Local Government TV

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Zrinski Impresses Me in First Council Appearance as Controller

Regular readers of this blog know I supported John Cusick, and not Tara Zrinski, for NorCo Controller. I believed that, like Controller Mark Pinsley in Lehigh County, she's use the job as a launching pad for the next political opportunity that comes along.  That may very well be true, but I must confess that I've been impressed by what I've seen. She appears to be taking the job seriously, has enrolled in accounting classes, and probably gave a better presentation of auditor reports than I've seen since staff were doing it themselves. 

In addition to presenting audit reports, she also made a personnel request yesterday. She wants to change the Audit Manager position, also known as senior lead auditor, from an exempt position serving at the will of the Controller into a career service position that would be protected no matter who is in office. County Council seemed puzzled by her request. Council member John Brown told her to come back in six months. Council member John Goffredo worried that she was creating a new position and expanding its size, even though Lead Auditor Stacy Duke and Zrinski both told him that the number of personnel would remain the same. What County Council fails to realize is that, as an independently elected official, she pretty much has the right to create and eliminate positions as she sees fit, unless they are protected by a union or career service. Council's sole role is setting the pay. 

Let me explain what led Zrinski to seek this change. Under the Home Rule Charter (Section 801), every elected official (except County Council) is entitled to one "confidential" employee. This is the person that an elected official can trust. Yes, it is a patronage position. In the Controller's office, that person has always been the senior lead auditor. 

This has never been an issue, even as Controllers have changed over the years because the senior lead auditor pretty much knows the office better than anyone. But theoretically, a newly elected Controller could dismiss the senior lead auditor and install a political hack. This would hurt the continuity of the office and would certainly disrupt the office's efficiency. 

When the senior lead auditor position opened up, nobody in the office anted it because they would lose career service protections. So Zrinski wants to convert the position to career service. This makes sense.'

But what about her confidential employee? She's entitled to one, and decided to give it to Attorney Mark Aurand. He's been a political and financial contributor to Zrinski for years, so you could rightly say this is pay to play. But this kind of patronage is expressly authorized by the Home Rule Charter so log as it is limited to one person. So she's calling Aurand her Deputy Controller, and has the money in the budget to pay him. 

Aurand is no accountant, but explained that in his years of legal work, he has become quite familiar with financial statements. That does not matter. He is her confidential employee, and she is entitled to have one. 

It seems that what Zrinski has proposed will preserve the continuity and efficiency of the office while simultaneously allowing the Controller to make one political hire. 


  1. Zirinski should not add a job that real Controllers did not need. Pay to play of the worse kind. This is done at the urging of Barron, since he is the DeFacto Controller.

  2. It's just after 6 AM and I need to do two things: check to make sure today isn't April 1st and grab a second, stronger, cup of coffee to make sure I'm reading this right.

  3. I kind of like the fact that staff jobs are protected. This would potentially eliminate the chance that potential wrong doing would be covered up. I also like the fact the Controller has a confidant to discuss items freely without fear of being undermined, especially when the controller is in the minority. There should be no politics in any office of Controller.

  4. It seems to me that John Brown and Goffredo got confused on what she was doing and that Lori just wants to be contrary to be contrary.

  5. Again completely embarrassed by council. They prove every week how obtuse they are. They never seem to understand the matter at hand. They blindly approve agenda items and you can clearly see they do so without any knowledge or research. Often they base their votes on political bias, rather than what is best for the county. And we get to see them look stupid every week, what fun.

  6. Am I really reading this correctly? She’s enrolled in Accounting classes? What a laughable but frightening revelation about Tara Zrinski. She has no clue how to be the Controller nor does she want to be but you maybe on to something there with that “springboard “ theory, Bernie.

  7. Not surprised that you’re impressed with Zrinski. While I do agree that she is an office chaser, I’ve known her to be professional, ethical, and willing to learn. Kudos to her!

  8. Don’t be so impressed, her presentation was most likely set up by Barron and his office. They will be propping her up to cover her inequities with the job. PS. The new position she is offering is a political favor to Aurand for his loyalty…
    Don’t be fooled so quickly by the first few outings.

  9. "Zirinski should not add a job that real Controllers did not need. Pay to play of the worse kind. This is done at the urging of Barron, since he is the DeFacto Controller."

    Except she is not adding anyone. She merely wants to reclassify the senior lead auditor from exempt to career service. This is not being urged by Barron. He could have done that when he was controller but did not. She wants to remove the political aspect of the office from what is probably the most important audit managing position. That really does make sense. She is taking one of the auditor positions that would ordinarily go to an auditor and making that her political hire. She is calling that deputy controller. The deputy controller comes and goes with the controller. That also makes sense. She has the right to hire one confidential worker under the express terms of the Home Rule Charter. Couccil has no authority to interfere with that right. Council does have the right to set the pay. They do not do so this year bc her budget has been approved, but will have to do so next year. Her strongest political supporter is her political hire. While I dislike pay to play in any form, it is permitted to a minor extent in the charter and I could see the need for one person with whom you ca discuss the political ramifications of what you are doing. I've met Mark Aurand. Politically, he is to my left. But he's a classy guy and certainly can help Zrinski and hopefully help the county. Council could see that himself when he introduced himself to them last night

    What Zrinski proposes is actually an improvement to the office. Council can assure that she's not adding a position when they approve net year's budget. Right now they really have no say. She decides who her confidential employee is, not them. They only decide the pay.

  10. Why anyone is surprised by Controller Zrinski doing a great job is actually surprising to me. No one works harder or has more energy than her. She will overcome any obstacle put in front of her to spite those who obstruct her. Controller Zrinski’s outline and presentation were spot on yesterday and after watching the meeting I also find it surprising why anyone is questioning her request. The request makes sense and is appropriate.

    1. It was written presentation that was prepared by herself and with help of others. Her appointment is not contested to be inappropriate, but it is a political payback . Mark has been a contributor and follower, it makes sense. It’s early in the game.

  11. Although not a doctor, I've been performing heart surgeries, lately. I'm enrolled in sewing classes to enhance my abilities.

  12. "She is taking one of the auditor positions that would ordinarily go to an auditor and making that her political hire."

    Doesn't that amount to the loss of an auditor? Who will then do the work that auditor would have done?

  13. John Brown & Lori V-H is you answer 10:53

  14. Whenever dealing with Zrinski, you need to be aware of what the other hand is doing. Her presentations typically are done to cover up errors, insecurities and desires to destroy others.

  15. I am happy for Tara and maybe she has found her place at county and is now making sound suggestions to improve her office staff situation. Bravo!

  16. The new house mortgage needs to be covered for awhile and then there’s the college tuitions, she will do what is necessary to cover her needs, but she will never change her untrustworthy ways. She burned her bridges.

  17. Shouldn’t need to be so hard on her, she is only doing what others are directing her to do….oh wait, nothings changed.

  18. I don't know why you're so surprised. Oh, that's right, you have no idea what goes on the the Council Office. Tara was a hard working Council Member so it's no surprise she would be a hard working Controller.

  19. Sorry, she was not a hard working council member, she was working hard for her own agenda…she passed no resolutions worth anything to aid the county, and her issues were outside the per view of her office.


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