Local Government TV

Friday, May 31, 2024

Trump Guilty x 34 on Weakest of Four Criminal Prosecutions

Late yesterday afternoon, as my grandson and I were getting ready to ride the Ironton Rail Trail, a Manhattan jury returned a verdict of guilty against Donald Trump in what I consider the weakest of four criminal prosecutions brought against him. As I said earlier this week, I doubt this verdict will change the minds of anyone who already decided to vote for him. But in my view, an acquittal would have all but ensured his election. He is in a good position to win despite this setback. 

I do think Trump sympathizers have a point when they claim this particular prosecution was politically motivated. Although Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg never specifically promised to prosecute Trump, as some have falsely asserted, he did vow to hold Trump accountable. As a politician who may very well be looking out for his own future, I have little quarrel with those who say his decision to seek an indictment was at least partially political. But it stops there. There is no evidence of any organized or disorganized effort by Biden to go after Trump. Even Biden's Department of Justice has taken a hands-off approach, relying instead on a special prosecutor to look into Trump's federal violations. And Trump's contention that Biden authorized the FBI to use deadly force in the Mar-a-Lago raid is just a blatant lie. They are always authorized to use deadly force, but only when there's a "credible imminent risk of death or serious bodily harm to themselves or others." 

This is what Trump does. He lies. That's why he's been held liable in defamation cases. That's why his business has been held liable for fraud. And now, he's been convicted by a jury of his peers for lying on his business records. 

Had I been a member of that jury, I probably would have voted to acquit. And yes, I do think he has a good shot at getting this conviction reversed. But unlike the MAGA cult and Trump himself, I respect the jury. Our system is built in a way that 12 people can see through a biased judge (I doubt that very much) or a political prosecutor out to make a name for himself. All 12 must agree on guilt, and guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. So like it or not, on the law that was given to them, a jury did its job. 

Trump knows this. If he really thought the system was rigged, why would he bother to appeal?  He'll appeal because he knows our system of justice, despite many flaws and inequities, is fundamentally fair. 

He's done his best to undermine public confidence in our elections. Don't let this demagogue do iyt to our justice system.   


  1. Bernie, our American justice system has now been broken by this judge, not by Trump. We both know this ridiculous trial and verdict is flawed on so many levels it should easily be overturned on appeal. This clear injustice should lay fear into every citizen in America, but it will not.

    This evil attack on our nation’s fundamental greatness has, for now, succeeded. The purpose here was to remove an opposing political candidate from the next presidential election by any means necessary, even it that means to throw the opponent in jail. Looks to me like a move made by some Communist nation.

    As far as I’m concerned, the American government I’ve known for nearly 75 years has now been defeated, overthrown.

    There’s a chance, millions and millions of actual citizens have now been shocked out of their lazy, willingly ignorant, stupor to now understand what they and their children have truly lost by this Democrat Party endorsed action. We’ve gone over an historically significant cliff as if we never saw the ledge in front of us. But, it was ALWAYS there. We knew it, but didn’t care.

    Your interpretation of these events, your attitude with the result, are not only wrong, but offensive to what I believe.

    1. Incredibly well said. It is still unbelievable to me

  2. Worst trial in American history, this was the best example of a kangaroo court of all time. There is no doubt this will be overturned so you idiot democrats do not celebrate as if this is going to stand as a matter of fact this will make sure Trump will be elected president again.


  3. Sure Bernie our courts in United states are fair.Bullshit that left-wing jury, DA and judge are example of the worst people to serve in their positions. They all would make good nazi.

  4. Democrats are so weak on crime, they just sent a felon to the White House. Lol.. This just gets better and better. What a country.

  5. Trump better start buying his liquid soap in 50 gallon drums. He is going to need it. Better yet,maybe the MAGA crowd should consider mass suicide.

    1. You're a sick pup

    2. All you Demorats need to listen to the best legal mind in this country Alan Dershowitz! Go to his podcast on YouTube a get a lesson in law!

  6. Not surprised. I am not a Trump supporter, but I do think they are going overboard trying to get this guy. It could backfire. My wife stunned me last night when she told me she may vote for him.

    1. So you’re 4 yrs better under Trump or Biden! Can’t wait to hear this response!

  7. "LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP!" Such sweet poetic justice!

  8. No way I’m voting for Biden after that rant in Philly. He’s yelling Trump wanted to tear gas you for peacefully protesting. LOL. Billions in property damage, a police precinct burned to the ground. The White House was attacked and a sitting president was moved to the underground bunker under the White House. Police hit with bricks, rocks, bottles. Then the response is but but but January 6th but but abortion. Please. Dems aren’t getting me back, they love criminals and hate cops. Everybody is a victim in their world. They view everything through the prism of race. Now we got Trump or Biden. What a disaster!

  9. It’s all out in the open now. Yes, there IS a Deep State working to control our government and to control YOU!

    Seeing this situation unfold in real time, many of you will be wise enough to prepare as best you can. Of great importance is to begin eliminating your debts. Do not take on brand new debt. Purchase only essential items for your family, and use cash to obtain those. If you have ready funds, repair or replace your home’s infrastructure and household essential equipment. Slowly build up an emergency stash to meet new surprises.

    Regardless how you feel about the process now . . . . by all means, VOTE!

  10. Alvin Bragg.

    Forever to be known as the man responsible for Trumps re-election.

