Local Government TV

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

UMBT Supervisor Discloses Criminal Past Before Being Sworn In

Newly appointed Supervisor Jonathan Erler disclosed a criminal past before being sworn in as an Upper Mount Bethel Tp Supervisor at last night's meeting. He was appointed to fill the vacancy created by David Due's resignation.

In 2013, Erler was pulled over by Long Island police for talking on his cell phone while driving. At the time, he owned a headshop called Twisted Glass in Wantagh, NY, that sold items like bongs. Marijuana and a flintlock were in his car. Police subsequently obtained a search warrant for Erler's home. They  discovered a pound of marijuana, five ounces of concentrated cannabis and $5,000 in cash. More importantly, they uncovered a wide assortment of weapons that included six assault rifles, five high-capacity ammunition feeding clips, Chinese throwing stars, two bulletproof vests, dozens of guns, armor piercing bullets, brass knuckles, swords and daggers. He was charged with possession of marihuana, possession of a controlled substance and criminal possession of a weapon. 

Here's how Erler explained it: "12 years ago, I was arrested in New York on marijuana possession charges and all my firearms were seized. After a few years and many court proceedings, I plead guilty to a first degree misdemeanor as well as some others and later received all of my firearms back from police, including my tactical flintlock rifle or musket. Subsequently, four years ago, the state police again were at my home due to a complaint, though no charges were ever filed. 

"To be clear, I have never been to jail and I do not have any felonies. But since I do have a Class A misdemeanor from New York, I am currently barred from purchasing a firearm while still maintaining my Second Amendment freedom to keep and bear arms."

Erler went on to explain that he disclosed his criminal past to Supervisors after hus appointment but prior to last night's meeting "so they can reflect on it. ... If the board would like to revote on my appointment, I take no offense." 

After his disclosure, there was no motion to revote on Erler's appointment. He was sworn in. 

Supervisors could probably use a few Chinese throwing stars for when Ron Angle gets out of hand. 


  1. So why the $5000 in cash, armour piercing bullets, and armour vest? A small amount of Marijuana may be considered low threshold but most people do not need the armour piercing bullets and high capacity clips for target practice at the gunnclub or game hunting.

  2. They're called "Shuriken", not Chinese throwing stars. Figured a white, old, liberal wasn't a racist. Nice job.

    1. What's the big deal? Go find a safe space.

  3. It was good of him to disclose this before he was sworn in (and probably a little self-serving since it would have come out eventually), but he should have disclosed this at the very beginning of the process and prior to any initial vote.

    Waiting like he did put the other supervisors in a bind.

    Who wants go on record as the ones pulling their votes from the guy with a criminal past who got his arsenal back?

  4. Hey Bernie, this guy looks more credible than trump. Perhaps he should call trump and ask him for the VP slot. Then at least there would be one sane person on the republican platform.

  5. It sounds like this guy should be serving on Northampton County Council. Where was he when McClure was trying to impose his will on Council. He would have been a perfect fit for a McClure recommendation. He should have appeared in front of Judge Dally when they were attempting to fill the vacancy. He would have fit in with the other McClure idiots.
    Only in America

  6. What is a tactical flintlock rifle lol. I bet thats what we used to win the revolutionary war with.

  7. "They're called "Shuriken", not Chinese throwing stars. Figured a white, old, liberal wasn't a racist. Nice job."

    I doubt very few would know that they are called shurikens. I used the term used by two news accounts, which is also called a ninja star. The word shuriken is incorrect as well. That is more inclusive and includes anything that can be thrown. Incidentally, it is a Japanese word.

    I am quite familiar with and fascinated by Japanese, Chinese and even Vietnamese culture. I can speak a few phrases of each language. ButNo, Ido not know the names of various of the martial arts weapons used, am unable to tell the difference between karate and tai chi. That does not make me a bigot. It makes me ignorant of eastern cultures, but I know more than most and that probably inlcudes you.

  8. Great fit for stockertown mayor

  9. He's more honest and less of a criminal than the two doddering diaper wearers who are running for POTUS. I like this guy. What a refreshing change. Also, pot laws were written by racist alcoholic politicians with wives at home downing mommy's little helpers with a side of chardonnay.

    1. 7:09- I know, right. He has a criminal record for the insane "War or Drugs". It made corrupt politicians, criminal justice employees and D/A treatment providers fabulously wealthy. Now, Medical or recreational marijuana is legal in almost every State.

      Erler is one of thousands of people victimized by these archaic and draconian laws. Actually, Erler is very lucky that he didn't serve any jail time. I have two friends who sold marijuana during the 90's in order to earn extra money. One lived in Easton (DA Morganelli, at the time) and one lived in Springfield (Bucks County Rubenstein was the DA). Both DA's threw the book at them because, in each case, when their homes were raided, the police found a firearm. They were both given 5 mandatory years in State prison. Neither one had a prior criminal record.

      The case from Bucks County had 10 years probation after his release. His PO was making him take drug testing 3x/week, attend counseling, and meet monthly. He was constantly threatened to return to prison, so he move to Philadelphia and had his Probation transferred there. He met his Probation officer one time who told him, "We don't care about marijuana charges. We don't have the resources to deal with that. Just stay out of trouble". He now owns his own Construction company and his son's both received college scholarships.

      He and his wife recently applied to be foster parents since his kids are out of the house and he wanted to give back to society, but was denied due to his "drug conviction".

  10. This makes him seem eminently more trustworthy.

  11. Hadn't the previous Board of Supervisors appointed him as alternate to the UMBT Zoning Hearing Board last year?

  12. Pennsyltucky, USA. Yeehaa. FFS


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