Local Government TV

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Terry Houck Prepares to Depart as NorCo DA

I sat down with outgoing NorCo DA Terry Houck last week. He will be leaving office once Steve Baratta is sworn in to replace him. But he was still ready for action. Inside his office, he printed out data as he spoke and had three separate cell phones lined up to his right so he could respond immediately to incoming calls. 

He's had several offers, but said he needs time to decompress after which he will decide whether he wants to continue as a prosecutor, a consultant or retire. 

Terry has devoted his professional career as both a cop and as prosecutor, so he's ruled out a return as a criminal defense attorney. 

He started out as a beat police officer on the streets of Philadelphia, but found it ironic that the last criminal charges he approved were theft charges against Hellertown's former police chief. 

The biggest case he tried as District Attorney was the Easton Cafe homicide, in which Jacob Holmes, Jr. was convicted of first degree murder. That case was tried in the throes of the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead of being seated in the tight confines of a jury box, jurors were scattered throughout the courtroom. Everyone donned face shields as well, and a separate room was set up so that the public could view the proceedings. It was the first homicide case tried throughout the state during the pandemic. 

Houck stated COVID was a challenge. His office remained open because he considered his first duty was an obligation to keep the people of Northampton County safe.  With stores and businesses closed, there was less reported crime, But Houck wonders whether a lot of crime, especially domestic violence, slipped through the cracks. 

In four short years, he accomplished a lot. He established a recordkeeping system for police reports written by county detectives, He instituted an on-call system for after hours police calls. During COVID, he established a mutual aid agreement among all county police departments in the event that a department lacked the manpower to conduct patrols. 

In addition to reacting to crime, he undertook proactive efforts to prevent crime from happening. This included Courageous Conversations between law enforcement and local civil rights leaders in the wake of the George Floyd homicide. He established a Major Crimes Task Force to prepare for catastrophic or complex crime. He started a full-time, self-sustaining Drug Task Force, He organized the PAIR (police assisting in recovery) program, in which an individual suffering from substance abuse could walk into a police department and ask for help. He joined the opioid suit, which has netted the county $2 million for drug abatement. He also conducted several gun buybacks. He participated in the mental health problem-solving court and began talks to institute a pre-trial drug court.

He was working on a pardon project under which convicted offenders could  have their records expunged after a period of good behavior and a demonstration that they turned their lives around.   

His biggest regret was failing to establish a separate Child Advocacy Center in Northampton County. He had the support of Northampton County Human Services and a hospital was in place, but that decision will now be made by incoming DA Steve Baratta.

He never felt any political pressure in his charging decision, which he said were based on the facts and the law. He pointed out that his duty was to represent the people of Northampton County. "It is the Commonwealth against a Defendant, not Terry Houck against a Defendant."   


  1. He did a lot of good. He had to constantly fight the McClure administration who tried to block him at every turn. Was told that they even lobbied county council to deny some of his initiatives and personnel requests. Now that the JM political machine will be running the entire county things will go smoothly.

  2. Thank you for your service, Terry. We appreciate all you accomplished during your term as well as your professionalism and dedication to the rule of law.

  3. A better and more honorable man than the one the foolish norco voters allow to creep in. Best wishes.

    1. It wasn’t a creep in. It was a 10 point win.

  4. I feel he's being dishonest if he claims none of his charging, ARD, or plea deal decisions were never influenced by pressure from elected officials or those working on behalf of elected officials.

  5. Mr.Houck, thank you for all you have done and tried to do.
    Best of luck to you in what ever your future holds.

  6. One racist gone,now let's get the court administratior he running his race card,to many blacks will speak up.

  7. I certainly wish Mr. Houck had been re-elected, but I am also willing to look at his tenure objectively. He did seem to oversee an office with a lot of turnover, but is that the nature of the business? Reportedly, he could be coarse in dealing with others, which to me, is unacceptable. He did, however, navigate well through the pandemic and was able to resume trials before many other counties. I wish Houck a relaxing and long retirement and hope he finds satisfaction knowing that many recognize what was done to him and think it disgraceful.