  11. I'm an Independent (never voted for Trump) who's not comfortable with what seemed like a legal railroading, given the judge's peculiar rulings and jury charge. I wonder how long before Biden's opponents indict him in a friendly jurisdiction (e.g. Alabama, South Dakota, Kansas). On what charges? They can figure that out later. It's as easy as indicting a ham sandwich, no? The other side of the coin, is that the executive branch has acquired too much power, and we may be entering a new phase of our democratic experiment where we use courts to neutralize what our legislative branches can't or won't. I can see former presidents of either party regularly ending up in court, and eventually, jail. It may not be a bad thing.

    1. And then who will ever run for president knowing this possibility

  12. He has already undermined our Judicial system by appointing these Federal Judges who fly flags upside down, take bribes from foreign leaders, and create chaos and bias in our Judicial system by overruling 50 year old standings and taking away womens rights. The best thing that can happen is for Trump to go to Jail and remove him from the Presidential race.

    1. Trump didn’t appoint Justice Alito lol. This is a perfect example of the low IQ average voter in this country.

  13. This government does not deserve the support of at least half the American people. Can only hope that whole corrupt mess collapses as soon as possible.

  14. As a moderate Democrat who doesn't like either candidate, my concern is that the government spent millions prosecuting Trump in this case and the sentence is likely to be a fine and probation. Was it worth it? Furthermore, Trump may be able to use this prosecution on the campaign trail to portray himself as being railroaded by a "corrupt" judge in a "rigged" trial by a bunch left wing Democrats and New York liberals. This narrative obviously isn't true but will play well in 40 some states.

    1. This was New York, not the federal government

  15. Of course he's guilty. Of course he pressured a 27 year old to have sex when he was 60. Of course he lied about it. He is trash and lies all the time about everything.

    1. Nobody needs to pressure Stormy to have sex, she is a porn star

  16. Fuck trump and fuck all those who still support him!

  17. I keep thinking back to the 2016 Trump Rallys and the joyous chants of "Lock Her Up!" Everyone at those events was all smiles and really excited about seeing Hillary in prison for the crimes she committed. What's really changed here?

    1. Trump never went after Hillary even tho she was the one interfering with elections and paying for Steel docier with election money. Hillary was sanctioned by FECA for 100s of 1000s of dollars, Trump never got back at her.
      This is the difference.

  18. Import the Third World, become the Third World. This only gets worse as we let millions of illegal vermin into our country each day for the sake of voting Democrat. It does neutralize union loafs, though. Lots of cheap labor keeps unions from getting too large or greedy.

  19. Trump's contention that Biden authorized the FBI to use deadly force in the Mar-a-Lago raid is just a blatant lie
    You're right It most certainly is. The justice department decided the best time to raid was Mon, Aug 8, 2022. This is when they were certain DJT would be in Bedminster, NJ where he spends every summer. This is so he wouldn't interfere So the fool wasn't even there!

  20. Total sham by the democrats. The democrats are worse than China, Russia and Iran combined. How can anybody Trust our judicial system anymore. For this country to survive we need Trump more than ever, Biden and his left-wing radicals are destroying the United States and at rate they are going it will not last 4 more years w3ith these type of people in charge.

  21. Conservatives and people on the right look out they could and will be coming for you next. This is only the start the democrats have shown their true colors.

  22. New York democrats have fired the first shots in the next civil war.

  23. I agree, I trust the jury. It’s well past time for the Republican Party to ditch this guy and his family. At this point I’m not sure if the party can be saved. Trump was a thug who saw himself as a mob boss. Years ago he thought he could bully NBC into keeping his show after the production company had tired of his shenanigans and the public grew weary of “you’re fired.” Where are the real Republican leaders? I’m a lifelong Republican who can’t, in good faith, vote for a Republican.

  24. There is no evidence of any organized or disorganized effort by Biden to go after Trump

    Bernie, Put your TDS aside for 2 minutes. This is evidence. The former #3 official in the entire Biden DOJ left that job to fulfill his dream of being a line prosecutor in a local DA's office. Come on Bernie the #3 guy doesn't just give that up. That's like leaving the #3 spot at Air Products to become a Wal mart greeter. New York Slimes below


  25. Step 1: Trump had sex with a porn star (while Melania was home pregnant) in 2006. Not illegal, but not a great look either.

    Step 2: Trump thru his attorney, paid the porn star $130,000 to keep quiet about having sex with him in 2016 leading up to the election. Also not illegal, but not very smart either.

    Step 3: Trump reimbursed his attorney for the payment. Also not illegal.

    Step 4: Trump recorded the $130,000 as "legal fees". This is where it gets slippery...

    Everything from this point on is where you or I would likely get creamed by the IRS. We all do our taxes every year, and we all do our best to keep that $ figure as low as possible and take our deductions where we can. We could all roll the dice and plug in a big fat medical deduction or education deduction or some charitable expense, but at the end of the day you need the actual paper work to back that deduction up if/when the IRS comes calling about it.

    Just because Trumps attorney paid the porn star, doesn't make it a legal expense which is frowned upon by the IRS.

    Compounding the issue is that Trump volunteered himself as a candidate for federal office. Doing so requires by laws implemented by Republicans and Democrats in years past, more paper work and transparency with how your finances are being handled.

    The 34 felonys Trump is now guilty of all spun out of him attempting to cover up the fact he had sex with a porn star, not the actual sex act.

