Local Government TV

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

DePasquale Leads Democrats in State AG Race

Eugene DePasquale, a former two-term state auditor general, appears to be firmly in the lead of the five-way Democratic race for state attorney general. Despite having less money to spend that Joe Khan or Jack Stollsteimer, he is the only candidate with western Pa roots. The other four are from the Philadelphia area and appear to have canceled each other out. 

Though my vote went for Jack Stollsteimer, I was very impressed by DePasquale when he was auditor general. He was willing to blow the whistle on the state's failure to answer one of five calls for suspected child abuse or neglect even though it made him unpopular with then Governor Wolf. 


  1. Good! Although as a (R), I had no dog in this hunt, I was getting sick of Stollsteimer's TV commercials. He must have been getting super funding from somewhere- I'm guessing from outside the state.

  2. He was heavily funded by trade unions. No "guessing" needed. Watch less TV and read more. Read this blog or the finance reports and you'll know where he got his $.

  3. Thank God Solomon lost- big time! He has to be the most annoying candidate ever- and should be disqualified for running for re-election to his house seat.

  4. I thought Stollsteimer was the best bet, good DelCo law-enforcement guy.

  5. Maybe now PA will be able to tax marijuana and reap the millions we have been watching other states get.


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