Local Government TV

Friday, March 08, 2024

Biden Delivers Stirring SOTU

It couldn't have come at a better time. I thought President Joe Biden's last SOTU was excellent, particularly the way he played rope-a-dope with Republicans about cuts to social security. His speech last night, delivered in the midst of two regional conflicts that could easily spiral out of control and a time when his poll numbers have sometimes been behind those of a wannabe dictator currently facing both state and federal prosecutions, was the best I've ever heard him make. He made me proud that I am still a Democrat. He was feisty. A man whose every verbal literal slip is the subject of Fox News headlines demonstrated that he was completely willing to go off script and spar with jeering Republicans over reasonable proposals like increasing taxes on the rich to cut our deficit. "I know you know how to read," he mocked them at one point. At another, he chastised them for tying everything to a border crisis. "We can fight about fixing the border or we can fix it," he declared. Is one strong speech that reminding me that Biden is an old school Democrat, and that there really are serious policy differences between the parties, enough to make me want to vote for him? It might.

For at least the past year, I've sworn up and down that I am unwilling to vote for either Biden or Trump this year. I am appalled that these two are the best alternatives a country of 334 million can produce. In fact, they aren't. There are clearly better Democrats than Biden and better Republicans than Trump. Our failure to produce such a candidate tells me our democratic form of government is in trouble, and we need to take a close look at how we select future leaders. But that's likely going to take a few years and younger voters. 

What has bothered me the most about Biden is his age. He moves about one inch an hour, unless he's falling off his bike. I have serious doubts whether he will survive a second term. He addressed age last night, and I thought I'd include what he said. 

I know I may not look like it, but I’ve been around a while.
And when you get to my age certain things become clearer than ever before.
I know the American story.
Again and again I’ve seen the contest between competing forces in the battle for the soul of our nation.
Between those who want to pull America back to the past and those who want to move America into the future.
My lifetime has taught me to embrace freedom and democracy.
A future based on the core values that have defined America.
Honesty. Decency. Dignity. Equality.
To respect everyone. To give everyone a fair shot. To give hate no safe harbor.
Now some other people my age see a different story.
An American story of resentment, revenge, and retribution.
That’s not me
I was born amid World War II when America stood for freedom in the world.
I grew up in Scranton, Pennsylvania and Claymont, Delaware among working people who built this country.
I watched in horror as two of my heroes, Dr. King and Bobby Kennedy, were assassinated and their legacies inspired me to pursue a career in service.
A public defender, county councilman, elected United States Senator at 29, then Vice President, to our first Black President, now President, with our first woman Vice President.
In my career I’ve been told I’m too young and I’m too old.
Whether young or old, I’ve always known what endures.
Our North Star.
The very idea of America, that we are all created equal and deserve to be treated equally throughout our lives.
We’ve never fully lived up to that idea, but we’ve never walked away from it either.
And I won’t walk away from it now.
My fellow Americans the issue facing our nation isn’t how old we are it’s how old our ideas are?
Hate, anger, revenge, retribution are among the oldest of ideas.
But you can’t lead America with ancient ideas that only take us back.

To lead America, the land of possibilities, you need a vision for the future of what America can and should be.
Tonight you’ve heard mine.
I see a future where we defend democracy not diminish it.
I see a future where we restore the right to choose and protect other freedoms not take them away.
I see a future where the middle class finally has a fair shot and the wealthy finally have to pay their fair share in taxes.
I see a future where we save the planet from the climate crisis and our country from gun violence.
Above all, I see a future for all Americans!
I see a country for all Americans!
And I will always be a president for all Americans!
Because I believe in America!
I believe in you the American people.
You’re the reason I’ve never been more optimistic about our future!
So let’s build that future together!
Let’s remember who we are!
We are the United States of America.
There is nothing beyond our capacity when we act together!


