Local Government TV

Thursday, May 30, 2024

NorCo's Human Services Union Rejects Proposed Contract

Last week, I told you that Northampton County administrators sweetened a proposal with human services union workers for a new, three-year contract. I am informed that the bargaining unit has voted to reject this offer. 

The county offered a three-year contract. Year one would be a 2.75% step increase plus cash equal to 4.5% rolled into the base. Year two would be a repeat of year one. In year three, they would get a 4% COLA.

Those already at the top of their pay scales would get $1,750 cash bonuses in years one and two, along with the 4% COLA in Year 3. 

Basically, the proposal amounts to a 13% payhike over three years. 

The county had sweetened this deal by offering a $500 retention cash bonus on July 1, 2024 and January 1, 2025. 

It's apparently not enough. 


  1. Get back to work ya lazy bums, or we won't give you any raises at all. The taxpayers have spoken!

  2. You love to drink McClure's Kool-Aid and now you are selling it. If the base pay is bad to begin then the raises mean little. Also, the one-time payments are cop outs. Why doesn't he just give straight forward raises instead of one-time handouts? He wants to not to have a recurring cost of pay raises. So, he pretends he is doing something when he is not. This is probably something Barron had a hand is as well.

    How about real percentage increases that employees can count on and not overly complicated piecemeal handouts that disappear. Every employee wants and needs a real wage study of all employees. This must be done using local wages and costs. Why does he oppose that?

    1. There are straight forward raises being given. Plus bonuses. If the base pay is so bad why take the job to begin with

  3. What are they going to do? Strike? Go ahead. See if anyone notices.

  4. If they say yes to this contract, the last two will have netted them a 24% increase over six years. What more do they want ?

  5. They want over 20% for 3 years. That’s not happening.

  6. Does not seem too bad even with Bidenomics

  7. You have to feel sorry for this group. Before McClure they went six years without a raise.

  8. 13% over three years is peanuts in Biden's economy. We don't live in that world anymore. If you voted for Biden, however, you deserve nothing: not one penny. The county is run by mostly Biden team members and they're struggling to look like they care while tossing peanuts at employees who are struggling with the economy for which most voted. Payback is a bitch. Elections certainly have consequences.

  9. Oh sleepless at 4:24 a.m., the units are always offered to have the starting salaries increased, and it’s always rejected by the units. But, sleepless knows this.

  10. The anti-Trumpers will quickly tell you our financial problems are actually because of Trump. Then, those same misguided people will vote again for Biden who claims he will eliminate the Trump Tax Cut plan. On average, that means another loss of $1200-1500 per year for some.

  11. " the units are always offered to have the starting salaries increased, and it’s always rejected by the units. But, sleepless knows this."

    This is a problem. One of the county's biggest problems with wages is a low starting salary. But the members of a union negotiation team are usually in the middle or top of their payscales, so they do not care so much about that. They look out for themselves instead of everyone.

  12. There are straight forward raises being given. Plus bonuses. If the base pay is so bad why take the job to begin with

    When we were hired we were promised a step every year. Sub-par pay but good benefits. They took away steps every year. They froze raises for multiple years. They are slowly cutting benefits but not increasing wages. This was NOT what was promised.

    When they give you $1750 instead of a cost of living or a step increase you actually have less spending potential than you did last year. That means that because everything costs more and you didn't actually get any more money you cant afford as much. Do this for multiple years and it becomes a big problem.

    Why is this so hard to understand? Everyone wants to get paid more but because they are public employees they aren't allowed to? Why does everyone spend so much time beating each other down? That is a very Trump like tactic. Some are worried there wont even BE a retirement when they get there. Republicans in general want to privatize retirement plans. 401k. Those in the middle are screwed when the money runs out.

    Then, those same misguided people will vote again for Biden who claims he will eliminate the Trump Tax Cut plan. On average, that means another loss of $1200-1500 per year for some.
    Multiple sources have already covered how this cut only helps the wealthy. Trump openly admitted he uses the tax code to make sure he doesnt pay any taxes. Why wouldnt he? We all would if we could. We just cant afford it because of people like him.

    The problem is that neither Trump nor Biden are good candidates but voting for anyone else is throwing your vote away.

  13. The Bonus instead of straight pay raises is a Rendell tactic. One time bonuses keep your base pay at the same level. Then when you get your percentage raise the next year it’s actually based on a lower salary because a bonus is a one shot payout. McClure is a Rendell democrat, both do not care much for government employees.

