Local Government TV

Friday, May 24, 2024

Taiba Sultana Is Cause of Yet Another Chaotic Easton City Council Meeting

She's done it again. Easton City Council member Taiba Sultana managed to create chaos at Wednesday night's meeting. This is because she has a habit of springing items on City Council members with no advance notice. Like when she proposed a $100,000 emergency relief fund without explaining what constitutes an emergency or where the money was coming from. Or when she spung a highly controversial Gaza cease-fire resolution at the last minute. Items to be considered at a meeting must be submitted the City Clerk no later than the Thursday prior to a meeting, but Sultana appears to be incapable of following that directive. At the same time, she has alienated fellow Council members at meetings with remarks like "They [Council] think the black and brown community is criminal and dangerous ... ."

On Wednesday, it was over a natter that should have been completely innocuous. May is American Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, and she decided it would be a nice gesture to honor a number of Asian small businesses. No argument there. She invited a number of them to attend Wednesday night's City Council meeting. She also prepared certificates of appreciation that she apparently found on Google. For some reason, she inserted Administrator Luis Campos' name on the award, although he is part of the Executive branch. She never let anyone on Council know what she was doing, nor did she circulate her proposed citations to other Council members. They never saw them. Nor did Campos, who apparently was the bestower of this honor. 

When she mentioned her intent to bestow these certificates, Mayor Sal Panto asked if they were coming from her or City Council. "Council," she replied. 

Then, before they could do anything, like vote on it, she was off the dais and calling out names. Three businesses were there. When Campos saw his name on the certificates, he told Sultana he did not know anything about it. Sultana responded, "Lewis, we'll talk later."

At least she did not forge his signature, like someone who forged State Senator Lisa Boscola's signature on a Sultana's nomination petition for the state house. That petition was circulated by her husband.  

Easton City Council applauded the recipients of these awards, but at the end of the meeting, Sultana was taken to task. She said Council should be tanking these small businesses instead of attacking her. Council member Frank Pintabone then did just that. He thanked the small businesses, but added, "Unfortunately, none of us had any idea what award you were getting or for what. You didn't get an award today from City Council. You got one that Councilwoman Taiba Sultana made up and she put the Administrator's [name] on it without his knowledge." He concluded that they deserve a legitimate city certificate with the city seal. 

An indignant Sultana was shouting, as usual, and interrupting everyone in the middle of sentences. Council member Crystal Rose tried to explain that the certificates were never provided to Council members in advance of the meeting, but Sultana continually talked over her. Eventually, all I heard from Rose was the word "Ridiculous!"

Sultana then noted that she is the first Asian American member of City Council and implied at points that others may not care about this. She even told a recipient, "We talked about this." She later said, "They are recognized by me and nobody - if they want to recognize or not - but they're definitely recognized by me. And you know, as the first elected Asian American - ..."

At this point, Mayor Sal Panto had enough. "Oh, you know what? I'm tired of hearing that. That is so stupid. I'm the first Italian Mayor. Does that make me any better than you? No. Cheezit crackers, we're all Americans." 

Then Ken Brown, who has valiantly tried to play the role of peacemaker, decided he had enough as well. "Ms. Sultana, I've served this City for almost 27 years in various capacities, and in all of my years, I've not ever dealt with what I've dealt with over the last two years. It's to the point right now where I, Ken Brown, have no more confidence in you."

"Me neither," responded Sultana. 


  1. I’ve never met Ken Brown. Now I am going to go out of my way to meet him. Seems like a great guy, Easton is lucky to have him.

    1. He’s a wonderful man. Hasn’t done much for the city over the past 5/6 years. But a wonderful man

  2. She is a clown.

    And honestly....mentally ill? These are not the actions of a normal mature adult.

  3. This shows just how narcissistic and selfish this woman is. Procedure doesn’t matter. Communication with fellow council members doesn’t matter. Rules of order, they don’t matter. Taiba does what she wants, when she wants. She’s like a petulant child. Vote her out!

  4. sounds like a bunch of bullied ganging up on a brave woman, so sad an event meant to be uplifting was perverted into such a drama bomb Shame on Pinto Bean Brain Panto and his jack booted thugs for these micro and macro aggressions.

    STOP AAPI Hate!