    It is ALWAYS the cover up...

  26. Not the party of law and order but a crazy, unhinged, batshittery spewing CULT... 34 - 0 Don the Con(vict)

  27. You are a stupid person our election did not have trust by the public way back to the 1960 election. If you think Trump stared this distrust you are one stupid idiot.

  28. " The democrats are worse than China, Russia and Iran combined."

    "Fuck trump and fuck all those who still support him!"

    These are examples, from comments posted, of just how divided we have become. Sorry, but neither Democrats nor Republicans are our enemies and we have to stop insulting each other and start trying to persuade each other.

    1. Biden said he would unite the country Bernie. Obama and Biden have been the most divisive presidents in history.

  29. "He has already undermined our Judicial system by appointing these Federal Judges who fly flags upside down ..."

    Alito was appointed by Bush Jr. But you keep being impressively stupid. You're the moron who thinks President Franklin signed the Magna Carta, which birthed our country. Please pipe down and let the grown ups have a discussion, you dope.

  30. It doesn’t matter how many phony indictments Democrats throw at him
    I'm voting for Trump because:
    - $1.50 a gallon gas under Trump was better than $5 a gallon gas under Biden
    - .8% inflation under Trump was better than 8% inflation under Biden
    - Secure borders under Trump was better than open borders under Biden
    - 3% mortgage rates under Trump was better than 6% rates under Biden
    - Affordable groceries under Trump was better than unaffordable groceries under Biden
    - 4% economic growth under Trump was better than 1% under Biden
    - Putin in Moscow under Trump was better than Putin in Kiev under Biden
    - An economically crippled Tehran and Hamas under Trump was better than a taxpayer funded Tehran and Hamas under Biden

    1. Move to Russia….please

    2. This is the stupidest sentence employed by the dumb left.

  31. It doesn't matter how many phony indictments Democrats throw at him
    I'm voting for Trump because:
    - $1.50 a gallon gas under Trump was better than $5 a gallon gas under Biden
    - .8% inflation under Trump was better than 8% inflation under Biden
    - Secure borders under Trump was better than open borders under Biden
    - 3% mortgage rates under Trump was better than 6% rates under Biden
    - Affordable groceries under Trump was better than unaffordable groceries under Biden
    - 4% economic growth under Trump was better than 1% under Biden
    - Putin in Moscow under Trump was better than Putin in Kiev under Biden
    - An economically crippled Tehran and Hamas under Trump was better than a taxpayer funded Tehran and Hamas under Biden

  32. You are correct. Red state DAs and AGs need to do their jobs. Democrats are America's enemies. We are divided. Democrats have established new rules. Anything to eliminate any Democrat is fair game. Payback is always worse for the team who started the fight. Ask dead Ukrainians and Palestinians. FAFO. It's time to legally harass every Biden for the remainder of their miserable lives. Every major candidate should be indicted at the launch of their campaigns. We're in a new world with new rules. Democrats piss on veterans and send money to neonazis and Jew killers. They should pay for it at the grocery store, gas station, restaurants, theaters - just like Maxine Waters directed.

    1. Crawl back under your MAGA hat

  33. 8:53, It's true that a former high-ranking DOJ official left to work in the Manhattan DA's office, but there's no proof he was ordered to do so by Biden or anyone in the Biden administration. I believe it's likely that Colangelo views Trump the way that I and many others do. He's really more of a mob boss than a statesman. Decent and honorable persons who believe in a system in which no one is above the law would be most interested in pursuing a target who makes a mockery of and undermines the very basis of American democracy.

  34. The same system that Trump MAGAs claim is broken is currently prosecuting both a Democratic US Senator and a Democratic Congressman for corruption. That broken system prosecuted and convicted the Democratic Mayors of Allentown and Reading.

    1. Yes Bernie, but in this instance, again not a Trump supporter, but in this instance the Judge and his family have monetary ties to the DNC. They took misdemeanors and somehow made them a felony. Lots of conflicts of interest here. Bragg literally ran on getting Trump. Pawloski’s trial was fair and impartial. Not this one.

    2. For legally sound reasons and evidence. Perhaps that's the difference.

  35. He raised a record $34.8 million last night alone. Today is expected to be even higher. Winning. Guy just keeps stepping in it. Lawfare campaigning is remarkably lucrative. It finally woke up R donors who've been asleep for 8 years.

  36. Lost in all this was yesterday’s 9-0 Supreme Court decision in favor of the NRA. Government cannot suppress speech period.

    1. Oh, the partisan group who are supposed to be our top justices? The ones who refuse to recuse because they don’t care what we think? The ones who fly flags to promote hatred and show their true colors? They are no longer respected nor
      Supreme…..they are criminals like dimwit Don

    2. Can’t you read? 9-0 NINE ZIP HELLO. That means your favorites Sotomayer and that clown Kagan voted for the NRA as well.

    3. This must be the same guy who thinks Trump appointed Alito lol.

  37. I just read that Trump has raised over 35 million since the verdict. Ironically, this trial/guilty verdict is going to actually help him in key battleground states like IN, MI, IA, MN, PA, OH, VA, NC, GA & FL etc...

  38. Someone else commented “Yes, no one is above the law, but also, in America, no one is below the law, either.” I will add the final words to our Pledge of Allegiance “. . . with liberty and justice for all.” Trump got neither in this trial. This episode is damaging to ALL of us, Republican, Democrat, whatever label one carries.

