Local Government TV

Thursday, March 07, 2024

PA 7th Congressional District Republican Candidates Debate

Above is a Youtube video of Monday night's debate among three Republicans seeking their party's nomination to take on incumbent Democrat Susan Wild in this year's race for Pa.'s 7th Congressional District. They are Kevin Dellicker, Ryan Mackenzie and Maria Montero. The debate was broadcasted by BRC13, located in Lehighton. Here's what was discussed:

How Are You Suited to Represent Carbon County, which was added to Pa.-7? - Dellicker said he spent a great deal of time in Carbon County, white-water rafting in Jim Thorpe and skiing at Blue Mountain. His wife teaches school in Palmerton and many of his relatives live there. Montero grew up in Summit Hill and stated nobody understands more than she does what is needed in Carbon. "We are looking for good jobs, great paying jobs." She would achieve that by cutting taxes and eliminating regulations. Mackenzie said the problems of Carbon County are similar to those in the rest of the district, "a wide open border" and out-of -control spending in D.C. 

How would You Encourage Tourism, Especially in the Poconos? - Montero said she has been in the hospitality and tourism industry over the past eight years. She said that she would try to make sure there is clean air and clean water for the Pocono parks. Mackenzie said tourism is something to embrace and promoted it as a member of the state house. Dellicker said there's no place he'd rather be than the Pa.7th, and people should know how wonderful and diverse it is. 

How would You Improve Public Transit, especially for Seniors? - Mackenzie said his top priority would be ensuring that social security and Medicare is protected.  "We should not be taking those benefits away from them," he noted. Dellicker observed that public transportation is a "real challenge" for seniors in rural areas like Carbin County. But he stressed that runaway inflation is impacting seniors even more. He will cut spending to get inflation under control. Montero believes in limited government, "but the one thing we should do well is infrastructure. That means transportation and good roads.

How Will You Help Veterans Avoid Homelessness and Ensure them a Good Quality of Life? - Dellicker started by pointing out that he spent 28 years in the military. He and his wife actually wrote as book (20% Soldiers) about the reserve component of the military. He vowed to "tackle those issues" for "people who served our country so nobly." Montero has spent three years with a nonprofit whose goal is reducing homelessness. She complained we have spent $100 million in Ukraine, but she wants to spend that money here. MacKenzie stressed that veterans served us when on active duty so the government should serve them with things like special office hours. He also authored the "Start Up For Soldiers" program to help vets start businesses. 

Are Women's Rights Under Attack? - Montero pointed out that she's the only candidate who was ever pregnant and who ever delivered a baby, she believes women's health rights are something Americans can ever ignore. "Women deserve to have real choice." She lamented that programs like Real Alternatives, which help women who want to choose life, are being cut. Mackenzie stated he has consistently voted pro life in the state house and to reduce the number of abortions performed in Pa. "It sounds like we're all in agreement," added Dellicker. He said it's a"crazy" to cut thiose programs and then divert the funds to abortion centers. "Thise are the sort of divisive issues we don't need right now ... ."

Top Priority if Elected? - "Building the wall and securing our border," responded Mackenzie. Dellicker wants to get on the Armed Services Committee and fix our military so we can have "true peace through strength." Montero's top prioority is to "secure our borders and protect Americans."

What Can You Do to Provide Quality Education? - Montero believes there should be more technical schools because "not everybody needs to go to college." She also wants to empower parents with a Parents' Bill of Rights, which was opposed by Susan Wild. Mackenzie believes the feral government should not be expected to solve "our education problems here at home."  He does support and has voted for a Parents Bill of Rights on a state and local level. "I'll take it a step further," added Dellicker. "I don't think the federal government should be funding education at all."

How Will You Support Local Business? - MacKenzie has a three-pronged approach: reduce taxes; reduce and streamline regulations; and more workforce training. "If you don't run a small business, I don't think you can possibly understand the burdens that small businesses are under," added Dellicker. Montero agrees with cutting taxes and regulations, but added that the production of natural gas should be encouraged. 

