Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 06, 2024

Sultana Gets ARD, DA Baratta Claims Prosecution "Twisted Around" By Friction Between Easton Mayor and Sultana

According to Lehigh Valley News and as expected, domestic assault charges filed against Easton City Council member and state house candidate Taiba Sultana were resolved by her admission into a special program for first offenders today called Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD). President Judge Craig Dally approved District Attorney Steven Baratta's application to admit her into the program. What was unexpected was Baratta's claim that politics played a role in the decision to prosecute her.

According to the news account (I was not there), Baratta represented to the court that the case was "twisted" around a bit because of "political" considerations. He referenced friction between Sultana and Easton Mayor Sal Panto. Baratta also lashed out at his predecessor, Terry Houck, for refusing to approve the application.  He went on to claim that he received a letter from Sultana's son, disputing much of what police allege. 

Former DA Terry Houck strongly disputes Baratta's narrative as "absolutely not true. Before I left in December, I approved her application." He also denied that politics played any role in this prosecution. "The facts supported her arrest and they support ARD." 

Houck went on to say that he was never contacted by Easton Mayor Sal Panto concerning the case. "There was absolutely no influence." 

He also questioned why Sultana was admitted into ARD if there was no crime. "If there wasn't a crime, why are you approving it for ARD?" he asked. 

Baratta's statements, on the record, undermine the integrity of both Easton police and its Mayor, and apparently with no basis in fact. 


  1. Thank you Bernie for setting the record straight. I believe the DA and Sultana are the one playing politics NOT me or the Chief. She uses politics or racism as her reason all for all of her issues If he felt that I was involved why wasn't I interviewed during his investigation. Let's resolve it completely by having the DA and Ms. Sultana allow us to release the body camera footage. The only persons playing politics is them and it is disgraceful.

    1. Amen Sal. That is exactly what I thought when I read the news report … Sultana/Baratta playing politics. Speaking of the bodycam footage, can that be requested via FOIA? Finally Taiba’s claims of gerontocracy make me sick. I sincerely doubt she will be able to look back when she is 65+ and claim she did as much for Easton/Norco as you, Freeman and Boscola did. She wasn’t here in the 80s when downtown Easton was a mess and people were scared to go there. You helped turn it into a destination location for people near and far. For that we thank you.

  2. Why does it not surprise me that a man who lied and misrepresented things during a campaign is now doing the same as DA? This buffoon is more trouble than he is worth. Houck may have been a jerk, but at least he seemed to have a good relationship with honesty, a concept foreign to Baratta.

    1. I’m so pleased to see your comments here. During the Houck-Baratta election, I was constantly reminded by the verbiage, mailers, and debate rhetoric that Baratta, like Sultana, closely mimic Trump’s campaign style. Whatever the county must endure over the course of Baratta’s tenure, they brought on themselves by falling for the lies and exaggerations. Now we have another Trumpian figure in Sultana. Beware!

  3. If sultana was the victim here, why didn’t Baratta drop it altogether? Why did she still have to plead guilty. Seems like Baratta is just upset the EPD and the mayor did not support him and endorsed Houck. Baratta is a waste and Sultana is a POS

    1. The Fix was in for Barratta! Judge J. Morganilli & former Judge Zito took care of that. Zito is Baratta’s God Father!

  4. Release the arrest footage ! Bernie did you watch the debate last night on FB? Sultana is an idiot! She shouldn’t get elected to crossing guard


  5. Team Taiba is on the move! Time for Bobby F to take a hike. Stellar debate performance coupled with another win today sets the table for big things ahead!

    1. Stellar debate performance? This is a parody account, right?
      She literally couldn't answer any questions without looking things up on Google first. She was tripped up on what the job of a representative even is. She was disrespectfully using her phone during her opponent's opening statements. She spent enormous amounts of time searching her phone for answers and when she couldn't find them, said she didn't want to answer the question. She couldn't provide answers of how her petitions got so messed up so she tried to make it seem like the state believes all of the signatures are valid because they didn't challenge them (which shows she is either completely oblivious to how the process works, or just a cheater that doesn't want to acknowledge mistakes, neither of which is a good look for a person in office).
      There was no part of that debate where she looked remotely knowledgeable or capable of performing this job.

