Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 06, 2024

UPDATED: LV Jewish Federation President Addresses Ceasefire Resolution in Bethlehem

As I write this story, people were still addressing Bethlehem City Council last night concerning the Israeli conflict in Gaza. It was standing room only, with at least 200 people filling the chamber and spilling out into the hallways. Just two weeks before, City Council rejected a one-sentence ceasefire resolution. They had promised to adopt a resolution of some sort at last night's meeting. But when the agenda for last night's meeting was published, no resolution of any sort was listed. This left many pro-Palestinian proponents feeling betrayed. Council President Michael Colon explained this failure by telling the audience that, instead of adopting a resolution, City Council opted to send a letter to federal officials expressing a desire for peace. 

Colon told several audience members that Council would violate the Sunshine Act by adopting a ceasefire resolution that it failed to include in its published agenda. That's certainly true. But guess what?  Council already violated the Sunshine Act when it decided, behind closed doors, to send a letter to federal elected officials. That should have been voted on in public and after deliberation, just as Easton City Council did when it recently adopted a resolution calling for peace. Bethlehem City Council did more than violate the Sunshine Act. It demonstrated that it is pretty much gutless and unwilling to discuss its decisions publicly. I expect this kind of cowardice from Colon, but am disappointed to see it in other members of City Council. 

Most of the people I heard speak wanted a cease-fire resolution, but the person who impressed me most was Robert Wax, President of the Lehigh Valley Jewish Federation. He represents 8,000 Jews in the Lehigh Valley. What he said was instructive, and I thought I'd share his remarks.

"The brutal atrocities on October 7 awakened many to the depravity of Hamas, the ruthless terrorist organization controlling Gaza with the stated goal of destroying Israel and murdering all Jews who live there. Over 1200 Israelis were savagely murdered. babies, yes, were burned and decapitated. Women, yes, were raped and subjected to sexual torture. And 240 Israelis, Americans and others were taken hostage. This was the most brutal attack on Jews since the Holocaust. And 140 hostages remain in captivity tonight. It's worth noting that this Council did not pass a resolution or take a position condemning those actions. 

"While the issues are complex, the following facts, yes, facts, are intended to provide you with a deeper understanding of the conflict. 

"First, what does Hamas want from Israel? Hamas wants to take the land "from the river to the sea." For those unfamiliar with this phrase, it means Hamas seeks all the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, In other words, all of Israel. This is not a compromise position. Unfortunately, over the past few months, protesters have continually repeated this threat from Hamas across the United States and even in Bethlehem and on our local college campuses. Some knowingly, and others unknowingly, calling for an entire country and its people to be wiped off the face of the earth.

"Has Israel offered land in exchange for peace? Yes, many times. The Palestinian Authority, formerly known as the PLO international terrorist organization and neighboring Arab countries, rejected nine peace plans between 1947 and 2019. Each of these peace plans would have created a state for the Palestinian people. 

"Does Israel occupy Gaza? No, Israel does not occupy Gaza. In 2005, Israel unilaterally evacuated the Gaza strip. Regrettably, the Palestinians elected Hamas into power, and Hamas began diverting humanitarian aid to support its military operations and began its reign of terror, including the October 7 massacre. 

"So what is the role of the United Nations and the United States?  The UN, through its refugee agency, has allowed humanitarian aid to be diverted to Hamas and other terrorist organizations, and employees of the UN participated in the attacks on Israeli citizens on October 7. The Palestinian Authority and Hamas pay families of terrorists who murder innocent Israelis a success bonus and a monthly stipend in perpetuity. In 2018, Congress passed the Taylor Force Act, which reduces economic aid to the Palestinian Authority until it ends this policy, which continues today. 

"Who else funds Hamas? Iran. Iran has sent hundreds of millions of dollars to Hamas and provides military training to the terrorists. How would residents of Bethlehem feel if a terrorist organization funded by Iran launched thousands of missiles at our families from UN sponsored schools and hospitals just a few miles away? Would we be calling for a cease fire or would we be asking our government to protect us from the terrorists targeting our homes? 

"And how does the Israeli Defense Force respond? The IDF is more cautious about mitigating civilian casualties than any other military in modern times. The IDF uses efforts, where possible, to warn civilians before bombing in populated areas. Hamas, unfortunately, hides weapons and terrorist command centers in schools and hospitals, using human civilian shields to protect its terrorist activities. It takes civilians as hostages. It launches thousands of rockets on civilian populations in Israel.

"Is Israel engaged in ethnic cleansing or committing genocide against the Palestinians? Absolutely not. Between 1948 and 2023, the combined Jewish population in Arab countries surrounding Israel dropped from 985,000 Jews to 12,000 Jews, representing a decrease of 99% and leaving Israel - a country the size of New Jersey - as the sole safe haven for Jews in the entire Middle East. During the same period, the number of Arabs in Israel increased from 156,000 to 2.1 million, and the number of Arabs living in Gaza increased from 80,000 to 2 million. So claims of ethnic cleansing or genocide are patently untrue. 

