Local Government TV

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Share Your Election Experience and Last-Minute Pitches Here

During the last election, numerous readers who voted in person alerted the rest of us that there was a serious problem with the Express Vote XL. Thanks to what I call participatory journalism, this blog knew before news ever broke that the machines were malfunctioning in the judicial retention races. So I'd appreciate it if you could take a minute to share your experience here. How is turnout? Where did you vote? (I expect it to be light.) Did you have any issues? Also, if you wish to make any last-minute pitches, feel free. Polls are open until 8 pm. 

If you have a Mail-in-Ballot, it must be returned today. Putting it in the mail will not count. It has to be received by the elections office today. If you never received your Mail-in-Ballot, you can cast what is known as a provisional vote at your voting precinct. During the official canvass, election officials will make sure you did not vote by mail, and then can count your provisional ballot so long as it is filled out properly. 


  1. Ryan Mackenzie will win the nomination. Kevin Dellicker second and Maria last are my predictions.

    1. Nice try, Andres. The Wee Baby McKenzie is going down.

    2. Well, I guess you got shot down! 🤣

  2. Kevin Dellicker refusing to endorse Lisa Scheller, giving us 2 more years. of Susan Wild is a pitch on why not to vote for him.

    This was his plan the whole time… make Lisa Scheller lose to Susan Wild so that he can run again. The guy only cares about himself.

    He is a nasty campaigner and deserves to lose.

  3. Maria montero is not an elitist of RINO, it as an honor to work with her

  4. The Election process has become quite frustrating. The liars who are Running in certain races makes the whole process disappointing. Just run on your merits and STOP allying about the other Candidates. Case in point the Congressional race. Ryan Mackenzie is one of the biggest liars in the race. Maria Montero, who has NO experience and is running on Gender identity politics and is the Lisa Scheller Funded Revenge Candidate has also been posting and spewing lies. Both of them were NOT endorsed by Trump, however they want Voters to Believe that. Is this who we want to represent us, Absolutely not.

  5. According to reports, appears several issues already reported. I won't post them publicly until Norco addresses them, but numerous issues at several polls related to machine zeroing and envelop tags not matching.

  6. Last minute Pitches? I truly hope people did their homework and realize that the most qualified and honest Congressional Candidate is Kevin Dellicker. The other two are now in a “ Last Ditch” effort trying to have voters believe they are endorsed by Trump, neither of them were. Montero’s, guyfriend ( who received financial backing from Lisa Scheller) mentioned her name up on stage at the Rally so she equivalates that to being endorsed. Ryan Mackenzie would never be endorsed by Trump as he is funded by an anti Trump Organization and Trump doesn’t want anything to do with him. I pray we elect Kevin Delllicker for Congress.

  7. I live in the eastern middle part of the county. I got there right at 7 AM and I was the second voter. Mostly new poll workers at my polling place. The lady who always volunteers there had to instruct two workers on procedure.

    I'm a registered Republican who voted for Haley, Montero, and Sunday (A.G.) in the contested races.

  8. I had a fantastic voting experience right from the comfort of my own home. And I know my ballot was received because I received a confirmation email. Thank you Northampton County for all your hard work! Go BLUE!

  9. 2:36 am Do you really believe Kevin not endorsing Lisa lost her the election? Also, that is a lie, several attempts were made after the primary to help her which she refused. While Kevin did not say he would at a debate, he eventually did. Lisa lost twice and it's interesting people think one person was the cause of it.

  10. ". I won't post them publicly until Norco addresses them," - Then I believe you are deliberately posting disinformation to undermine public confidence. Name where this happened.

  11. Great election process as long as you are a democrat.

  12. Voted in macungie, very smooth and easy.

    Voted haley and kevin D

  13. Bernie: do you have predictions re: who will win the GOP nom for the 7th?

  14. From where I sit, it looks as though Dellicker will win and be crushed in the general.

    1. Agree. The GOP has a candidate problem. I do think McCormick has a chance against Casey. The problem is having Trump as the nominee. Trump is going to lose, and cost Rs congressional seats again.

