago then we are now so that is all I need for him to get my vote, even if its from a jail cell when they throw him in there come Sept 10th.

    1. he didnt want good for the country, what rock are you living under, he wanted tax cuts for his friends and talked a ton about nothing and nothing really got done except killing 1 million americans because he was too stupid to know what to do when covid hit the shores, he had the poorest job growth in history and raised the debt for you and me higher than ever before, oh and lets not orget how he single handidly pushed people away from the american dollar and into arab hands for world dominance. just wait until they no longer use the dollar for valuation of world currency on oil prices.. oh yeah you will blame that on the dems too.

    2. Just ask yourself are you better now or where you better off before. That’s how you vote! Stop making it about being a republican or democrat cause the last time I remember you could vote for whomever you wanted!

  17. dems never lie. Right BO? Your hate is showing.

  18. "Trump hand-picked supreme court judges."

    First sign of any civics knowledge at the DNC.

  19. The president doesn't make laws. Congress will hold him in check unless the Republicans have the Senate and House, which is unlikely. The media will also keep him in check and frame anything Trump wants to do as bad for [minorities | women | seniors | the LGBTQ+ community | children | the environment ]. If Harris is president, nothing she proposes will be challenged or questioned by the media and the vapid congress will pass everything through. Checks and balances will be a thing of the past if she's elected. If Trump wants to be an autocrat, he won't get away with it. By default, congress and the media will quietly allow Harris to become one.

    1. It’s time to admit, the proposed Harris Administration is being described in language, and identified with, tenets associated with Marxism and Communism. To do so is OK, of course, in our present American Representative Republic as defined by our Constitution.

      Understand, though, we are looking at accepting a vastly different relationship between this American government and its people. Game all of this out completely. Choose logically, and not just by media sound bites.

  20. Keep drinking that Kool-Aid BOH. Only one side lies in your mind.

    1. you sound like you already drank too much kool-aid. foolish people are willing to sell the country away to a charlatan and a crook. for what, tell us all what YOU gained during the tRump presidency please

  21. the 2 obamas, oprah and harris - talk about black boggymen/women

  22. I get the pep rally. But the adoption of open antisemitism is shocking. It goes way beyond hating Netanyahu and supporting Hamas and Hezbollah. It's the ancient blood lie and you've fallen into it now. Saddest part of current politics is antisemitism going mainstream. That's what the GOP did prior to WWII. Now, Democrats have grabbed that script. Terrifying.

  23. It's as simple as this - if you ain't white, you ain't right

  24. Perhaps you could actually link to Project 2025 rather than to Harris' interpretation of it? Maybe just a hint of fairness might help your cause....read the actual document, not what Harris says is in it

  25. Bottom line --Harris and the fraud Tampon Bill will destroy America what is left after Biden. By the way Biden is rooting for Kamala because he knows after Kamala, he will not be the worse President in our history Kamala will win that distinction easily.

  26. Where is the public and blogger outcry about the Dem's Project Communism?

  27. That’s it folks. Lehigh Valley Ramblings is now a campaign arm of the Democrat party. Just like the rest of the media. Maybe BO will post what exactly Harris’s policy positions are, other than she’s not Trump.

  28. The TDS should obviously be applied to his supporters. I use this statement whenever the subject of his MAGA cult comes up: "When there is no reality, anything is possible". Facts and reality are the antithesis to the cult's beliefs and their derangement. The derangement causes them to almost convulse when presented with undeniable proof thru pictures, video, audio tape... It makes no difference, they are in there own made up reality where all the proof is made up thru a "commy plot" , "deep state", etc.
    What can be done to combat such delusions? Since most of the cult had been sucked in with his con man lies, clownish acts, and put downs, the Dems seem to realize that the only way to fight back is with a clown show and put downs of their own minus the lies. If it were simply an intellectual battle the Repubs would realize they have an unarmed candidate.
    The "adults in the room" have fled from supporting him or were fired. If, God forbid, he is elected again with no 'supervision" this country is in deep, deep trouble.

  29. Anon 8:15 am said: “C’mon Bernie you’re better than this.”

    Is he? This kind of baseless smear is the norm on this blog. Did you just start following LVR?