Will You Vote Independently or Along Party Lines? - Dellicker pledged independence "because I am not a career politician. ... I don't need to go to Congress to enhance my career or my livelihood." Montero would ask herself two questions before voting on an issue: is it constitutional; and is it in America's best interests? Mackenzie said government is controlled by a Uniparty and he has voted against his party on things like the gas tax. 

Should There Be Age Limits on Those in Office? - Mackenzie opposes an "artificial age limit" on elected officials. Dellicker joked that he is the oldest of the three candidates and would fight any attempt to remove him from the ballot. Montero would support term limits as opposed to an age barrier. 

Do You Support Gun Controls? - Dellicker dodged the question, saying only that he is a "law and order" candidate. He added he is a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment. Montero and Mackenzie dodged as well. 

Susan Wild's Comment that Carbon County is Drinking the Trump Kool-Aid? "Susan Wild does not respect her constituents," observed Montero. MacKenzie would like to serve Wild kool-aid at her retirement party in November. "What she said is disrespectful to every person sitting in this room and every person watching at home." Dellicker cautioned it will take more than press stunts to defeat Wild. "Remember, she did this two years ago, too."


  1. Dellicker pledged to be independent but yet he is for a national abortion ban without exceptions. Got it.

    1. This nation has to stop mudering innocents.

  2. Susan wild is a piece of work. She plays woman card but doesn’t give a damn about women of color.

  3. Susan Wild is an excellent Rep. and is continually reaching out to understand the communities she serves. She is as down-to-earth as they come and will, hopefully, continue to be our Rep. for years to come.

    1. She’s a Biden rubber stamp. She illustrates no independent thinking and just votes as she’s told by the democratic leadership. Then she comes back here and tells us how she’s a moderate and independent thinker. She’s full of shit.

    2. I agree that she spends a lot of time reaching out. However she doesn't listen to those who think differently than her. I wrote to her a few times. I get standard democrat crap back with no acknowledgement that she heard what I had to say that's not support. And I now can't get off of her mailing list every week when she tells me how great she is!!!! It isn't about how great she is. It's about listening and support her constituents that she doesn't get

  4. Susan Wild is the one most close to the absolute mess our Congress has made of America. On this point alone, Susan Wild deserves to be tossed aside. Wild’s actions and inactions have brought us to this place. Her voting record tells the story.

    1. Be specific please. It appears to me the cause of any disfunction in Congress is the result of the Republicans who only care about power. Otherwise we would have a bipartisan border bill.

    2. We have rules already on the books that Biden ignored on dayone

  5. Wild has also said there are too many men in office and wants them gone. She should be defeated.

  6. It is disappointing they did not ask any Foreign Policy questions. Would have been nice to see which candidates are strictly nationalist and which have a concept of national security on a global scale. Maybe, I thought Dellecker wrong? Sounds like Mackenzie has no concept of WW2, the Cold War, or what it would mean for Russia to be preasing threat to Europe and our allies. Russia is a threat, however, the war in Ukraine has indeed weekend thier readiness.

  7. Anyone is much better than Wild.

  8. DaLicker is unfit for mucking out commodes, send him to the BRIG!

    1. Lisa should have put him in a boston crab to showcase the GAINZ Brother Steve helped her attain, DaLicker needs two hands to work a 20lb dumbell!

  9. They didn't dodge on gun control. They just didn't give the answer you like, which is the answer that's delivered our urban killing fields. Your approach has cost too many black lives. But you are an admitted racist, and you're staying on brand.

  10. BernieOHare to 6:53, they were asked what gun control they support. They did not answer the question. That’s called a dodge.

  11. What exactly has Susan Wild accomplished in Washington? She has been an overly loyal disciple of Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden. That’s been clearly shown, but what has she accomplished on her own? Wild is certainly no centrist. More of a stooge, I think. Any replacement in that position should better help all of us.

  12. Dodge, indeed. They should support Democratic Party gun control proposals and tighten gun laws - like Philadelphia. We all know that it's worked quite well there. Good grief. Watch a news report.

