Local Government TV

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Mackenzie Poised For Victory in Pa. 7 GOP Primary

With a projected 43% of the vote, it appears that Republicans have elected Ryan Mackenzie as their nominee in the race against Susan Wild for the Pa. 7 Congressional seat. Kevin Dellicker snagged 33% of the tally, and Maria Montero finished last with just 25%. 

Though arguably the best candidate to face Wild in November, Montero raised far too little money and ran a disorganized campaign. Despite being able to raise money, Dellicker lost Republican support when he failed to endorse Lisa Scheller, who defeated him in the last Congressional race. 


  1. Great win for Mackenzie!!!

  2. That's rich. Mackenzie will be crushed by the vote dumping he created. I'm an R who would rather vote for a pile of dog shit. I'm sitting out this race in November because MacKenzie screwed every R in the state and has already lost by a landslide. He'll lose and never serve anywhere ever again. That's taking out your own garbage. Bye Ryan.

    1. This comment is from someone who has the same bad attitude that keeps costing Republicans these elections. Grow up and support your nominee, or enjoy another 2 years of Wild. There is no realistic third option.

    2. You are so wrong! Republicans are tired of voting candidates into office that betray them over and over again. Ryan ran a dirty campaign filled with lies. That’s not the kind of candidate I choose to send to Washington. That’s a candidate that is in it for himself.

  3. This result had nothing to do with Scheller. Dellicker lost because AFP spent 550K on 10 mailers and digital ads for Mackenzie.

    1. Many Republicans refused to support Dellicker because he cost Lisa Scheller the election. Facts.

    2. That is such a ridiculous statement. Kevin wasn’t running in the general. Lisa was. She lost the election because she was a very bad candidate.

  4. No sour grapes here but the plan put in place by Lisa Scheller was as sinister as is she but worked perfectly. Maria never was to win but was to take votes away from Kevin. Did you think of this one Bernie? It’s the only logical one since Dellicker, not either of the other two, would be capable of beating Wild. Wild has no competition now in Mackenzie.

  5. Whatever the circumstances... Half a million dollars of outside money. Spoiler candidate in Montero. . . Voters chose a career politician who never had a real private sector job over one of the best candidates we've had in awhile. What a bummer. Money in politics, name recognition and underhanded campaigning are king once again. Worked in primary. Not so sure about a general. We'll see.

  6. Mackenzie is a horrible candidate and human being. The voters will get what they get for not doing their research Susan Wild was ecstatic that she gets to go up against him. Our only chance to Beat her was Dellicker. The Gullible Sheep really screwed the PA 7 for this one. Schellers revenge Candidate did the sabotage she hoped for. She isn’t even living in PA anymore but still continues to screw up our elections. Wild will win, she is the devil we know and Ryan is the Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

  7. Mackenzie will get crushed

  8. Frustrated with our country's direction today. Was looking forward to voting for a political candidate I was proud of. Kevin Dellicker is extremely qualified to be our congressman. He is a man man of integrity and a class act. He was defeated by a man who deliberately misled others on his opponent's policy positions via DC funded Super PACs. I hope people begin to see that it is not just a Democrat vs. Republican divide in our country. We have a political establishment on both sides of the aisle that relishes in the power and prestige of elected office. As I've followed this election it seems that Ryan won this election at the expense of his character. I applaud Kevin for running for all the right reasons and being an example for others. I hope other qualified but reluctant leaders will step up and follow his example.

  9. Bernie proves again that he has the worst political instincts in the business.

  10. I’m a conservative Republican and I voted for Kevin. In the general I will be voting for Susan Wild. Ryan’s dirty, lying and disgusting campaign convinced me. He’s not the type of Republican I can support in Congress.

  11. Mackenzie was the right pick for the Republicans. He will do better in the suburbs than Kevin would have done.

    1. Why are you on this site, Ryan or is it Andres?

  12. Jeezuz - historians in the future will write volumes about the Republicans of the early 21st Centurys ability to continuously step on their own dick.

  13. 3:14 underscores why R's are so stupid and have difficulty winning elections; they'd rather vote for a liberal who is funded from California. Ask John Morganelli if Wild ran a clean campaign.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Lots of finger pointing, but what about Dellickers primary objective, if elected, to strengthen the military, with a $880 billion pentagon budget. Delleicker hoped to get placed on the defense committee.

    Sorry, that is not considered a priority for many Republicans today. With all the problems at home it just appeared that more defense spending was not the priority, and it smelled of a possible deep state wanna be. I suspect that it may have been a deciding factor in this race.

    1. I think you may very well be right. That indeed was my thinking.

  16. I don't believe Maria was a distraction. I proudly worked for her this election. I was with her when she got the news she lost. She was genuinely upset. She was a great candidate with not enough support. The local Norco GOP backed Lyin Ryan because his mommy threatened to have GOP GG removed for the election issues last year.

    Also GOP GG should stop trying to get his executive committee to give him $7,500 to pay for his case with the the Northampton 4 and use the money donated FOR CANDIDATES on candidates.

    1. Yes, Glenn should pay for his own lawfare case.

    2. Maria is an actress. She plays it well and that’s why some worked for her and voted for her. She has no conscience and that’s why she agreed to take on this acting gig (which is what it was from the beginning). Shameful but she didn’t care and still doesn’t.

  17. If Lisa needed Kevin to win, that says it all. What was her excuse for losing the first time when Kevin wasn't even in the race. Lisa lost because of her business connections in China, her drug addiction, her inability to speak without being coached, refusing to debate and the list goes on. People didn't relate to her and that's a fact.

    In the general, I will not be supporting Ryan simply because he is a liar and will stoop as low as he possibly can to win. He needs a job where our tax money supports his lifestyle. He could care less about any of us in the 7th district.
    Ryan will vote in Congress according to what will benefit his political "career". He has nothing else going for him. Susan Wild will be re-elected thanks to the stupidity of the 7th District voters.

  18. The R's just can't help themselves- if they would stick together, they might win an election. A terribly flawed Wild will defeat Mackenzie.

  19. I’m voting for the least liberal candidate in every election I have access to.

  20. First of All, Scheller lost on her own, Kevin offered some suggestions and she refused his advice. She was a Horrible Candidate and an awful person. Her plan worked, she bankrolled an AOC-like candidate because she knew she would take votes from Kevin. My moral conscience would not allow me to vote for LYING RYAN. I will be writing Kevin Dellicker in! Others should do this as well. The Republicans had a golden opportunity to throw their support behind Kevin rather than an entitled Career politician who is very disliked.

  21. I’m a 4 for 4 Republican super voter. Ryan ran one of the most nasty, vitriolic campaigns I’ve ever seen. For the first time in my life, I will be voting for a Democrat, Susan Wild. Ryan is a protege of Pat Toomey who even admitted in the Philly Inquirer today that he voted for Nikki Haley. Ryan’s puppet masters also support her. Ryan always tries to have it both ways, with everything in his life. Ryan is America First? My ass.

  22. As a Democrat, I must thank the Republicans. Maria Montero was the only candidate that could have beaten Susan. We were all pulling for Mackenzie because he is the easiest for Susan to beat. Maria was your chance at this seat.

    1. agree 100%. McKenzie will get destroyed!

    2. Leave it to the R's to screw themselves!

  23. Most comments seem to be dejected dellicker supporters, it seemed to be a typical campaign, it could have been much worse. Politics is about defining yourself and your opponent.

  24. All you have to do is go back a few weeks and see all the same kind of comments for Dellicker and “Integrity Leadership” losers. They all said Mackenzie was going to get crushed in the Primary. That didn’t happen. So, now you have no credibility and you just sound like sore losers.


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