Local Government TV

Friday, May 24, 2024

Easton's Twilight Criterium This Saturday

Tomorrow, Easton will host its 4th annual Twilight Criterium, a lapped bicycle race on a closed circuit set in cities. Easton's race will be on a 0.71 mile course in the downtown with six turn.  

There are actually 11 different events, starting with a community ride (free) at 1:15 pm and ending with a race for the pros at 7:20 pm (women) (25-miles) and 8:40 pm (men) (35-miles).   

I had hoped to participate in the community ride, but I had cataract surgery on Tuesday and am unable to ride outdoors for a week. (I may do it anyway). 

I am looking forward to watching the pros in action. At Wednesday's City Council meeting, Mayor Sal Panto said it's "like the Grand Prix, but on bicycles." 


  1. Don’t risk damage to your eyes. You can ride next year. Take it from someone who is struggling to maintain his vision.

  2. To BOH: You write lots of interesting things, you write lots of questionable things, but perhaps the dumbest thing you have ever written is “I may do it anyway.” Why in the hell do you think doctors give post-procedural instructions and why would you even think of risking trauma, infection, etc. to an eyeball recently subjected to surgery? Geesh!

  3. Ok. I will stay off the bike, lol.


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