  1. I don't want Biden and I don't want Trump but I will not vote for a sexual deviate who runs around on his wife while she is pregnant with his child, not will I vote for an idiot like Trump. Biden will get my vote. Trump is a sick bastard that belongs in Jail.

  2. Good grief! This was NOT a SOTU speech but a purely partisan campaign speech by a raving maniac. Arrives 20 minutes late then spends 10 minutes schmoozing the crowd. Doesn't even remember the protocol of having the Speaker of the House announce him! Starts the speech not with the economy, or border crisis but UKRAINE! Guess he is more concerned about a foreign country than his own. Attacking his predecessor and the Supreme Court was unbecoming of a SOTU speech. He ranted and raved like a lunatic for an hour. Not ONE bipartisan remark. He acted like an old geezer shouting at kids to get off his lawn. It is clear that Biden has lost his mind. Rapid dementia has set in. He needs a teleprompter to put two words together. And he could have very well been on stimulants last night. Nearly foaming at the mouth with uncontrolled rage. It was a disturbing sight and a sad day for America.

    1. What about the slum cities in America Joe because police are forbidden to do their job. Allowing corrupt judges to let criminals go with just a mere hand slap. And the immigrants are sucking hard working Americans tax dollars dry. The drugs that are being brought in from the border that you shut down in day one of your presidency. The increase in sex trafficking because of the border problems. The extreme cost of food and fuel. You can’t talk about these things because you destroyed us. The vaccine was all about Fausi and the lies that it was a cure . You shut down our schools and work places not Trump. All of a sudden you want to look like you did all good things. NOT TRUE!

    2. So for you Biden haters..MAGA minions…
      Turn off your Sci Fi channels and take your meds.

    3. Ha,ha. In front of millions Biden took a dementia test .ask any doctor. Even if read off a prompter . Brilliant. His speed and cadence says it all. Some comments here also reflect that some have a problem with there hearing or puppet the misinformation of fox news .In any case see a doctor because as they say Ya can't fix stupid.

  3. 12:21 AM said: “Doesn’t even remember the protocol of having the Speaker of the House announce him! ...” For you lexors out there, could this be really significant? Here’s why I ask: A Gold Star father was arrested by Capitol Police for “disrupting Congress” or to that effect, for shouting out “Afghanistan,” “13 dead Marines,” and something including his deceased son’s unit designation, if I heard and recall correctly. The charge against him is what was used against many (most/all?) Jan. 6 rioters, with hefty jail time. Now, does the Speaker of the House have the floor to convene the House, and does he not have the authority to recognize and authorize guests and presenters/members to have the floor? Would these questions be best suited for the House Parliamentarian? Because, if Joe spoke out of order without being recognized, then did he have the floor? If he did not, was he conducting the business of Congress? Running away with this, if he delivered his entire State of the Union out of order, does that constitute an interference in Congressional business in and of itself? Depending on Parliamentary findings, what are the remedies? Bed with no ice cream? Rip up his speech? Do it over? Written apology to the Speaker? Given the separation of powers, is this an assertion of executive action over Article I activity? Does that imply impeachment or FBI ERT raid on the White House at 4:00AM? Just something for us to think about over Friday coffee, but some guy with a lost son is really facing jail for perhaps only talking in a class that, based on above “ifs,” was never in session. My qualification for this discussion is that I’ve seen Legally Blonde one too many times.

  4. Biden is a fucking disaster for our country 4 more years of him and there will be no country.

    1. How bout this …80 year old confirmed rapist, fraudulent businessman and family, loves dictators, white supremists, and Nazis and hates Democracy. Go ahead, love him and leave America.

  5. Same day, different city. But you go ahead and let your pockets get tight over a speech.
    Thanks Joe Biden! We've deployed troops because of the crime he unleashed. Philly is next for the Guard, right? But that speech was really really cool. Good grief. Put your pants back on.


  6. Bernie. What flavor Kool Aid is it?

  7. Eight kids shot at a Philly bus stop. Two stabbed last night in Allentown. National Guard deployed in NYC. Funding three wars while ignoring his citizens. Things are great! What a speech!

