Local Government TV

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Sultana Blasted by State Senator Lisa Boscola Over Forged Boscola Signature on Sultana Nomination Petition

Yesterday, I told you about several problems with Taiba Sultana's nomination petition for the state house seat held by Bob Freeman. She signed her own petition three times, and included a duplicate page of signatures. But the biggest red flag was the signature of State Senator Lisa Boscola on a petition circulated and attested to by Sultana's husband. As word of this circulated, Boscola and Freedman issued a joint statement blasting Sultana.  Their remarks: 

State Senator Lisa Boscola said that “Taiba Sultana should be ashamed of herself for submitting a nominating petition containing my forged signature.” “Getting on the ballot is a serious responsibility for any candidate seeking public office and knowingly turning in petitions with fraudulent signatures should be a disqualifying act”, Boscola stated.

Ms. Sultana and her husband Nadeen Qayuum, who signed as the circulator on the petition containing the forged signature, both know better. Each of them has run for office several times. There is only one registered voter with the name Lisa Boscola in Northampton County and she does not reside at 203 Jungstown Rd Bethlehem. A road that does not actually exist.

Boscola, who does not even reside in Representative Freeman’s district, noted: “Make no mistake, I am supporting Bob Freeman. He is a great representative and a tremendous partner in delivering for the communities we both serve. I am proud to serve with him in Harrisburg and would vote for him if I could.”

Rep. Freeman echoed the sentiments of Senator Boscola. “Submitting fraudulent signatures on a nominating petition further amplifies questions about Ms. Sultana’s fitness for her current office let alone her fitness to become a member of the State House,” Freeman stated. “The fraudulent signature of the State Senator is just one of the many irregularities on her petitions.” Freeman noted.

"Taiba’s recent claim that my supporters were instructed to fraudulently sign her nominating petitions is equal parts outrageous and pathetic and entirely untrue. Her own husband signed as the circulator of the petition containing Senator Boscola’s forged signature, attesting to the signature. Ms. Sultana has a history of making baseless accusations and never taking responsibility for her own actions,” Freeman concluded.

On her Facebook page, Sultana is blaming everyone but herself for the forged submission. In addition to claiming that Freeman instructed his supporters to fraudulently sign, she paints Easton City Council member Frank Pintabone as part of Freeman's "paid staff." This is untrue. He and several other members of Easton City Council circulated for Freeman because they support him. Nobody had to pay them. 

Sultana also called Mayor Sal Panto a liar at Wednesday night's Easton City Council meeting. She stated she intends to introduce another Gaza Cease Fire resolution,. Panto responded that he scheduled a committee meeting to discuss it and would put it on the agenda if she could get a second. But she failed to show up. When he noted this, she exploded. "You have been lying to the media!" she shouted. "Please stop this!" she bellowed. "I will not allow you to silence my voice," she continued. 

Panto had to ask her to calm down. 

Sultana appears to have two real problems. She's unacquainted with the truth and angers far too easily. That could explain why she's facing domestic assault charges.   


  1. It doesn't directly affect me since I'm not in her (or Freeman's) district, but if I were, I wouldn't vote for this woman for dogcatcher.

  2. The fact that Sultna can't spell the words “general” or “representative” on her Financial disclosure form should be enough to disqualify her.

  3. Of course, she endorses Freeman the two of them have been in Harrisburg for about a total of ten thousand years. It's time to retire and collect your massive pensions and perks, as neither of you have accomplished anything at the state.

  4. Honestly, as bad as she is, she's still an improvement on a shiftless man-child who has stayed way too long in the citizens' legislature. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Freeman desperately needs to go away. Were she to succeed, it would be entirely Freeman's fault for not knowing when to say when. I'll vote for her to get rid of Bob.

  5. After she loses in the primary she's going to throw a fit.....blame you, and the "retardeds" as she eloquently put it. Probably will beat someone's ass as well.


  6. This blog is Misguided. The truth is BOSCOLA BLASTED BY TAIBA. Look up Taiba’s page. She roasted Boscola and Freeman. Well, that's what they deserve.

  7. I am Disgusting by Panto, Freeman, Boscola, and Pintabone. They are sheep. Panto tried to silence Taiba while she was speaking to the audience and then played the victim. Freeman couldn't get the help he needed from the media because of Taiba's strong reaction. So he is using Bernie to make negative headlines about her.

  8. tRUMP has more credibility in easton. than sultana. That's bad. Next she will shout that biden is endorsing her.

  9. Taiba post (1)
    “I recently discovered that my opponent's supporters were instructed to fraudulently sign my nomination petition instead of simply declining to support me. This was an effort to disqualify me from appearing on the ballot. However, we managed to gather more than DOUBLE the required number of signatures to secure my name on the ballot. ✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾

    Get ready for some political drama!”

