Local Government TV

Friday, May 24, 2024

Wild Attacks Johnson Visit For Wrong Reason

US House Speaker Mike Johnson was in the Lehigh Valley this week to promote Republican nominee Ryan Mackenzie's quest for the Pa. 7th Congressional seat currently held by Democrat Susan Wild. One of his stops was at Cetronia Ambulance Corps, where Johnson and Mackenzie provided EMS staff with coffee and doughnuts in honor of EMS week. Wild apparently slammed the duo for using Cetronia as a prop “touting their supposed ‘support’ of emergency services.” 

Mackenzie has issued a news release that fires back at Wild. “Susan Wild continues her disturbing pattern of making offensive statements. This time she chose to disparage the son of a first responder - who was injured in the line of duty - for visiting and thanking EMS professionals for their work during National EMS Week. She should be ashamed of the offensive comments put out by her campaign, and she should immediately retract her statement and apologize.”

As far as I'm concerned, the Johnson visit does more damage than good. He is a hardline MAGA who just paid fealty to Trump at Mar-a-Lago and outside a Manhattan courtroom. He is currently pushing a bill that requires, not just ID, but proof of citizenship at the polls. Wild could have pointed that out instead of attacking the son of an EMS professional. 

Moreover, Mackenzie authored a bill creating the Keystone First Responder Award to honor those who are injured or killed in the line of duty. He also authored a bill to ease the tax burden on fire departments going through a merger. 


  1. Wild continues to be out of touch. She pretends to be everything she is not. Time for much needed change in November.

  2. Trump in a landslide you know nothing.

    1. Trump in a landfill….where he belongs

  3. I think Susan Wild is getting a little unglued about her future in political office. As she damn well should be! Her record of achievement in Congress is almost non-existent. She has dutifully, and fawningly, been one of Nancy Pelosi’s biggest supporters. Of course, as a modern day Democrat, Susan Wild’s view about this nation is clouded by an intense hatred of Donald Trump.

    Here, Susan Wild is objecting to the very things she does herself. Photo ops, especially with those in position of hierarchy who she hopes will help her own status. What Susan Wild doesn’t mention here is that her own Democrat Party voted strongly for Mr. Johnson’s appointment.

    Susan Wild needs to flush out her eyes to see the real amount of damage being down to this nation by the policies of her own cohorts in Congress. She needs to understand that in order to improve the actions of Congress, citizens need to CHANGE OUT many of those names who sit there now.

    This registered Independent would vote for a ham sandwich over Susan Wild.

    1. 6:36- "Susan Wild needs to flush out her eyes to see the real amount of damage being down to this nation by the policies of her own cohorts in Congress.".

      Let me guess, "Tax and spend, open borders, sex change operations for children, abortion on demand up to the day before delivery, fentanyl for all, outlaw all religions, except Muslim, a zillion dollars for Ukraine, and...what other Fox News ridiculous talking point am I missing?

      Independent, my ass! I'm independent, but lean democrat?

      Let me ask you, Mr. Fair and Impartial independent, who are the last 5 democrats that you voted for? I can name my last 5 Republicans. However, although I'm voting for Susan Wild, because Ryan Mackenzie is a raging MAGA nut job. I want that fringe element gone. So do most other people. That's why we have John Fetterman as a US Senator. But, yeah, stick to your BS Republican talking points.

  4. Send Wild Packing. She's a do nothing wannabe.

  5. Allowing only citizens to vote is common sense and supported by over 80% of Americans.

    It’s Wild and her democrat comrades who are out of touch.

  6. If Mackenzie keeps the pressure on Wild she will crack. Republicans should win this time.

  7. Wild does not think like a normal person send her packing.

  8. "Allowing only citizens to vote is common sense and supported by over 80% of Americans."

    Of course, most of us believe the vote should be limited to actual US citizens. But requiring proof of it is ridiculous. I get showing a driver's license, but requiring us to go and get passports or try to find my birth certificate is nothing more than an attempt to suppress my vote.

    1. I support both proof of identity and citizenship to vote for the simple reason that by failing to do so we invite rampant abuse of a "no questions asked" system of voting.

      If citizens have to spend a little extra effort to prove they are entitled to vote, it is a small price to pay in return for increased voter integrity.

    2. Suppressing illegal votes is critical to ensure that our voters believe in the integrity of the voting system.

      Without that faith in the systemic process, everything else begins to break down.

      A legitimate validation effort would include a significant transitional period during which BOTH parties will have time to educate their voters on the change and assist them with obtaining the required documentation.

      Bernie, we aren't trying to suppress your vote, but rather ensure that no vote is canceled out by a fraudulent vote.

      Only a cheater would oppose such reforms that protect us all and garner faith in the legitimacy of our democracy.

    3. I think you’re mistaken Bernie the bill requires REAL ID if I’m not mistaken. A poster below points that out. In liberal cities illegals are already allowed to vote. We need voter ID now.

    4. 7:25am- "In liberal cities illegals are already allowed to vote". That is an absolute lie purported by Faux News and other extreme outlets. There should be an IQ test to vote. You'd fail, because you're very stupid.

