Local Government TV

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

LV Congressional Race Update

Three Republicans - Kevin Dellicker, Ryan MacKenzie and Maria Montero - seek the Republican nomination. Incumbent Susan Wild, seeking the Democratic nod, is running unopposed. 

Kevin Dellicker - He's outraised his Republican opponents, but that's only about 10% of the money in Wild's coffers, He also has support from four local police FOPs (Bethlehem, Allentown, local state troopers, township and borough police and Lehigh and NorCo deputy sheriffs).

Ryan MacKenzie. - He has attracted support from heavyweights like State Senator Mario Scavello and Americans for Prosperity, a group "dedicated to economic freedom and individual liberties."

Maria Montero. - She's both Irish and a Latina who complains that too many families struggle to put food on the table, something I rarely hear from Republicans. As the sole woman in the race, I think she has an edge against her male opponents as she can argue she would do better against Wild than either of them. She has an endorsement from Easton's FOP. 

Susan Wild - She's survived one re-election contest and is sitting on a mountain of money. She should be re-elected but recently disparaged Carbon County ("they drank the Trump Kool Aid") Not the smartest thing to do when you need their votes. 


  1. Interesting take, here is my humble opinion:

    Kevin Dellicker-has key endorsements that are not politicians, has global military experience. Runs a cybersecurity company he started from scratch nearly 20 years ago. He not only signs the back of a check, but also the front knowing the challenges of running a small business. Further, his whole life has been dedicated to protecting this country in the Army and Air Force, some of that time in counter-intelligence. He understands this country's adversaries.

    Ryan MacKenzie-lifelong politician and judging by the endorsements you mentioned seems like the political class likes him and while he has 12 years in the PA Legislature, he does not have the experience at the National and global level.

    Maria Montero-definitely a woman who has pulled herself up by the bootstraps and made a name for herself and can relate on that level with a lot of people but like Ryan, does not have the experience on a National or global level that are so dearly needed in Washington. If the attack ads Ryan MacKenzie leveled against her regarding this being her third attempt running for Congress in as many districts is true, that will not bode well in the general election. Lastly, as to her being a woman giving her an advantage, ask Lisa Scheller how that worked out. Being a women only slightly helps if you are going against men not another woman.

  2. Considering the current state of Congress electing a Republican would be a mistake. They can't run anything; they can't even pass a budget without major drama and the threat of shutting down the federal government.

    They complain endlessly about immigration problems at the border then refuse to take up the bill addressing those problems then say they won't vote on aid to Ukraine and Israel because the border isn't fixed.

    Votes should be earned through action. The GOP's current dysfunction disqualifies them as leaders.

  3. Dellicker seems like the front runner for the GOP, but can he beat Wild? I need to look into him. If he’s MAGA I don’t think he can win enough of the Dems and independents necessary win this district. If he’s moderate, he could stand a chance.

    The Wee Child McKenzie may have been in the state house for 12 years, but what has he actually done? I get the GOP mainstays like him because he will be a reliable vote, but we need more than a vote. He also hired perpetual loser, Andres Weller, as his campaign manager. It’s important to note that Weller is/used to be a staffer for McKenzie. How much work on this campaign is happening on tax payer time?

    Maria is great when you talk to her one on one, but does she have it in her to overcome the other two? She doesn’t have a whole lot of money coming in, and in a congressional race there’s only so much a good ground game can do. She’s probably the most realistic choice to be Wild in the general, but can she pull out the win the primary?

  4. Dellicker seems like the best choice here, and by far. But, Wild's witless comment won't hurt her at all.


    1. SPEAK INTO THE HORN, DEAR! WE CAN'T HEAR YOU. LOL! Luv your all caps Trump speak.

  6. Susan Wild's seat is safe if the GOP puts up a Trump/MAGA candidate against her. If they put up a moderate who focuses on Lehigh Valley kitchen table issues and away from the moronic FOX News political theater BS, they have a chance at flipping.

    Knowing that, the GOP will surely put up a Trump/Maga Chud because they're really enjoying the ride into oblivion.

  7. Truth hurts some people right?: ("they drank the Trump Kool Aid") traitor, cheater, grifter and of course the biglyest liar ever!

  8. Dellicker can't win the General. At a debate before the Primary two years ago Kevin was asked if he would ever vote to allow abortion in the case of rape or incest. Kevin's answer was no. He later tried to clarify his position but it won't matter. The original statement is still out there on YouTube and the segment is short and direct. Susan Wild has the money to run an ad with that clip over and over until the cows come home. I don't see how Kevin overcomes that. Should he win the Primary I think he is DOA for the General in PA-7.

  9. It appears Dellicker is on the ballot. Let the contest begin.

  10. Mackenzie is clearly best suited to win against Susan Wild. Americans for Prosperity ads will come in heavy for him and will probably overwhelm Dellicker and Montero. We have seen this in other races.

  11. Career politician Ryan Mackenzie has no shot in this race. He couldn’t hold Kevin Dellicker’s jock strap.

  12. Ryan is a loser. Career politician who is living on the taxpayer’s dime.He never had a private sector job, is an elitist, took all kinds of pay increases while state rep, and flip flops on the abortion issue.

    1. Couldn’t agree more. The guy flashes a smile and says all the basic talking points, but he has absolutely nothing of substance.

      His team is terrible, his ads are bad, and we can only hope his loss this year is his finish in politics.

  13. I bet Mackenzie wins when this is all done. Dellicker will come in a very close second and Montero is going to lose bad. She doesn’t have it.

    1. Not a chance, Ryan.

    2. Nah, Ryan…you don’t have a chance. Keep trying though.It’s funny watching you fail.

  14. Only one way to go. I'm full in on the Big Delicker!

  15. Yup ,$4.40 for sliced Italian bread! I’m an independent voter of late , retired living on fixed income with my bride of 34 years . We go to the store and I can carry $49.47 worth of groceries with one arm.

  16. All the candidates know dumbass.(except wild)Dumbass endorses Maria.....have since the beginning. She will be a wonderful representative for PA7. She is not afraid to stand up to the gatekeepers of the republican party.


  17. It's been almost 4 years since Mario Scavello left office, and he supposedly spends most of his time in FL. So I do not think Scavello is really helping MacKenzie.

  18. Bernie, Are you going to ask Susan why the inflation reduction act isn't reducing the inflation? Plus they want to send another 90 billion overseas. Want do you think printing another 90 billion will do to inflation?


  19. Someone is giving Mackenzie advice to roll out endorsements from old, has-been politicians that nobody cares about anymore. Ryan is running a campaign like it’s still the Bush years in the Republican Party. I wouldn’t be surprised to see him finish last.

  20. @8:16 - Why don't you go and take a few economics classes at NCCC? You'll have a much better and bigger picture on supply, demand, supply chains and how down stream and long tail impacts work.

    NOTHING was going to stop inflation coming out of the shutdown, there was no demand or need for a lot of items the better part of a year, so companies curbed production levels to adjust for the weak demand. When the shut down was lifted and people started returning to normal consumption levels, there was limited supplies of finished and even raw goods so everyone had to catch up. Limited supply with increased demand leads to what?

    Look at the price of a single 2x4 in 2021 versus today...


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