  10. Taiba’s post (2)
    “When I say we are fighting the status quo this is exactly what I mean.
    Senator Lisa M. Boscola is a transphobe and anti-abortion, and idolizing her while shooting down a candidate who has consistently fought for human rights for all people, including people of color and LGBTQ individuals, is an attack on too large a part of this district to represent it. Shame on her and my opponent for doing that.
    The people of Pennsylvania will win.✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾”

    1. The people of Pennsylvania will win with Bob Freeman not sultana

  11. Taiba’s post (3)
    “Senator Lisa M. Boscola is a conservative who opposes abortion and LGBTQ rights. She has demonstrated a lack of alignment with the interests of this district and the entire Lehigh Valley. If my opponent, would rather align himself with an elitist DINO than a working mother advocating for women's rights and affordable housing, perhaps he should have sought signatures to run in the Republican primary.
    I will continue to fight for the well-being of the people, as working families deserve better.

    Send me Harrisburg to be your next state representative. Each dollar will help us win this historical race. #wecandoit ✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾”

    She f*** destroyed Lisa Boscola and Bob Freeman.
    We need her in Harrisburg.

    1. If you think that “destroyed” them, you certainly are “retarted”.

  12. Taiba has already lost. Boscola is one of, if not the most popular elected official in the greater Lehigh Valley area. Going to war with the Senator only spells disaster. Isn't Easton the largest part of the district she is running in? Panto is still incredibly popular (just look at his re-election last year). Say what you will about Pintabone, this guy works his tail off and can't drive a single block without seeing someone or having someone stop him - I have a feeling that Taiba is jealous of this home-grown recognition.

    She clearly ran Nadeem's campaign last year and that entire primary was filled with outright lies about endorsements. I'm incredibly suspicious of anything she says and posts.

    She is on an island politically because she has put herself there. You oppose her ideas then certainly you MUST be racist and anti-muslim, right? Its a childish defensive move. Just look at her response to Boscola and Freeman - instead of trying to play it off calmly she immediately goes on the attack and calls Boscola a "DINO".

    I will not call her a dumbass or anything of the sort. She is clearly intelligent but truly misguided and not fit for this public office. She is also innocent until proven guilty in her criminal charges (although the evidence certainly points one direction over the other). She keeps running for office (or having her family run for office), when in reality she is more suited to be a talking and opinionated head on television. Hell, give her a weekly column or something.

    Taiba so clearly wants to be AOC, but all she is is a pretender. Lets hope she loses to Freeman and this is the end of her political career.

  13. This was a very bad move from Freeman and Boscola. Bad political stunt and a bad accusation.
    Freeman already lost my vote. He proved that he is one of those grumpy old politicians who doesn't want to be challenged. He is not entitled to keep this seat. He needs to move on or move out.

    1. Taiba I would never think you would vote for Freeman over yourself

  14. In the Lehigh Valley News article, she blames Freeman’s team for orchestrating an elaborate plan to get people to sign false names on her petition. In the Express Times article, she says “I accept full responsibility “. This lady is nuts!

    1. This right here is something I think a lot of people missed.

      She just can keep her lies straight at this point

  15. The people of Easton need to speak at meetings about her. She is embarrassing the City. She needs to go

  16. I am happy to see how powerful allies are exposing themselves.
    Freeman gets support from the established Elected officials, and Taiba gets support from the people.

    1. Obviously, you are part of her conspiracy group, attempting to turn and project lies and hate as the MAGA groups do. If you want your own party, please leave the one you currently think you are a part of and take your herd with you .

  17. @ Anonymous said...
    This blog is Misguided. The truth is BOSCOLA BLASTED BY TAIBA. Look up Taiba’s page. She roasted Boscola and Freeman. Well, that's what they deserve.

    February 15, 2024 at 7:37 AM

    So, to be clear you think that someone, much less a state official's name was forged and submitted to the Dept of State on a LEGAL document isn't the actual problem, rather the person whose signature was forged is the problem for being upset about it? Regardless of intent, Taiba shows her lack of ethics and respect for the law and the petition process in how inappropriately she is handling this matter.

    It IS her responsibility to make sure there is a spot check review and at the very least question the signature before submitting them. How can you trust someone to act with integrity if elected, when they behave like this just to have their name on the ballot? YOU CAN'T.

  18. At least I learned a new word today, "gerontocracy", from her quote in the Express Times:
    “I admit my error in this case and that I have picked up more enemies that I would have liked in my short time in politics, but I take great issue with our local gerontocracy trying to convert this into some kind of world-ending calamity.”

    I think she is a terrible candidate for anything, but thought this was a pretty good jab at the LV establishment.

  19. So the reason why she should be elected is because she’s 40 and non white with zero experience????????? That’s all I’m getting from her supporters comments. Has she ever created legislation? Has she ever created policy?