    2. If you thought that was stellar debate performance, then you have the IQ of a gnat

    3. Well said!!! She can’t perform any job including council person she is only looking to suck of the taxpayers of Pennsylvania….. please pack your ass up and move back to Pakistan

    4. Anyone in the room last night would laugh at you for this comment, almost as much as we all did last night at her.
      Somehow in the 4 years since her last debate with Sal she is even worse at this.

    5. A win??? She plead guilty. How’s that a win. And last night?? How many debates have you seen the entire crowd burst out laughing cause one candidate is an idiot

    6. Folks I think this comment was being sarcastic lol.

  6. Let’s not let this overshadow how inept and unhinged (not to mention a bold faced liar) she was in last nights debate.
    The woman was a laughingstock (literally) last night.

  7. Is the debate archived anywhere? Would love to watch it

  8. Wow. Did Sal slight Baratta's kid or grandkid at some festival queen pageant? Heavens to Columbus! The next Sons of Italy dinner is gonna be lit!.

  9. In the Easton newspaper, Sultana was quoted as saying,

    In her statement, she called for “substantial criminal justice reform such as the elimination of cash bail, the prohibition of private prisons, and frequent and thorough investigations into all police departments on a regular basis to ensure transparency and accountability and to prevent the corruption that happens on a daily basis.”

    WOW! She is on the craZy train.

    1. Where are there private prisons she talks about… she really knowledgeable and up to speed on everything

    2. 11 juveniles shot in Philly in two days at bus stops. This is the direct result of “criminal justice reform” please send this woman packing she’s nuts!

  10. Release the body cam footage now! Simple as that.

  11. If you didn’t think Steve Barratta was a punk by all the crap he pulled during the election, this confirms it. He’s a punk.

  12. Any update on how Baratta is ‘not’ playing politics with Lance Wheeler’s case?

  13. 4:23, I need to check. There still had been no preliminary last I checked.

  14. JJ Cordi, NorCo does not have cash bail for many offenses.

  15. Did anyone call the fire department? I believe BaRATta’s pants are on fire. Again.

  16. So Barratta received a letter recanting what happened from the son. Having worked in law enforcement for 22 years I can tell you this is very common among domestic violence victims. That our DA doesn’t recognize or understand this really worries me. This guy has no clue.

  17. Baratta is doing what his financial sponsor demands. This is Ray's county now. Get used to it.

  18. Houck sucks and is a liar.

  19. Sultana has been griping on Facebook about "flawed format and moderation" (her words) of the debate and Freeman's many lies and "got his mob to harass the moderators" (her words). She also complained about another event she attended [hosted by a local progressive group] where "Lisa Boscola's handler Celeste Dee" (Sultana's words) continued a "massive manipulation campaign to badmouth my name and my family and call me all sorts of disgusting and slanderous names." (Sultana's words)

    1. The format of the debate was flawed. I initially supported Freeman but have since changed my stance. The debate seemed biased towards Freeman, but Taiba managed to navigate through it effectively. Taiba was consistently asked the first questions, putting Freeman on the responsive mode. While Freeman could make accusations, Taiba was not given the opportunity to rebut them.

      A major flaw in the debate was the control exerted by Easton council member Pintabone, who endorsed Freeman's campaign. Taiba's responses on women's rights, public education, minimum wage, and other topics were impressive, while Freeman came across as more centrist in comparison.

    2. Sultana, please stop posting your lies about what has been happening at your debates and events, you are the one who has been texting and reading false information from your phone during these events. You have attempted to character assassinate Bob Freeman rather than debate being a good legislator and communicator of facts. Your repetitious lies are getting old.

    3. The same person wrote the post and the response. What a joke.

    4. Pintabone was taking the microphone from the candidates to the moderators. The entire Easton council endorsed freeman and the majority of Easton. Sultana will be beaten worse than Panto beat her. Then hopefully she will leave the City. Also, I can not wait to her the mayor and PD respond to Taiba and Baratta’s allegations.