    1. Thanks for the input Taiba

    2. A brave woman..disoriented woman…a woman who has no clue as to what her role is as a councilwoman…the only bully in the room was the one who forged Signatures, neglected to clear a simple document of recognition by her fellow council members, insulted the integrity of an award by refusing to legally produce it.
      Taiba…leave Easton

  5. Dumbass here.....I think it's time to retire this moniker bestowed upon me and apply it to Taiba.


  6. How ironic that she calls her colleagues on City Council racists, when she is the one worried about people's skin color. I'd be willing to bet that those other council members are respectable and decent people who chose to live in a diverse community get involved to try and serve all City residents.

  7. In a perverse kind of way, we should respect this woman’s drive and tenacity. In my opinion, she is being authentic within herself and working as best she can within the limits of the tools she has on hand. Listen, adult behaviors are formed throughout childhood. Children model who and what they see growing up. If those unorthodox (to us) behaviors the child observes bring success to such crude actors, then those same behaviors are all one has to call upon first.

    If a child is surrounded by loud, crude bullies who appear to get what they want, then we must expect new loud, crude bullies to come forth and interact. This, too, shall pass. Just smile, frown, and ignore until frustration of the actor sets in. It will.

    1. Bullshit, she is not a child and has been coached and educated about the policies and decorum of the office she holds to no avail. She constantly brings the race card into everything she does. Ken Brown is Black, Sal Panto is Italian they NEVER throw the race card …. Stop defending this asshole

    2. What is wrong with you !

    3. She is bullied Because for 2 straight years the council has begged her to follow the rules?? The same rules that they must follow?? I watched the meeting after reading this today. She was completely nuts. Council was respectful to the recipients and taiba. She lost her temper again.

  8. Sultana is a troublemaker period. Her service on Council is to serve her ego, not the community. This certificate debacle is one more instance that proves the point. She could have gone through the procedure to get actual official certificates from the city, but created a situation that turned the whole thing into a farce. The city has a poison pill on Council that will continue to dose it until her term is over.

  9. Sometimes I think she’s just a straight up idiot, but I’m starting to believe Everything she does has a purpose, and if you want to see the reason why just take a look at her Facebook posts since council meeting.

    1. Salami Pinto worships Cristobal Columbus so much that if given one use of a time machine he would surely go back and become C.C's cabin boy whos daily tasks would include satisfying the captains most base needs..

      Nobody had the courage to run against the fascist emperor Salami Pinto aside from a roaring tiger mom , she fought for cowards and lions alike and will do so forever

    2. A roaring tiger mom who beats and abuses her kids, take your comments and go away

    3. A roaring idiot that didn’t know better and thought she’d win

  10. What has to be done to get her thrown off council; if anything??

  11. "What has to be done to get her thrown off council; if anything??" She can only be removed by General Assembly impeachment or conviction of an infamous crime.

  12. "Dumbass here.....I think it's time to retire this moniker bestowed upon me and apply it to Taiba."


  13. When is white heterosexual month ?.

    1. Everyday is white, heterosexual day. You have had all of your rights for decades (unless you are female). Put on your adult pants and stop acting like a victim.

  14. The situation was quite ridiculous. They managed to turn a simple day of recognition into a dramatic event, all because they failed to read the agenda. Even the city solicitor was unaware that it was on the agenda. If it was on the agenda, then it was properly notified. They have once again shown xenophobic behavior. According to a local newspaper, there is no specific procedure to be followed to honor a citizen. It could have been as simple as a thank you, and that's it. Kudos to Taiba for putting them in their place. I am a black man and Kenny doesn't represent me. He is greedy and accepted a county job offered by the Mayor and Lmont to keep his mouth shut. He sold out his people.

    1. 12:21 Ken Brown has been a sell out. Remember his comments from the heritage day shooting? But he’s a guaranteed yes vote for Panto

      But he is absolutely correct on this one. The woman refuses to follow rules and the council is tired of it. I had the misfortune of running into her once. She is definitely a few screws short

  15. 1) Salami Pinto is really funny
    2) Ms. Sultana may be an ingrate. But she's her constituents' ingrate. She'd actually be ridiculous if she hadn't been popularly elected. If she ran for re-election, she might win.

    1. lol win what

    2. That’s totally funny she couldn’t win shit, when is she and her hand full of followers going to come to that realization….