"Have other municipalities passed ceasefire resolutions? 99.7% of municipalities in America have not done so, and neither should Bethlehem City Council. 

"With all due respect, while everyone wants peace in the Middle East, these issues are clearly beyond the scope and jurisdiction of this body. Council has a lengthy agenda tonight, and it should remain focused on those items. If members of the crowd are unhappy with our federal government's position on the conflict in Gaza, they should contact our federal legislators and stop creating distractions at municipal meetings so that you can complete the work you were elected to perform." 

10:15 AM UPDATE: After five hours, the meeting ended in chaos. The City Council Solicitor began to discuss policy instead of the law. People continued speaking and then began chanting, "Cease Fire Now! Cease Fire Now!" Colon, who has spent most of his political career looking for a spine, failed to find one last night. The police chief approached the dais and said the meeting had to end. Eventually, the meeting adjourned without conducting any City business as audience members shouted "Stay!"


  1. This man makes a lot of sense. I read about another man making a lot sense in this same struggle. Google Mansour Abbas.

  2. This is really not going to help despite your love for the guy. Shaded history from one side. He gave a veery strong excuse for Zionism. He does not help the unfortunate perception that many jews are Zionists, when in fact they are not. Palestinians could give a similar speech and even mention their perceived right to the area. It is hard to reason with people who believe they are entitled to land because G_d gave it to them. Both the Arabs and Jews have a very long history of claiming what they believe is theirs historically. The Brits created this mess after WWI. I recommend they fix it.

    I also agree that we keep this in Washington and out of town Halls.

  3. Lies and propaganda. Literally, Israel starving children. Eliminating a nation of people indiscriminately with US weapons. Tragic and a crime against humanity.

  4. Mr. Wax’s comments are well structured but he is cherry picking some of his stats - of course.

  5. Bedlum council. AKA the 7 dwarfs, once again prove that they are clueless and spineless. The only thing they are good for is raising taxes and user fees. I have no idea how they can look the citizens in the eye with a straight face.

    1. Have no idea how Wee Willie can not look his tax payers in the eyes as well meanwhile holding his head down in his hands. Space cadet Evans stares across the room. Spineless Colon and four other members are insane.

  6. "Bedlum council. AKA the 7 dwarfs, once again prove that they are clueless and spineless. The only thing they are good for is raising taxes and user fees. I have no idea how they can look the citizens in the eye with a straight face."

    I'd agree completely. I oppose the ceasefire that the mostly LU students demanded, but do it honestly. Put it on the agenda as promised and vote it up or down. And deciding to send a letter behind closed doors was a blatant violation of the Sunshine Act. City Council deliberated and took official action in private, not during a public meeting. It did so because its members were too cowardly to tell these mostly LU students they are full of shit.

  7. "Mr. Wax’s comments are well structured but he is cherry picking some of his stats - of course."

    I believe that he may be inaccurate when he states that babies were beheaded. Thise who deny this may be inaccurate as well. The problem here is that 40 babies were definitely savagely murdered. Jewish authorities decline to release photos of beheadings although some journalists claim to have seen them. https://www.snopes.com/news/2023/10/12/40-israeli-babies-beheaded-by-hamas/

    Pretty much everything else he said is accurate and is pretty much consistent with my own observations.

    1) Hamas does want to wipe Israel off the earth. Its original covenant (1988) calls, not just for the elimination of Israel, but for the elimination of all Jews. 'The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.' (Article 7). Now the 2018 revision removes the calls for genocide but that is what is contained in its founding document. https://irp.fas.org/world/para/docs/880818a.htm

    2) In contrast to the genocidal language of the Hamas covenant, Israel's Declaration of Independence calls for peace. "We extend our hand to all neighbouring states and their peoples in an offer of peace and good neighbourliness, and appeal to them to establish bonds of cooperation and mutual help with the sovereign Jewish people settled in its own land. The State of Israel is prepared to do its share in a common effort for the advancement of the entire Middle East." https://www.timesofisrael.com/israels-declaration-of-independence-may-14-1948/

    3) Israel has offered land for peace many times. The original partition plan by the UN called for an Arab and Israeli state. Israel said Yes. Arabs said No and started a war. Israelis bought most of the land it occupies. It bought disease-infested lands in the Levant and through hard work, turned it into verdant land. Did Palestinians lose land after starting a war? Yes, that's what happens during a war. Somebody loses. https://www.timesofisrael.com/israels-declaration-of-independence-may-14-1948/

    4) Obviously, Israel does not occupy Gaza. That area is ruled by Hamas and Israel has been forced to invade it to weed out a terrorist organization launching missile attacks from schools, hospitals and residences. Israel is obviously defending itself. It's there now but previously withdrew as Wax stated.