    1. Crawl back under your Trump fat

    2. tRump is innocent yet all of his henchmen went to jail for various crimes while employed by the master Con man! Are you willing to go to jail for him too? Ready to drink the kool-aid?

  39. Let's talk about Trump's 4 years vs Biden's 3 and half year. Everything Biden did fucked the American people. Trump time in office was good for the American people--no wars, no inflation, low gas prices, and the border issues Biden really fucked that up. Plus Biden is as corrupt as they come how did he become so rich on a Government salary??/

    1. Are you ready to drink the kool-aid?

  40. I don't get it. MAGA folk scream that they love America but apparently hate everything about it! They say...

    - Immigrants are vermin! (We are all immigrants. We are nation of immigrants.)

    - Our justice system is corrupt! (I thought MAGA folk wanted strong law and order, right?)

    - It was a sham trial! (Seemed pretty ordinary to me. Witnesses. Evidence. Cross-exams. Then a jury of peers gave a verdict. Extremely American in every way.)

    - Civil war! (You'd raise a gun against your countryman, because a fat old sleazy lying money-grubbing politician lost a court case for stuff he obviously did? You've lost your mind.)

    - Our elections are rigged! (We are a democracy. We vote. We count votes. We figure out who won. GOP won the House in 2022. Trump lost.)

    Love it, or go to Russia or Hungary, MAGA folk. You'd be welcomed with open arms.

  41. Crawl back under your MAGA hat…

  42. Trump is busily raising money from wealthy oil execs and handing out favors -- selling out our government. But it won't work. Biden will win in November. Yes, and he will win PA in November. Trump will waddle away to Mar-a-Lago to eat cheeseburgers and cheat at golf -- stained for all time by impeachments, sex scandals, a rape and defamation conviction, multiple personal bankruptcies, felony counts, and more yet to come.

  43. Remember, per his daughter's diary, which we know know exists, Biden forced her to take showers with him. I really don't care about anything else. That's sick. He should go to prison and be treated the way prisoners treat freaks who molest kids. Make Kamala POTUS. She's never touched kids.

    1. He’s a hair sniffing scumbag no doubt. Trump is just a horrible person lol.

  44. "Let's talk about Trump's 4 years vs Biden's 3 and half year. Everything Biden did fucked the American people. Trump time in office was good for the American people--no wars, no inflation, low gas prices, and the border issues Biden really fucked that up."

    It sounds like you are really struggling financially. Did your job get taken by an immigrant?

  45. "And then who will ever run for president knowing this possibility"

    Are you seriously worried about this?

  46. We have no democracy, it is a totalitarian state that is now controlling every institution in America. The whole mess needs to be flushed where it belongs.

  47. "We have no democracy, it is a totalitarian state that is now controlling every institution in America."

    In your daily life, as you go to work, or visit family, or whatever, what parts of your life are being controlled? Obviously not your use of Lehigh Valley Ramblings, because you just posted whatever you felt like.

    Consider for a second that you may be suffering from paranoia as a result of brainwashing. Turn off Fox News and Sinclair Radio for two weeks and see how you feel.

  48. We’re left with no law and no politics. Both have been destroyed by extremists. Monied interests drive the tribes around like cats chasing laser pointers. If you don’t think you’re a cat, you’re most certainly a cat.

  49. "Let's talk about Trump's 4 years vs Biden's 3 and half year. Everything Biden did fucked the American people. Trump time in office was good for the American people--no wars, no inflation, low gas prices, and the border issues Biden really fucked that up."

    The question here is not who would make a better President or who has been better for this nation. The question is whether Trump broke the law, and a jury of 12 has concluded beyond a reasonable doubt that he did. You have every right to claim that the prosecution was politically motivated (there is some evidence that the Manhattan DA was politically motivated). You can claim that the judge was biased (I see no evidence of bias) or that the system was rigged (I see no evidence). It was a weak case and I believe it could be reversed on appeal. Having said that, I respect the verdict of a jury who sat through five weeks of testimony (something we did not do), heard the evidence and made their own assessments of who was believable and who was not.

    I get the dismay at a finding that a person you support has been found guilty in a felony prosecution. But you should not be surprised. His entire career in business, politics and government has been based on a thorough repugnance for the law and the basic norms of decent society. That is what is actually at the heart of all four prosecutions. Who lets a mob go after his own hand-picked VEEP and try to yank him out of the capitol building? Who actively hides highly classified documents from the FBI to the point of instructing his staff to move them to different locations to evade a search? Who demands a state secretary of state to "find" 11,000 votes? This behavior is more than criminal, it is the mark of a man who has no regard for our system of government and our institutions, which he actively undermines at every opportunity. He is a mob boss, not a leader of the free world.

  50. Trump is 1000% better than Biden who by the way is much more corrupt than Trump ever was.

    1. You are as clueless as that tpetrie maga moron who comments on fmz articles.

  51. From Bernie: "This behavior is more than criminal, it is the mark of a man who has no regard for our system of government and our institutions, which he actively undermines at every opportunity."

    Here here!

  52. Bernie you have Trump derangement you are a sick person.

  53. Four more years of Biden and his left-wing people will do in the USA. You Biden people out there know that is a fact. Because you people hate America and like Obama wanted to change America for the worst.

