Local Government TV

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Mr. McClure Goes to Upper Mt Bethel Tp

In the famous movie, Mr. Smith went to Washington to fight against government corruption. Mr. McClure, our Northampton County Executive, is going in a different direction. Instead of Washington, he visited Upper Mount Bethel Tp on Monday night in an effort to prevent the use of public money to incentivize warehouses. He had a better reception there than he gets from his homefield County Council.  

"The era of warehouse proliferation in Northampton County is coming to an end," he told Supervisors. He urged them to adopt a new ordinance to replace a current ordinance that gives a tax break for warehouse development in the township. Under his proposal, the Board would be able to give manufacturers a tax break, but not warehouses. "There is no reason any government at this time in Northampton County or the Lehigh Valley should be using our fellow citizens' tax dollars to incentivize the building of purely logistic buildings," he argued. 

McClure's proposed ordinance would include a hearing board that would enable all taxing authorities to meet with the developer if he disagrees with the denial of a tax break for a specific parcel. Under the current ordinance, the tax exemption would be automatic. 


  1. Hés only around 15 years too late. It does make for great political points. Good vote harvesting for Lumpy!

  2. You compare McClure to Jimmy Steward? Mr. Smith fans just threw up in their mouths. A sincere simple man fighting political insiders in Washington vs. the consummate insider uber pol who will do say or do anything for votes. MY God man, have you gone mad?

  3. This is not surprising. McClure has paid a ton of attention to the Slate Belt during his time as Executive.

  4. It’s good to see Lamont out amongst the people fighting to build support for his ideas.

  5. I think John Brown who lives in Bangor did far less for the Slate Belt as Executive than Lamont McClure has.

  6. No matter what you think of him. He is right. Stop the warehouse insanity.

  7. He waddled up there to suck up a few votes - end of subject.

  8. Pure politics. He’s just up there trying to pressure Goffredo and Giovanni to change their votes. They don’t care what the public wants. They ain’t changing their votes.

  9. McClure’s message is essentially right. We have enough warehouse jobs for all of us living here if we needed or wanted one. Now we need manufacturing jobs which pay way more.

  10. Anyone advocating for corporate welfare to build more warehouse should be publicly flogged. Also, why does every municipality have to permit warehouses (welfare ones or otherwise)? Moore is a perfect example. The township will be largely destroyed by a single warehouse that will also destroy a portion of Bushkill, and will absolutely crush Bath under more truck traffic than it already has.

  11. It’ll be interesting to see if the UMBT Supervisors weigh in on McClure’s proposal. We know the Vargo-Brown’s just mean to obstruct, but Ron Heckman really does care about what the locals think.

  12. A little late for that Lamont. They say better late than never I guess.

  13. Don’t worry about attendance. St. Peg legislated from St. Petersburg for two years before she retired.

  14. Keep in mind, this does not prevent warehouses. Only zoning changes along with a multi-municipal plan can steer development where it makes most sense, or a state land use law change giving more power local governments to deny certain developments would do so.

  15. Brown’s lack of attention to the Slate Belt was appalling. Even now, JP Goffredo advocates more for the SB than JB.

  16. The Vargo-Brown’s are dug in on this one and you ain’t budging that family. Move on.

  17. I think the real disappointment here is Giovanni. He had no opponent because Muncy used his head for once, and it benefited Panella and Zarinski. But, he’s a rubber for stamp for Brown. It’s news when he doesn’t vote exactly the same way as Brown.

  18. Maybe they can turn some of these warehouses into affordable housing, and then Willie Reynolds won't have to destroy the City of Bethlehem.

  19. Tom Giovanni should be fighting for the good people of Mt. Bethel. He should not be fronting for the developers from Bethlehem who are fronting for big New York money.

  20. In terms of advocacy for the Slate Belt on Council. JP is No. 1. and Brown and Tom are tied for 3rd.

  21. Giovanni a rubber stamp for Brown. Heckman a rubber stamp for Vargo-Heffner. A recipe for gridlock.

  22. Ron Heckman is nobody’s rubber stamp. Right after he’s done yelling at Stevie Blunder he’ll do the right thing !

  23. The Vargo-Brown’s a rubber stamp for obstruction. Nothing will get done.

  24. Despite all the humorous McClure toadies' comments, there is a serious nature to this. The county can't even pay these people it has to do the work the county must do, so why is McClure pandering about something the county should not even be involved in. This is nonsense. Get out of this economic stuff and staff the jail, Gracedale and human services. Stop trying to be the mayor of the county. Can't wait until the republicans nominate a worthwhile opponent who understands county govenrment..

  25. A Republican cannot win in Norco.


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