Local Government TV

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

State House Candidate Sultana Can Add Civil Judgment to Criminal Case

This blog and various other media sources have told you that Taiba Sultana, who is both an Easton City Council member and a candidate for State Representative, currently faces assault charges arising from a domestic dispute with her adult son. She even spent a night in the hoosegow.! People accused of this kind of crime are usually eligible for ARD if they are first time offenders. I expect to see her admitted into this special program for first offenders. But as that bizarre chapter in her life comes to a close, another opens. An $11,380 civil judgment has just been entered against her in magisterial district court. 

From what I've been able to learn, that judgment arises from a property she rented on south side Easton. According to an anonymous comment on my blog, "she was scammed by the people whom she helped rent the apartment. That defense apparently failed in a case heard by Magisterial District Judge Sue Hutnik on February 22. Judge Hutnick entered an $11,380.50 judgment against her. 

Sultana can appeal this matter in county court and have the case heard de novo

This is just another of numerous red flags that have been swirling around her long before she announced her candidacy for state house.  


  1. I like politics. But I really read this blog to see words like "hoosegow." For Taiba's supporters, it means she spent time in the pokey.

  2. She has failed to take any accountability for anything at all to date, so add Sue Hutnik to the ever growing list of people out to get her

  3. Sultana - the female trump of Norco

    1. Only a liberal could get away with disparaging a minority female like that.

    2. She’s a total nut job, has nothing to do with being a minority woman

    3. Only a liberal could get away with defending another liberal for disparaging a minority female. You people are mental.

  4. Only a matter of time before she blames let’s see; Panto, Boscola, Freeman, Barrata and not to mention all of the others who in her unhinged mind suppress Muslim woman

  5. She’s a typical criminal

  6. Wow, you’re really putting in the effort to protect Freeman!

  7. More smears, lies, and falsehoods. Taiba's character is under attack from the establishment. Teflon Taiba is poised to overcome and deflect these unwarranted attacks.

    1. So none of it is true?
      No accountability is necessary on her part?

    2. Where is the Lie in this article? The judgement is public for all to see. Isn’t she schedule to take ARD today for abusing her kid? For her to get ARD, she must first plead guilty, you know that right!!!! VOTE NO to Taiba Trump

    3. How much more will need to be exposed to hold her accountable as an opportunist, flaunting her council position and photo ops as a shield for all to falsely believe she is remotely relevant. She represents nothing of merit and should be taken to task for her blatant abuse of her
      City position and misrepresentation of those who elected her.

  8. The excessive targeting of her by all the authorities is absurd! Another justification to remove Freeman from office. As a person who once had thousands of dollars in mortgage debt, I can empathize with the struggles of middle-class families.
    If Sultana was a victim of a scam, why is she being penalized for $11,000? This is a daily reality for working families.
    I hope she can take action against absentee landlords.
    Having faced numerous challenges, I believe she will effectively represent us in Harrisburg.
    Freeman has no understanding of the middle class.

    1. She is being penalized because she committed the scam…… but wait maybe the district magistrate can be added to the ever growing list of officials out to get poor Taiba

    2. Replace Freeman? Let’s see: Freeman lifelong resident representing city , county, and state. Freeman fiscally brought millions of dollars for aid to every segment of our community over his 40+years. Freeman, the strongest bipartisan, soft spoken, ethical and morally aligned leader in our state. Freeman, never raised his voice or hand toward an opponent, never convicted or charged with fraud, crime, or owed taxes or rent to anyone. Freeman resides and owns his home in Easton, along with his family here……so, go ahead and compare Taiba’s accomplishments and citizenship

    3. @3:30 very well put couldn’t have said it any better

  9. "Sultana - the female trump of Norco"

    Her views are largely consistent with mainstream Democrats re: immigration, criminals, Israel, the economy. She and Bob Freeman differ on almost nothing, policy-wise. Have I missed something here?

  10. "Taiba Trump"

    Like I said .... lol. Dumber and more intellectually stunted than Trump and Sultana put together.

  11. The woman has some kind of personality disorder. She thrives on drama and controversy, this is a huge red flag when it pertains to mental illness. She needs help not a seat in the state House of Representatives.

  12. @2:26 she is not middle class. I probably paid more in taxes than she earned last year. She is a grifter.

  13. She has gathered sheep to follow her international ceasefire, at the city level, and they are not all from our town, some don’t know the difference between resolution and ordinance, some think city council gets paid to handle international affairs, some enjoy not following rules. This is sad on all levels .

  14. It is common knowledge that Taiba Sultana is facing assault charges on her own son and now has an $11,380 judgement against her for back rent and trashing an apartment. Recently I learned that she had in excess of $3,000 in parking tickets in the city of Easton and did not pay them until her car was booted. I do not see this as responsible behavior of any adult, and certainly not of one who is on our City Council and running for another elected position.
    Everyday, Bob Freeman is working for the residents of his district and Taiba spends an inordinate amount of time trying to convince Easton City Council to pass a resolution for a ceasefire in Gaza. Why would anyone think she would be an advocate for the 136th PA House District?

    1. Never underestimate the stupidity of the voting public. I still find it hard to believe she beat Sandy Vulcano

  15. Someone should explain how city government actually works to her and her groupies….especially those who don’t live here


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