Local Government TV

Thursday, May 02, 2024

Thode: Voters Disgusted at Government's Misplaced Priorities

Earlier this week, I pointed to the anemic turnout in our Presidential Primary and posited that voters really have pretty much no choice, which is pretty sad on every level of government. I suggest a real need for both open primaries and term limits. Some readers suggest age limits and campaign spending limits as well. Steve Thode, who is only slightly older but a lot smarter than I, sent me an essay that mainly looks at traffic patterns here in the Lehigh. He believes government has misplaced its priorities, and I pretty much agree. Here's his opinion:

Julie and I vote almost every primary and general election - just as we did last week. I think I have missed just two elections in the last 50 years. Both times because I was called out of town unexpectedly just before the election.

However, I am growing increasingly pessimistic.

I have a few suggestions for you. Take a drive across the Valley on US 22. Stay in the right lane and drive at the posted speed limit. See how many vehicles you pass. Not many. And see how many vehicles pass you going 10-20 miles over the posted speed limit. Lots and lots. Some will angrily honk at you for daring to observe the speed limit. Those who pass you cannot all be climate change deniers!

Speed enforcement is largely a joke. PennDOT recently announced it is going to continue to use photo radar in highway construction zones. However, speeders will face no sanctions whatsoever unless they are speeding more than 10 miles over the posted limit. And, those photo radar units are brightly colored and easily seen at a distance. We all pay for speed limit scofflaws through much higher auto insurance premiums as speeding is a primary cause in most accidents. Why should the public take the government seriously when the government doesn't take itself seriously?

While on your drive, note that the last "upgrade" to US 22 was 25 years ago and only covered the area between the Lehigh River and Schoenersville Road. Virtually all other interchanges are nearly identical to their original configurations in 1954. The PA 191 interchange is a hot mess. And, the cloverleaf merges at interchanges are substandard and dangerous. Drive north on Center Street and try to merge on to US 22 or drive north on PA 309 to merge on to US 22 West or drive east on US 22 to merge on to PA 33 North.

I haven't heard one word about widening US 22 to three lanes each direction. Most weekday afternoons, US 22 West is a parking lot from Center Street to Airport Road. Likewise, US 22 East is a parking lot from Cedar Crest Blvd to the Lehigh River.

Next, take a drive at night along US 22. Note how many overhead lights are either burnt out or non-functional at interchanges. For example, if you are heading east on US 22 and exit at Center Street all of the overhead lights along the entire exit are non-functional and have been for more than 18 months.

I-78 in Northampton County is in terrible shape, especially going east from PA 33 to Exit 75. No significant resurfacing has occurred on this section since the highway was built more than 35 years ago. Millions of loaded semis headed to NYC have beaten the crap out of it. Heaven help a person with dentures who gets stuck in the right lane.

Congress passed the laughably named $1 trillion "Infrastructure" bill last year. Billions in subsidies for windmills, EVs, and non-existent (so far) EV charging stations. But, apparently, little for roads and bridges.

Also note the public employee pension funding crisis in so many states. A State of New Jersey pensioner who retired 14 years ago has never received a Cost of Living Adjustment. Using the CPI as a gauge, that pensioner would need a COLA of more than 40% to achieve the same level of purchasing power they had the day they retired. And, there is no expectation that State of NJ pensioners will receive a COLA anytime soon because the legislature deliberately underfunded New Jersey’s pension obligations for decades.

At the national level, neither political party dares to engage in a conversation about the Social Security/Medicare funding crisis that is less than a decade away.

Many of us are cynical about our elected leaders because, although they spend money like drunken sailors, when it comes to making tough choices like adequately funding roads and bridges, public employee pensions, and Social Security and Medicare, they kick the can down the road. Instead, they craft spending bills that reward special interests at the expense of the general public. Interest payments on the federal debt – alone – consume more than 40% of all personal income taxes. The Treasury Department projects that interest on the federal debt will exceed $1 trillion this year. And, it has taken a bipartisan effort to achieve those startling numbers.

Why should voters believe in the government? I'd like to hear someone make that case.


  1. Politicians are not true leaders they do not base their decisions on facts. As a result we have what we have and that is not good.