  8. Good riddance. The people have spoken. Enough said.

    1. Yeah, but which people - the far left lunatics?🤪

    2. And lots of Republicans.

  9. Wish you and your family the best Mr. Houck.
    Voted for you because you took the high road during your campaign and consistently displayed the much needed temperament expected from a high ranking server of justice.

    1. Houck’s house is already for sale! How funny is that. He didn’t give a shit about us.

  10. Mr. Houck, Sorry the Dems failed to garner the votes needed and couldn’t see through your opponent’s dishonesty and angst.
    Barrata has already revealed some of his
    bad decisions and it will continue.

    1. Wasn’t houck a Republican? Oh, that’s right, according to O’hare, houck was soooo certain he would win the D side so he wasted time getting Republican write ins. That was a dumb poll he did. His Republican (scissorhands) consultants must have lied to him.

  11. Before everyone laments the passing of the Houck era, a few points for counter consideration. Houck has a well deserved reputation for being an ill tempered hot head. Bucks , Lehigh and Northampton Counties all saw this over a long period of time. Once a rock always a rock… He has some talent as a top line prosecutor, but not as a leader, or Administrator. He pits Assistant v. Assistant. He makes gaffes in verbal interactions with female staffers.
    The shenanigans of a First Assistant renting space from a Criminal Defense Attorney who then went to that First Assistant for innumerable negotiated resolutions… only in Pennsylvania could a Disciplinary Board not have a problem with that. Of Course there might be an important benefactor shepherding that intended oversight. Houck knew of that relationship- many assistant DAs complained about it and Houck did nothing because it benefited his campaign finances.
    I don’t think Houck is going to be remembered as some Great DA because he pushed, with the then President Judge, to have a Capital trial conducted when juries clearly were distracted by Covid 19. Also Houck essentially lied at the debate with Baratta about not prosecuting small amount of marijuana cases unless they were lesser included offenses of a more serious crime.
    Good riddance to Mr. Houck- our loss will be the Attorney General’s Office loss if they hire him.

    1. Whatever you may think, Northampton County is doomed

  12. Thank you Mr Houck. The voters dropped the ball on this one

  13. He has done an amazing job criminalizing innocent people of color. Good riddance!
    Thanks to Barratta for exposing this racist brat.

  14. Anon 3:54 PM,

    Not for anything, but have you ever heard Baratta speak? He can't put together two sentences; let alone two of them.

    All in due time. He won't have much longer until the spotlight is directly on him.

    Good luck. And thank you.

  15. Bernie, in your opinión, can Northampton County ever become as great as Lehigh County, or are we hopeless?

  16. This county just elected a DA who is going to be hated by cops but loved by criminals.

  17. Sadly, I asked Houck about the Holly Branagan case and he was completely unaware and said it wasn’t his case. I had to remind him it was, in fact, his case. People wonder why there’s cold cases in NorCo.

  18. Sadly, I asked Houck about the Holly Branagan case and he was completely unaware and said it wasn’t his case. I had to remind him it was, in fact, his case. People wonder why there’s cold cases in NorCo.

  19. Hi Jim,

    I’m pretty sure the case has been unofficially solved. The alleged killer is now dead. True Crime Garage has a two-part podcast dedicated to the killing. If you haven’t listened to it, I strongly suggest that you do.

    1. Thanks for the update but an out of town podcast using information from my research doesn’t solve or close a case. My point was simple; Houck was unaware of a 45 year old cold case in his own office. Who was the alleged killer? Was he/she/them named?

  20. Wow the comments calling Terry a racist, I can only imagine which employee said that BS.

  21. Barrata will continue his farcical application of law, much as when he was as a judge. Too bad the locals have no idea how much these local elections truly impact their lives and that of their children. Northampton County is about as far ahead as Libya when it comes to nepotism and bribery. Why has the media turned a blind eye to the revolving door and the "mystery" attorney donations in the judicial elections?


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