    1. It looks like Trish finally put her house up for sale. No. I'm not a stalker. I have a buddy who lives in your neighborhood. They are wonderful, great people. Too bad that you're an Ann Coulter wannabe.

      Good riddance, racist tramp.

    2. You're a stalker dude. Get help. FFS.

  30. I love you Bernie, but this reads like you cut/paste it from MSNBC. Trump is horrible, and there are certainly enough truths to point to that you don't need to lie on top of it.

    Do the same research you do locally please, on both candidates. They both suck and we need the truth.

  31. I am not a big Trump supporter but this came from the Heritage Foundation. I’m trying to compare policy positions on the candidates, but I don’t see any on Harris’s website Bernie. Perhaps you can enlighten us!

  32. As a retired LEO how about you do a story about Susan Wild using a phony cop in her ads?

  33. She should have given the JOY part of the speech in a German accent to bring home the biergarten theme. IYKYK. RFK Jr gets a cabinet post for his endorsement this PM and he's going to extract payback from the pro-choice gang who sued to deny states from offering the choice of RFK Jr. Unforced error by Harris. Weaponize the DOJ? You bet your ass. There were warnings about the other side doing what has gone on for four years. Wear a cup. It's going to be delicious.

  34. Bernie you would make a 1000% better candidate than the liar Walz

  35. Project 2025 is simply perfect. I want it inserted in Ds' hineys, sideways until they say Trump is my daddy. Every time I read more about it, I like it more. We are not the same. You are evil and in desperate need of a lesson. It's coming.

  36. As you have noted Bernie, Power is being centralized in the Executive branch at all levels of government. It is an ominous issue for a republic and in some ways reminiscent of Rome.

  37. Bernie, He has disavowed them over 5 weeks ago and I purposely picked NPR to prove this. I can't believe you post this misinformation. We had a democrat propose price controls which is communistic per the Washington Post which you love to reference and there is no post about that. Almost a million jobs were just lost and no post about that again per the Washington Post. Mind as well write for the Morning call at this point. Instead we get climat change. We were told the ocean temps are rising and now I hear they are cooling. Which is it? Link below





  38. Outstanding, hard-hitting remarks by RFK, Jr. happening now from Phoenix. He’s not pleased with the strategy being used by the Democrat Party to tear down opponents.

  39. Hey you assholes! Kamala has a policy. No tax on tips! She stole it from Trump but hey it’s a policy lol.

  40. Politicians suck That is why we must elect Trump - He tells it like it is and we welcome RFK and his people to defeat the criminal democratic party that is anti democracy big time screw you democratic media people

  41. Trump did not endorse 2025 project that is another lie from the democrats but RFK did endorse him the big reason is because the democratic party is corrupt and is anti-demonocracy big time and that is a fact.

  42. Democrats are the party of democracy folks. Kamala won that primary fair and square. Oh wait……

  43. Your candidate never debated, held a press conference, of win a single vote. You have said democracy dies in darkness. Are you cool with how this was done?

  44. As sad already the project is not Trump's. But why lie? As said why not talk real policy instead of make up lies? And when Trump was in office did he do one thing he said he wouldn't do? No he did what he said. He's not shy about his opinions and if he supported project 2025 he would have said it but this twisting of the truth. Democrats should be ashamed. Not the way to win and when a presidential candidate like this week lies about Republicans and trump and then says she's honorable and wants to unite us. That's just funny. She isn't saying her policies first because she has none and second because maybe people wouldn't blindly vote for her radical agenda. If you all want to talk actual policies that would be nice. Name one thing Harris did that she said she would and name one trump did. A start ... And stop lies and distorting the truth! Even CNN agrees and said thatTrump didn't endorse nor was he involved in project 2025. Unfortunately people will not vote for him because of these lies and their lack of knowledge

    1. it's like the dems getting made saying Kamala supports "Strength through Joy". They claim she never said it, but they push that agenda because its a Nazi reference.... the same is happening with Trump. Smart people see through the bullshit, others just run with it....