  20. Bob Freeman couldn't organize a one-car parade. Any talk of him orchestrating a petition scam is ridiculous. Bob doesn't do anything. I think Taiba is jealous of Lisa's obviously superior oral skills.

  21. Bernie - I honestly don't recall having ever signed a petition for anyone for any office. I'm curious as to the general who, whats and hows... Do the candidates and the various members of their team go door to door around neighborhoods or stand outside a local shop/store to get signatures, or are the signatures gathered at various political/government meetings?

    If they aren't going door to door within the district boundaries how do they know if the individual is in fact a resident? Do they ask for ID?

    1. @12:51 You are generally going door to door to people you know or people who are on a list of established voters in your area for a given party. Before someone signs, you ask if they are the person you were expecting. If they say no, you ask if they are a registered member of the party you are collecting signatures for and if they live in the district.
      The circulator signs off that to the best of their knowledge, these people were all valid. It is possible that someone not registered or registered to the wrong party ends up signing without the circulator being aware of it, which is why you always get extra signatures beyond the required number and you at least ask the question before they sign.
      That being said, you also review the petition before you sign off as circulator to make sure no one signed as Mickey Mouse or Santa Clause (or Lisa Boscola) and if they did, you cross that off before you turn it in.
      You also make sure no one signs for someone else or fills out the form for someone else, because that's blatant and not allowed. There are a lot of obvious things you can do as a circulator to make sure most of your signatures are valid.

  22. Be wary of the change you get! This lady is a liar among many other things. She has been in City Council two years and has done ZERO and blames everyone else for her failings.

  23. Signatures are gathered in numerous ways. Some people have voting lists of people in the district and go door to door. They can be signed at government meetings. There are also petition signing parties where people go and sign for the candidate in their district. In my case, when I've circulated, I've usually reached out to people I know. As someone who has signed petitions, I am usually contacted by phone or in person.

  24. I hope Boscola gets primaried too. She's the worst. She takes conservative positions on almost every issue. She's bad on guns, bad on the environment, bad on abortion, bad on LGGTQ rights, and on and on.

    Also, She probably did sign the petition but was just too drunk to remember. She should have been charged with a DUI but she abused her power to get out of that one.

  25. This is ridiculous. Sultana’s best bet would have been a mea culpa, but her doubling down just shows how absolutely unhinged she is, but unhinged gets votes.

  26. Well, if it looks like a fraud, and signs like a fraud,
    and has a history of fraud, then……,

  27. Not Senator Boscola ProbablyFebruary 15, 2024 at 3:13 PM

    Perfect attendance voter here. I've signed more petitions than I can remember. Name, address, phone (I think). Circulators have always come to my door. I stumbled into a signing party at a bar one time. I was so hammered I may have signed for Ralph Nader. Good times. I'll sign for anyone because I want choices, later.

    Sen. NLBP

  28. "She f*** destroyed Lisa Boscola and Bob Freeman.
    We need her in Harrisburg."

    we need her to go back to that rock she crawled out from under.

  29. Just what the Lehigh Valley needs, an Easton city councilwoman butting heads with a state senator.

  30. Go back on your meds Taiba gang!

  31. Bob Freeman has done far more for this area than do-nothing moocher Milou McKenzie. She is a puppet for the deviants in the LV Republican Party. I am a long time Republican and I haven't seen such a bootlicker in my voting life. Don’t get me started on her do-nothing son.
    And she does far more than Crazy Taliba, who wants to beat Freeman like he is her son.
    Freeman is the clear, sensible choice until the next normal candidate comes along, R or D.

  32. Sultana and her husband have successfully ruined any chance for either one of them to do any political good for this county and/or city.

  33. I was appalled but not totally surprised to read that Taiba Sultana had a fraudulent signature of State Senator Lisa Boscola on her nominating position. She says it’s not an unusual situation, but I don’t see it that way. I see her as someone who doesn’t think the rules apply to her. I have witnessed her erratic behavior at several Easton City Council Meetings. I would like to know what she has accomplished in her tenure on City Council, besides being a divisive presence, I don’t usually post anonymously, but because Taiba has been charged with counts of assault and harassment, I think it’s best to remain anonymous.

  34. Why arent you covering the same thing with Mark Pinsley https://www.inquirer.com/politics/pennsylvania/auditor-general-candidate-mark-pinlsey-judge-signature-20240214.html#loaded

  35. 1st …When does Tabatha and/or husband go to trial?
    If she is criminally charged, can she be removed from office?
    2nd…if charged with fraud on petitions, could she then also be removed as a candidate?

  36. Someone should do a background check as far as her legal existence in the U.S and our state.
    Fraud and chaos seem to follow her.


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