  54. Stop it Bernie. You write as if you didn't lose your right to practice law by defrauding a poor old man and blaming it on some feigned disease (aka dishonesty). And you're still not in prison. Let's be fair. The system is not fair.

  55. This was a politically motivated prosecution. Period. Anybody that thinks otherwise is just fooling themselves.

  56. It's true that a former high-ranking DOJ official left to work in the Manhattan DA's office, but there's no proof he was ordered to do so by Biden or anyone in the Biden administration.

    How often do high level officials with a cushy job and pension at main DOJ leave their jobs to become a state prosecutor. Why would he take a step back. Come on Bernie you know why. They told him to.

  57. It is so great listening to the democrats praise the judicial system and how great it works but just a little while back they were condemning the supreme court and how bad they are. best example would be Schumer another new yorker and how he threatened the court right on the steps of the court. Bottom line politicians suck.

  58. "Stop it Bernie. You write as if you didn't lose your right to practice law by defrauding a poor old man and blaming it on some feigned disease (aka dishonesty). And you're still not in prison. Let's be fair. The system is not fair."

    This is not about me or Biden. It is about Trump. I did not lose my right to practice law by defrauding anyone. I lost it bc, when I drank, I thought I could do anything and would lie to people and tell them what they wanted to hear instead of the truth. I no longer drink and now I tell the truth. Our system acted fairly and took my license away.

    "This was a politically motivated prosecution. Period. Anybody that thinks otherwise is just fooling themselves."

    I believe the DA was politically motivated, but it stops there. There is no evidence that the trial was rigged or that the judge was unfair. He actually refused to allow prosecutors to produce other women who would corroborate Stormy Daniels. He refused to allow the Access Hollywood Tape into evidence. Trump put on a defense and challenged every witness in some powerful cross examinations. The prosecution had to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt and with all 12 jurors.

    If errors of law were made, and that may certainly be the case, Trump can appeal and if he is successful, can claim vindication.

    Our system is flawed, like every human institution. But it is fundamentally fair.

  59. Bernie some of your readers do not know that local schoolboards do the taxing they think the federal government does boy are they stupid no wonder the local boards raise taxes whenever they want with poor resuts.

  60. "How often do high level officials with a cushy job and pension at main DOJ leave their jobs to become a state prosecutor. Why would he take a step back. Come on Bernie you know why. They told him to."

    That is nonsense and speculative on your part. This guy wanted to be there, and I could see why. It would be good for his career to have been part of a team that took down Trump. He also might have wanted to be there because, just like some Rs will turn their heads of he shoots someone, there are people who strongly believe no one is above the law. Moreover, this guy is a New Yorker and may have missed home. Lots of reasons and you are reaching conclusions without any evidence to back you up. There is zero evidence that Biden or the DOJ played ANY role in this matter.

  61. the revolution has begun,Commie Juan "Valdez" Merchan must be brought to heel, Uhuru, 1776! #FreeDJT!

  62. When you don't know anything about anything, everything looks like a conspiracy.

    Trump was HISTORICALLY unpopular when he was President. Then did more damage to himself, his party and the country on January 6th.

    Despite knowing this, legions of gullible low intelligence whiny losers have nominated him again and all they can do is complain about how unfair it is that so many people don't like him.

    1. Well, not a big Trump guy, but Biden’s poll numbers are worse than Trumps at this point in their presidency lol. Go do some research.

    2. Get a load of this clown. Biden has a 39% approval rating LOL.

  63. So sentencing is right before the Republican convention. Coincidence? What if they put him in jail and they nominate Nikki Haley. That would be great! Biden would shit his diaper because she would beat him by double digits.

    1. Look up real men wear diapers. It should be enlightening for you.

  64. Ther is no evidence-the whole Trial was a sham that is the evidence the more I listen to democrats the more I know what assholes they are. You have a whole pile who write into this blog.

  65. I can agree with these staunch high profile Republican Trump supporters. They seem to see the truth!

  66. I'm investing in Fox News. I can't lose.

  67. Looks like they found the witch... Don the con.

  68. For those open-minded people reading, I strongly suggest watching a replay of Trump’s 11:00AM response given at Trump Tower today. It ran for 30 minutes. Trump used no script, read no teleprompter and spoke directly to the assembled media. He was not being fed what to say.

    It is important to get as much information possible directly from the speaker, live as it happens. It you were unable to do that, take caution learning about it from traditional media news programs. Reportedly, both CNN and NBC showed a small segment and then cut away to other programming. I watched the entirety, uninterrupted on Newsmax. Turned it off immediately after Trump concluded. No more TV or Radio since this morning.

    These days, most news outlets prefer to let their talking heads tell you what was said (after a thorough cleansing to their liking) and then explain what you should think about it. Face it, credibility in news media is gone. Even our own Morning Call and TV69 purchase their coverage from other sources. Our local commenters write what their news outlet pays them to write. They will want to be paid again for a next story. Same for political polls.

    Nothing can educate you better than your OWN eyes and ears. Whenever you get an opportunity, rely on your own mind first. I believe some of you will feel differently about this particular topic without using second and third hand advice. Same goes when evaluating either Trump or Biden. This era has been called an ‘information war.’ Appropriate description.

  69. Four more years of Trump and we will have a civil war. The best part of all this is that Bill and Hillary Clinton are free as a bird and watching Trump get flushed down the toilet like the turd he really is.