  8. He got Laken Riley's name wrong TWICE before essentially telling her parents and loved ones that they should suck it up because lots of people get murdered. That's demonic.

    1. @5:47 it was really weird when he said that thousands are killed by legal people everyday. I was like huh?

    2. I know, right? Really word. Sounded just like something that doofus Trump would say.

  9. The President failed to deliver as a SOTU. What about invading people in blue states, where is the report about trade ,or inflation and what to expect- none of that , two major conflicts going on - none of that . He didn’t tell us our gasoline is going up because of Canadian’s” are in “ cutting of our subsidies to cheaper fuel shortly. He said nothing about fuel and food costs .

  10. Voting isn't like marriage, where you're trying to pick the perfect one to love and cherish till death do you part.
    Voting is more like public transportation. You pick the one that's going to get you closer to where you want to go.

  11. It seems my priorities for creating a safe and prosperous future for all Americans is quite different from what was given last night by our current government leadership. There is a real disconnect between their story and what I see happening all around me. Nothing uplifting to my ears. Disappointed, and fearful going forward.

  12. Sad, disgusting divisive speech, more of the same in second term, war, dysfunction and perversion. good luck america, you will not survive a second term.

  13. Its funny watching people gas light themselves into believing the BS spewed last night. They drugged him up and gave him a speech that asserted The Union was STRONG. This is the weakest our country has been since the Great Depression....https://x.com/kylenabecker/status/1765944297298239685?s=20

    Come on Bernie, you're smarter than this.

  14. Biden's speech, which he likely prepared for since before Christmas, doesn't change the fact that he is still a potato.

    1. This coming from a mushroom .

  15. 12:10 Ditto

    How about the Trailer Trash Marjorie Taylor Green, they should have kicked her out of the building, for showing such disrespect. What a disgusting person she is, perhaps a good match for the frump vice presidency position. Then they both will know nothing about governing or government.

    1. She could take speaker Michael!!

  16. So much for unifying the nation, that’s was an angry partisan speech. It seemed like he yelled the whole time. Same old crap raise taxes no mention of the out of control spending. Near the end he started stammering and mumbling the amphetamine must have started to wear off. This seemed geared towards shoring up the left wing of the party, and he may have succeeded. It was very partisan for a state of the union IMO.

  17. He did much better than I thought he was going to do, but his speech was not meant to bring our nation together. I also am not sure I believe his "facts and statistics".

    Having said that it sickens me that trump/biden are our choices. I feel we have already lost. Just as scary is seeing harris sitting behind him. That picture of the future should worry people.

    At least Speaker Johnson did not rip biden's speech up.

    1. Johnson was not allowed to move, or clap, or smile, he also had his depends on!!

  18. Did he really say to transgenders "I have your back?"

  19. 12:21 a m. Right on! I'll add the disaster pull out at Afghanistan. Remember that? I don't like either candidate but who is the lesser of two evils? It's time to hand control of Congress back to the Grand Old Party. Then it doesn't matter if he wins again. Check.

    1. There is no GOP no mo. It's now MAGA.

  20. I find it increasingly difficult to listen to his B.S. on the border crisis that he created with a stroke of a pen and then blames Republicans for not working with him to deal with it. I truly believe that this is the one topic which will be his undoing and it is a topic that is infecting our country and will change the fabric of who we are forever.

    1. Find it difficult to read your drool.

    2. Step down and take a job picking strawberry's. There is a need for workers and the weather's nice down there

  21. I watched this. All of it. And it was difficult to watch.

    Anyone deriving pride and inspiration for this excuse making debacle is a partisan moron.

    Our country is aflame. The world is aflame. Twenty dollar hamburgers and gas prices still 40% higher than when he took office.

