Local Government TV

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Updated:NorCo Judges (and Funeral Directors) to Hold Coronation Ceremony In Courtroom #1

The last time that Northampton County robed judges assembled en masse in Historic Courtroom #1, it was for an after hours viewing of the late Judge Ed Smith. It was probably the first time in county history that judges were actually at the courthouse on a late Friday afternoon. Next week, on Tuesday, at least seven of them will be around for the coronation ceremony we put on every other year to swear in newly elected and re-elected county officials. 

Hypocritically, Judge John Morganelli will be searing in recently elected Judge Brian Panella, even though he did everything he could behind the scenes to get Nancy Aaroe elected. 

The bench must have had trouble finding someone to swear in Steve Baratta as District Attorney. Half of the judges are not on speaking terms with him. The one judge who pushed Baratta to run, John Morganelli, has artfully dodged administering the oath. Our soon-to-be DA reach out to Westmoreland County to find a judge willing to do the honors. 

Everyone will slap each other on the back, pretending they are great friends. 

Executive Lamont McClure will present concluding remarks, at which time he will hopefully present judges with a bill for all the overtime he had to pay for their start-up funeral home.  

Updated 8 am: In the story above, I have John Morganelli swearing in Brian Panella. That is acrtually incorrect. I muisread the news release. Panella has already been sworn in, and in any ceremonial swwearing the follows this inceremonious stuff, the President Judge and Chief Funeral Director would handle things.


  1. Brian Panella isn't getting sworn in until later in January. He is doing the swearing in of the new County Council representatives as well as Tara Zrinski. Morganelli is swearing in the ADAs; he is not swearing in Panella.

  2. That’s awesome to read. Morganelli will have to look Panella in his eyes to swear him in, after he did everything to prevent him from winning.

  3. Bernie, please get your facts straight. The wake held in Courtroom 1 for Judge Edward G. Smith was requested by the Judge’s family and not by the Northampton County Judges. You can verify that with the family or the Finnegan Funeral home.

  4. The Northampton County Judges OUGHT TO ASK BRIAN PANELLA'S FATHER to swear him in and not John Morganelli. What an honor it would be for his dad to swear in his son. What a slap in the face to have Morganelli do the honors. Morganelli should not be part of the ceremony for Panella!!!!!!!!Panella should ask for his own swearing in ceremony separate from Baratta and away from John Morganelli. Do the right thing John.....step aside

  5. Puppets are despised. He's like Mussolini with more hair. Everyone knows he's completely bought and paid for. He'll never escape his reputation as a stooge; just like old Benito.

  6. OMG....This borders on the Bizaar????????

  7. Perhaps I am sleep-deprived, but this post made me laugh. I, for one, think the funeral bit is funny, but also an analogy — NORCO Couthouse’s image is dead. As for who is swearing in, or at, whom, why is Baratta outsourcing? The president judge should certainly do the job, as that is his role. If he is unavailable, Kassis is dignified enough to complete the task.

  8. 4:05, So let me get this straight. If a judge's family wants a viewing in Courtroom 1, the judges just say Yes? Did it dawn on you that the appropriate answer was No. That is actually an outrage and elevates judges over ordinary people/. Tu9is would not have happened but for the judges allowing it to happen. I do not blame Judge Smith's family but do blame the judges. It does not happen without them.

  9. "Woe to unjust judges and to those who issue unfair laws, says the Lord, so that there is no justice for the poor, the widows and the orphans. Yes, it is true that they even rob the widows and fatherless children." Isaiah 10: 1-2.

  10. Norco ignored right to know request for costs of wages to cover the funeral
    I am personally going to schedule meeting with Zrinski once she is sworn in

    1. What’s wrong with you….have you no heart…..Judge Ed Smith was an honorable man instead of wanting to know the funeral costs you should say a prayer that you might mirror his life of integrity and respect.

    2. I have a big heart.
      And also a tight pocketbook.
      If the County spent taxpayer money to cover any costs of this event it should be transparent.
      The denial of the request shows it is at fault.
      If I want to host my monthly book club in Courtroom 1 after hours free of charge I should be permitted.
      Just release the cost

    3. You read? I’m impressed. Read Oliver Wendell Holmes “Taxes are what we pay for a civilized society.”

    4. Tax money to pay for a civilized society is fine
      Tax money wasted on an event that the deceased was not entitled to by any law, ordinance, vote is not
      Are residents of the County getting- on the low estimate - $3000 tax refunds
      This is what a civilized society would do
      And talking about a fellow named Holmes, when Larry passes I hope his funeral is given the same respect and dignity and honor as Smith

  11. There is nothing honorable about expecting taxpayers to bear the cost of a viewing or in demanding to be treated differently than anyone else.

    1. I disagree with you this time. I didn’t know you were a cheapskate. These people who always complain about taxes don’t know how good they have it

    2. How good we have it
      Louise Moore park does not have modern day rest rooms
      Smiths family should pay to have this problem resolved and I will call it even

  12. Anonymous at 9:11 AM,

    BWWWWHHHAAAAHHHAAA! I'm sure Zrinksi will fit you as soon as possible; which will be never. I have had a vision of her first year in office:
    January: Swearing in with a goal to find where the office is.
    February: Figure out who in the controller's office knows what her job should be.
    March: Primary season starts. Starts campaigning for people she knows.
    April: Spring is in full swing. Time for photo ops with hemp farms.
    May: Primary month. Campaign campaign campaign for someone.
    June: Finally learns what Controller does.
    July: Blame a heat wave on fossil fuels. Uses the opportunity to sell solar panels.
    August: 2024 Presidential election campaigns really heat up. Spends month campaigning for Biden.
    September: Fall is coming. Time for more photo ops with hemp farms for coming harvest.
    October: Finally learns where Controller's office is. Surprised that no one ever noticed she never showed up.
    November: Black Friday pricing all month for solar panels.
    December: Announces run for [insert office here].