  20. Gov. Wolfe signed a law that police bodycam footage is protected and private.
    So you won't be getting any videos or FOIA requests granted for that!

  21. Our focus groups have shown Taiba's most ardent haters are white male boomers, a demographic that covid did not cull enough from if elected she work to serve even these miscreants who constantly undermine her.

    1. The guys who pay the freight for all the loafers so you can have your free shit lol

  22. So Houck claims he admitted her into ARD and then questions why Baratta admitted her into ARD if there was no crime? Well why did Houck admit her in December if there was no crime? I question whether guys like Houck actually understand the words coming out of their mouths sometimes.

  23. 7:05, You must be either Sultana or incredibly dumb. Houck accepted her in December bc there was a crime and she is a first offender. If he believed there was no crime he would have dismissed the case. He asked why Baratta admitted a person into ARD if he believed there is no crime. Baratta attacked the integrity of Easton police, its mayor and his predecessor to kiss the ass of an unhinged candidate who did in fact beat up her son and just last night was out of control at a political gathering. Way to go Steve. I can certainly see who is really playing politics.

  24. I still can't believe Baratta won the DA's race- he will go down as the worst DA in Northampton County history!

  25. Former DA Terry Houck strongly disputes Baratta's narrative as "absolutely not true. Before I left in December, I approved her application." He also denied that politics played any role in this prosecution. "The facts supported her arrest and they support ARD."

    How about other prosecutions he oversaw on his way out?

  26. "You must be either Sultana or incredibly dumb"

    Why not both?

  27. I hope the Easton Patrolman’s Union calls out DA Baratta. He made comments about retail theft recently to Lehigh Valley News basically saying “who cares”. He’s now questioned these officer’s integrity, but he won’t release the body cam video. He’s turning out to be a real asshole.

  28. Unlike Terry Houck who respected police officers and they respected him, Baratta has disdain for police officers and continues to just make up excuses(lies) hoping people will believe him, similar to the Trump playbook, or little man Morganelli who clearly is still giving Stevo bad advice. As far as the Lance Wheeler case, you should ask the Chief of Wilson how his meeting went when asking for an ADA for case assistance, refused by Baratta. How about the Hellertown Chief's case, wants to add more charges to appease his handlers and base even though outcome will be the same. Baratta is clueless, must be why another Attorney just left

    1. Baratta is a progressive liberal!

  29. Baratta's performance so far, is a cautionary tale about party politics promoting a mid-weight go-along who worked half days and had most of his work done by staff. Steve's never going to be accused of being a Constitutional scholar, or even a guy of average smarts. But he found the right sugar daddy and is happy to do as he's told. Easton cops should keep a close eye on Steve. He'll step out of line, all on his own. IYKYK.

  30. Get your popcorn.

  31. 1:01, I have been critical of Steve as a DA candidate, but consider him quite intelligent and he has always worked hard. So I'll disagree with that part of your assessment.

  32. "As far as the Lance Wheeler case, you should ask the Chief of Wilson how his meeting went when asking for an ADA for case assistance, refused by Baratta. How about the Hellertown Chief's case, wants to add more charges to appease his handlers and base even though outcome will be the same."

    I have called the Wilson Boro detective twice for an update and have not received a return call.

  33. "I hope the Easton Patrolman’s Union calls out DA Baratta. He made comments about retail theft recently to Lehigh Valley News basically saying “who cares”. He’s now questioned these officer’s integrity, but he won’t release the body cam video. He’s turning out to be a real asshole."

    The Easton police might be able to do so on their own because their integrity has been challenged. I understand lawyers are looking onto that question. Do you have a link to Baratta's remarks about retail theft?

    1. https://www.lehighvalleynews.com/northampton-county/short-handed-northampton-county-da-faces-an-enormous-backlog-of-cases

      other people, I want to focus on that," Baratta said. "Who cares if there's a retail theft that we try to convict and someone gets sent to jail for a month or two? … One month or two in jail doesn't help anybody.