    5) THe UN has, in fact, been complicit. At least 10 UNRWA workers participated in the Hamas attack on October 7. https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/29/middleeast/israel-allegations-unwra-october-7-intl/index.html

    6) IDF does take more precautions than any other military to avoid civilian casualties. Unlike Hamas, it does not launch indiscriminate missile attacks. https://www.newsweek.com/israel-implemented-more-measures-prevent-civilian-casualties-any-other-nation-history-opinion-1865613

    7) The only ethnic cleansing or genocide that exists in the Levant or Middle East is coming from neighboring Muslim countries, which have systematically persecuted both Jews and Christians and has denied basic human rights to its own peoples. I was astonished by the queer lady who complained to City Council last night. In the Muslim middle east she would be executed.

    1. You both are spot on. People today don't want to see truth. Thank you

  8. HaramalamadingdongMarch 6, 2024 at 11:14 AM

    Muslim Rage is back en vogue, my keffiyeh is on at all times if you deny the current holocaust you are complicit and worthy of Allah's wrath!

  9. Why do people feel this is a matter for city business? Organize your march. Hold your signs. Exercise your rights. But city business has nothing to do with Gaza. Stop wasting others' time.

  10. Thank goodness Sultana was busy at a debate instead of at the protest.

  11. Bernie your blog is Haram, we have suggested the ADL and SPLC brand you as a hate site they seemed receptive.


  12. What do you expect in a leaderless city? Colon is Willie's puppet, and the rest of the dwarfs go along to get along. Even Callahan and Crampsie Smith have been disappointments. Reynolds is the least popular mayor ever. His friends are turning on him left and right. He has managed to piss off whole sections of the city. If you think this was a shit show, wait until they try to re-zone First Presbyterian to allow dense residential housing. 400 people will be at that meeting.

    1. Morale is at an all-time low. Council hasn't a clue as to what takes place in city hall. Public works offices has had an significantly high turnover rate. If you do not play along with the games of city hall elite you become an outcast.

  13. I missed the part where these terrorist sympathizers demanded the immediate release of all hostages. I demand a more brutal prosecution and no ceasefire until all hostages are free. FAFO. This isn't difficult. If Hamas cared about Palestinians, they could bring this to an end immediately. Keep shooting and bombing. I demand it. So now what?

  14. I just read that Colon is upset that the council meetings this year have gone on too long.

    Newsflash: That’s what he and other council members are getting paid for. I guess it’s just too much public participation for council to handle.

    Don’t want to have long meetings on items that aren’t in Council’s domain? Any member can ask to “call the question” and put the matter of whether to even draft a resolution to a vote. But that’s something none of them apparently want to have on their record.

    So if they don’t have the spine to do that, then they’ve made their own beds.

    1. To much public participation might be for the fact that citizens are becoming aware of the not so great admin.

  15. BTW, what policy was the Solicitor discussing instead of the law?

    Maybe they didn’t like being there so late.

    If that’s the case, time to get a new solicitor!

  16. "BTW, what policy was the Solicitor discussing instead of the law?"

    After explaining that adding the ceasefire resolution would violate the Sunshine Act, but then discussed the letter Council sent, which was a violation of the Sunshine Act, and added she was "very proud" of Council for its "strongly worded" letter. That's policy, not law.

  17. I see the terrorist sympathizers and brain washed kids showed up to cry. 60k a year to send your kid to Lehigh and this is the garbage they produce. Anti American terrorist sympathizers. The parents must be so proud.

    1. Their parents are just like them. Elite colleges have been producing these people for decades.

  18. Totally unacceptable behavior last night. By these rude college kids & their professor mentors!!!

  19. Have the pro Gaza organizations passed any resolutions condemning Hamas and demand they free beloved Gaza from their terroristic control? If there is a conversation, should it be bilateral?

  20. Council should rearrange agenda putting public comment on issues not being voted on last on the agenda. That way we can get the work done that is Bethlehem & involves Bethlehem residents. Then we can all leave when they get up to talk & so can the majority of council vs listening to this BS. Great point about Palestinians ousting Hanas themselves.

  21. The current situation in Gaza/Israel is awful, with centuries and generations of hard line-no compromise attitudes leading back to most of the atrocities and despair we are all seeing. Nobody can deny that this area of the world needs our help and prayers.

    That said...

    While we are a democracy here in America, aren't these public displays and demands for resolutions a bit misguided as even minor discussion points, let alone major debates at local town meetings? Resolutions carry no weight, or major significance. They are as dumb as posting a sign in your yard that says "We Support the Police" because all of this effort and time is going into something that is patently obvious to 99% of the world. Most sane people WANT peace and brotherhood with their neighbors, most sane people DO support public safety officers, most sane people enjoy ice cream and like puppies too, shouldn't we be protesting and posting signs in our yards about showing love to Rocky Road Sundaes and Golden Labs?!?!?

  22. Hamas knew they would be condemning their people to retaliation well before they started their murderous rampage. Just like they’ve know for decades that hiding their military capabilities amongst civilians and children subjects them to death.

    But for them, the photos of dead Palestinian children is a welcomed opportunity to appeal to the stupid. They trade the blood of their own children for political opportunity.

    And massacre and rape Jews when the timing is right.

    You mess with the bull, you get the horns.


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