    A housing market due to crash because of overinflated sales prices and loan rates at 8%

    But Biden’s saving grace is that the border crises is the fault of Republicans. His words.

  22. Bill Maher poked fun at Biden for walking around like he has a load of shit in his diaper.

    Now we know he has a load of shit in his mouth.

  23. As a fellow Democrat, I was also pleasantly surprised. I still think the Biden Administration's legacy will be failed immigration policies at the border. I find Biden's recent willingness to address border immigration as a hollow political stunt. I'll hold my nose and vote for him, but I will not be surprised if Trump wins and if so, it'll be due to our party's failed immigration policies and tolerance of urban crime.

    1. And the fact your party doesn't know the difference between a man and a woman.

    2. If first year rookie senator Kitchen katie thinks her over dramatic dribbling condemnation of the real President was helpful to the MAGA GOP. …she should meet Lindsey Graham and Santos in the stalls in the boy’s room!!

  24. I know Councilman Hendricks can clearly see what I’m seeing. This nation has been brought down to a vulnerable position. The influx of unverified MILLIONS of walk-ins across our border will soon overwhelm our systems of order. I anticipate the coming months to be a time of crime and violence in our neighborhoods. Law enforcement agencies will struggle to keep up. Many will be injured, sometimes fatally.

    The Biden Administration has put us in this place. It didn’t need to happen. The border could have been temporarily closed easily, even without Congress. But, it wasn’t.

  25. Firmly "Meh" on Biden.

    The SoTU address for the last 20 years has devolved into complete drivel and pure political theater and have avoided watching them. I accidentally caught some last night flipping thru channels during the Flyers game.

    I will say that from the limited time I watched, Biden did come across more polished and sharper than I recall, but the grain of salt with that is I am sure, he's spent the past week working on it non-stop.

    His age is a factor for me, but there is no difference there between Biden and Trump in the grand scheme of life. Odds are very strong that neither is on this Earth in 10 years time.

    Hearing and seeing Trump lately is starting to get much closer to the elderly stereotypes out there. His rally speeches are rambly and non-sensical falling into a lot of the patter that borders on satire. Physically he appears to be wearing down as well.

    Neither is a great choice for this country. I do think there needs to be an age limit on the Presidency.

  26. Clearly you need glasses.

  27. "Immigration & The Border" is by far the MOST overhyped crock of distracting shit ever foisted on the citizens of this country.

    Its definitely a problem to solve for sure, but FOXNews realized that candid discussions on infrastructure issues doesn't bring in the ratings like a good old Guatemalan Caravan approaching the Rio Grande... Dullards lap up this shit stew with a spoon.

    1. Would those dullards include Democrat mayors of sanctuary cities moaning about the influx of sanctuary protected migrants, robbing and bludgeoning their constituents?

    2. 17 million people isn't news?

  28. When dementia patients throw food in nursing homes, they’re referred to as “Feisty”.

    Once you reach a certain age, “feisty” is a politically correct term used to describe cognitively compromised speech and behavior.

  29. @10:04AM - and how do you describe Trump? He is no different than Biden.

    1. Trump is a nazi, fascist, racist, asshole, criminal, rapist, and fraud…how’s that?

  30. His facts were a stretch. Top 1% pay 46% of the taxes. He loves that fair share term but the bottom 50% pay 2%. I’m fine with that but enough with the class warfare. He wants to tax unrealized gains which won’t pass legal muster. Plus, what happens when there are stock losses? Chaos and no way to project a budget. No mention of cutting spending, just raise taxes. It’s the same old shit from him for 55 years. 1 trillion added to the deficit every hundred days now. 11% of household budget goes to food, highest in 30 years. It’s rough out there.

  31. Biden doesn't need a new border policy --All he has to do is roll back the executive orders he made to reverse what trump had in place. He just wants the republicans to negotiate something else that sucks. Close the F-ing border and be done with it. Also stop spending money overseas and take care of the people in this country FIRST.