  2. Too much to comment on but does the writer know how speed enforcement works? The infrastructure what...? Hahahahahaha. Oh. the BI-Partisan infrastructure bill? Ask a Dem and they'll tell you there is so much infrastructure work going on around us, that it's crazy to comprehend.
    Yeah. I'm done.

    1. You’re just a partisan Republican and part of the problem

  3. You’re right about the insurance rates Bernie. We all are subject to class rates. Education about “the difference in your time of arrival “ is lacking . Operators of vehicles are not aware that increases speed results in more fuel consumption. Operators are costing themselves 30&40 % more than necessary with brake jobs and maintenance as result. The price of fuel and the cost of fuel are different. $3.65 a gallon with 22% incomes bracket is quite different than posted on pump because you buy fuel with after tax money. Break jobs and “risk of loss “ go up exponentially also. E= MC 2 is everything having to do with energy. They’re like bowling pins in a crash, cell phones in hand ,tailgating. It’s every man for themselves out there. Look at the guard rails and crash debris - evidence of a crash about every 100 yards along 78 and 22 . We need to refrain from anymore development in this valley. Good day.

  4. I agree. The Lehigh Valley Planning Commission (LVPC) has done a disgraceful job in this area, with unequal application of federal dollars and approving projects despite knowing that the infrastructure to support them is inadequate.

    I won't even get on route 22 unless I check my GPS first lest I be caught in an epic traffic jam.

  5. Most every government institution has lost much of its credibility, so has the media. Why, Is it disinformation or just the reality of they can no longer keep track of their lies and misinformation.

    We see a judicial system that allows violent criminals back on the street but is in the process of engaging in political prosecutions. Whether you are a Democrat, Republican or independent, if you have any objectivity you must see that all the prosecutions of Trump are made up bull shit. Even if you hate him and we have to admit there is no longer any discussion of policy, just accusations of of illegality.

    Our foreign policy is a disaster and they are all doubling down, war, war, war, everyone is supposedly conspiring to destroy to America, yet it is falling apart from within and most of the world is just watching in amazement.

    Crime, lawlessness, no control of immigration an out of control debt and spending without any serious debate about how to correct it. I suspect many are soon about to just give it up and wait for the inevitable implosion if this country stays on the present course.

    Many will say, everything is good, it will all be fine, until it is not and it will be too far gone to correct.

  6. People don't hold politicians accountable once they get in office. Not to mention they keep putting in the clowns they do. Sad.

  7. 6:20AM get’s it!

    Right now in America we have to wade through an incredible amount of lying. We always knew most politicians lie, but now so do most of our “news” sources. Adding further to the confusion is an obvious increase in the amount of censorship taking place. Many significant developments take place that are hidden from the general public’s view. Then, you ask, if everything is so hidden why would I know? Simple. I avoid establishment media.

    Numerous smaller outlets and independent journalists around the world post comprehensive and reliable information online. Depending on the subject, these same reporters include actual official pdfs and links to proof of what they claim.

    The process of becoming adequately educated on the issues does take a little time, though. But, the alternative is simply repeating what some controlled corporate talking head spews out on radio and tv. A fool’s errand. You might be amazed by how many so-called conspiracy theories prove to have been true all along!

  8. If you remove the cap on the Social Security tax so people making over $168k continue to be taxed on their income at the same rate as everyone else and tax capital gains the same way we tax basic income, any funding concerns for Social Security and Medicare would be solved.

    1. There’s a cap for reason. I liked Obama’s plan. Have a pause at the cap and then resume paying at around 400. The upper middle class pay the freight in this country. SS was enacted in 1935. Life expectancy for the American male was 61 yrs old but full retirement was 65 then. The program was never designed to have people collecting from it for 30 yrs plus. Most people sit in front of a computer these days. They’ll survive raising the full age to 69. Construction and factory workers should get it at 62 and get more as well. At 62 they’re physically out of gas.

    2. Agree……but Republicans will always oppose….they hate social security. Republicans care about money, Democrats care about people.

