Local Government TV

Friday, May 03, 2024

NorCo Council Delays Consideration of Voluntary Employee Health Center

Northampton County Council was poised to consider a resolution approving the controversial employee health center at last night's meeting. But Council member Jeff Warren, who proposed the measure, moved to withdraw it last night after learning that Council member Tom Giovanni was visiting family in Italy. (I might see him there when I win the Giro d'Italia this year).  Warren would prefer to wait until all nine members of Council are physically present and can vote. The eight members were present, either in person or by phone, voted to allow Warren to withdraw the resolution. 


  1. Here we go again. I thought this was already voted down. Now McClure has his bought and paid for stooges on council, he expects it to pass? This is such nonsense. Over fifty million dollars over five years and he is saving money? The regular healthcare is still there, so this will probably bomb. Ther union boss and his big union boss are pawns of McClure. That letter he read was probably written by McClure's taxpayer paid publicist. It is a real shame that the union leaders are less concerned with getting their subjects a better paycheck than they are on advancing McClure's political career. Brothers and sisters, oh please! You don't realize how precarious your hold on the employees is at this time. You don't represent us at all.

    1. They haven't for years.

    2. 4:46 am - This is the perfect proposal for a sleazy politician like McClure.

      No matter how much is spent on regular healthcare/health insurance, McClure will always say that the cost of the regular healthcare/insurance would have been higher were it not for the health center.

      That’s why there are no benchmarks in the proposal to say how much there should be in real savings (defined as spending less than the year before) for the Health Center to remain open.

      A feel good proposal with no accountability, it will fleece the taxpayers and rob the county of funds that could have been used for worker raises.

      But McClure will be able to tout it as an “accomplishment“ to the uninformed, and pretend that he cares. He’ll also have another county vendor to shake down for campaign contributions.

  2. It better be voted down! McClueless needs to GO!

  3. Unhappy with your paycheck? Resign from your position but don’t forget about all your other perks of government employment ie: vacation time and holiday time more then most private jobs…. Healthcare is better then most private jobs… so be grateful what you have and stop your bitching

  4. Plus 37.5 hour work week and get paid for 40

    1. In what division? If we are busy we dash out, pee and get right back to work. And we eat at the desk while working…

  5. A vote NO for this is like shooting yourself in the foot during reelection time. This is a win win for taxpayers AND for the county employees. If you vote against everyone's best interest then you won't get reelected. But that's okay, we will elect someone who cares about their constituents.

  6. Blah Blah Blah

  7. So they have regular insurance that is taxpayer funded, as well as an employee health care center? It stinks to high heaven if you ask me.

  8. Bernie you must realize the trump trial is a great example of a kangaroo court. This just the Russia lie about the 2 impeachments and a host of failure on the part your democrats. You must be a very proud democrat of all their accomplishments.

  9. A healthcare center would be beneficial. Ask the employees. For the work they do they don’t get paid enough. Out of pocket health expenses are ridiculous.

  10. "He’ll also have another county vendor to shake down for campaign contributions."

    Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner. The only thing you need to know about how terrible and potentially disastrous this scheme is, is the sentence above. Dirty dirty dirty. How much is Lamont getting for this favor???? How much loot will this mean for him in the future? Fair questions. We don't need another vendor in a compromised system. Sick? Go to a frickin hospital like the rest of us.

  11. Nobody wants a health center! If the union wants it so bad like last time, why is he the only member there everytime? Not even another board member with him? Said to be the biggest union in the county but yet only get 5 member turnout at the meetings. Living paycheck to paycheck is an example of very poor negotiations, Cadillac health insurance but states can't afford the co-pays, can't be that good. 6 month wait to get into any appointment is bs unless you want to see a specialist and it's not even that long, but who the hell would want to see a random specialist at a health center. Top hospitals are understaffed could you imagine the staff a health center would get. The members pull the dues constantly because the representation is awful.

  12. Is Lori Vargo Heffner so narcissistic that she risk violating the Ethics Act to prevent the County from saving millions in healthcare costs ?

  13. It seems the Union Prez is the only person who is for the health center because he’s in the executive’s pocket.

    I’m glad I don’t pay union dues anymore. If the paying members had any brains they would Vote Dennis out and every last one of them.

    The county can barely manage our health insurance with the help of a third party and you expect the health center to be better?

    How about this. Fire all the slackers, sleepy dennis with them and hire competent employees at a decent wage. You could cut the employees in half if you had decent workers but it seems there’s only a handful of good ones in each department. The rest collect a paycheck just to take up space.

  14. I don’t know about ya’ll but I never gave my permission for the union to speak on my behalf for some health center which is a money grab for McClure.

    1. You vote for your union representatives don’t you ?? Maybe you should get involved so you understand how things work , it’s not that complicated.

  15. Lori Vargo Heffner has pledged to John Brown to obstruct Lamont in exchange for a job in a second John Brown Administration. The deal is done.

  16. The Partnership Health Center will not pass this year. The Republicans and Lori know that the employees will love this new benefit and it will save taxpayers millions. They will not give the McClure Administration that kind of win. If they really thought it was risky and it would fail, they’d give them what they want.

  17. Was St Luke's ever in the running? No. The Vargo stalker needs to pull his pants back up, put away the Vaseline and beach towel, and STFU.


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