    1. He did with stimulus checks first. If you don't agree send them back. Better yet don't accept them. Hippo

  32. I'd like to see Speaker Johnson get those stupid smirks smacked off his face. I speak for... everyone.

    1. Seriously. Pelosi face is forever in my brain and her ripping up the address

    2. I know! loved that, too! Go Polosi! Loved her!

  33. People bring up the border often and well they should. Biden should have made it one of his first priorities when becoming president, but the refusal of Retrumplicans who quashed the passage of the proposed Republican border security bill at the behest of their orange cult leader shows their fealty to the insurrectionist scamming dictator loving flag humper instead of our country.
    For those who believe we should abandon Ukraine after promising to protect them if they would give up their nukes, which they did: Maybe you are so used to listening to a lying, cheating piece of trash you believe it is OK for the world to see the U.S. in the same light, where our promises are as worthless as his are.

  34. Bernie, you disappoint me more every day, I used to believe you really had some bipartisan sense, but it is just democrat nonsense.

  35. "When dementia patients throw food in nursing homes, they’re referred to as “Feisty”."

    Thanks for the best laugh of the thread.

  36. the night started by his pro terrorist democrat supporters blocking his route to the capitol. It was down hill from there including pronouncing the name of Laken Riley incorrect twice then a gold star father arrested. And how many times does he lie about lowering the national debt? He has received bottomless Pinocchios from the Washington Compost and even CNN fact checked him. So I guess he was fiery/feisty while lying and you fall for it.


    The national debt has continued to increase under Biden. As of the day before Biden’s address, it was about $34.4 trillion, federal figures show – an increase of about 24% during his tenure.

    From CNN’s Katie Lobosco and Daniel Dale

    1. Talk to the paralyzed Republican Congress about debt….dont blame the Dems , the MAGAS are following their orders , not what is best for the country….
      In 5 days we might shutdown ..put the blame where it belongs

  37. There is no Republican Party just a group of far-right Christian nationalism.

  38. I stopped watching SOTU speeches several presidents ago when I realized they are campaign ads which get free airtime.

    The real SOTU is the open border, prices at the grocery store, shipping lanes being attacked by terrorists, the war on energy production, lawfare (and abuse of power by government officials and attorneys-general), and children falling behind in education because dimwits shut schools down.

    1. Maybe your grocery bills wouldn't be so high if you weren't food insecure with an obese family and in need of more health care for genetic disposition

  39. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Trump is a nazi, fascist, racist, asshole, criminal, rapist, and fraud…how’s that?

    Sounds like someone needs a diaper change. Democrats have used words that end in ist or phobe so much that it doesn't mean anything anymore. We laugh at you when you do it.

  40. Totally impressed with his speech. I agree with almost everything he said. I now see how he got where he is and why he had such a long and successful career. He looks at all the angles.
    Put that together with the fact that he was able to take the podium for over and hour without insulting or mocking anyone, praising Putin, lying or making ridiculous claims, or self-aggrandizing. He is indeed a gentleman, a scholar, and a patriot. May he live another 81 years.

  41. Interesting etymology of the word feisty.


    Would a rose by any other name smell...?

  42. We must elect Trump only person who can turn this country around. No politician can turn this country in the right direction. Politician do not make the correct decisions because they are a product of failed system of government.

    1. Trump has absolutely become a politician and he's long been a failed businessman.

    2. Don’t you hate when someone tells you what to do……especially using horrible English!

  43. Actually, 2:17 PM, there is no Republican Party AND no Democrat Party. We were being governed by one big UNI-PARTY. Most of all Congress members have sold we citizens out to big money corporate donors and those who believe in a one-world government with no separate and independent nations. When one figures this out, they see how our individual freedoms and decision-making is being stripped from us.

    Unfortunately, many so-called conspiracy theories have proven to be true. We are in deep trouble. The question is, can we vote our way out of this mess soon enough? I am preparing for rough times. How about you?

