Local Government TV

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

NorCo Has a Problem-Free Election

Winners are certainly happy after yesterday's election in NorCo, but the person with the best night's sleep is someone whose name is not even on the ballot. Executive Lamont McClure has to be relieved that this primary election, in a presidential year, went so smoothly. But that was just a tune-up for November, when the real fun starts. 


  1. Sure that is what they tell us.

  2. Why was Haley still on ballot? Why are mail in ballots not required statewide to be counted by polling closing time? Feel that if counties and states cannot do this with the manpower they have then this should not be allowed. Every vote should count/be counted. Lastly, why aren"t the number of votes reported for the Presidential winners? Thanks for any info and insight.

  3. “NorCo Has a Problem-Free Election”

    That this is a headline or even news is in itself a problem.

  4. Most counties are dysfunctional on their best day. Nature of what counties do. Northampton County, relatively speaking, is very well run.

  5. Primaries usually go well. Much less voter turnout.

  6. Elections are never perfect. Lehigh County struggled yesterday because some of their equipment wasn’t working right, but they got through it.

  7. He was actually involved in this one? That’s a first.

  8. "Why was Haley still on ballot? Why are mail in ballots not required statewide to be counted by polling closing time? Feel that if counties and states cannot do this with the manpower they have then this should not be allowed. Every vote should count/be counted. Lastly, why aren"t the number of votes reported for the Presidential winners? Thanks for any info and insight."

    Your questions or OT but here goes. Haley has suspended her campaign but was still on the ballot in Pa bc she did so after the date on which candidates can withdraw. Under state law, elections officials can start precanvassing mail-in ballots at 7 am on election day, but no sooner. The state legislature is being urged to allow elections officials to start the precanvass sooner so they can get results up faster, but there is concern that word will leak about who is ahead. he number of votes are reported for Presidential winners.

  9. So much hate from the Haters. McClure has you so twisted you’re rooting against Democracy.

  10. Maybe Muncy will co-author another letter with his bestie, Republican Party Chair Glenn Gassinger.

    1. Clearly it was their previous letter that made all the difference. Haha

  11. Lehigh ran a fine election- no equipment problems.

  12. "NorCo Has A Problem-Free Election"

    Lol. Stockholm Syndrome has entered the chat ....

  13. Keep in mind, two supposedly perfect County elections in Pennsylvania does NOT mean every other Pennsylvania County election was just as honest and pure as our own County. STATEWIDE election totals being reported could well be inaccurate, dishonest, unfair, etc.

    Only a fool would believe Philadelphia County results are equally clean, or too small to change smaller statewide office results.

  14. I’ll reserve my opinion until November when the real voting begins, thankyou.

  15. Well the website is reporting incorrectly. Currently shows 100% completed, and lists 0 provisional ballots. Issue is inwitnessed 2 provisional ballots filled out at a single precinct. So...

  16. BernieOHare to 11:49, all precincts have reported. Provisional ballots are counted or rejected during the official canvassing of the vote. So it is you who is actually incorrect.

  17. May I state the obvious from yesterday's primary....Biden’s HUGE Vote Totals From Key State’s Primary Election Leave Trump In The Dust.

    1. Soon it will be a one party country and democracy will be gone. All Democrats with 17 million and counting new ones in our country

    2. Take a look at today’s GDP numbers. Stagflation has arrived thanks to your hero Joe. Terrible policies. Open border. College campuses on fire. War everywhere. Inflation. Crime. Deficits. Not good.

  18. Okay. Now bring back Dirtinger

  19. Bernie was Trump on the ballot and will you be voting for him again as you did last time?

  20. I cannot agree. MIB was delivered unsealed. And oddly, the R on my mailback label was highlighted by hand. Why?

    1. 9:11- Conspiracy theorists will ALWAYS find deception and cheating. I suggest you take off the tin foil hat, turn off Fox News and level out with Prozac.

      My other suggestion if you believe that your vote was compromised, stop voting. Honestly, I'm tired of hearing about "election fraud". We know who tried to cheat in the last election. Didn't nine Trump staff members, included Rudy Giuliani, Mark Meadows, Jenna Ellis and others, get indicted yesterday for election fraud in the 2020 election. Isn't Trump currently on trial for violating election finance laws. Isn't David Pecker (Trump's "catch and kill" fixer) testimony confirming everything that the prosection alleges.

      But, yeah, your MIB was highlighted. You probably voted anyway, probably didn't call the Northampton County Board of Elections to inquire why or get another ballot, but instead, you post on this blog that the election was possibly compromised.

  21. It’s becoming clear that Republican are going to lie about everything Election-related this Fall. It’s important that all forms of media, don’t report these lies.

    1. Give me an email address to send a pic. Or tell me where to meet

  22. November will be the real test. McClueless will find another lackey to take a hit for him. He has never been involved in the Election Day process before.

  23. C’mon Bernie, you know elections are only fair if white supremacist get elected. Get it right.

  24. 9:37 - Your understanding of what is being done by our fallen system of justice is lacking. To be Indicted proves nothing. Even if all charges are dropped, the benefit of bankrupting the accused can still be achieved. A win for the prosecution, regardless of outcome. Today, we call this Lawfare.

    1. 10:16- Read the first paragraph of 9:37 over and over and over and over again. Then, read it several more times. Take heed. It's sound advice that apparently applies to you, too.

  25. Everything seems like a conspiracy theory to someone who doesn't understand how anything works.

    1. 2:33- I think you need to listen to Steel Panther immediately..


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.