  70. 52.8 million in 24 hour Bragg just made the next President

  71. God Bless President Trump!

  72. A family of 4 needs $230,000 a year to live comfortably in PA due to bidenflation. Thats following the 50/30/20 rule. With housing costs now so high nobody can save for anything else.


    1. 2 incomes from a husband and wife that paid attention in school will surpass that figure.

    2. Yeah well, the median household income in PA is a 100 grand. You can sniff your elite liberal nose in the air and go back to pounding your keyboard, but some people work for a living. I’m sure you work “remote” lol.

  73. Bernie, Trump supporters literally saw their friends and family members DIE of COVID and still denied the virus existed.

    So does it ever surprise you that these dolts would blame the criminal justice system, not when hundreds of black or brown people are wrongly convicted every year, but NOW when a billionaire white guy that they have nothing in common with is convicted.

    White supremacy is a disease that needs to be eradicated.

  74. The fuck your feelings crowd, sure has a lot of feelings now.

  75. Only one candidate was competent to stand trial. The other is Biden. I'm voting for the guy who was competent to stand trial. It's not even close. Lesser of two evils; more competent of two crooks.

  76. Trump's fundraising haul -- whoa. Serious cash. The rich see the opportunity to buy the executive branch.

    Robert Bigelow, who is one of Trump's top supporters having already given over $9 million to an outside group supporting him, said criminal proceedings against Trump were a "disgrace."
    "I'm sending President Trump another $5 million as I promised him," Bigelow told Reuters.

    There are some choice lines in this article from Reuters.

    Trump can absolutely win the election, Sabin added, "as long as he keeps his mouth shut."


  77. Wasn’t going to vote this year. Now I will.

    Never made a monetary political contribution. Now I have.

    I’ve had enough. I’ve seen enough. Inflation. Lawless communities. Tens of millions illegal immigrants.

    Time to rise.

  78. 4 more years of Biden will bring the civil war not Trump.

  79. You must be a complete idiot if you think that was not a rigged trial'

  80. I’ve begun to notice a new tactic used by weaponized news media. Writers are now inserting this caution - (without evidence) throughout their reports of what some speaker has said. For example “Trump claimed (without evidence) this conviction was a sham.” The disclaimer is often used more than once in the same story.

    Now, why would these miscreants think all the evidence even could be fitted into their two bit article? Or, that their controllers would even print it? Evidence in proof can be lengthy. Supporting evidence remains available to all, it’s just being hidden by some, including these very reporters!

    Censorship in America is a growing problem.

  81. 10:38, Censorship is not the problem. It is the diarrhea of lies spewed by Trump nonstop that is the problem. That is why most responsible news sources had to cut away from his news conference yesterday. His statements are designed to undermine public confidence in the institutions of American democracy. That makes it easier for him to subvert democracy with autocracy. He falsely claimed elections are rigged. This has been disproven six ways to Sunday, and Fox had to make a substantial payment to Dominion bc of its incessant lies about it, He falsely linked his NY case to Biden without a she=red of evidence. He said he was convicted of misdemeanors when he was in fact convicted of felonies. He falsely claimed Cohen's legal troubles had nothing to do with him. They had everything to do with him.

    And do on and on and on.

    It is blatant disinformation. He knows he's lying and is firing up his base with nontruths.

    The media, if it wants to be responsible, has two options. Don't cover it or cover it and point out the lies.

  82. The democrats are very happy to call Trump a convicted Felon but what a flawed conviction. He was convicted by a totally democratic left wing court system everything was left wing from the judge to the jury to the location to the majority of the press.SO he is only a convicted felon in the eyes of the very flawed democratic party.

  83. 11:16 you missed the worse left wing DA in America Bragg he ran on the theme we would get Trump-yet he does nothing for the crime wave in New York.

  84. "All you Demorats need to listen to the best legal mind in this country Alan Dershowitz! Go to his podcast on YouTube a get a lesson in law!"

    I don't need Dershowitz to tell me this is a weak case. I reached that conclusion long ago. And on appeal, I expect a reversal. The jury had to conclude that Trump falsified business records “to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means.” That is very vague. A defendant is entitled to know exactly what transgression he is charged with violating. So I can see a reversal on that point, which I believe is untested. And yes, this is a constitutional issue. Add to that other issues like a change of venue and a ruling during the trial that would have limited the testimony of a defense election expert.

    But these errors, if they are determined to exist, do not mean that the trial was rigged or that Biden ordered it or that the judge was biased in any way.

    1. Judge Judy gave an interview recently in which she said that Alan Dershowitz! is an idiot and he frequently writes to her say that she violates defendants rights and doesn't follow the Law.

      Yet, I bet you love Judge Judy, though; especially how she violates people's rights and, berates, mocks and belittles them on national TV.

    2. I’d rather chew on aluminum foil than follow Douchebag Donnyswish

  85. " left wing DA in America Bragg he ran on the theme we would get Trump-"

    False. I'd agree he was politically motivated, but he never said he would "get Trump." He made no promise as a candidate to indict Trump. He did say he would continue an investigation started by his predecessor and hold Trump “accountable by following the facts where they go.”

    I believe he was politically motivated and would like to be known as the man who brought down Trump simply bc it helps his political career, but he never ran on that theme.

    1. From Newsweek.

      While campaigning, Bragg said: "I have investigated Trump and his children and held them accountable for their misconduct with the Trump Foundation. I also sued the Trump administration more than 100 times for the travel ban, the separation of children from their families at the border. So I know that work. I know how to follow the facts and hold people in power accountable."