  14. 13% isn't as rosey as it seems, given inflation and Biden's pledge to let Trump-era tax cuts expire. That's going to cost a typical family over $100 per month in take home pay. Any negotiations should not ignore the significant individual federal tax increases that are coming. 13% isn't going to come close to enough. Hold out for a realistic offer. Increases should be in the 20-25% range, to be fair with what's coming.

  15. Lol. Keep voting for the same team. They know you have no options, you noisy serfs.

  16. Don’t compare Lamont to Rendell. You might encourage him. Even if, you think the comparison is unflattering.

  17. Maybe someone should tell Dennis that he doesn't always have to accept the first proposal, he could have gotten the courthouse employees a few more dollars with minimum effort.

  18. 25% over 6 years. If you want more than that without making any concessions, you need to make the argument to the people who pay your bills why you need even more than not.

  19. I agree with the 20 Plus raises. Look at what the auto workers got. County employees are way under-paided especially comparing to Lehigh County.

  20. I love how people say if you’re not making enough go somewhere else. Guess what? They are going somewhere else. New staff, tenured staff, prospective staff. We cannot bring people in or keep them. We do not pay compatible salaries to other counties and private providers. We used to be the shining star for employment. Not anymore. We sit with many vacancies. Everyone is covering additional work. Then the DHS administration goes in front of counsel and says nope, no problem here. This is a lie. We are struggling every day with staff shortages in every division. Just because they publicly say there’s no problem there is. Pay is an issue and constant vacancy is an issue. Open your eyes.

  21. So many posters are correct. The base pay is wrong, so the raises mean little. The phony onetime cash grants are sleight of hand and insulting to working people.

    Mcclure is as much a Democrat as his mentor JM was a Democrat. He is more republican than any republicans in county government. He believes in tax breaks for millionaires, while county employees pay for it. He is punishing this union because it is not in his pocket like the Gracedale union.

    The vacancies of professional staff are profound. He and the Director are not being totally truthful. As in other cases, mandation is the only thing keeping things going. So, will the new Democrats stand up for county employees like they promised, or will they turn their backs on us because McClure tells them what to do? County Government is not about business it is about the services we provide.

    Are they real Democrats or are they McClure republicans?

  22. How about this, go somewhere else and shut your faces before, during, and after. You're negotiating with your politicians and they know you're dumb bitches with no options. Again, STFU. You won.

  23. More years ago, than I care to remember the better paid (typically caseworkers) in Human Services decided to limit some of our salary requests and instead bargained to get the best we could for the poorer paid clerical/support staff. Looking back, we all were struggling and starting our families and getting our first house. Most of us had older cars and vacations were very modest and often were backpacking and hostels. Maybe time has made it seem better, but I think we were happier than the young folks struggling now.

  24. American workers not happy with their salaries or pay raises should learn to speak Spanish and declare themselves to be illegal immigrants.

    Dip into the tens of billions of American taxpayer dollars made available to guests of our current President.

  25. It’s amazing. They’ve already lost a half-a-year’s pay increase and they aren’t going to get it back.

  26. Is the County still willing to negotiate with the assistance of the State Mediator ?

  27. 4:58, They are in the pocket of McClure. Don't look for any help from them. They do as they are told.

  28. I am a retired state employee. The best contract I ever got was given by a Republican named Tom Ridge. The Rendell years were the worst. Wolf was just ok I guess. We did get a step back from him I believe. It’s not always the case a democrat is better for labor. I remember AFCSME actually endorsed Mike Fisher over Rendell. Rendell was a scumbag.

  29. The McClure Administration is extremely Pro-Labor. Although, SEIU has j always been luke warm on McClure, and I think these negotiations have him fed up. I don’t think there’s anymore money to be had.

  30. "The McClure Administration is extremely Pro-Labor."

    Bullshit! He is extremely pro whomever writes him a check. Their county council did all the pro-labor heavy lifting, but they don't have a county publicist and a former union leader in their pockets. Even driving tickets vanish, some say.

    McClure is anti-employee if they don't do what he wants. The fact that a union leader sold out its members for some reason does not make him pro-labor. Union officials can't see beyond their noses. Meanwhile county employees suffer. Why does McClure and the union bosses oppose a real pay study?

    1. LOL I was waiting for someone to reply to that comment. There are former McClure administration folks who comment on here. They think McClure walks on water. I think the guy is as an asshole, and his inner circle are arrogant elitists.


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