Local Government TV

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

How is NorCo Addressing Climate Change?

"Climate change" is commonly thought of as global warming brought about by our reliance on fossil fuels and wasteful agricultural and industrial practices. But more accurately, it's the term used to describe long-term shifts in weather pattens. Some of this has nothing to do with us. Some of it does. Ironically, the current global warming might actually throw us into an ice age, and sooner than you think. Some scientists predict that the gulf stream is about to collapse as a result of melting glaciers, and if that happens, temperatures here in North America will drop dramatically. There's little doubt that this "busy monster, manunkind" is the culprit. We like to play with "the bigness of our littleness." But what is our littleness doing in NorCo to combat climate change? Does it really matter? 

At last week's Energy Committee Meeting, Executive Lamont McClure outlined some of the small steps the county is taking.

1) Invested $9 million, with a $13 million local match, to preserve 3,599 acres of open space and environmentally sensitive land. 

2) Invested $11,744,162, with a $23 million local match, for livable landscape grants that include municipal parks, ecological restoration, trail parks, park recreation, open space plans.

3) Invested $4,642,862 with a local match of $1 million, to preserve 622 acres of environmentally sensitive land.

4) 256 farms preserved, with 22 easements in progress. 

5) Solar panels on the new forensic center.

6) Working on a project to bring hydroelectric power from the canal.

7) Plans to install solar panels on new county buildings.

8) Charging stations planned for parking lot. 


  1. Prevent diasater by 2025? Those boondoggles damn well better be shovel-ready.

  2. I wonder how this compare to Lehigh County?

  3. Stop it, Bernie. Fox News said climate change is a hoax, and I believe them more than the global majority of environmental scientists.

    Fox News and Lehigh Valley’s favorite window installer, Steve Lynch, is where the truth is at. Yeah.

  4. If you got rid of the current council and administration...............................

  5. Please elaborate on what entities make up the category listed as ‘local’ match. Northampton County already sounds pretty local to me, as I help provide those funds.

    1. The local matches come from numerous of the municipalities in the county.

  6. What utter nonsense. Meanwhile, McClure's house has a stunning carbon footprint and the loser couldn't fix the shitters at Louise Moore. A quick Google search of hyperbolic climate predictions that have flopped is hilarious. Just like the predictions in this poorly constructed piece will be. Lol.

  7. I think these small efforts can help but not many US counties will do anything, to say nothing of 90% of the rest of world. If it's as dire as they say it is, there won't be anything people can do to stop it. But, a lot of this talk is fluff and hot air to appease the environmentalist voting bloc and as long as the wealthy continue to buy ocean-front estates at $15M-$50M a pop and consume 20x the electricity (to cool their large homes) as the average Joesixpack, I am not too concerned about immediate dangers.

    1. You got that right. The rich do virtue signaling, and the fawning press keep hyping this disaster. If it is bad as they say we are doomed. And if as bad as they say, why do they have children? Cause they will always be able to afford the changes climate might throw at them. Don't worry, Kamala has your back. She be giving poor people everything they needs. With my money!

    2. Yeah - China and India are the ones spewing out smoke from coal-fired power plants. Let's hear what they're gonna do about "global warming."

  8. I'm certain that county employees who fight to pay weekly bills are thrilled with these breathtaking expenditures. County employees can eat scraps from McClure's bountiful table, while sleeping soundly knowing the next Ice Age, or warming epoch, or Ice Age, or warming epoch, or Ice Age, or warming epoch ..... is being prevented with what might be in their paychecks. Environmental extremism robs from the needy. No matter where you stand on the issue, that cannot be denied.

  9. No one mentions today's very cool weather...how would climate change supporters answer the reason for such a cool day in August? But when hot or stormy it's all due to climate change. I agree the world needs to look at things but u know they won't as the biggest polluters keep polluting but it seems a little over the top one. Cows and methane gas issue.

    1. Do you even know the difference between weather and climate? There is no denying that the earth is getting warmer, and your local outdoor temperature means nothing compared to the record highs being experience in other parts of the world, including is the United States, where these highs can have a cascade effect that will cause havoc on our ecosystem, with the result being total collapse which will in turn effect our food sources on both land and in the sea. It’s already happening, just look at local migration patterns in insects and animals in our very region for reference. It affects us all, and any preventive measure at this point is helpful.

    2. Pipe down phony. Liberals interchange them constantly to make points for their religion. You have too. Admit it and again, STFU.

  10. I like saving the farm land though!

  11. Terra Z has been a great advocate for Gaea long before the start of her meteoric political career ignited, if the people of NorCo want aggressive climate action they need to promote Terra and buy some panels while they are at it


  12. Climate change is a left wing hoax just like all the jobs biden and Harris claimed they created

    1. Dude, you don’t know what you’re talking about. No one takes you serious, so go back to your dilapidated shack in Bangor, chew your dip, and play with your AR-15 trigger. Your opinions are irrelevant at this point.

    2. Good comment, soy boi. Got tampons?

  13. Saving farmland is how wealthy white townships limit density and keep the riff raff out. That was always the plan and it worked like a charm in the red part of the county. Why would R-heavy Bushkill vote themselves their only tax increase in 40 years? Lol. To keep the shit out. Again, if worked perfectly. Keep the trash in Easton and Bethlehem and Wilson and the high crime and dirty area run by Ds. But come and visit for farm open houses and such! Then leave.

    1. Nothing wrong with keeping the shit where it belongs - in the shithouse.

  14. I have received and have rejected a number of comments trashing Democrats, Kamala Harris, etc. I reject them. They are OT. This is becoming routine. The Trump cult has no respect for any topic except Donald Trump, kinda' like Trump himself.

    1. Your finally getting the hint Bernie. Stop writing about bullshit and the trumpsters won't pick on you.

  15. fake blog--democratic lies

  16. Sometimes I wish I could reject a number of comments trashing Republicans, Donald Trump, and promoting the freedom to kill somewhere around 800,000 babies a year. (Jeez that is a lot of rapes and defective babies in this country. We need a research study to get to the bottom of this). These comments have become routine and often off topic. The Harris camp have no respect except for any topic except Harris and Obama ad nauseum. However, I don't run this blog and sometimes there are topics worth reading that I am willing to plow through. So, I hang in there hoping we don't end up in the shitter like Venezuela or another of crap countries. The best way to judge a country is if folks are fighting to get in or fighting to get out. Don't f...k it up Democrats.

  17. You are right the democrats are trash, Anti-American, Left-wing Marxist lunatics

    1. How does it feel to on the losing team every four years? There’s a pattern here, you should heed it.

  18. Just another election press release. Come on BO, you are better than this.

  19. Historically there is no correlation of CO2 levels & temperature. CO2 provides the lush green plant life we are seeing & during prior periods of hot weather conditions, economies & agriculture boomed. During the little ice age & other periods of colder temperatures there were famines.

    We are currently in a warming cycle just as at some point we will have a cooling cycle by some event whether it be gulf stream change or volcanos reducing sunlight.

    Climate change mantra is nothing but excuse to control us by authoritarianism with bigger agenda.

  20. Bottom line Harris and tampon will destroy America China, Russia, and Iran all are rooting for Harris and Tampon.


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