Local Government TV

Monday, February 12, 2024

NorCo Council Clerk to Retire

Northampton County Council Clerk Linda Zembo has advised County Council that she intends to retire on June 7. County Council's weakness is that its members are all part-time, and its full-time staff of three has fallen far short of expectations. With this kind of lead time, Council should be able to attract a superior successor. 


  1. Good! Make sure the new salary is MUCH LOWER than what she was getting. Disgrace to taxpayers how much she was paid!!!!!!

  2. Lori VH gave her that raise, do not be mad a Linda for accepting it, place your anger at the people who gave it to her

  3. A dedicated long term employee I believe. Thank her for her service!

  4. Until you understand the job, don’t judge.

  5. I do understand the job! She got the job because she handled Frank with getting his breakfast each morning. Then she got her job, worked behind closed doors while her other employees didn't get along, had a couch in her office and came in late each morning. Don't tell me it is because she stayed late for Council meeting because that a REQUIREMENT of the job! Good riddance.

    As far as Lori giving her the raise, so did the other council members. They wasted taxpayer money. No way is anyone in that position worth that kind of money!!!!!

    1. What kind of money are we talking about?

  6. Taxpayers have a right to know who much her salary is because it is OUR MONEY PAYING HER. Please ensure you post this that she is making well over $100,000. You known that is right. Why cover it up!

  7. She is among the highest paid employees if not the highest, and with the least qualifications. I have never covered it up, but have pointed it out repeatedly over the years. She is a perfect illustration of the Peter Priciple.

  8. 10:38 AM By not putting my previous post out about the salary she gets, I would say that is covering. I had in that post that she comes in late, has a couch in her office, and didn't handle issues with her employees. She probably got the position because she was loyal in getting Frank his coffee every morning. County Council should be ashamed of themselves giving that kind of money.

  9. I can't post a comment I never received. You may have forgotten to hit publish or I may have accidentally deleted. But I have been critical of the Clerk's job performance on several occasions as well as her ridiculous salary. Nobody is covering up anything.

  10. Before you judge, sit in that office and actually see the amount of work the Clerk to Council does as well as the supporting staff. You say Linda is the least qualified, well then, that's an insult to Frank Flisser who poised her for the position and trained her well. The reason for the coffee runs in the morning was pure kindness on Linda's part. Frank Flisser had no qualifications when he got that position, but I never read where you had a problem with him earning a big salary, because that's when the huge increase occurred. Her bosses thought she was deserving of the raise and that's what matters. Not your OPINION regarding her qualifications because what makes YOU qualified to make such comments?


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