Local Government TV

Friday, May 03, 2024

NorCo Exec Lamont McClure: "We Had a Successful and Uneventful Primary"

Last November's election in NorCo was an unmitigated disaster for anyone who voted in person in NorCo. A coding error compounded by Logic and Accuracy testing that appeared to be neither reversed voter choices in the Superior Court retention races. When the problem was discovered, elections officials quickly exhausted a meager supply of emergency ballots. Rightly or wrongly, the problems resulted in the resignation of Administrator Charels Dertinger. Would these problems continue in the year's Presidential primary?

For those of us who still believe in democratic government, the voting system worked. Executive Lamont McClure told NorCo Council at last night's meeting that "[w]e had a successful and uneventful primary election on Tuesday, April 23. There were no machine issues and in-person turnout was very light across the county. "

McClure added that the Elections Commission signed and certified the unofficial results on April 30, after the canvass of the vote was complete. An Elections Comm'n meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 7, 3 pm, in the training room (3d floor) so that the official results can be certified. 

There are 16 districts with tie-votes in the elections of GOP county committee members. At high noon, Friday, May 10, there will be a casting of lots to determine winners. This will be livestreamed on the county's Youtube Channel.


  1. I fully agree with democratic government . . . so long as participants in the election system are officially CITIZENS, that they are actually still LIVING, can present a real ID, cannot vote more than ONE TIME, and ARE listed on updated voting roll books.

  2. He did his job. Is he looking for a pat on the back???

    1. Exactly! This is how it is supposed to go.

  3. There were no issues because votes were done along party lines and there was extremely low voter turnout. The real test will be November. Will McClueless resign if there’s an issue or find another to take the fall? It’s easy to accept responsibility when there’s no problem. It’s about time for him to finally be involved in something other than ribbon cutting and speeches.

  4. 4:00 a.m. needs some sleep. The hatred this person displays probably indicates an unstable mind. Maybe a personality disorder, or a an advanced neurological condition ?

    1. Mr Barron you need to stop being a minion. Focus on your job not harassing commentators.

  5. November is the real test. They’ll be no one to blame but himself when things go bad.

  6. The November Election will be much different. Lots more people. As long as ES&S doesn’t screw up, everything will be ok.


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