  13. I don’t see the republican potential candidates as empathetic enough to represent real people. They talk tough and assume that’s what power is about.

  14. 12:08 That is not true. Obviously a Democrat talking point being parroted. The Supreme Court has already ruled that this is a State issue.

  15. Maria was the only person in that debate that was relatable at all. That bozo Kevin keeps talking about his experience but it sounds like he’s had the same 2 years of experience 30x over. And Ryan, he’s just entitled. Every answer sounded like an inconvenience.

  16. Honestly, democrats playing the abortion card for the last 40 years gets old. The Republican position on abortion has always been that Roe V Wade should be overturned and that each state should decide the issue. Well guess who got that done? Donald Trump. I’m a pro life Republican voter that doesn’t approve of abortion personally but let the states decide!

    Nothing is written in the Constitution regarding abortion. That said, via the 10th Amendment, it’s a state issue.

    I’m okay with a national ban for the late term insane cases (infanticide) that every other civilized country has but the rest should be left for each state to decide.

  17. "Dodge, indeed. They should support Democratic Party gun control proposals and tighten gun laws - like Philadelphia. We all know that it's worked quite well there. Good grief. Watch a news report."

    I did not say they should support any gun control laws. I said they all dodged a question about it like the politicians they claim not to be.

  18. Lets be real - 9 out of 10 Carbon County residents in PA-7 will be voting Republican come November, so I think all 3 candidates were just pandering to the audience with most of their answers/non-answers. Any of the 3 even mentions they'd consider any form of gun control would be a disaster in the primary.

    Wild's comments about Carbon were dumb and unnecessary, but the reality is, they will overwhelmingly vote Republican there and are not considered a battle ground for PA-07. It'll come down to suburban women and independents.

  19. Hey Bernie,
    I like the Republicans gun control methods. Just say prayers! How has that been working out for our country?
    That’s all they do, the Republicans ask everyone to say prayer after all of the mass killings. There were 656 mass gun shooting in the US. There were 1,119 school shootings. Overall gun deaths 42, 959 - all in 2023.
    Where is the sanity? We need gun control laws or at least gun insurance for each and every gun. How does that sound? We need insurance for a car in case of an accident, why not a gun?

  20. Mackenzie seems to have the best understanding of the issues. It will be an intresting race between Mackenzie and Dellicker. Montero's campaign is pretty much over.

  21. Republicans should remember this quote. "Silence in the face of evil is evil itself"
    Dietrich Bonhoeffer

  22. The whole republican field is a moot point. Never going to beat Susan Wild. Especially after the $27 million in funding for the Forks Bypass that she just secured. That’s going to revolutionize Northampton County as a whole. Seriously, why even try at this point.

    1. I watched the press conference today. I am a bit nostalgic that my grandparents old home on college hill will probably be bulldozed for the new bypass but I guess it’s for the better. I am so proud to have her. Hopefully the republiCANTS don’t block the rest of the funding.

    2. A Forks bypass? What the hell for? Who came up with yet another boondoggle to burden the abused taxpayers?

    3. I believe it’s a joint venture between PennDot, Forks Township, and EASD. The initial plan I saw was a replacement of Richmond road with a new divided highway. EASD will sell PennDot the Forks Elementary school for the new cloverleaf. And from Ramblewood until you hit Clarendon Dr is supposed to be a raised highway so the people in the neighborhoods can pass under. PennDot is giving EASD some land they own by route 33 in Tatamy for the new school.

  23. Who is Lahoud supporting?

  24. Maria Montero all the way!

  25. Act 77. That is all. We're stuck with Trump. We can still avoid Ryan. Act 77. Period.

  26. All three are better options than that arrogant Susan Wild(ebeast) but I don't know if any can best her in the election.

  27. Montero just moved here to run for office and her campaign was dead the day after she announced. How sad.

  28. Lahoud, I believe Dellicker, not sure

  29. I accidentally deleted a comment supporting Dellicker


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