  9. The choices are clear since any "middle of the road" Repub candidates have been driven out by the MAGA cultists. I'll vote for Wild if for no other reason she will not be a boot licker for a narcissistic dictator wannabe.

  10. Sorry if this is a double post...not sure if first one went through

    "I get showing a driver's license, but requiring us to go and get passports or try to find my birth certificate is nothing more than an attempt to suppress my vote."

    You should actually read the bill, rather than relying on what the media tells you is in the bill

    The bill lists acceptable proof as among the following:
    OR a valid Passport
    OR other government issued ID's, which may require also providing a birth certificate

    You would not need to provide both a driver's license AND a birth certificate--as long as the license is a REAL ID


  11. Bernie, with all due respect, I think your post is slightly inaccurate. I hadn't heard about this exchange, so I looked it up. You said that Wild "could have pointed that out instead of attacking the son of an EMS professional." But if you look at what her campaign said, she did not attack an EMS professional's family. That is merely the Mackenzie's campaigns (seemingly false) characterization. The campaign said: "Mike Johnson and Ryan Mackenzie are touting their supposed ‘support’ of emergency services while trying to hide from their record of wanting to gut Social Security and involve the government in your personal health care decisions," campaign spokeswoman Natalie Gould said in a brief statement Tuesday."

    Moreover, Mackenzie's assertion that she "disparaged the son of a first responder..." is laughable. The son of the first responder they are referring to is... MIKE JOHNSON. So what, no Democrat is ever allowed to attack Johnson because he's the son of a first responder? Moreover, is it not fair to point out, as Wild did, that he doesn't put his money where his mouth is when it comes to supporting first responders?

    It seems this is a blatantly misleading attack from the Mackenzie campaign, and your post unfortunately seems to echo it.

    Source: https://www.lehighvalleynews.com/elections/mackenzie-wild-trade-jabs-as-volume-turns-up-on-pa-7-congressional-race

    1. Sounds like you are Natalie Gould, the Wild spokesperson, and you are trying to clean up your mess. Bernie is right, it was a stupid line of attack by Wild and her campaign. That spokesperson should be reassigned to a different job that she is better suited for, because communications is clearly not her forte.

    2. You’re splitting hairs there lol.

  12. Democrats have done too much damage to this country Republicans are not much better but the are less damaging than democrats. Politicians will never do what is right they just will vote any way to keep their position. we are screwed.

  13. Born and raised in the U.S. Probably couldn't find my proof of citizenship if my life depended on it. Are they suggesting bringing a birth certificate?

  14. Trump is killing it out there, Bernie (25,000 yesterday in the Bronx). People apparently are frightened about Biden, his regime and what it is doing to our country. You really should be too, Not a Ryan fan but Susan Wild votes “Biden” every time. Scary. Proud to be MAGA.

  15. If you think wild is bad imagine kamala

  16. Say what you want about Johnson. He’s way more conservative than me but he’s a gentleman and I find that refreshing given all the assholes in Washington. He seems like a decent guy.

  17. If you don’t think the plan is to let all the illegals vote so Ds can have perpetual power I have a bridge to sell you. Boston New York and other cities already have put forth plans to let them vote in local elections. It’s just the beginning.

  18. Wild thing, you make my heart sing.
    Wild thing, you make everything groooovy.
    Wild thing, I think I love you!

  19. More importantly why wasn’t State Representative Mackenzie in Harrisburg doing the current job the state taxpayers are paying him to do? It was a voting session day. Now they allow themselves to vote remotely so they don’t even have to go to Harrisburg. They make their own rules. Try that in the private sector.

    1. Well, a quick search on this thing called the internet would tell you: 1. That the PA House wasn’t yet in Session that morning, 2. The House Democrats were the ones that set the House Rules this session (and hence allowed remote voting) and 3. Remember that time Wild claimed she was voting by proxy and she couldn’t be there because of covid, but then she campaigned with Biden in the area! She got caught in that lie bigly! But nice try young grasshopper! Better luck next time with some other bogus attack!

    2. Good job - nailed the bastard!

    3. And, “Try that in the private sector”? You mean like “work from home”, “telecommuting”, “flexible work”, or “hybrid work” that a lot of people in the private sector get to do nowadays? Time to get with the times, Boomer.

    4. When you work from home you are working at the job you are paid to do. Ryan was campaigning on state time.

    5. No, Ryan was not “campaigning on state time.” If that was even how it worked, no elected official could ever campaign. Have you seen Biden or anyone else campaign during the day? Yes. And here’s why: He would be considered a salaried employee, not hourly so he would or could be “on” at all times. The converse of that would be that he is never truly “off.” If you aren’t off, then you could never campaign at all. So, your argument is not correct. Salaried employee vs. hourly. He’s not clocking into an office from 9-5 and then doing it during those hours as you are trying to make it out to be.

  20. Wild does not respect male democrat office holders. True!

  21. more democrats that is exactly what we need.

  22. Wild has never struck me as very intelligent and seems to be nothing more than a mouth to grunt "aye" as a reliable yes vote for party agenda.

  23. I don't even have to present id when going to vote.....what in the world is that.....let's get it together....Susan Wild has to go!


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