  13. I liked and respected and voted for Ed Smith. I like and respect and vote for Craig Dally. Smith's viewing should not have been approved to take place in a county courtroom. Mistakes were made.

    1. How about Presidents. Let’s not put them in the capitol rotunda right .

  14. The primary cost to the county would be overtime paid to deputy sheriffs who had to be there to carry the casket in and out, to provide security (these offices maintain sensitive records) and assist in the event of a medical emergency. These would be soft costs in the sense that there would be no separate ledger entry for Judge Smith's viewing. My guess is that these costs were between $3,000-5,000. I could file a RTK seeking OT costs paid to deputies on the day in question as well as OT costs paid in the county court admin office. But what really bothers me is the messages being sent here. First, we are being told that the people's building belongs to the judges. Second, we are being told that judges are special and are to be exalted over others.

    1. Since the Sheriff reports directly to McClure and no one else, then McClure must have requested this office - deputy sheriffs - to work the event.
      He is as much at fault as Dilly Dally

    2. Agree on your points here. It’s about the message sent.

  15. Your baratta attacks are amusing. Will your news agency cover the swearing in of baratta? Or, are you simply going to keep editorializing? Did you ask the da elect why he asked the judge or are you just jumping to conclusions….again? Also, have you confirmed that morganelli asked baratta to run or are you jumping to conclusions on this too? #FakeNews.

  16. 11:37, I have no intention of "covering" a meaningless event at which everyone will slap each other on the back while pretending to like each other. What the hell is newsworthy about that? All it does is feed their egos. Why Baratta asked for a Westmoreland County judge is irrelevant. The reality is that he is not on speaking terms with at least two judges and has been openly critical of others in NorCo. There is bad blood. As for Morganelli, I have written on numerous occasions that he encouraged Baratta to run. I have connected the dots in numerous stories and have told John to his face that he did this. He denies it, of course, and I do not believe him for a second. Nor do just about everyone familiar with the race.

    1. Which two judges is Baratta not on speaking terms with?

  17. "Since the Sheriff reports directly to McClure and no one else, then McClure must have requested this office - deputy sheriffs - to work the event.
    He is as much at fault as Dilly Dally"

    He did. But he had no choice. It is his obligation as county executive to ensure the security of the building's records and the safety of the people inside. Deputies had to be there.

  18. 11:37 am: At the debate hosted by Bernie, Baratta clearly stated that Morganelli encouraged him to run. Then, realizing saying such could get his bestie in hot water, he walked it back. My question is why Morgie chose to stab his former first deputy in the back.

    For those criticizing Bernie’s coverage of the Baratta blunders, don’t fear the messenger, rather watch the county’s supposed chief law enforcer carefully. I am very thankful to Bernie for doing the job The Express-Times and Morning Call refuses.

    Finally, *why* did Baratta get a judge from outside the area for the swearing in? Friends? Family? Both perfectly fine.

    1. I don’t recall Baratta saying that morganelli encouraged him to run at that debate.

  19. If it’s not newsworthy, why would you write about it in the first place in this post? Must have some news value. You really don’t cover news though. This is more of editorializing. It’s about what you feel like and who you hate on a certain day.Fun to read but much more like a bunch of letters to the editor.

  20. "If it’s not newsworthy, why would you write about it in the first place in this post?" - The reason I wrote about it is to draw attention to the hypocrisy and remind everyone that the judges have placed themselves above and superior to the people.

  21. "Which two judges is Baratta not on speaking terms with?"

    Roscioli and Sletvold.

    1. Roscioli and Sletvold are both poor judges and worse people. I wouldn't speak to them either.

  22. 7:28 pm: He most certainly did. Something like - when John Morganelli encouraged/approached me to run. He then tried to spin it that the conversation took place prior to Morganelli becoming a judge. There is a tape of the debate (rather Baratta hogging the microphone) somewhere because it was being recorded. Perhaps it was just two buddies joking around over brandy, but that is definitely not how it came across.

  23. 9:05 pm: Seems like they have sense.

  24. Annon 10:46, not to worry. A democrat insider told me the plan is Barron will run the controller's office through Zirinski, so no problems.

  25. BOH’s 9:05PM comment - Gosh, what a surprise, Baratta has problems with strong female figures.
    And the 10:11PM comment on Baratta’s tap-dancing around his reported encouragement by Morganelli to run for DA is how I recall the debate narrative as well. Just more political manipulation by the little puppet master in the black robe.

  26. Now that we have a controller who will most certainly be the fiscal watchdog for all unnecessary county expenses we should all feel at ease. How many meals had the county paid for for the current administration in 4 years? By the looks of it, just one of those meals probably cost more than the 1 hour it took for Judge Smith’s funeral. Remember in 2020 when this administration purchased 150 Union st. from DiLuzio’s son for $50k more than he bought it for at public auction a few months prior. I do and was wondering why there was no outrage on the clear $50k overpayment when the county could have very easily bought it a the public auction months prior. Talk about wasting taxpayer money. Is there any connection between this administration and DiLuzio?

  27. …a county controller ..fiscal watchdog…please, thanks for the first big joke of 2024…who do you think is nodding their head yes and agreeing with anything and everything , including faux oversight of ESS which she voted for.
    Happy New Year.


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