Local Government TV

Thursday, May 30, 2024

PoliticsPa Lists Wild As one of Four Vulnerable Congrssional Incumbents in Pa

PoliticsPa lists four Pa. Congressional incumbents as vulnerable in their re-election bids. They include Matt Cartwright (Pa.-8), Susan Wild (Pa.-7), Chris Deluzio (Pa.-18) and Scott Perry (Pa.-10). All but Perry, a MAGA hardliner, are Democrats. 

Though Wild has a cash advantage over challenger Ryan Mackenzie, the margin of victory by which she has won in the last three elections has decreased. 


  1. All democrats must go their policies are killing our country. Everything they do is bad look what these school boards did to our schools They tax and tax yet the results get worse and worse. Talk to the teachers they will tell you how bad these schools are. Biden and his left-wing communist radicals must go period. Bernie you voted for Biden you have no creditability

    1. 1:01 AM: Get some sleep. The House of Representatives makes federal law, not local school board decisions.

      The GOP in the House have been a laughingstock, backbiting, infighting, and getting very little done, and only then with Democrat votes. Give Hakeem Jeffries a majority, and let the Democrats solve some problems for the nation.

      I suspect the Democrats will have a strong election, riding on Trump hatred and anger over the Supreme Court's forced-birth Dobbs decision. I definitely hope conniving, contriving, election-denying Scott Perry loses very badly.

    2. What an eloquent comment.

    3. $55 trillion in income tax cuts to top 1% under “republican” administrations since Reagan. Be angry but be angry at the right policies and the people behind them.

  2. Wild is going to lose. Mackenzie will do much better than most republicans in the suburbs. November is going to be exciting.

  3. Other than show up around election time to hand out a few government grant checks (our tax dollars) and take a few smiling photos, I can’t see anything that Susan Wild has accomplished. Wild has been a loyal lapdog for Nancy Pelosi and votes 100% of the time for any Democrat proposal, no matter how wasteful. Susan Wild represents all that is wrong with our dysfunctional Congress.

  4. My problem with Wild is she talks the centrist moderate line. The reality is her voting is far left liberal and she is just a rubber stamp for Biden. Casey is the same. The voting records tell the story. At least Fetterman stands for something, even if I disagree with most of his positions.

  5. You can always do worse than what you have. Think it through carefully before making changes

    1. Yes, we found that out the hard way in 2020!

  6. Wild's first few years, the Democratic party was able to hide her further left tendencies behind votes that were not needed. That advantage has dissipated, and her colors have shown (or she's just an order-taker from the Party which would be worse). Makes her vulnerable in a moderate district.

    Question becomes, is Mackenzie too far right?

    I like them both as people, but please bring back Charlie Dent.

  7. A well self-funded woman, Lisa Scheller had two shots at Wild and lost both. Ryan is much weaker than Lisa Scheller and was the candidate Susan wanted to win the primary. Ryan won’t have the $$ Scheller did. Ryan also is going to have to earn the 60 percent of Republicans that voted against him in a three way primary. They’re not all just falling in line. My opinion has always been once Wild won reelection, she has the seat as long as she wants. The Lehigh Valley, at least at the congressional level, tends to stick with incumbents and I don’t think that’s changing this year.

  8. Vladimir Ill-itchMay 30, 2024 at 9:37 AM

    Even though Wild's just an orifice to bleat "aye" to party agenda, the strength of Democrats in the L.V. will pull her through. As for Cartwright, I'm surprised he's on that list. He seems a little more down the middle. Perhaps his district is more red than Wild's.

  9. Ryan had a super PAC drop $500K for him to win the primary so money won't be an issue. You are nuts if you think that Republicans who voted for Dellicker and Montero will not be voting for Ryan. They both endorsed him.

    The reason Susan Wild will be re-elected is incumbency and mail in ballots. As long as Democrats vote for a month and Republicans vote on one day, the results are predictable.

    1. I didn’t say it was a huge number but Ryan ran a nasty primary and he’s going to lose 2-3 percent of republicans that were loyal to the other candidates. In this district, that’s enough to swing an election. Don’t kid yourself.

  10. There is no doubt mail in ballots have helped democrats. It will help Wild as well. A key democrat constituency is the lower income inner city folks who didn’t always show up at the polls on Election Day. That all changed with the mail in ballots.

  11. Wild talks the moderate talk. The reality is she voted with Pelosi 94% of the time. For Biden, 100%. Check it. She’s a full blown squad member masquerading as a moderate.

  12. As terrible as Wild is, Mckenzie is a gift to her

  13. “Bring back Charlie Dent” - the guy who walked out on his constituents to further his private career? No thanks.


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