      Casey is an empty suit and very liberal rubber stamp for Biden. Every 6 yrs he comes out from under a rock to say hey vote Bob Casey the former governors kid blah blah blah.

  15. Slow out there today. Was #11 to vote at 9:30 at Farmersville Elementary. Guess that's what happens when there are no meaningful opposition candidates on the national tickets.

  16. Walnutport Borough is slow and everything is running smoothly.

  17. My wife and I are registered Independents, so we can't vote today. BTW, there are 2 people in our household, and we received a total of 6 mail-in ballots. Until the system is cleaned up, and there's voter ID, there's going to be problems.

    1. I don’t believe you.

    2. Yeah well Trump shall be in prison come November! Praise!!!!
      But still stop with these idiotic and false lies. You R’s just don’t stop.

  18. I agree with you Berniw- the only 1 who has a chance against Wild is Montero- and her campaign has been abysmal.

  19. "My wife and I are registered Independents, so we can't vote today. BTW, there are 2 people in our household, and we received a total of 6 mail-in ballots. Until the system is cleaned up, and there's voter ID, there's going to be problems."

    This is horsesit. You did not receive 6 ballots. You may have received six solicitations to apply for a mail-in ballot, and you would only get one if you applied for it. If you want to continue this conversation, please identify yourself so that what happened, if anything, can be established conclusively. If you are afraid to ID yourself, send me an email: bohare5948@aol.com

  20. Low turnout, most people have no idea who to vote for, and until they are suffering they will not be voting. Dellicker appears to be a perfect deep state wanna be candidate.

  21. Bernie, are you hearing anything on early returns for Freeman vs the Sultan of Swat? I just hope that enough of the right people make an effort to get out to vote and we don’t have some crazy outcome.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. Vote Bob Freeman qualifications, integrity and character matter. Next stop for Taiba should be federal prison for 10 to 25 years for lying on her immigration application

  23. Sultana for president

  24. I drop box voted for mom. She was a lifelong R until passing in 2019. Her perfect voting record continues. I'm carrying on until someone figures out she's in heaven. Illegal? It's none of your business. It's akin to covering windows in newspaper at the election office. NorCo elections are an integrity oil slick anyway.

    1. You sound and smell like a red hat wearing, rusted ‘85 Chevy truck driving, no job having Trump supporter who is so bored without cable that they are stirring the pot. Not true!

  25. I haven't seen any concerted effort to vote "uncommitted" against Wild or Biden. I predict that effort fizzles.

  26. Crazy. Chaotic. Criminal. Vote No Taiba.

  27. Even though I respect Dellicker's military service, he isn't a likeable candidate, so I voted for Montero.

  28. This country is finished- even a libertarian like Alan Dershowitz realizes the danger our society is headed towards- the lunatics chanting "death to America, death to Israel," are our future leaders. Candidates like Sultana will soon be the norm.

  29. it was great, i voted by mail

  30. Voted at Forks Cmty Ctr around 1PM - very empty while there. Met Kevin Dellicker out in front of polling place. Contrary to comments noted above, very pleasant conversation with him.

  31. I don't get Bob "empty suit" Casey's appeal. He's a back-bencher, trading on his father's name. He destroyed Barletta last time, & is up 6 points on McCormick. McCormick's best chance was last year when he lost to Oz by less than 1 point- he would've beaten Fetterman.

  32. Maybe Taiba can break out that unused spray paint to cover up the election results from D-136.

  33. Taiba got smoked! It looks like Montero did much better than expected but Mackenzie is going to win.

  34. Always a pleasure to vote on College Hill at the Presbyterian church, especially on a beautiful day. The neighborhoods and people seem to genuinely care about each other. Just saying.

  35. Definitely voting by mail for November.
    enjoy not standing and avoiding crowds now.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.