Local Government TV

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Unofficial: Freeman Wins 77.5% Landslide Against Challenger Taiba Sultana

With all precincts in and reported, it appears that voters have decided to send State Rep. Bob Freeman back to Harrisburg for another two years to represent the 136th legislative district. He defeated Easton City Council member Taiba Sultana with 77.5% of the vote (3,985 to 1,152). That's a slightly larger margin than the 76% that Easton Mayor Sal Panto garnered when Sultana ran against him in 2019. 

Sultana's bid for the state house was hampered by what Ray Lahoud's Pa Citizens PAC called a crazy, chaotic and criminal campaign. As if to prove him correct, two of her children were nabbed by Pennsylvania State Police on election eve as they defaced Lahoud's signs. A third has been charged with corrupting the morals of minors. 

Sultana lost in every precinct but Easton 3-3, which she won by one vote. 

No Republican is running. Barring a successful undependent challenge, Freeman's re-election is assured.


  1. Hey BO
    FYI. The 3-3 is mostly Lafayette College. Sultana worked hard there to get the “ cease fire” students to fall for her BS.

  2. Great. Another lifelong politician gets sent back to the swamp.

    1. With your great attitude you must be a pleasure to live with.

  3. Taiba I hope you see the handwriting on the wall here. You are not a warrior or tiger, you are finished in politics. Resign your seat on city council and get the inpatient help you need

  4. I can’t believe there were a thousand crazies that voted for her!

  5. Freemeal and his lackeys used devious diabolical tactics unworthy of the most heinous shysters he is the poster boy for swamp creature

    1. The only Freemeal here is your girl Taiba trying again to suck off the public’s tit

  6. "FYI. The 3-3 is mostly Lafayette College."

    Thanks. Makes sense.

    1. A Lafayette art teacher directing students to vote against Freeman… and protest….
      Someone should remind him/them how much influence Freeman and Panto have had in helping the college and the relationship with College Hill residents

  7. Taiba
    Is already blaming everything and everyone else for this loss. She refuses to take responsibility. If anyone has a “ VOTE NO” sign, save them. Every time she runs she will be abused like she does to her kids.

    1. My Crazy Taiba sign is locked and loaded, waiting for her next should-have-been aborted attempt at running for office.

  8. This past election her inkind contributions helped as she couldn’t raise money. LVSU will NOT support her ever again. And Make the Road gave themselves a huge black eye on this one and will probably stay away from TOXIC TAIBA

  9. What a choice we had: a do-nothing career politician, and an adjudicated nut! God help Us!

  10. This women has zero chance of ever winning elected office again in this area.
    Anyone want to start making wagers on where she moves next?

  11. I agree with@10:04. What choice did we have? Freeman in way too long, and TS is a psycho!

    Same with our Presidential choices. Basement Biden (50 years and still doing nothing)

    Tantrum Trump (volatile) I did vote for him twice though, as the options were more horrific than he was, to me.

    Personally, I think Trump should pick Haley as VP and exit stage left (which he will not do!)

    1. While Trump spent his time in office drawing lines on maps to make it seem like he wasn't wrong about the path of a hurricane, passing tax breaks for rich people, and complaining about shower pressure in hotels, the Biden Administration has actually done things to benefit people. For example: Biden capped the cost of insulin for people on Medicare. Made it so Medicare can negotiate prices for about a dozen drugs. He capped overdraft fees and credit card late charges. He made it so companies can't attempt to bust union drives. He made it so airlines have to provide safe travel for people with disabilities and take care of their medical devices. He cut child poverty in half for a year before the GOP stopped it. He's pushing to make it so anyone getting paid less than $58K on salary will have to get paid overtime when they work overtime. And he's banning non-compete agreements so companies can't trap you in a bad job.

    2. Joe says *pause* choose freedom over democracy LOL.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. During a committee meeting of Easton City Council last night (only Taiba absent), Sal Panto suggested a vote to censure Taiba at a future meeting. Other members chimed in with residents complaints about and wishes that Taiba could be removed from council. Since council can't remove her it will be interesting if they pursue censure. Tonight's regular council meeting should be interesting if Taiba shows up.

  14. The voters in this district are beholden to the status quo and patriarchy as embodied by Robert Freeman the pension grabbing louse.

  15. the patriarchy won!!
    racist liberals

    1. Don’t use words you don’t understand or know how to defend.

  16. Hilarious Taiba..always giving away her anonymity by using same old words like patriarchy, beholden, embodied, she forgot racist, geriatric, old white elites, but the only word to describe her is: Moronic loser

  17. Silence Is violence, Taiba roared like a Bengal in the sunderbands while the rest of city council were complicit with the genocide if this is why Bob freeman wins so be it, we are so proud of you Girlfriend!