  45. Donald J. Trump
    @realDonald Trump
    RFK Jr. is a Democrat "Plant," a Radical Left Liberal who's been put in place in order to help Crooked Joe Biden, the Worst President in the History of the United States, get Re-Elected. A Vote for Junior' would essentially be a WASTED PROTEST VOTE, that could swing either way, but would only swing against the Democrats if Republicans knew the true story about him.
    Junior' is totally Anti-Gun, an Extreme Environmentalist who makes the Green New Scammers look Conservative, a Big Time Taxer and Open Border Advocate, and Anti-Military/Vet...
    5 ReTruths
    4/26/24, 8:23

  46. Seems like there are only one or two contributors who post the same theme all day on this blog...hate dems, dems suck, dems are stupid etc. ad nauseum. We get it, move on and stop hating.

    1. Seems to me there would be a lot of democrat haters out there because what you democrats did to our people since Obama and Biden were in charge

  47. Those Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. remarks at his own press conference to announce suspension of his campaign were brilliantly crafted. So much so, his observations will be of historical significance going forward. The man perfectly encapsulated what many believe the self- immolations of the Democrat Party.

    When you run around lighting fires under other people, don’t be surprised when YOU also get burned in the act.

  48. Kamala and Tampon Tim No question about it are not ready to run America with their background they never will be ready--They are a complete disaster and will make our country a third world nation in no time because of Biden we are almost there now.

  49. I voted for this charlatan once, but will not make the same mistake twice. I am continually amazed by people who I think are intelligent, yet buy into the nonsense Trump spews. Do they not realize that many of those who worked with him in the White House are in jail or likely heading to prison? Do they not see that a family wants to control the country? Do they not listen to what he is actually saying? Do they not see he attracts the lunatic fringe (RFK, Jr. being one)? I can’t stand Harris and Walz who I see as two vapid people who don’t seem to have a brain cell between them, but despite that, they are better than Trump and his idiotic sidekick Vance.

    1. That's just not good. No brain cells but let them be leaders of country and negotiate with other world leaders

    2. You have offered nothing more than baseless accusations. To be convincing, you really should add more substance. Actual examples in evidence. Otherwise, you come across as just another kid out on the playground.

  50. Good lord this is about as bad as it gets. What a choice Harris or Trump. Not good!

  51. Better Health Sec'y: RFK Jr. or morbidly obese and disgustingly and unpatriotically unhealthy Rachel Levine, who thinks men can become pregnant? I hope RFK Jr. never mistakes her for a bear!

  52. How a Marxist gets one vote is mind boggling/

  53. Gas won’t be $3.69 under the charlatan.

  54. die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! dizxve! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! dive! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! diez! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! diex! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! xzvv! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! dzvxie! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! vz! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! zvzdie! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! dvzie! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die!zz die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! zvzvdie! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! dizve! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! divzzve! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! divxe! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die!

    1. Whoa someone didn’t take their meds lol

  55. BOH...See 2:26....for safety's sake...maybe shut down for a while.

  56. Bernie why did u publish this

  57. I'll let the post at 2:26 stay bc, though it appears to hope I die, it makes no direct threat. I have a good idea who posted it. Another reason for publishing it is to let everyone see just how over the top the Trump cult is. Might wake some people up.

    1. That's simply a very sick person Bernie no matter the political affiliation.

    2. True, hate goes both ways. But like I said, I am pretty sure who posted this, and she is a Trump cult follower.

    3. Sorry, Bern. That was my post at 2:26. I was trying to type "diet". Darn autocorrect, deleting the 't' with and exclamation point.

  58. Dump does not care one iota about people having access to health insurance, good or bad. The reason he wants to destroy the ACA is because of the taxes the ultra wealthy pay on wage and investment income to subsidize it. We must vote this trash to the dustbin of society in November.

  59. It's now confirmed that RFK Jr. went to the Harris campaign first and agreed to give his endorsement to her in exchange for dropping out and endorsing her.

    She wasn't interested. So he went to Trump instead and he agreed.

    Is there any lower that Trump will go?

    He's a universal embarrassment.

  60. Trump is supposed to be rich already, so then why does he keep trying to monetize and commodify everything like a poor man? So pathetic and unpresidential.

    Trump mocked over new batch of digital trading cards — which come with pieces of his ‘knock-out’ debate suit


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