  44. Don't worry folks, the Chamber Of Commerce both local and national are no doubt gearing up to give their full support to the Trump campaign. I am sure members of "The Chamber" agree with Trumps policy of taking away a woman's right to decide what she can do or not do with her body. Maybe "the Chamber" can open a nursery in their local headquarters to take care of all the unwanted children.

  45. Biden is funding 3 wars with your taxes! I've always heard he had no clue on foreign policies. Hell, he has no clue on domestic policies and what is best for his own kind. But that was one hell of a scream, I mean speech. Pathetic.

  46. Honestly I'm grateful he was able to deliver this speech well. I don't want our president to appear weak or cognitively impaired. Frankly I'm embarrassed by people making fun of him. It's not funny getting older. However as for the content of his speech it just reinforced to me how divided we are on what we see as our vision for the future. This was in no way a speech for unity . He mocked the Republicans and was sarcastic as Joe always was. I get it's an election year and this was an opportunity hard to pass up. He would have received more respect if he attempted unity. All he did was reinforce his disdain for anyone who thinks differently then him on how the country should move forward. Hard to have respect for a leader that only shows respect to some. We are so divided we need compromise and discussion. It was disappointing unless you are a strict Democrat

  47. I want to give a big shout out to all the MAGATS who buy into some imaginary border crisis while the real threat is radicalized domestic terrorist. White males with their AR-15s have killed more innocent Americans in the last 15 years than any “immigrant” has ever.

    1. Imagininatory border crisis? Spoken like a true Biden apologist with his head in the sand. Illegal crossings up 700%. Fentenal deaths in the tens of thousands. Taxpayer money being drained to house, feed, and educate illegals and their children. A huge majority of Americans agree that Biden has done a terrible job with border security. But do your best to prove otherwise.

    2. Repubs have a majority in the house so pass a bill and fix it. Shut the gate do something

  48. I love how all these MAGA "patriots" continually bash America using low-cost internet with cheap electricity in their comfortable homes, driving around in F150s on good roads to good jobs, eating whatever they want, doing whatever they want. America is already great. Love it or leave it, my brothers. Love it or leave it.
    -- Bob

    1. Plus a taped response sitting in a 50,000 kitchen dramatically talking about the horror of dealing with inflation.. the optics were perfect

  49. 7:42AM: You are trapped inside a bubble of disinformation. Find a way out of there, bud. Your boy Trump is a failed con man caught red-handed multiple times.


    Every dollar you give to him goes straight to his lawyers. Why do you think he's now putting his daughter-in-law in charge of the RNC? He's going to steal their money, too!



  50. Heyt demolib at 6:57, why are you so concerned with AR-15's?

    Prove3 it. Actually, most gun related deaths are by black and Latino male juveniles killing each other with illegally possessed handguns. Of course, you never report or worry about that unless you are in a crossfire. And since They are not white democrats you don't care about them or talk about the slaughter going on in that demographic. So, until you can address the real source of death instead of playing th media game of legal AR-15 owners are evil, no one with any sense is listening to you.

    1. Bad humans with bad intentions find/ purchase/ steal Military type automatic/semiautomatic killing weapons that should not be available in ANY shape or form to the general public, which has and allows those bad humans with bad intentions to perform bad deeds.
      Statistics don’t stop anything. Enforcing Law and oversight of gun sales does.

  51. The Chamber Of Commerce is a BS organization looking only for big business objectives and screwing over the little guy.
    What do they do?
    Do they look out for the working man?
    Do they get people jobs with good income?
    Do they get jobs that pay good benefits?
    Do they bring in union jobs for the community?
    I state they do nothing to help people in getting good jobs with great benefits and a retirement plan.
    It’s time to get rid of this ineffective organization.

  52. I learned one thing from today’s blog.
    Daryl Hendricks/Allentown Councilman said...he is very ignorant about how government works and what bills weren’t passed and why. This guy doesn’t know and that very dangerous. He needs to be removed from any office foe the people.