      Bragg continued to make frequent reference to his legal experience with the Trump family throughout the campaign.

      The second paragraph is telling. It’s campaign fodder using Trumps name.

  86. Include in your assessment of Michael Cohen and his crimes that put him in jail the matter of fraud and Taxi Medallians. Hope you are not claiming Trump has something to do with that.

  87. Bernie you are no good you are a typical lawyer who takes words are twist them all different ways to suit themselves Bragg was out to get Trump Period. HE said and he would get Trump but it will not last, !00% will be overturned.

  88. 1:14 now i know why some people call this a fake blog--you left wing people lie about everything.

    1. 1:14: put down the wine box Trish. You should be happy. You and Trump now have something in common... convictions. Cheers!

  89. Now I understand. NBC and CNN had to cut away from covering a key moment in one of the biggest political stories in America’s history because they knew Trump lies too much. How in the world did they know what Trump’s spontaneous remarks would be in advance? There was no prewritten script distributed beforehand. Besides, Trump was there to give his OPINIONS of the entire matter. Would such OPINIONS automatically be lies? By the way, along with his OPINIONS that morning, Trump DID provide evidence to explain why he expressed himself with those words.

    It’s hard to defend what we see from our government these days. Misguided corporate media is making matters worse. No wonder the audience for that stuff is rapidly shrinking. People do have alternative ways to get good information. For now, anyway.

  90. Your last statement is totally false Trump did not hurt our justice system you no good and evil left wing radical nazi have screwed up the justice system. look at Trump's New York trial that was the biggest joke of all time.

    1. Trump is our shepherd and Lord,
      MEGA MAGA!

    2. They say you must lose everything to know how good you had it…..I wish you this.

  91. "Now I understand. NBC and CNN had to cut away from covering a key moment in one of the biggest political stories in America’s history because they knew Trump lies too much. How in the world did they know what Trump’s spontaneous remarks would be in advance?"

    They did not, which is why they started to cover it. They cut away when he started his usual litany of lies.

    1. Lies or not, that’s for the people to decide. Not the media! Funny, they cover Bidens lies. In Philly he totally rewrote history regarding the George Floyd riots. He stated the other day inflation was 9% when he took office, it was 1.4%. So Biden’s lies are ok just not Trumps?

  92. Levine is right this terrible New York court case cannot hold the whole country hostage with its most unfair and dishonest decision it must go to the supreme court right now. It is possible so it must be done. These few left-wing radicals can make decisions that will ruin our Courtry. The left-wing radical DA have done enough damage these people are the true threat to our democracy.

  93. Sure…send it to Alito, the upside down flag flying , trump supporter, and also to Thomas, both he and his wife showing support for insurrectionists to overthrow Democracy….now there’s a fair and balanced way to have Trumpy escape justice…the flawed, dishonorable, unsupreme court.

  94. if you believe that it’s okay to deficate and urinate in our historic Capital building, break windows, furniture and historical items while destroying books and surgically removing history from our libraries, or hurting or wanting to kill other fellow human beings due to a desire to follow beliefs based upon relentless lies, then maybe it’s time to consider change in your country surroundings or a catastrophic event that will help you understand what you have.

    1. What people are you talking about? The people that burned, looted, rioted, burned down police precincts, assaulted police officers, attacked the White House forcing the Secret Service to bring a sitting president to the underground bunker, burned down the historical St John’s church across from the White House, and caused billions in property damage. Are you referring to them?

      Or are you referring to a couple hundred assholes who attacked a totally unprepared capital building even though the White House offered national guard protection which was refused? As a result, the capital police chief was fired for incompetence?

      The summer of love, remember?

  95. Trump is 1006 right again these people left-wing democrats are sick, demented people.

  96. *:29 is correct this kangaroo court decision must go the supreme court now. we cannot leave a few sick people in Manhattan dictate to the country who we can vote for. They are trying to get rid of Trump They must be stopped. There was no crime it was made up by Bragg and his bad sick people. This a national crisis this why we have a Supreme court.

  97. ‘’ Mama, why is that Lady in the Harbor wearing a blindfold? “

  98. Trump is not really a convicted felon because all the people involved were left wing radical New Yorkers except for the guy who came down from Washington. They have no credibility and will be overturned as all the witch hunts against Trump were.

  99. Apparently, the plan that was started in 2020 to brainwash America is still in full swing. It will take prayers, action and the intervention of God to stop it. The last three will prevail.

  100. How can Bragg get credit for a trial that will be a failure because it is going to be overturned. Everyone knows that was biggest waste of time and money by a few very bad people.

    1. Google the NY state appellate court. With a picture of the judges. Lol

  101. The Great Gonzalo GoodenpoopenJune 2, 2024 at 2:50 PM

    I'm voting Trump.

  102. 5:45 AM - the tale you are spinning doesn’t go over so well anymore. Too much time has passed, and during the time, a great amount of evidence was discovered. January 6 wasn’t quite what you describe. Not even close.

  103. Next big trial will be Biden --Biden did so many things wrong that good Maga DA will be able to drum aq charge of some sort. The trial will be in Texas along the border all the jury will be Maga republicans, and the judge must be somebody who gave money to Trump. What do you say Bernie.

