Local Government TV

Thursday, May 30, 2024

No Response in Tresslar's Federal Lawsuit

In early April, former NorCo Custody Master Lisa Tresslar filed a federal lawsuit against both the county and its judges in which she alleges age and sex discrimination as well as retaliatory behavior when she stood up for herself. (You can read those details here). To date, no responsive pleading has been filed. The parties have agreed to an extension until late June. 


  1. I suspect that the delayed response is due to the fact that Roscioli and Sletvold did everything that has been alleged and have been caught red handed. The only question is whether or not the rest of the bench will serve them up as a conciliatory sacrifice. My sources tell me that neither judge is very popular around the government center, and I expect they will not have any support from their peers. Even Sletvold defender Craig Dally should be able to see the writing on the wall. Additionally, Roscioli will soon be up for retention. We can only hope that she chooses to return to private life of her own volition, as it would spare me the effort of running another county wide campaign to purge the bench of one more bad actor.

    It's time for change in the Northampton County Court of Common Pleas.

  2. No response is needed. The judges did nothing wrong.

    1. Are you Jermaine Greene?

      On what basis do you make your determination of innocence?

      The evidence was significant enough for the EEOC to issue a right to sue letter, so this case cannot simply be dismissed as sour grapes.

  3. The real problem here is Jermaine Greene. He is the Human Resources manager for the Judges, and he doesn’t know anything about HR. As a matter of fact, he’s so bad at his job people are fleeing CA b/c of him.

  4. "The evidence was significant enough for the EEOC to issue a right to sue letter, so this case cannot simply be dismissed as sour grapes."

    In fairness, the EEOC process is pretty much a given. It is more of a procedural step than an actual finding.

  5. Look the Judges don’t care about how awful Jermaine is. He gives his wife preferential treatment and hires his kid at the Juvy Jail, and everybody just yawns.

  6. Jermaine Greene is an embarrassment

  7. Baratta made a big mistake hiring Jermaine. Dally is too weak to terminate Jermaine. Jermaine is over his head and should be terminated

  8. The Juvenile Jail is such a tremendous waste of money. There are only 13 kids there and when when there’s a really bad boy they send them to Big Boy Jail. Total waste of taxpayer money.

  9. Bernie OHare to Matt Flower, I accidentally deleted your comment

    1. I am glad to see that so many of your commenters here can agree that Jermaine Greene is a problem. I predict that if Mr. Greene does not clean up his act post haste that he may be the one who is on the receiving end of the next lawsuit.
      Northampton County deserves better.


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