  34. Barrata cant have it both ways…..he can’t just accuse the mayor, police, or anyone else of dirty politics unless he has evidence and then turn around and use his office, position and microphone for his own attacks against those who refused to back him and refuse to display evidence to

  35. 3:43 pm: BaRATta has shown himself to be a dirty politician. He misled and lied during the campaign, brought abortion rights into the debate for DA, and declared there would be certain crimes he would basically ignore. This clown, who fired people before he was DA, doesn’t seem to realize that his is a job must follow the law, not cherry-pick his faves. That Ray guy put him in office, but doesn’t seem to be around these days to support this puppet regime.

  36. When Sam Elias becomes councilman this games will STOP

  37. We must be in Philly if a mother can do this and the DA can look the other way.

  38. Barratta is forward-thinking and would never support the criminalization of families. He focused his campaign on crucial criminal justice reform in Northampton County and beyond. I'm pleased to see him fulfilling his duties without being influenced by Panto and Scarlzo.

    1. Forward thinking is code for criminals are victims. Look at the places where these “forward thinking” DAs are. Philly and Chicago are war zones. Homelessness, rampant open air drug markets, poop all over the streets. Look at Portland, look at San Francisco where it’s so bad liberal San Francisco just voted to drug test welfare recipients. Take your forward looking shit and go ruin some other place.

  39. Hey Munsey, sounds like your boy Ray could use some inside texts to help him out with Barrata’s
    antics with Taiba ….

  40. The supposed integrity of the police officers is a joke. The EPD is known as the most racist department in the valley. A quick Google search reveals numerous lawsuits and complaints against the city and the EPD. Mayor Panto has made several racist remarks during live meetings. Bernie is angry with Baratta because he dislikes Taiba and wanted her to be punished. Panto, Scalzo, and Pintabone are frustrated because they can no longer use her wrongful arrest against her.

    1. After the death of Jesse Sollman Easton PD cleaned house. Became a nationally accredited police agency, one of the few in the valley. Easton has a great police department that the community can be proud of. Those days you speak of are long gone. Again, release the body cam footage instead of crying racism, let’s see what happened.

    2. Mayor Panto has made racist remarks? Please give us the examples instead of throwing out baseless accusations. It’s disgraceful.

    3. We all know Wilson guy is Trisha Mezzacrazy. She’s been trolling Freemans FB posts a lot. It makes perfect sense that Mezzacrazy and lying taiba are friends

  41. Uh….she was arrested, put in jail…ARD means she did it but will get help. She is lying and slandering Freeman and his work here in this city and Harrisburg. When asked what a State Rep’s job is, she didn’t/couldn’t answer it. She has accused Freeman as a murderer. She didn’t even know the two bills , that Freeman wrote, that benefitted Easton and other cities. She hasn’t had one relevant forum relating to being a legislator and demonstrated only how inept she is.
    Sorry Wilson.

  42. Forward thinking Barrata? Like, letting people go and ending their positions BEFORE he officially was in?

  43. Local and state law enforcement has loathed Baratta for decades. Northampton county now gets what it voted for. Just like Philadelphia.

  44. Barrata said Taiba’s situation was political because of Panto, Scalzo, and police .funny because what do you call a DA who claims fowl against the people who didn’t support him and he drops their names as political instigators….political retribution seems fitting..shameful for a former judge, hope he gets extra money from Ray or loving texts from Munsey to stop his whining.

    1. Exactly. Trump would be proud.

  45. Is ray Lahoud a liberal or conservative? I heard he was a registered Republican but he bankrolls Democrat and Republican races

  46. Ray is a Republican but helps Dems if he has a reason. Munsey chased after him for funding and recognition that he desperately needs, but Ray hands out to both tribes.

  47. Baratta just put these kids in harms way. It will be proven and Baratta should be investigated. Do you see the way he runs from prelim to prelim because he can’t get anyone to work for him. He’s nothing more than Morganellis bitch and County Council not listening to JM when selecting Zrinski’s replacement proves his time is done!


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