  104. Whoever does not vote for Trump is crazy. If this asshole judge puts Trump in jail the civil war will start. Once again, the democrats are the cause we still do not know the crime. Your democrats are the true threat to our democracy. Four more years under Biden will destroy the country.

    1. Your brain cell must get lonely.

  105. Democrats want to get rid of Biden but they have no body any good to in.

  106. This makes the 2nd Amendment that much more important when rogue government officials can singularly target their opponents and control democracy, who is next? US! But I will tell you I am 1776% sure they won't be getting my firearms!

  107. "Trump supporters literally saw their friends and family members DIE of COVID and still denied the virus existed."

    Lie. My uncle died in McClure's Gracedale before the National Guard finally came in (he requested after people were dead and was embarrassed - but still not properly ashamed) - alone, unaccompanied while the executive swilled liquor in his den and binged Tiger King and closed playgrounds because fresh air was killing us, laughing, laughing, laughing. CoViD was real and McClure should go to jail before he finally burns in a well earned hell for what he did - and didn't do.

    You believed masks and fake, experimental goop shot worked. And you stil got sick after 15 booster, huh champ? Heartless idiots. That's today's Democratic Party. Did you enjoy Tiger King, too?

  108. Obviously you had a terribly abusive childhood.

  109. 336, what evidence, be specific? America knows it was maga that beat police officers on Jan 6. not antifa. The proud boys aren't so proud afterall.

  110. Question for MAGA people:

    Why are billionaires like Elon Musk and Peter Thiel supporting Trump?

    Here's a hint: it's not because they hope he'll increase Social Security benefits, grow unions, and protect worker rights.

    1. And no rich people support Biden is that what your saying?

  111. 8:38 -

    Is this like asking Taylor Swift why she supports Biden? Or, maybe, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, George Soros, or Mark Zuckerberg also preferring Biden? This MAGA person doesn’t care who the people prefer. It’s their right in a free society. I assume (although can’t be certain) each of these folks only gets ONE vote, so my ONE vote is equally important.

  112. 1) Why does anyone care what Elon Musk thinks?
    2) Who is Peter Thiel? I refuse to Google and just don't care.
    3) Nobody will touch radioactive SS except Ds who are dying to tax it and all other retirement money.
    4) Best way to grow unions and protect rights is to import millions of illegals to undercut union wages? OK Champ. Keep playing 1940s checkers while unions are minimized and kept controlled by 2024 chess that's been mastered by the party they fund.

    1. Fyi...the Reagan administration started taxing social security to pay for his tax cuts. Nice try though.

  113. 3:37 - You must not have seen the video of the Capital Police shooting a compression bomb 10 rows deep into a crowd of hundreds of legally shouting protesters standing behind police barriers. This resulted in about 500 pushing outward in every direction, including the front rows into and over the barriers.

    Or maybe you didn’t see the video of the Capital Police willingly opening the massive, brass front doors of the Capital Building and waving in a steady stream of average people to enter. The police even moved aside the velvet ropes to make for the crowd to pass in and out.

    3:37 - I wouldn’t expect you to have seen images like that. Your favorite ‘news source’ including the failing Morning Call decided not to show you this kind of stuff.

  114. Biden tricks trump into committing new crimes


  115. Trump in a Raegan type landslide.

  116. POTUSs (Reagan or otherwise) can't tax anything. That's Congress's job. Congress agreed in 1983 in remarkably bipartisan votes to tax SS for higher income earners. It protected the trust fund until it was rolled into the general fund amid another set of bipartisan votes and made into another transfer (welfare) program during the Clinton administration. The remnants of the trust fund were used for general purposes and the trust fund is essentially gone. Money deposited today was already spent years ago. Both parties have attempted to save and raid SS at the same time. It's just welfare now.

  117. 8:38am Why are billionaires like Elon Musk and Peter Thiel supporting Trump?

    Your comment shows you never ran a business and had people count on you to put food on their table. Maybe they want Trump so they can keep more of their money so they can pay their employees and spend capitol to invest in their business. The government will just flush the money down the toilet. Maybe take an econ 101 class


  118. Bernie, don’t waste your time.

    A meta analysis from the European Journal of Personality of 67 prior studies for that “Individual with lower cognitive skills are relatively ill-equipped to process complex and new social information and to understand constantly changing societal contexts. It went on to find that ideologies endorsing resistance to social change should be particularly appealing to those with lower cognitive abilities”

    Here’s the study:


    So basically, don’t argue with these types of people. They can’t help but be dumb.

  119. @ 9:34

    Yup, unfortunately some people were not put here to evolve, they are here to remind you what it looks like if you don’t.

  120. "So basically, don’t argue with these types of people. They can’t help but be dumb."

    This is where we go wrong. We look down our noses at Trump supporters and call them dumb. While some of them are, there are dumb liberals, too. I have many friends who support Trump and they are more educated and smarter than I am. These are the people I try to reach.

  121. Any “smart” individual voting for Trump is more dangerous because they are actively chosing to uphold White supremacy through Christianfascism.

    By any means necessary, even if it means voting for that chump.

  122. Boo-Hoo the system is broke, it was unfair, kangaroo courts. Here we go with the typical bullshit. Everything is unfair to poor Sleepy Corrupt, whoring Donald. Here is a great idea don't be a low life piece of shit and you won't end up in court

  123. Many of you are right there is a corrupt Judge. Her name is Cannon


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