  16. "Listen, adult behaviors are formed throughout childhood. Children model who and what they see growing up. If those unorthodox (to us) behaviors the child observes bring success to such crude actors, then those same behaviors are all one has to call upon first.

    If a child is surrounded by loud, crude bullies who appear to get what they want, then we must expect new loud, crude bullies to come forth and interact."

    This is an extremely astute observation. It fully explains why I get up every morning, work hard and try to be an honest, good and dependable person.

  17. "STOP AAPI Hate!"

    We don't hate Asian and Pacific Islanders. Just you, Taiba

  18. If this is true imagine what her kids are going to like as adults

  19. Yes, she’s an idiot and is probably nuts. But who is the chair/president of the Easton board?

    Running a meeting isn’t rocket science. There are written rules that each board agrees to. Usually it’s Robert’s Rules with some modifications.

    So the president/chairperson should have gaveled her down and had her thrown out of the meeting if she was out of order.

    That this hasn’t been done tells me that the board president is likely kow-towing to Sultana and her supporters.

    If the current board president is unwilling to run a meeting effectively, perhaps it’s time to replace them with someone who has a spine.

    Until that happens, the whole Easton Council shares in the blame.

    1. As chair I have tried to invoke the rules of procedure according to
      Roberts Rules. She
      Doesn’t listen and
      Has no desire to bring civility back to
      Our public sessions. Her MO chaos. Even her base
      Is getting tired
      Her antics. Consider
      This Two years ago she garnered 354 of her distriBct On the southside
      To Win her seat on council. Today
      I her stomping for state representative she garnered 180
      Leas votes in those same
      Election wards.

    2. Well then, like the poster above said: have her removed!!!

  20. Who should we feel sorry for here?

    Her constituents, the people of Easton who elected her at their taxpayer expense?

    Or the other overwhelmingly Democrat politicians in Easton who caucus with her and claim her as their own.

    Congratulations Eastonians!

    She’s the new you.

    1. 4:00pm

      The dem chair brought her in a few years ago, he regrets it now. The Easton Democrats do not support her

  21. She is like case of diarrhea

  22. Let me guess…another hit piece by a white male…

    1. Why is it a “hit” piece? Bernie just reported the facts of what she did at a meeting. Also, what’s with the obsession with race? Because he’s a white male his reporting is biased? Get real, the woman is crazy and her political career is over. Not because of “white males” but because of her own actions.

  23. Easton Council is a joke!

    Pintabone- Popular Drug dealer
    Brown- Property stealer
    Panto- Scammer who uses bankruptcy to make more money.
    Taiba- child abuser

    1. 1218 this has to be Sultana. Only she would say a “ property stealer” instead of thief Damn idiot

  24. Where the hell is this woman from, anyway? Is she even an American citizen?

  25. Whomever runs these meetings should resign. Assuring responsibility is the council president's responsibility. She should have been ejected, and potentially arrested. Aren't people in jail for disrupting legislative meetings? The coward running things needs to resign and hand over the reins to someone capable of the job.

  26. Easton's City Council President is the Mayor, and he has prepared a Code of Conduct undergoing revisions right now. It will be introduced and voted on at the 6/26 meeting. Ejection or the arrest of a duly elected official for unruly behavior during a meeting is a slippery slope. One has to tread lightly, especially in a democratic form of government.

  27. as America becomes more brown the white imperial colonizers become increasingly distressed, hence Alito and his appeal to heaven flag. BIPOC unity is paramount, alongside strong Caucasian allies we can reframe the narrative and banish hatred to backwaters like Idaho and Wyoming were the miscreants can complain " The Turner Diaries".

    Woke Bloke

    1. *cosplay "The Turner Diaries"
      for the party to heal there must be a series of denunciations subsequent purges to purify and expel those who are beholden to a neo liberal ideology. Taiba has been on the cutting edge of progressive local politics and has been punished for attempting to shift the Overton window her main detractors are probably not salvageable while some of the less hostile part members could undergo meaningful re-education albeit prolonged and painful

      woke Bloke

    2. I would say your an idiot

  28. Petition to remove? Can it be done?

    1. Talk to Munsey, he pushed to get her in .

  29. "Petition to remove? Can it be done?"

    As I've explained from the very onset, no elected official can be removed unless impeached by the General Assembly or convicted of an infamous crime, which usually means a felony.

  30. She makes headlines for all the wrong reasons. It's great fodder for a blog, though.


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