    1. A similar revelation to me as well

  53. "Actually, most gun related deaths are by black and Latino male juveniles killing each other with illegally possessed handguns."

    This is a lie from a bigoted person. The truth is that 80% of mass shooting in the US since 1982 have been by white killers. https://www.statista.com/statistics/476456/mass-shootings-in-the-us-by-shooter-s-race/

    According to an FBI report on crime in 2019, most murderers are white males. Just like you. https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-6.xls

  54. These speeches have become no more than partisan rallying speeches. Sad for people wanting a President of all the people. The gun argument did not seem bigoted, that was your perception. It may have been factually inaccurate depending on the sources but there does seem to be a national blind spot on the death rate of young men of color. The AR-15 mania of the media does obscure the fact that illegal handguns in the hands of too many young people of all backgrounds are killing many people. Too many. To pretend it is not a problem is actually more bigoted and an indictment of our society.

  55. They must be giving the basement dweller some of the meth that he allows to come across the southern border via his China connections.

  56. If the border is such a big problem and costs taxpayers so much, why did the Senate GOP abandon their own negotiator's aggressive bill?


  57. Where are the Harry S Truman types when you need them? Now , I’m going to get slapped around here. I believe our troubles start with too many unfit candidate's .The parties should have litmus tests for congress and senate for candidate endorsements by respective parties. No attorneys, imposed term limits along with age restrictions. As they follow through their time intervals and run for President and Vice ,next should be reserved for Honorably Discharged Veterans only. None of the above should be allowed any gifts or funds above $1,000 from any person or entity within 365.25 days. The penalty for public corruption should be all assets to stripping from them that they gained while in office if applicable then discharged without any benefits. I believe too many qualified people stay away from pubic service because they don’t want to be tied to the stupid government issues. Over 330 million people here and they’re not all stupid or corrupted , too many will not step up . So, what we get is other than upfront reliability too many times , because these prestigious positions become power grabs for them personally. Hard decisions should be made by proven leadership, not former bar tenders or fibbing ,cheating underhanded opportunists that twist statements to gain votes. The public trust has been violated by both major party members, we know it, yet it continues to cycle over and over. Here is a little micro -Next time you go out in your car and your standing in line for three light rotations - who’s fault is this ? How did his happen in Northampton County,Pa. ? Your leadership? Developers?, Planning Commission? The last few people you voted for? All costly to us resident taxpayers. It’s my fault !

  58. Social psychologist here.

    Donald Trump is a narcissistic sociopath, so his supporters track with having a relationship with a narcissist. Trump operates so far outside of norms of human behavior that he inhabits his lies and his false reality. The truth functions as does it feed his false sense of self, and if it does, he interpret that as true to him. And this is why he can lie and contradict himself and have no shame or guilt. He and his supporters can’t consider others people perspectives and are trapped in their own singular perspective. His supporters defend that false reality because it becomes their false reality, just like a cult. The more you hammer cult members with the truth, the less they accept it, and the more these supporters retreat into the logic of that said cult. Even if they subconsciously are unaware of it.

  59. I decline to publish any more comments attempting to justify a bigoted remark about gun deaths.

  60. Slow Joe .Ya think he's slow check out FDR. Go maga's go win it for the Dems

  61. The MAGA spray tan sloth lumbers across the stage like his fat thighs are glued together….if he ever had to run, like he did off stage when he heard a noise that scared him, he’d create enough friction to catch fire…

  62. If his speech was so "stirring" why did he not get a post SOTU bump?


  63. Hey, MAR14 7:57AM...
    Oopsie! Trumpers are just pawns in a long con festooned in red white and blue.

    Biden expands his fundraising advantage over Trump (MAR20)

    Legal spending by Trump group accelerated in February, disclosures show (MAR21)

    Senior Republicans fear Trump will tap the RNC to cover legal bills again



You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.