    3. Democrats want to give everything to people without asking anything. No work ethic no responsibility just entitlement. Republicans wants to teach people to work hard and prosper based on a good work ethic and hard work without handouts

    4. Baloney Democrats work hard for what they get in return. Republicans count their money and are anti-union and refuse to raise the minimum. Republicans like to paint the minority freeloaders as all Democrats. Corporate greed the Republican montra

    5. Let’s see, count the top Billionaires list, and see how many Demorats as opposed to Republicans there are!

  9. So, the Taxed Enough Already crew was right all along.

  10. We must keep people like Biden in office. Look. at just how good the democrats are doing across our country; The cities and college are alive. And remember Gavin will be a great backup for Biden.

  11. I am a PA pensioner and we do not get COLAs either.

  12. You can't trust anyone who thinks speed trap cameras are a good idea.

  13. 9:47 is right we need four more years of Biden and China, Russia, and Iran all agree on that..

  14. Sure, the republicans have opened our borders, caused inflation, drove up the gas prices, and made us the laughingstock overseas. They have also ran our cities into the ground and have made our courts the envy of the world.

  15. Sure buddy it is the republicans. Not the left-wing radicals.

  16. I agree that Rt. 22 is a mess and the planners didn’t have much of a vision for future growth, but widening the highway isn’t an option due to space, but being innovative and creating a two-level highway from Easton to Texlertown wouldn’t be a bad idea. As it is now, the exchanges for 22/33 are idiotic and those are about 25 years old. Absolute lunacy to have on/off areas with no forgiveness. And while the writer comments on speed, I’ll say lack of knowledge about rules is an issue. Yield means yield, not speed up and cut off the person unable to move over a lane. Driving today is a hassle largely due to the people who think they are the most important people on the road.

    As for voter turnout. Call it like it is — a lazy and apathetic people.

    1. US 22 is the worst abomination of our transportation infrastructure in the region. The two counties need to get off their rears and demand that the state provide the appropriate funding to ensure 6 lanes from 309 to 33. Perhaps there needs to be a lobby to badge it as a spur of I78 to get more federal dollars. This is the highest growth area in the state and increasingly important not just in PA but the entire northeast. Our politicians need to leverage the economic firepower of this region to demand attention from PA. We deserve better. And I78 needs another lane in Northampton County. It runs fine in Lehigh County at 6 lanes but is now overly congested in Northampton County at 4 lanes.

  17. I think 1st thing - school taxes should not be attached to property. You see recently EASD wants increase again . The student assessments as to their knowledge scores are dismal in statewide scores. We need a new school building like an other hole in our head. The building doesn’t teach. We should fire about 10 % of the staff and many of the upper management. Not Shelly . Developers should be sending in cash to distract as they are sending in occupancy,and what you see today by standings at each light for two turns now. Stop developers from taking over this county , the city of Easton is a mess too. Older businesses are being stressed by parking issues and over population . Nobody is addressing the delinquent parking costs not paid in Easton ,it’s got to be substantial since I left as Constable years ago. They have to be hiding the figure . Sal, decades not to adjudicate them because many people think I was making more than they were after death of our beloved magistrate Elwell , and we had several others retired come in place. What a mess. You would think somebody would have prosecuted me to collect delinquent parking fines as I made $4,027 .i think last month on warrants I works and I never arrested anyone and I never faced anyone that month. Ask how much is outed in parking fines in Easton. I got Steckman to get do the ordinance boots. We had 3 in closet. Then 1sts generation plate readers. I did that . Not council ,not mayor.

  18. Bernie,

    If the state did nothing but hire clean-up crews to focus on litter along I/78 from the NJ state line through Berks County. There are portions of Upper Saucon and Hellertown that are disgusting.

  19. Eh... dude needs to remember the golden rule of politics everywhere: Either the rich have taken over your government, or they are trying like hell to!

    In the US, the rich are trying to put Trump in charge. They got him in in 2016 by a whisker, and...

    (1) his biggest accomplishment was to give them all a massive tax cut, and
    (2) he and his GOP buddies tried (and are still trying!) to defang the IRS so the rich could more easily cheat taxes.

    House GOP kicks off majority with vote to slash IRS funding (January 9, 2023)

    The reality is, we do not have a SPENDING problem. We have a REVENUE problem. TAX THE RICH, and the little guy like me will have better services, better roads, better Social Security, better schools, etc.

    Richest Americans Now Pay Less Tax Than Working Class in Historical First (May 3, 2024)https://www.newsweek.com/richest-americans-pay-less-tax-working-class-1897047


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