  18. Anonymous 4:19:

    You forgot to mention those 'whiter than sour cream' snarks in some comments. Sour cream really gets it done as a side with certain foods; and just like sour cream, Freeman gets it done, too.

  19. Again, it’s getting old..like your whining Taiba…cmon..silence? Roaring tiger? Genocide?
    How about : Quit while you can!!

  20. Scissor hands owes Team Taiba an apology and refund he was so far off and did very little counter program Lahouds despicable mischief.

    Sultana far too cosmopolitan for provincial Harrisburg she belongs in D.c or globally reaching NGO, IMHO

    1. Good. We will help her back

    2. Hey Taiba, what happened to the paved gold street that was going to be named after you? Oh that’s right, you lost! Lol

  21. Bob Freeman is going to be known as the Strom Thurmond of the PA House his longevity would be impressive if he had the fortitude to create any signature legislation however he is just an old white rubber stamp pawn of the old boys club democratic machine

  22. No show at city council…no excuse or reason given prior ….one more act of cowardice by a truly horrible and unworthy representative of this town.

  23. To say Bob Freemeal is whiter than sour cream is not fair because everyone loves sour cream. Bob is whiter than a freshly starched Klan robe, he is an epic swamp denizen suckling on the tax payers teat like a feral piglet who never got the memo it was time to be weaned.

    We need someone who knows the "Rules For Radicals" inside and out better than Taiba does, a true dyed in the wool SWJ who isn't afraid to wear the rights favorite pejorative "woke" like a crown of thorns.

    Times up Bob your expiration date came and went back in the last millennium

    1. Maybe you should be careful with your wording regarding expiration date when dealing with people of dignity ….it could come back on you

  24. I watched tonight’s council meeting. Seems that in 2 weeks her censorship and an updated council code of conduct will be on the agenda. Reading FB posts she received 50% fewer votes last night from Easton’s south side than she did in 2022

    Her political career in Eadton is OVER

  25. Freeman should hold a community outreach event. Call it "Enjoy a 'FreeMeal' with Freeman". He can serve baked potatoes, enchiladas, chili, and other dishes that can be complemented with sour cream.

    1. The problem is, Taiba would show up like it’s her event and have her husband take her pictures for Facebook

    2. How bout this instead: Find a bad sushi bar and eat clams that sat out for a week…that might clear your head location.

  26. white male supremacy
    the patriarchy won!!
    shame on the racist liberals
    picking a white male over a brown female

    1. No, we chose a sane experienced statesman over a lying liar who respects no one, including her own children. Just look at the spray paint event - without batting an eye, she claimed they were WALKING home from school to the Highlands on 611S. They were on Lafayette Street with spray paint that they just happened?? to have with them. Get your heads out of your asses and assess Taiba for what she is. Not the change, not the leader, just a big mouth liar.

    2. You are nothing but a disgusting creature. You criticize this country & state yet you live here! Why? You have no respect for the men & women who fought and continue to fight for our country, rights and freedoms, yet you have your hand out taking from it. You have no shame! Send your little terrorists in the making and remove your loser signs! I’m sick of looking at them and your ugly hateful face

  27. Taiba please just fade away .

  28. Pain in the ass lunatic
    Criminal with jail time
    Child beater and bully
    Racist to her own
    Picking an intelligent normal successful white Jewish 30 year PA representative over a brown crazy woman with no common sense nor ability to research anything and make up shit.

    1. This is hate speech ID your self so we can report you to SPLC or doxxing will occur and fatwas will be issued

    2. Sultana is the only racist that spreads HATE!!!

    3. Hahaha your just as stupid as tiger taiba

  29. Vladimir Ill-itch.April 25, 2024 at 7:36 PM


    Hate speech is protected by the First Amendment. Secondly, that limerick isn't hate speech. It's not even defamation. Move on, loser.

    Anonymous 3:35 AM:

    ...and bring spray paint to blur the words "sour cream" from the menus.

    1. Vlad your a very puny guy, no doubt of the colonizers fair skinned with generational wealth to bolster your confidence.

      #BrownGirlMagic will be trending locally once Taiba topples the statue of your original sinner Cristobal its bronze will be recast to honor the Indigenous persons cruelly slaughtered by C.V

    2. Your an asshole

    3. Your attempts at redirection and maudlin retort create laughter and sorrowful pity for your obviously distorted and maligned upbringing and distasteful attempt at proving you are part of this genus and species called the human race, but you are not.

  30. It is easy to spot which comments were posted by the loser.

  31. Did she move out of Easton yet? Not hearing much now.


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